Chapter 3: Dreams, Nightmares, and her

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"Hm." He said smirking at me with that devilish smile of his. "W-who are you?" I asked, I was chained to a wall. "Who do you think?" He asked leaning close to my face. "I don't know! I've never met you before, at least not in the real world." I said mumbling the last part. "Heh, you'll meet me one day... But until then, have fun." The man said smirking and then disappeared. "W-what?!" I asked looking around. I felt the floor collapse underneath me and I was falling. "Help!" I screamed reaching up to the light that was slowly fading away.

I opened my eyes in shock, I wasn't falling and I was in my bed/couch. "It was just a dream..." I whispered looking at my hands. I laid back down and tried going back to bed.

My alarm went off and I got out of bed and got changed. I walked down stairs to see my mom drinking coffee. "Hey sweetie!" My mom said setting her cup down. "" I said slowly still processing my dream. "You ok?" My mom asked walking up to me. "Yeah I'm fine." I said shaking my head and going over to eat breakfast.

After breakfast I left the house and walked to the bus stop with Lukas again. We sat down and started to talk about different things but I couldn't really pay attention. I was thinking about the man, each time I had that kind of dream I wouldn't remember what he looked like when I woke up.

( ???? Prov)

I looked down at the floor of the bus, I was thinking about what I was going to do. How can I do this? I thought looking out of the window. It seemed like there was no use of even trying because who knows what could happen. But I know I have to do it, there is no other way.

(Angel's prov)

I stepped off of the bus and into the school with Lukas. "Hi!" A female voice said, I looked up at the girl I bumped into the first day of school. What was her name again? Oh right... Gwen. "Oh uh hi." I said awkwardly. "Anyways... I would love to be friends with you! You seem really cool!" Gwen said rocking back and forth. "Um.. Sure." I said, I mean what could be bad about that? She's probably really nice.

Finally it was lunch time, I was starving. I grabbed my food and then sat down with Aaron, Conner and Lukas. "Soooo are you ready?" Lukas asked me. "For what?" I asked biting some of my food. "You know, meeting that red head" Aaron said smiling big. "Oh right, yeah I guess I'm ready." I said looking at Conner. "Sure." Conner said nodding and standing up. Conner and I then walked over to a table, there was 5 girls sitting at the table. One of them had long brown hair put into a pony tail, and wore a black jacket and blue jeans. Another one of them had long flowing blond hair, brown eyes, black jacket with white undershirt and blue jeans. Then there was another girl who had brown sorta long hair, hazel eyes, red glasses, yellow shirt and black jeans. Then there was Gwen and the girl on the bus. I looked up to see a girl with brown hair put up into a messy bun, brown eyes, black glasses, yellow shirt, brown jacket, black pants, brown boots and brown leg warmers walk over to the other girls and sit down. "Hey Tara." Conner said walking up to them. "Oh! Hi Conner! I'm glad your making friends." The girl with red hair said. "Yeah... Speaking of friends I would like you to meet my friend Angel." Conner said pushing me forwards. "Hi." She said looking up at me. "Oh yeah! This is the guy I've been talking about Tara!" Gwen said pointing at me. "You mean the guy you have a crush on." The girl with the long pony tail said. "What?! Noooo I don't have a crush on him!" Gwen said nervously. "Sure" the girl with her hair up in a bun said. "Hi I'm Claire Ambo." The girl with her hair in a bun said. "Uh hi." I said shaking her hand. "This is, Paige, Sasha, Violet, Gwen as you know, and Tara." Claire said waving her hand at first the girl with blonde hair, red glasses girl, long pony tail, Gwen and then the red head.

"Hi." Violet said eating some of her food. "Your name's Angel right?" Tara asked looking at me. "Y-yeah." I said, why am I stuttering? I thought. "And you hangout with Aaron, Lukas and Conner right?" Tara asked, she had completely stopped eating. Wait.. How does she know their names? I thought. "Yeah." I said nodding slowly. "Interesting." She said going back to her food. "Sorry about her." Sasha said. "It's ok." I said looking at Conner.

"Anyways... See ya later!" Conner said grabbing my arm and pulling me over to Aaron and Lukas. "So, how did it go?" Aaron asked. "Uh.. I don't know for some reason she knew you guys." I said sitting down. "Weird." Lukas said. "Yeah." Aaron said, the bell then ran and we all ran into the school to get to our classes.

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