Chapter 12

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Roni's POV:

The next day I teleport us to Seoul, Korea. We're getting Ultron a living body. When we get there we are instructed to wait outside until one of the suits comes and gets us. We wait for awhile until finally one comes for us. We walk in and Wanda walks ahead, getting closer to the cradle.

"I can read him, he's dreaming." She says. "I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness. Informational noise. Soon-" The woman operating the cradle says, but she's cut off by Ultron. "How soon? I'm not being pushy." He says.

"We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem..." I tune them out when Wanda's body language tenses up. She then screams and stumbles back. Pietro and I walk up to her and comfort her. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask.

"How could you?" She asks Ultron. "How could I what?" He asks. "You said, we would destroy the Avengers. Make a better world-" "It will be better." He says, cutting her off. "When everyone is dead?" She asks. My eyes widen.

"That is NOT- the human race will have every opportunity to improve." He says. I stare at him, horrified. "And if they don't?" Pietro asks. "Ask Noah." He says. "You monster." I snarl. "There were more than a dozen extinction level events even before the dinosaurs got theirs." He says.

We all hold each other tightly. "When the earth settles, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." He says. "And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asks. "Life. Life always decides. There's incoming. The Quintet." He says.

They're coming. A small smile makes its way onto my face. The suddenly I feel like I've heard a speech like this before. One of gods and such. Suddenly the biggest headache I've ever had hits me and I fall the the ground in pain. "Princesa?" "Roni?" Wanda and Pietro call.

"You're a lier." I say, glaring up at Ultron. "You and Hydra are liars. The Avengers didn't destroy my life, they gave me a purpose in life. And Tony, is the best brother I could ask for!" I scream. "Come on, all of your psy-" "I didn't get to go to one after we came back together." I snarl.

"Oh, well my apologies Miss Stark." He says. I growl at him, preparing to lunge, but Wanda and Pietro hold me back. Then the operator halts the process and Ultron shoots her. Pietro runs Wanda and I out of the room and into the street of Seoul. Why is this happening.

Everything I've known for the past three years is a lie. When we stop running I fall to the ground. "Are you ok Roni?" Wanda asks. "No. I'm an Avenger. You both should hate me." I say. "But we don't. You're good Roni, always doing what's best for the ones she loves." Pietro says.

"But my brother-" "That's what your brother did, not you." Wanda assures. I nod and hug them both. "You both know I have to help them." I say. They nod. "And we'll help you. We'll put our differences aside because you are family." Pietro says. I smile and hug them.

"Ok, let's go find them." I say. I takes me a little while, but I soon find Steve and Ultron on a train. I teleport us there and Pietro knocks Ultron off of Steve. He then goes back for him, but Wanda halts him by moving objects in front of him. "Please, don't do this." He says.

"What choice do we have?" She asks him. Frowning he turns and sends a blast at Pietro, he dodges, but it goes all the way through to the front of the train, destroying it's circuits. He then flies out of the train. Steve rushes to the front of the train to see if he can stop the train.

I follow him. "The circuit board is damaged. There's no controlling this thing." I say. He looks at me. "I remember, I'll explain later." I say. He nods, trusting me for now. Suddenly we're off track and hurtling through the streets of Seoul. "Civilians in our path." Steve says.

Pietro nods, zooming out of the car. "Can you stop this thing?" He asks me and Wanda. "No, but I can make sure we're not going any further." I say. He looks confused. I the form a portal a little longer than the train, making a loop instead of going straight.

"Good job, keep it up Roni." Steve says. I grunt with effort. Wanda then uses her telekinesis to stop the train. I drop the portals and let out a exhausted breath. Wanda and I go out to make sure Pietro is ok. "I'm fine, I just need a minute." He says.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Steve says. "The cradle. Did you get it?" She asks. "Stark will take care of it." Steve says and my eyes widen. "No he won't." Wanda says. "You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy." Steve says. "Steve." I say, he turns to me.

"Tony...he will do everything in his power to set things straight. Anything. What do you think that means for him?" I ask. Steve looks away. "Stark come in. Stark. Anyone on coms?" He asks. He sighs in exasperation.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" Wanda asks. Steve sighs in defeat. "How fast can we get there?" He asks us. I smirk. "Three seconds." I say. I create a portal. He nods to me and we all step through the portal.

We search the tower for Tony only to find him and Bruce in his lab. "I'm going to tell you think once." Steve says. "How about none-ce." Tony says. "Shut it down!" Steve yells. "Nope, not gonna happen." Tony says. "You don't know what you're doing." Steve says.

"And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce asks, pointing to Wanda. "I know you're angry." Wanda says. "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce says. "Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"It's nothing compared to what's coming." Tony says. "You don't now whats coming!" Wanda yells. "This isn't a game!" Steve yells. Pietro flashes around the room, unplugging everything. "No, no, go on. You were saying" He says.

Suddenly a gun goes off and Pietro falls through the glass floor. "Pietro!" Wanda yells. "I'm rerouting the upload." Tony says. Steve throws his shield at him. It does nothing. Then Tony gets a blaster on his hand, blasting Steve backwards. Tony gets the rest of his armor on.

Wanda goes to stop him, but Bruce comes up behind her, arm around her neck. "Go ahead, piss me off." He says. Finally I've had enough so I let out a scream, not enough to hurt, but enough to get them to stop. Everyone crouches down and covers their ears.

I stop and Thor flies in, landing on the cradle. He looks at me. "I need help. I suddenly see where he's getting at. I nod and place my hands on the cradle. "Wait!" Bruce yells and Thor lights up his hammer. When he brings it down I send as much electricity into the cradle as possible.

I trust Thor. I trust that he knows what he's doing. When stop we wait for something to happen. suddenly a figure bursts out of the cradle, sending Thor and myself flying backwards.

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