Chapter 15

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Roni's POV:

It's been a year since Sokovia and a year since I started training with the new Avengers. Right now Nat, Steve, Wanda, Sam, and I are all in Lagos trying to take down a man Steve has been trying to catch since I was taken by Hydra called Rumlow.

He's a Hydra Agent that worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. before D.C. (Nat and Steve filled me in). At this moment we know he is here to steal a bioweapon and are on the look out to take out him and his men when they get here.

Wanda, Nat, and I are all sitting at a little cafe, each turned a different direction so we can see everything. Steve and Sam are hiding, out of sight, waiting for Rumlow and his crew. "Alright, what do you see?" Steve asks Wanda.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." She replies. "There's an ATM on the south corner, which means-" "Cameras." She states. "Both cross streets are one way." He says. "So compromised escape routes." She says.

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out." I say. "You see that range over halfway down the block?" Steve asks. "Near the red on? It's cute." Wanda says.

"It's also bullet proof which means private security, which means more guns, which means more head aches for somebody, probably us." Nat chimes in. "You people do realize that I can more stuff with my mind." Wanda says.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Nat says. "Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asks her. "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" She jokes.

"Eyes on target folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months and I don't want to lose him." Steve says, putting an end to our chat. "If he sees us coming that won't be a problem, he hates us." Sam says. "Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it." Steve says.

I guess Sam complied because no one else talks. "That trucks loaded for max weight and the driver is armed." Sam says. "It's a battering ram." I realize. "Go, now." Steve says. "Why?" Wanda asks. "He's not hitting the police." Steve says.

Wanda, Nat, and I bolt up right as we hear a distant crash. "Roni, get you three as close as possible." Steve says. "On it." I say, opening a portal. Nat and Wanda are the first to jump through and I am quick to follow.

I got us close, but not inside since we don't know what to expect. The three of us race the rest of the way to the men aimlessly firing guns. We then see them through something into the building. Steve then falls in, going straight into the fight.

When the three of us finally reach the base, Wanda flies herself a little ways inside while Nat and I focus on the outside. I run up to a guy, punching him square in the jaw, then I send a roundhouse kick at his head, effectively knocking him out.

I then take out my two concealed ends of my bow staff and put them together. Once I do that I turn them on and start taking out Rumlow's men one by one. I Suddenly get my bow staff knocked away from my hand, angry I pick up a chunk of earth and hurl it at him.

I race over to my bow staff and pick it up before going back to fighting. "Body armor, AR-15s, I make seven hostiles." Steve says over the coms. There's some gun fire then Sam speaks. "I make five." Wanda then lands.

The guards start shooting at her, but she creates a shield before binding the man with her telekinesis. She throws him into the air. "Sam." She calls. Sam grabs him and throws him onto the ground. "Four." He says. "Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam says.

"Wanda, just like we practiced." Steve says. "But what about the gas?" She asks. "Leave that to me." I say. She then throws Steve into the building. I fly up, level with the third floor. Raising my hands I quickly change the atomic makeup of the gas and turn it into oxygen.

After I do that I go back to fighting. "Rumlow has the biological weapon." Steve informs. "Shit." I mutter. "I'm on it." Nat says. With that we resume our fighting. Suddenly there's an explosion. "Nat, you ok?" I ask. "Fine." She replies, grunting a little bit.

"Sam, he's in an AFB heading north." Steve says. "Come on." Sam tells Wanda and I. We nod. I fly while Wanda uses her powers to elevate herself, basically flying, but not. We quickly find the truck crashing through a small market. We split up to search.

"I've got four, they're splitting up." Sam tells us. "I got the two on the left." Nat says, joining us. "They ditched their gear, it's a game now, one of them has the pay load." Steve says. The next thing we hear is a grunt. We can hear Rumlow talking so we know Steve is talking care of him.

Sam and I go after the other two men. They split up a little ways through so we do as well. I land in front of mine. "Going somewhere?" I ask. He glares at my and attacks. I dodge his swing before sweeping my leg, taking him down in on swoop.

I then use my powers to freeze him to the ground. I prefer not killing people if I don't have to. I then kick his head, knocking him out. I take to the sky again, searching for the rest of the team. On my way to find Wanda, Steve, Nat, and Sam I see something fly into the sky, then, it explodes.

I am taken down by the shock and how close I am. I fall towards the earth, but I feel someone halt my decent. "Thanks Sam." I mutter, getting my bearings back and flying by myself. "Sam, we need fire and rescue, on the south side of the building." Steve says. I know that tone.

Wanda did this. I quickly fly down to her and wrap her shaking body in my arms. "Shhh. Vse khorosho, vse normal'no. Eto ne tvoya vina. Vy pytalis' pomoch'. Vse normal'no.(It's ok, it's ok. This isn't your fault. You tried to help. It's ok.) I mutter in Russian to her.

It always seems to calm her down more in Russian than in English. This is going to have repercussions. But what could they possibly be?

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