Chapter 19

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Roni's POV:

Emergency lights come on. We all look at Sharon. "Sub-Level five, East wing." She says. We nod and bolt out of the room. When we get down there everyone is dead. Whoever the guy was in the room with Bucky is defiantly not with the government.

Steve walks in first and Sam and I keep our distance, knowing Steve has a better chance with Bucky. "Help me." Someone whispers. We go into the room where Bucky was being held which has the door wide open. Steve roughly handles him and I know why. He's feigning innocence.

Sam goes into the room and is immediately attacked by Bucky. What? He is quickly knocked aside. Steve the goes for him and the two battle it out. The guy goes to escape, but I point a gold, glowing hand at him. "Don't even thing about it." I snarl. I hear the grunting stop and I growl.

"Damn it." I leave the guy to chase after the rouge soldier. I get to the main level just in time to see Bucky throw my brother. Sighing I race over to him and help him up. "Mind giving us a hand here V?" He asks. "That's not Bucky, the man talking to him brainwashed him." I say.

"I don't care, take him out." He says. "Not happening bro." I say, leaving him there. I hear him grumble something, but I can't tell what. I see T'Challa pull him off of Nat. The two continue fighting. "Think, Roni, think." I mutter to myself. Nothing comes to mind though.

Him and T'Challa fight on the upper levels. When Bucky falls I see him run off. Grinning, I create a portal and portal myself to the roof of the compound. When I get there Bucky is already in a helicopter and Steve is hanging on the edge, trying to bring it down.

I run closer to the machine and take off into the air. I go to the other side of the copter and push it back to wards the ground. Then Bucky swerves it, almost crashing into Steve. I am flung a ways a way, but I catch myself an d rush over to Steve.

The blades have stopped moving and as I go to help him up, Bucky's metal arm grabs Steve by the throat. "Bucky stop!" I snap. Then his other arm grabs me. Not as strong, but I'm not a super soldier and I didn't want to risk hurting the man. The the helicopter falls from the platform.

I scream, creating a barrier of water around me to protect me. Steve comes up, but Bucky doesn't. "I got him." I say. He nods and I dive down, using my powers to breath. I find him and have the current drag him to shore. "Steve, come on, I know a place." I say. He nods.

I levitate Bucky and create a portal. The three of us enter it. There's a steel press on one side so we put Bucky in a chair and place his arm in the clamp. Making sure he can't hurt us. "I'll get Sam." I say. He nods. Concentrating I open a portal and stick my hand through.

I grab onto something that feels like an arm and yank it through the portal. "Jeez Roni, you almost gave me a heart attack." He says. I laugh a little. We walk into the area Steve is with the unconscious Bucky. "So what now?" Sam asks. "We wait." Steve says, leaving the area.

Sam stays to keep an eye on Bucky while I go off into a secluded corner, close my eyes, and sit down crisscross. I use my electricity manipulation to get the lights going without there being any usage of outside power. Non traceable. "Hey, Cap! Roni! Sam calls.

Opening my eyes I quickly stand up and walk into the room where Sam, Bucky, and Steve are. "Steve?" A pained groan asks. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asks. "Your mom's name was Sarah." He says. But that's not enough. Then he let's out a strangle chuckle.

"You used to wear newspaper in your shoes." He laughs. I smile slightly. "Can't read that in a museum." I say. "Just like that we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asks. "What did I do?" Bucky asks. I stare sadly at him. "Enough." Steve says. Bucky let's out a pained sigh.

"Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there. All he had to do was say the Goddamn words" Bucky says. "Who was he?" I ask softly, stepping forward. He looks at me for a second before answering. "I don't know." He says.

"People are dead. The bombing, the set up, the doctor did it all just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to de better than I don't know." Steve says. "He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where." Bucky says. "Why would he need to know that?"

"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier." He says. Bucky then goes onto explain what happened to him while he was in Hydra's captivity. "Who were they?" Steve asks. "Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in Hydra history and that was before the serum."

"They all turn out like you?" Sam asks. "Worse." "The doctor, could he control them?" I ask. "Enough." "He said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve says, referencing the man from Bucky's cell.

"They could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They could take a whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming." Bucky explains. Oh boy, this is not good. Defiantly not good.

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