Chapter 21

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Roni's POV:

We are all in position when Steve runs out by himself. Wanda and Clint are on the parking garage roof, James and Sam are in the terminal, Scott, the new guy, is on Steve's shield in his small form. And I am on top of one of the planes. Steve distracts him while Sam finds the Quinjet.

While Steve is distracting Tony brings out his whole team. Rhodey, Nat, T'Challa, and some spider dude who steals Cap's shield and webs Steve's hands together. When Sam finds what hanger the jet is in Steve sets the plan into action by raising his arms.

Clint shoots through the webbings around Steve's wrists and Lang grows, kicking the spider away before handing Steve his shield back. Tony goes towards Wanda and Clint, the spider goes towards James and Sam, Scott is fighting Nat, and Steve and T'Challa are fighting.

I see Rhodey go for Cap. "Oh no, you don't." I say. I fly from my hiding place and launch myself at Rhodey. I tackle him to the ground, but we both get back into the air. "Come on V, I don't want to do this." He says.

"Then let us through. You know me Rhodey, do you really think I would be on this side if it wasn't the right one?" I ask. "Your blinded." He says. "Then I guess I'm sorry." I say. "Why?" Instead of answering I let out an ear piercing shriek, blowing him and T'Challa backwards.

I then fly towards the sky. It darkens and lightning flashes. I'm about to attack when I remember something. My energy blasts and lightning power the suits so I abandon that attack and interchange it by hurling part of the concrete at him.

He stays down for a little while so I fly up to the terminal where James and Sam are getting their asses handed to them by the spider thing. He's about to shoot more of his web stuff at them when I fly through the window and send him out another with a concussive blast.

He screams as he falls. "Thanks." James groans. I go over to the two and get the webbing off of them. "Come on. It's not pretty out there." I say. Then nod. I grab under James' arms while Sam has his wings and we fly down to the main level and stand behind Steve.

We start running towards the Quinjet when Vision stops us with a blast from the Mind Stone. "Captain Rogers! I know what you believe you are doing is right, but for the collective good, you must surrender now." He says as Tony's team blocks our way. "What do we do Steve?" I ask him.

"Roni, I don't want you apart of this, I can't ask you to go against your family." He says. "Trust me Steve, Tony is blinded by guilt right now. It's him forcing my hand. You can't ask me to not fight for what I believe in." I say and he nods in agreement. "Then we fight." He says.

We walk froward cautiously, but soon we are in an all out sprint. Tony's side is charging as well. Since it's an odd number I stay back and try to help my team as much as possible. I see T'Challa kick James away so I run over to the King.

Launching myself into the air I let out a scream so powerful it sends the vibranium clad man into the air He hands on his back, but rolls to his feet. "Miss Stark, this is not your fight. Now move out of my way." He says.

"He didn't kill your father. And please, if you had you going after you trying to kill you, you would run too. Does that make sense?" I ask. "No." With that he charges me, but I send him back again with a bolt of electricity.

I then gold starts to wrap around me in tendrils and I send a golden ice storm at him, burying him for the time being. I walk over to James and help him up. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah." "Come on." He says. I nod and we charge back into the fight.

"We need to get out of here. That guy is probably in Siberia by now." James says. Him, Steve, and I are hiding behind some containers. "We need to drawl out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you get to the jet." Steve says.

"No, you get to the jet, both of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam says. "As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us are going to have to lose it." Clint says. James' head snaps to look at me as if questioning if I'd be with them.

I shake my head solemnly." "This isn't the real fight Steve." I say, hovering a little bit. "Ok Roni, what's the plan?" He asks. "We need a distraction. A big one. Come on Roni think, something big" I say, talking to myself.

"I got something kinda big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself apart, don't come back for me." Scott says. "He's gonna tear himself apart?" James asks, confused. "You sure about this Scott?" Steve asks.

"I do it all the time. I mean once, in a lab, and I passed out." Scott says. Then he repeatedly tells himself that he is the boss. Then as Rhodey is flying past us Scott goes from tiny to GIANT. "I guess that's the signal." Steve says. "Way to go Tic-Tac." Sam says. "Go." I tell Steve and James.

Then nod, but before they take off Bucky turns to my and kisses my cheek. "Thank you, for understanding." He says. Blushing, I nod. "Go get em." I say, smiling, before taking flight. I go for Vision.

I send copious amounts of energy at him, keeping him back before he escapes my power and turns towards the hanger where James and Steve are going. "NO!" I yell. Then, everything happens in slow motion.

I place myself in between James and Steve and Vision, fully planning on putting up a force field, but I see Wanda's red wisps headed for me so I don't know what the deflection would do to her. At the same moment Wanda's magic hits me, Vision's beam does as well. I scream in pain.

Everything hurts. My body is on fire. I hear people yelling my name and feel myself falling before everything goes black.

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