New Arrivals

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My head hurts, I must've fell out of bed. My hand moves to the pain and I can feel a wetness, blood. Why is there blood on my head? I look up to see Rias standing above me, a book in her hand, on the book is a patch of wet blood. "Y/N last night really was fun, but I can't allow you to stay as the Alpha." She goes in to hit me with the book and I roll out the way. The book slams into the ground and I kick her into the wall. "Shit, shit, shit!" I yell as she makes her way over to me again, I realise we're both still naked but also I have better things to be thinking about. Grabbing the stolen chair I throw it at her and land a hit on the back of her head. She falls to the ground unconscious the book still in her hand. "Fuck you!" I shout at her unconscious body sticking my middle fingers up. She begins to stir I press my foot o her neck "Try that shit again and I'll have you airlocked. Now get out." Looking at me in fear she collects her clothes then leaves. "What the fuck?! Why does this shit always happen? Ever since I got here." I pout, "At least Mikasa had the decency to not try and kill me."

"May all team leaders report to Zenith Krakveek in the meadow. This is urgent." The person or thing at the microphone announces. After getting dressed and returning the chair, the leg is slightly damaged and I feel sorrow for it is my favourite chair. Following the same procedure we do every day the team leaders leave their rooms while their teams eat breakfast. We don't get breakfast because apparently the strong don't need it. But I need it...

We get to the meadow and I shoot Rias a threatening glance and she rubs the back of her head. I have a neat bandage tied around mine for the time being, but Zenith should be able to fix it quickly. "Everyone stand back from the boxes. You might cause interference and be slingshot into the void." Everyone slowly backs away from the boxes and a bright red light beams from the top of each one, like the beacon but red instead of blue. "Everything seems to be fine." The roach looks at his wrist. "Seems like we have four groups this time." Three rooms open and are  empty, I'm guessing to make it easy to know which rooms are full. "Okay, since Y/N is the Alpha I want you to stand back. We have been told that despite removing all weapons and abilities these few have superb close combat capabilities."

"So do I!" Natsu screams. I face palm and do as Zenith asks of me.

"Now Y/N you decide who opens the boxes. They are arranged in their order of danger, most dangerous is far left." Zenith steps back and leaves me to my own devices. There is Mikasa, Rias, Ryuko, Natsu, Simon, and Kazuto or Kirito, I am still unsure as to what I call him. "After the events of your arrival I decided it would be best to get humans to greet them, rather then Rachne." Zenith does what I assume is a smile and stands somewhere behind me. Far away from any danger, if he's over there then who is in these boxes. "Rias get the far left one. Natsu the one beside her, Ryuko get the one beside Natsu and Mikasa the furthest right." Despite not wanting to endanger Mikasa I think she would last longer then Simon. "On my mark open the doors. One" Everyone is ready "Two" Everyone tenses "Three" They are prepared for anything. "Mark!"

They all open the doors, nothing exits the furthest right box. Ryuko's box once open spills four people onto the ground. Two of them appear to be wearing, female underwear over their faces. And here I thought Zenith would get some normal people. From Natsu's box a group of...busty, is the word I'm looking for a trio of busty women. So far they don't seem too strange. I am still wondering how the first box's resident could still be wearing underwear on their faces. I mean they were in the grey tracksuits but still. Out of the last box seems to pour an orchestrated attack. A yellow haired girl punches Rias in the face and makes a run for it. And that is why Rias was on that box. Following the yellow haired girl is a short brown haired boy and a slim black haired girl. All three of them make a run for it and seeing Zenith they charge for him. The yellow one leaps into the air and grabs a hold of Zenith's back, his wings open up and she loses her grip. The boy lands a kick to the Roach's chest but his foot is quickly clutched by a chitinous claw and he is slammed into his yellow friend. The final escapee looks at the arthropod with determination but Rachne guards soon turn up with stun batons. She looks at me in defeat and collapses onto the ground. Inevitable to be taken to the same room where Eren's life was ended. "Take them to the stasis chamber. In a while they will be spoken to." He turns to me. "Y/N take this with you." He hands me a stun baton. "These few are more dangerous then most. But I don't think I can bring myself to kill them all. Follow the guards to the chamber and talk to them."

I do as is asked of me and follow the prisoners to the chamber. Inside they are thrown carelessly towards the far wall and I lean against the one opposite them. Playing with the baton in my hand I start negotiations "My name is Y/N. I am a refugee from a dead dimension. The only one here from my home." I look at them and they look right back at me. "You have been captured, there is no way out of this room, it's either you prove that you don't pose a threat or. Or you die. We are in the void the space between dimensions. And you attacked other refugees. Before Zenith, or the giant cockroach to you. Let the kid have an escape pod. I doubt he will be as lenient with you." The yellow haired girl smiles as I speak "What is funny?" I ask her.

"You, you're funny. The way you speak, the words you say. The fact that you think that we won't escape." She smiles and frankly I am slightly unnerved. She is fairly strange herself.

"When I leave this room. Time will freeze for you. There is no escape." I growl slightly irritated. "What if we still had someone outside?" My eyes widen and I grip the shock baton with a new found fear. Zenith opens the door and throws a pink haired girl to the floor. "She's with them." He states in his rough voice then leaves. The yellow one seems disheartened. "This is your friend. She seems to be on the wrong side of the wall to help you. But we're not here to hurt you, we are here to save you."

"What do you mean?" The black haired girl asks, her piercing red eyes just as threatening as those on the seven foot cockroach. "I'm sorry to be the one who tells you this but. Everyone you have ever met is dead. You four are the only survivors fro your own dimension. Zenith saved you and the first thing you did was attack him."

"He's a monster!" The brown haired boy growls.

"He's an alien." I look at the boy, so full of determination and a sudden swell of sadness. He must've had someone important to him back home. "You guys are lucky though. It's pretty clear you all know and care for each other. And you came here together. I had no such luxury I came alone and with nothing. My entire dimension is gone, do you know how it feels? To have nothing left, to be the last thing between a chaotic God and the birth of another. Because if I die so does my universe, then it will trigger a chain reaction ending countless other realities. That is why we are here, to reserve the essence of our dimension and to help it not to end." I feel tears coming from my eyes and I wipe them away before deciding to leave. "Y/N, you said if you die so does your universe. But what about old age?" The girl with black hair asks.

"Well what do you think this ship is for. Surely you noticed how only one dude came with you. And how the other two groups, one had no men and the other had one. There is a massive different between the amount of men and the amount of women. So do you still need me to tell you what this ship is for?" She nods. "It is for breeding. That is the only way to make sure the essence of our dimensions live on." She blushes red "I'll leave you guys to think for a while about your decision." Once again I reach for the door handle.

"We want to stay." The black haired girl states. I guess she is the group leader.

"We have a strange system here. We have an Alpha who solves all problems you may have and makes sure everyone is comfortable." Giving a light smile I inform them.

"Can someone take over the Alpha position." The boy asks putting me on edge.

"Only one person has tried so far. You know the girl blondie punched in the face." They nod "It was her, that is why she was positioned in from of the most dangerous box. Because she tried to kill me." Shit, probably should've told then that in a different way. I decide now is definitely the appropriate time to leave.

Returning to my room I find, Spencer I think his name was waiting outside. "Y/N I need your help" He says, with a slight tone of panic in his voice.

"With what? Is something wrong?" He shakes his head and blushes slightly.

"You see, I've been spending time with Erza a lot. Since the groups started to mix and well. How did you get Mikasa and Rias to have sex with you" I choke on my own spit as he finishes his sentence. "Well. Erm, I was a nice guy?" I half question myself, I can't very well reveal that it was because I'm the Alpha then he will kill me and take my place. "That seems reasonable?" He questions himself now. So it turns out neither of us know what we are talking about. "You were talking to the new arrivals right. Well the troublemakers. What are they like?" He asks with fascination in his eyes. "Ninjas."

"Ninjas of love?" He asks, he must've been talking to some of the weirdos from other dimensions. I hear that girl Blake as a thing for erotic fiction, I furrow my brow at Spencer. "No like actual ninja assassins. Zenith had to restrain them. But I think everything has been sorted out now."

"Big Penis!" Someone shouts from down the hallway that each room stems from.

"Why would someone just say that?" I ask both myself and Spencer.

"Oh it's one of the newbies. She's been shouting obscenities and making vulgar jokes all morning. Apparently where she came from they weren't taught about sex." I furrow my brow again in confusion "So what do they think we do on this ship?"

"Body-melding" Spencer bobs his head as he speaks. "At least that's what the one with green hair said." I turn to the wall and begin to pound my head against it.

"Why. The. Fuck. Can't. We. Get. Anyone. Normal?" I groan.

"Hey who's knocking on my wall?" Someone speaks from inside the room. The door opens and out peers one of the girls from the meadow. Her hair is a light caramel and her eyes a light pink from crying. My head still resting against the wall I look at her and she looks back, Spencer sneaks off while she is occupied with me. "Why were you crying?" I ask finally attempting to do my job, maybe this time I won't get someone thrown off the ship or almost get beaten to death. "What's it to you?" She dries her eyes. Her room is right at the end of the hallway with mine creating a dead end. I point at the plaque on the door which Zenith placed another below stating 'Here for any of your questions and problems.' She looks at me then looks at the plaque. "There's no way you're in charge." She states the fairly obvious however she is wrong.

"Guess again. I almost got killed because I'm in charge." I point at the bandage on my head.

"I-It's just, everyone is dead. How do you remain so calm?" She asks the stream of tears starting to refill. "I-I just do. I have no one from my home. At least you have your two friends. I never really had anyone before this so there isn't much change. Having never met my parents I didn't really know how a healthy relationship worked. Then one day I met the girl of my dreams."

"What happened?"

"It wasn't mutual. And after that I never really clicked with anyone. That's why I'm not sad. I have as much here as I did there." Standing up I turn my whole body towards her "You should stick with your friends a while, tell them what I told you and appreciate each other while you can. Tomorrow will only be harder." I head inside my room and decide to sleep early. Before sleep I check that Rias isn't waiting to kill me in my sleep then turn off the lights.

I am awoken by my door opening and closing, in the dark I can't see who's there. Turning on the lights on and I see nothing. I turn them off again but I feel something moving up my bed. Thankful that I still have the stun baton I grip it tightly, throwing the covers off I can see now the faint form of the green haired girl. "I was wondering if you could answer a question I had." Facepalming I look at her and then realise I am naked. Because that fucking cockroach doesn't know what underwear are. So it's either naked or fully dressed. I recoil into a ball trying to regain as much composure as I can. "It's night time!" I shout at her, covering my crotch.

"There is no day and night out here. The giant Cockroach informed me of everything." I can see the dark circles under her eyes even in the dark and how baggy the tracksuit is on her. She is unnaturally skinny, and has receive an inadequate amount of sleep. "But there is one question even he didn't seem to know the answer to." Well now I'm intrigued. "How are baby humans made?" What the serious shit? This is the question she sneaked into my room for like some super ultra rapist serial killer. "What?" Is what I actually say. In a confused and rather pathetic voice, "I theorise that it has something to do with the male cucumber." Now I am so fucked up, I actually don't know what to tell her. "Yes I involves the penis, can you leave now?" I'm still coiled up in my own corner of the bed like a cornered cat. "Is it through body melding that babies are born? I will accept a demonstration." She keeps a straight face the entire time, so I know she isn't trying to seduce me she just actually has no idea what she's talking about. "Talk to me in the morning and I'll have an answer for you. And get some sleep God knows you need it." I pull the sheets back around me and drift of to sleep, after the stranger leaves of course.

Not long after she leaves someone else enters the room. "For fucks sake. I said I will tell you in the morning." I am suddenly kissed on the lips and someone's tongue plunges into my mouth. My eyes widen and I can see quickly that it is the girl I was comforting earlier. When she comes up for air I take my opportunity "I'm Y/N" I breath in and then out, trying to regain my breath.

"I know, it says on your door. I'm Rei." She goes in for another kiss and I can't refuse her, my hand moves on its own. Rubbing against her folds, she moans lightly and presses herself against me. I turn her around so I am spooning around her, sliding my length inside of her she moans loudly. Still rubbing her I start to thrust from behind my free hand groping and kneading her large breasts. Pinching her hard nipples and kissing the back of her neck. Her flesh is warm and soft, my hips smacking against her rear. Her moans increase along with my pace. She turns her head around and pulls me in for a kiss, her heavenly lips causing me to increase my speed. Rei's high pitched screams can most likely be heard by everyone, I doubt Zenith knows what sound proofing is. And by how loud her screams are sound proofing would probably have little effect. "Y/N I'm going to cum!" She yells in a passionate tone, her body contracts around mine and I release inside her. Both our juices leak onto the sheets and we cuddle together, using each other for comfort from the harsh world...


Hyouka Fuwa's POV (The cucumber girl if you haven't seen Shimoneta)


This was more than enough. I blush but I am unsure why, this truly was educational to watch. I can see Y/N's and Rei's naked bodies huddling together. It was just as I theorised, they undergo a body melding of thoughts. That God Zenith gave me that camera, now I can study this process in more detail. This new life seems to have already taught me what I spent years previously trying to learn.


Rias' POV


"Y/N must die. We need to take his place as Alpha." I growl after hearing that awful racket they were making together. These newbies, they interest me. Perhaps we could make them turn on him, it's obvious they have some useful skills. I wonder.


Akame's POV


Maybe Y/N is right we should be thankful that we still have each other. We could've been like him. Alone on this ship. Tomorrow maybe we will be let out of this room and I can thank him for the advice. "I wonder if the have meat here." I say excitedly earning groans from the three others.


Zenith's POV


This Y/N shows promise. Already he has laid the most women I think the humans say. "So you just chucked him out the airlock." Sky is still complaining about that prisoner.

"Yes he was a stowaway. His dimension wasn't in danger I checked."

"Zenith, you can't solve all your problems by throwing them out of an airlock." Sky preaches to me. "Yes I can"...

Author's Notes - So basically yay more people I decided to leave One punch until the next lot. As you can probably guess the anime I added were:


Akame ga kill

Highschool of the dead

I hope you liked how I ended Hyouka's quest finally. I just thought it was about time. Since she doesn't find out in Shimoneta. Hope you all enjoyed this 3000 word chapter about half way through I got a paper cut on the end of my index finger and I only use my index fingers to type so that was mighty awkward. Zenith Out...

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