Chapter 1: Found

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Mabel POV

I was pacing around the house. The kids where asleep. Jume hasn't been home at all. I needed to talk to him what happened today. Dipper was being push around how he looks like Pine Tree, which is true but they didn't have to be so rude with it, how Ford has magic and needs to be train and what not, and how I told their kids who their uncle was. I can't hold this by myself!

Then finally Jume came home.

"Jume! We need to talk right now." I said. I stop when I saw his face. He seems scared, sad, and has that face of bad news.

"Jume what is it?" I ask.

Jume sigh, "Grandfather is gone. He was doing some undercover work with us from the demon's came but...they found him out. He was killed. The demon brought his body on the surface as a note."

"Jume this is terrible!" I gasp, "Jume this is getting way out of hand. They are getting stronger."

"Tell me about it! Grandfather is gone and now the console is freaking out because Grandfather was the best one and I don't know how they would have figured him out!"

"Pine Tree." I said.

Jume sighs sadly, "Of course."

"Pine Tree isn't that only cause at this moment." I said.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Trink and his son. They hurt Dipper, Jume. They are punishing him because he looks like my brother and you need to talk to Ford about magic, it came today as he was trying to protect his brother." I explain.

Jume sigh. "Oh and they now know who their uncle is." I added. Jume looks at me and I continue, "And so does everyone else knows that I'm Pine Tree's sister and the kids' uncle and you as the brother in law and so on." Jume sighs, "Great, well I guess never late than never."

I huge Jume, "What are we going to do?" Then Jume gave a sadder sigh and pulled away, "Mabel there is something I must tell you."


"The demons are getting closer. They could find our base at any time. They are getting close. Things are just...getting darker Mabel."

"We can't give up now Jume. Right now we just keep our hopes up alright?" I said. Then I kiss him on the lips. Then he backed away, "Thanks my love. Now how are we going to tell them that their great grandfather is dead?"

Pine Tree POV

"Get these bodies out of here." I snap. The guards nod. I look at the knife then at Cade's dead body, "Oh Cade why think there is light but there is none...only darkness my friend." Then the guards took his body away. Then I face Bath, "How close are we to get break into the base?"

Bath gave a broad smile, "We are closer than you think Master Pine Tree. There are traitors of light in the base."

I gave a dark smile, "Don't you just love traitors when they are on the other side and they join us? It makes life so easier. When we crash into the base, for these traitors and treat them well, they shall not be considered prisoners or slaves or meals. They will be guests until Lord Cipher decides to treat them. Also once we go and crash, I'll be there to join you. I've got things I must do."

Bath nod, "Yes Master Pine Tree. I'll let you know when we are about to crash through the walls."

"When do you think that will be?" I ask.

"Soon Master, very soon." Bath reply.

"I'll let Lord Cipher know. Good job Bath." I said.

Bath bowed, "Thank you Master."

Then Bath left. I then snap the knife away and then started to walk up to Master Bill's office. I came into his office.

"I'm busy!" He snaps.

I bowed, "Master Bill."

Then Master Bill turns around, "Oh Pine Tree didn't know it was you. Come in come in! I'm not busy for you."

I stood up, "I got news."

"What kind of news cause I could use some really good news."

"There are traitors in The Light and they are going to help us get into the base which is going to be tonight." I sneer.

"That is good news! The best news I have heard all day! The Light will be destroying and now there is nobody that could resist me and the darkness! Hahahhahahah!"

I gave a proud smile. Then a buzzer went off and Master Bill stopped his laugh and went to the screen, "Sorry Pine Tree but I must go, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all Master." Then I bowed down and I left.

I went through the rest of my afternoon and evening the usual. Whip some servants, killed some more, gave magic lessons to my kids, did my own lessons with Master Bill, then did training by myself then latter did some training with Tori, then whip some demons for not doing their jobs, torcher some prisoners, and killed some was a nice and normal day to be honest.

I was in bed, sleeping, when a knock came at the door.

"What now?" Tori mumbles under my arm.

"I don't know." I mumble back.

The knock was louder. I sat up and went to the door, "What?" I demanded. It was bath, "Sorry to woken you up Master Pine Tree and Master Tori but they got in and now just waiting for orders."

That woken me up, "Perfect! I'll be there in just a moment." I close the doors. Tori turns on the light, "What is it?"

"They found the base."

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