Chapter 13: The Siren

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Grunkle Stan POV

I stagger to the Transporter. Then the door opened and I quickly got in with the help of Bob and Tyler. They close the door quickly. "Where's Mabel?" Jume asks. "She cough cough is in there still. Cough I was running out of time." I explain, "Boy cough cough this air is already better."

Bob was reading the reports, "Alright Mabel has a few minutes."

"Stan you are hurt!" Jume gasps.

"Traps." I cough.

"Tyler do you thing"

They help me sit down and Tyler healed my leg then my lungs. I already felt better. I was resting. Then Dipper opens his eyes, "Something is wrong." He mumbles. I slowly got up and went to him, "What is wrong?" Dipper was still weak and daze, "Mabel. Something is wrong with Mabel."

"Dipper what is wrong with Mabel!" I ask.

Dipper closes his eyes again, like he was thinking, "A...What its face..." Then Dipper opens his eyes, "A Land Siren. Mabel is stuck in a dream."

"What?" Tyler asks, "A Land Siren? How could you tell?"

Dipper gave a small smile, "It's a twin thing...really it is. Land Sirens put their prey in dreams and soon they will die because they can't wake up. But something with Land Sirens they connect to that person. There is an old story with them... 'Shall sleep in dream forever and ever. Your dreams came true yes indeed but you can only share the dream with the one that share the womb.' Basically twins, triplets, and so on. I'm not in Mabel's dream because Bill trained my mind to be block from all spells like that...but I can sense the she is in a dream."

"Can you get in the dream? You have to help Mabel! You have to make sure that she doesn't fall to deep!" Jume beg. Dipper shook his head, "Even if I had the strength I can't. Bill blocked my mind during 'lessons'." Then Dipper closes his eyes again. I sigh; I really hope that Mabel will be alright. I got up, "I'm going to get her. She is running out of time."

"Stan you can't go out there. Yes I heal you lungs but if you go out there then you will die. Your lung need time to heal. I got the smoke out but I can't do anything to heal your lungs completely. It is dark smoke. Luckily this is the dark stuff that I can partly heal but your body have to do the work." Tyler stops me. I grumble.

Then Dipper opens his eyes, "She out."

"Really?" I ask.

Dipper nods. I gave a smile, "I knew it. Mabel is strong." Jume nods, "Agreed."

Then there was some beeping. "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Bob started to cry out. "What Bob?" I ask. "Mabel's time is up!" Then Bob looked out in the window, "And I don't even see her."

"What time Bob!" I demanded. "She's passed out." Bob explain.

"I'm going out there." Jume started to head to the door but I grab him. "Jume you can't. What if she never made it through the magic barrier? You can't go through there!" Jume got out of my grip, "Mabel is out there! I'm not going to let her die!"

"I know what you mean. That is why I'm going to get out there." I said.

"Stan you can't. You won't last a minute out there before we have to drag you in there." Tyler stops him.

"Then we can! Both me and Dipper." Mayvis stepped out. "Yeah!" Dipper agreed, standing by his sister. "No!" everyone snap back. "Mayvis and Dipper you can't. I'm not going to send my great great niece and nephew out there! I'm not losing more people from my family. Mayvis and Dipper sit down!" I snap. Mayvis and Dipper sat down.

"I'll go." I heard a weak voice. I turn and I saw Dipper who was trying to stand up. "Dipper you can't." I protest, "You have magic and you are weak." Dipper gave a weak smile, "There is one thing Grunkle Stan, I'm not magical. I'm human who knows a few spells. I'm not magic born. So I have no 'magic' and the demon magic that I had with Bill is gone. So no magic on me unless I say a spell but I won't."

I grumble, "Dipper..."

"Grunkle Stan, I can do this. Please I carried my niece and three kids following me as I was in pain and I was about this weak. I think I can handle it. Plus I can live out there in that smoke longer then all of you." Dipper protested. "I can carry Mabel here."

I sigh. I know how strong will Dipper could get. "Alright, fine but be careful. We just got you back." I said. Dipper gave a weak smile, "Thanks I'll try, luckily I have a habit of living." Then Dipper stagger to the door, "Alright on!" Then the door opened and Dipper went out the door and the door close.

Dipper POV

I went out. To be honest I wasn't feeling too good in the first place. I was so weak and I haven't really got much rest but I felt a lot better with the plain. I wasn't hurting as much. I started to cough. "M-Mabel!" I then started to stubble through the cave. I had to use the wall as support. I could be out here for about an hour until I passed out but I was so weak before so I don't know if I could last very long but I must. I stubble through the cave then I felt the barrier. Then I was just keep going through, getting weaker and weaker each seconded. Then I saw this light.

"M cough Mabel!" I cough. I stubble faster through the darkness then I came to a form holding the stone. "Mabel!" I gasp. I grab the stone and then bent down and grab Mabel and lifted her up. I was getting weaker by carrying her. Mabel wasn't heavy but I had no strength. Then I felt this cold presents. Then everything went dark.

I open my eyes and I was in the forest. I sat up. I was in jeans, an orange shirt with a blue jacket, and tennis shoes. I touch and look at myself. I was completely healed. Then I felt something on my head I reach up and I touch it. It was a hat. I pulled it off of my head and it was my Pine Tree hat.

"It's a pretty view isn't it?" said a misty female voice. I looked around and nobody was around, "Who's there?" I demanded as I got to my feet.

"Don't you know me Pine Tree? I thought you knew."

"My name isn't Pine Tree, its Dipper."

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot."

"You are the land siren."

"Yes I am." Said a female voice as if she was right behind me. I turn around and I saw a young woman with long blond hair, blue eyes, and she was wearing a pretty brown dress. "I want to wake up." I demanded.

"Not right now...I must speak with you."

"We don't have time."

"You have time. You can breath in this smoke for about an hour or so"

"Not Mabel."

The siren sigh, "True so I'll make this quick."

"Alright...what do you want to talk about?"

The siren walks up towards me. "You see, P-Dipper...Sorry I knew you as Pine Tree."

"How do you know me?" I ask.



"You see Dipper...the only way how Bill got the stone is because he trick me. He imprisoned me to protect the stone. I was in the palace with you. You never saw me but I saw you...with your family..." The siren looks long and sad. "You are a mermaid out of water." I gave a small smile. The siren gave a small smile, "Yes and no. in your words as a human yes but in other no. I'm a fallen siren...and all I want to is to go home."


"Yes! You see there is a way where I can go home. If I bring back the stone they will welcome me and I'll be a siren that had return home. That is all I want...but of course I would like you to trap all the darkness. Dipper once the stone had fallen into the volcano the stone will then pop out and fall down the mountain."

"You want me to get it."

"No! I'll get it but all you got to do is to let me in."


"You see Dipper, I was imprisoned here. That wall not only blocks magic but traps me in here. I can't leave."

"I can't use magic...I'm too weak in the reality."

"You don't need magic!"

The siren was getting excited, "You see Dipper the only way I can come out is to be in another form."

"Like possess me?"

The siren gave a small nod, "I won't kick you out like Bill would do or trap you. I just need to be in your body and here is the bonus...If you let me in then I can take you, me and your sister out of here. When I'm in you I' have my strength. carry her out! But sadly once the wall...we will be separated or I'll be trap in your head for all life. But I'll make sure I'll leave you some energy for you to walk out. What do you think?"

I pause for a moment, "You sure about this." She nods rapidly, "All I want is to go home to my sisters. I promise with all my heart and power. In the name of Neptune." I nod, "Alright, I trust you. It isn't the first time I was possessed." She gave a smile, "Thank you Dipper. Thank you for saving me and the world. The same with your sister and everyone." Then she came up to me and kiss me on the lips.

I felt weird; there was this weird water like spark flowing inside of me. Then everything went bright.

I open my eyes then I got up but I wasn't doing this. All I could do is see. Like I was in the Involvement Trance. I picked up Mabel and walked through the cave. "Here is the wall." I muttered but it wasn't me. "I want to thank you. I was hoping you would come. I only can take over men...I didn't want to take over your great uncle Stan...that would be weird." I wanted to reply but I couldn't move my mouth.

"Ready? One step and then I'm gone. I'm going to leave you some energy but you must hurry don't waste time. Thank you again." I muttered. Then I step through the wall and I felt me being suck back to my senses then I went thoroughly through. I started to cough hard and I stumble to my knees. Then a kiss was planted on my cheek then was gone like a mists. I really didn't care where she went. I got up to my feet. I could feel this new energy but was running out quickly.

I was stumbling through the last part of the cave. I saw the transporter. My vison was fuzzy. I was starting to stubble over myself. I couldn't make it. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

Mabel POV

"She's coming to." Said a misty voice. "The same with Dipper." Another reply. My head felt very heavy and I was score but I didn't feel the burning in my lungs it was just sore. I slowly open my eyes, "Mabel?" Said a blurry figure. "Mabel come on, you're getting there." Then there was a few light taps on my cheek. Then the figure clear up as the rest of my vision. It was Jume. He smiled, "Oh Mabel."

"Jume?" I mumble.

"Yes it's me."

"Grunkle Stan?" I ask trying to sit up but Jume held me down.

"Right here kid." Grunkle Stan replies as he came up to Jume's side.

"What happened?" I ask in a mumble.

"Well you passed out and Dipper got you."

"You sent my kid!" I snap.

"No! Not our son, your brother Dipper." Jume said calmly.

"Oh." I laid back.

"How do you feel?" Tyler asks who came around the corner.

"Foggy." I reply, "But I'll be fine."

I sat up slowly. I looked around. I could see Dipper lying down, mumbling and slightly stirring and was still badly wounded with the burns. Trim and Mabelle were together asleep in a corner. TT was sitting by my son Dipper and Mayvis and was showing them his collection of bugs. LanLee and Ford were still asleep. Bob was sitting at the driver's seat, ready to move. Grunkle Stan, Jume and Tyler were around me.

I pat myself down, "Where is the stone?"

"It's right here." Grunkle Stan said, holding it in his hand, "Dipper had it clench in his fist when we brought him in."

"What?" I ask.

"You see Mabel, Dipper went in there and came out but he passed out right in front of the transporter. We got out and brought you and him inside, me and Bob." Tyler explains. "Luckily there was no magical wall to stop us."

I got to my feet with the help of the three boys that were around me, "Alright, let's end darkness once and for all."

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