Chapter 4: Who is your true leader?

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Pine Tree POV

"Gee how hard was that?" I snap at the servants. "Now chop chop! We don't have all night! The scabers will here at any second!" Then they bowed down and got back to the transporter. I roll my eyes as I went on ward, "Hurry up people." I snap out, "The faster we get out of here the lest we have to feed to the scabers."

The people started to load up in the transporters. "That is more like it." I muttered. Then I heard a sound that put everything on a stand still. Oh no. Then I turn around and I saw those scabers. Scabers are these demons that came with the package. They aren't the good demons. They like to be on their own. They don't honor Master Cipher. They like to piggy back on of and (skaver). They search for the goods and meals. Both demons and non-demons and they eat in terrible ways, in painful ways.

They were coming out of the hole. They were like humans with no hair, clothes, eyes, and they their arms, legs, fingers and toes are extra-long and had long sharp nails at the ends. They gave out their high pitch sound, making their entry.

"Move out now!" I ordered. Then people started to scream and rush into the transporters. I grew out a fire ball from my hand and threw it at the entry. Then one of the scabers came running on the wall and close to me. It hisses and screams and jumps towards me. I threw another fire ball at it and it scream and fell back. Then some more came down. I threw more fire balls and movement spells to get them away.

"Master Pine Tree!" Bath called out, "We must leave now! The goods left and the prisoners are leaving now...what we can fit! You must leave now! There is too much of them!"

I threw another fire ball at a scaber that jump at me. Then I turn back and headed to my transporter. As I was running one scaber at bit me at the ankle. "Ahh!" I scream out as I fell to the ground. Then I pulled out my knife from my belt and I stab his head, "You stupid flesh eater!" Then I limp over to the transporter. Bath was fighting off the transporter from the scabers. I then got to the transporter.

"Jfasjk384j29021" I muttered then I threw my hand down and this explosion of fire just surrounded the transporter. Then all of the scabers that was around the transporter was burn into ash. "Wow, remind me not to be on you bad side master." Bath said. I gave a dark smile, "you haven't seen my bad side yet Bath. That was just the tip."

Then a scaber came and jump towards Bath. "tjjsad" I muttered as I raise my hand then the scaber stop in midair and screaming. It was being electrocuted. Then screams was all over the place. I smiled darkly. It was a connection spell. If I use the spell on one then all of that kind will be electrified.

Screaming was everywhere; it was music to my ears.

Then I stop and the creature fell to the ground, so did the other creatures. "Master that is amazing. What does Lord Cipher teach you?" Bath praise. I gave a proud, "That was magic Bath, dark magic in fact. Dark magic is quite powerful you know and plus having a great teacher helps also."

Bath nod, "Yes master but we should really get going."

There was more screaming. I killed that one where I hit with the main spell was dead but everyone else was still stun. It is the fine print of the spell. Stun all but one that you throw the spell too. Blah.

"I agree." I reply. Then I hope into the transporter. Bath started it up and started to fly up in the air, "How is your leg master?" Bath asks, "Need a healer?"

"No," I said then I wave my hand in front of the bite and it healed. "Luckily scaber's bites aren't poisonous am I right?"

"Yes master." Bath reply, "What about the other people?"

I looked down and could see some left over people, screaming and begging.

"Leave them, I got what I want. I got my sister, some new servants, the goods, we are done. We don't need any more. Plus if we feed them to the scabers then they will leave us alone for the moment. "

"Yes Master Pine Tree."

Then we went through the entry and headed back to base.

I got back to the house. "Now I want my sister to be treated nicely." I ordered. "Yes Master Pine Tree." Bath reply.

"And I mean it and be careful. I want her to be treated nicely and she may take if to grunted and fight back and escape. Don't let that happened."

"Yes Master. What cell should we have her in?"

"In the nicest one we have, of course. Also search for by brother in law, Jume."

"Brother in law?"

"Yes my sister got married to that bone head. What a fool she was."

"Well with a husband do you think there might be kids?"

"12 years? My guess there is some. We might have already picked them up or the birds got to them. I don't care."

"Yes Master Pine Tree. Oh and your daughter, Mabelle, she caught something."

I stop and face Bath, "What?"

"Nothing bad Master just a cold or something. I just thought you might now. She had a fever and that is it. Nothing to worry about it."

I gave a sigh of relief, "Oh Bath over my first child you should remember from my first child. These things happen all the time, with the fevers and all until they are 10 years old. It is their magic growing. It should past soon. She is around her last sickness."

Bath gave a sheepish laugh, "Oh yeah forgot about that. Magic sickness. Did you get sick?"

I laugh, "Nope! Because Bath I didn't grow up with Magic. I was taught when I was about 12 almost 13. Then my powers got stronger at age 17 when I embrace the dark side."

"Who was your teacher?"

"Lord Cipher of course! He taught me everything I know."

"Even from that young of an age?"

"yep. I was that special and he knew that I would help him gain the throne and he was right."

Then a guard came up, "Master Pine Tree,"

"What is it now?" I mumble, "There is always something wrong with the prisoners."

"Oh there is nothing wrong with the prisoners but there is one you should see."


"From your description and from the mind trans, it is your brother in law."

"Oh yay, the in laws are here." I gave a dark smile. "Excuse me Bath as I take care of some family things. You treat my sister well you hear me?"

Bath bowed down, "Yes Master Pine Tree."

Then I fallowed the guard to a room.

"Get your hand off me!" I heard a cried. It was Jume. Then I enter the room. There was Jume. Boy he have gotten older and grown a foot or two and a mustache. His nose and temple was bleeding, the same with cuts along his body.

"Careful men these one a fighter." I sneer. Jume stop for a moment, "Pine Tree."

"Hello Jume, I hope you had a nice trip? They didn't treat you that bad? Did they?" I smiled.

Jume started to fight with the guards again, trying to get to me, "You monster! You did all of this! First you broke Mabel's heart, then you brought the end to this world, then you killed my grandfather, then you destroyed my house, and then killed lots of good people. You are a monster!"

"Nice to meet you too Jume." I grumble.

"What have you done with Mabel? Where is she!? If you dare hurt her..."

"Why would I hurt my sister?"

"Well you broke her heart, you almost killed her a billion of times. Do I need to continue?"

I shrug, "Hey siblings fight a little. Don't tell me that you haven't tried to kill you brother before?"

Jume pause for a moment, "Ah got you." I snickered, "Don't worry Mabel is safe from the demons if you are wondering. I'm not going to put her into slavery or a meal. What kind of person would I be?! I'm not that kind of monster." Then I snap my fingers and a knife appear in my hands, "So I heard that you are in the console of light, am I correct?"

"I'll never tell you anything!"

"So you are in the group."

Jume stayed silent. I snickered, "Listen Jume let's talk brother to brother, well brother in law to brother in law I guess. Well the point is there is some information that Lord Cipher would like...something that you know."

"I don't know anything. I'm not at the top Pine Tree. If you are looking for the guy in charge just ask Mr. Trink." Jume reply.

I shrug, "Fine if it has to be that way but not at the moment. I can have a little fun can't I?" I then pull up the knife to his throat, "I can just slit your throat right now and drink your blood." Jume just glares at me. I gave a dark smile, "Um when did this look familiar?....oh yes when I killed Cade." Jume pause for a moment, "He gave me that same look before I slit his throat. What a joyful moment that sure was."

Jume struggle. It is fun to watch him struggle, "But you know what I could still use you." I then pull the knife away from his throat. "I'll never do anything for you or Bill."

"It's Lord Cipher." I hiss, smacking him across the face. "You should know who your leader is."

"And you need to know yours Dipper." Jume muttered.

I stab him in the leg then pull the knife to his throat again, "I'm not Dipper!!! Don't you ever say that again!!" I push the knife in harder, "Got it?" At first no responds. I push the knife in more to his throat, Jume wince, "Got it!?" "Yes!" Jume gasps.

I backed away. "Dipper is long dead Jume. Don't even try." Then I gave a wicked smile, "Now as I was saying before, I could use you and I got a painful and fun way of doing it. They see you as a leader but what if their leader is dark."

"I'll never turn dark, unlike you. You used to be someone else Pine Tree. That other person was batter you know. A much happier and better you." Jume protested.

"True but the old me is gone and dead and this is the new me. The same could happen to anyone and it could happen in many ways. Mine was because at first I was under a spell then I've embrace the dark side. Others are over a true heart spell with brings the worse into people, others are force to to protect their love ones, and others are under a spell."

Jume flinch and was trying to break out of the guard's grip, "Oh don't worry I can't use the Involvement Trance on you. You aren't human. It is another spell." Then I started to walk towards him, "Not as effective as the Involvement Trance but it will do. It is something that Tori taught me. It is like a love spell but that would be weird and love isn't my things unless it is to my wife and children of course. It is a mix of the truth spell, dark self spell, and memory mix spell."

Jume was struggling with the guards even more, "You're crazy! You can't do this!" He protested, "You are going to just brain wash me?"

"Well if you put it that way....then yes." Then I grab some powder from my belt and I blew it into his face, "Nice knowing you Jume and nice knowing...yourself. Who is your true leader now?"

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