Chapter IV.

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"This..." I paused, looking at her closely. Her dress seemed to light up the whole room with its sparkles as she walked uncomfortably close. "This is not my home."

I looked away for a moment, feeling her powerful presence. When I looked back up, she raised one of her eyebrows, a smile plastered to her face. "Why do you resist becoming a true being of the night, dark angel?"

"Because..." I thought about my answer. "Because until I learn where I belong, I don't belong anywhere. Besides, the Mirror of Truth broke before-"

"Don't tell me lies that you don't believe yourself," she said, laughing and walking in a circle around me. She never took her eyes off of me, and I looked at the ground. There was something in her words that made me doubt my own words. "The Mirror of Truth cracked, but only at the very end before it could make you loyal to the Underworld Army. Other than that, you are a true reflection of Pit - dark, smart, and powerful. You don't belong on Skyworld."

"I..." I folded my arms, steeling myself. I couldn't let her manipulate me. "I don't have a place to go to. For now, staying on Skyworld makes the most sense."

"Then why not stay with me?" Nyx asked. "Don't you feel the pull? You could be alone in the darkness, and you would never have to talk to anyone again. You could do anything you wanted to. Anything."

The room suddenly felt cold. Her words tried to make me believe that that's what I wanted: to be alone in the darkness. "No," I said. "That's not what I want. That's not why I'm here."

"Then tell me," Nyx demanded, anger finding its way into her voice. "Why are you here, little angel?"

"You seem to know all the current events," I said. "You can't tell?"

She shook her head. "I can't read your mind."

"I was poisoned," I said. "Palutena said you were my last hope of surviving."

"And why would I help you?" Nyx asked. I didn't like the smile on her face. "You've done nothing for me, coming into my realm and making demands. Though I will say, it's quite bold. I like that."

I shrugged. "You don't have to. I'm not sure I particularly care either way."

Nyx raised her eyebrows. "That's quite the answer."

"But that's not all I want," I said, my confidence growing. It was now or never. "Get rid of the poison and give me the Power of Flight."

Nyx looked even more surprised. "I can't tell if you're stupid or fearless. Perhaps you still got some of Pit's idiocy."

"I don't know how Pit does it, but I can't handle having the wings and not being able to fly whenever I want. I... I need the Power of Flight."

Nyx walked in another circle around me, and I shivered, trying not to show how uncomfortable I was. I tried not to move, though I realized my hand was over my injury protectively. "I will do it," Nyx finally said.

"What?" I asked, stunned.

"You heard me," Nyx said, a little annoyed. "But it will come at a price."

"What do you want?" I asked warily.

"You already know that Skyworld is in trouble," Nyx said.

"What about it?" I asked, a bad feeling growing in my stomach.

"Skyworld will fall from the sky," Nyx said, looking up at the ceiling. "When that happens, you will live here with me for the rest of time."

I opened my mouth to reply, then shut it. This was a huge change. I looked up at Nyx's face, trying to read her eyes. But they didn't say anything. It was impossible to determine what she was thinking.

But having the Power of Flight... I felt like I could find a purpose again. Would living with Nyx be so bad? Maybe she was right; maybe I really did belong with her. And if I didn't... maybe it still wouldn't be so bad.

"The Power of Flight will be permanent?" I said. "No loopholes around that?"

"I'm sure someone could find a way to take the power back out," Nyx said. "But I won't. As long as nothing happens to that power, it will be yours forever. Just don't go around any time rewinding water sources."

"Then we have a deal," I said.

"I underestimated how much you wanted the Power of Flight," Nyx said. "Are you sure about this?"

"I've made the decision," I said.

"Very well," Nyx said. She had a genuine, wide smile on her face. Then, it contorted as she pulled out a long, thin sword from a sheath around her waist that I hadn't noticed.

I stepped away as she slashed at me, backing into a wall. "What are you doing?" I screamed. "We had a deal!"

"Don't you trust me?" Nyx asked, looking amused. "Why would I kill you?"

"Because that's what you're known for," I hissed. "You're known for manipulating and killing." I looked at the entrance of the cave, then looked back at her.

I turned back to the entrance, ready to sprint out and hope that Viridi could reach me, but Nyx was suddenly blocking the way. With a flash, she slashed down the length of my wounded arm. It felt like my arm was on fire. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked toward me. I squeezed my arm, barely managing to stay on my feet.

"Why...?" I asked, stepping away from her.

"I'm not going to kill you," Nyx said. "Look at your arm. You didn't have long to live without my help. And I'm not going to let my new angel die so soon."

I took away my hand hesitantly, my blood dripping to the floor in a black sludge. The blood was cold, and I was suddenly freezing. I fell to my knees, only able to watch as Nyx walked toward me. She knelt to the ground next to me, and I screamed as she ran her hand down my arm, black ooze flowing around her body.

She grabbed my good arm and pulled me to my feet, my legs feeling weak. With another flash, she sliced across my wings, pain exploding through my spine. I was shocked, unaware of what was happening. I fell to the ground.

My vision blurred, though I could see Nyx standing over me. Her arms were crossed, the smile on her face. "Just remember," Nyx said, "that you will come to me when Skyworld falls."

I blinked, one second in Nyx's lair and the next on the edge of Skyworld. I recognized the soft grass and presence immediately. I thought it ironic that it was storming, as if Nyx's powers were still somehow in play.

I got to my hands and knees, my back erupting in pain with every movement. I would have gotten up, but the world still spun. The rain falling into my eyes didn't help.

Palutena and Pit came running down to the edge of the island. I tried to activate the power of flight, but cried out in pain as my spine and wings felt like they were exploding. I closed my eyes and hung my head, waiting for help.

"Pittoo!" Pit screamed, kneeling next to me. Palutena came up behind him, but stood standing. I didn't want to look at Pit, guilt suddenly making me feel even worse. "How could you let him do this?" Pit asked, turning to Palutena. She didn't even look at him, her eyes stuck on me.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Your wings!" Pit yelled.

"I'm fine," I repeated. "She cured me. The poison is gone."

"You don't look very cured," Pit commented, clearly worried.

"You have the Power of Flight," Palutena said slowly, clearly shocked. "She actually gave you her power?"

I shook my head. "She moved the poison to my wings. She seemed confident it would work, but I'm not able to activate it yet."

"With how damaged your wings are, it would be foolish to try," Palutena said. "They need to heal."

Pit slipped his head under my arm, helping to lift me to my feet. I leaned heavily on him, moving slowly. "Thanks," I muttered.

"Let's just get you to bed," Pit said, flashing a smile at me. I just grit my teeth as my back spasmed, the walk to the temple going on for eternity.

Palutena opened the doors for us, and Pit helped me to my room. I looked behind my back at Palutena, but she had disappeared.

We went to my room, Pit struggling to open the door as he held me. He managed, walking inside and helping me onto the bed. I laid on the middle of it, my wings resting on the sides. My body hurt less, but I needed rest.

"Need anything?" Pit asked, rubbing his eyes.

"No," I said, closing my eyes. "Get some sleep."

"Call on Palutena if you need anything, okay?" Pit said.

"Wait," I said as he turned. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier. I couldn't risk you stopping me."

Pit ran his hand through his hair. "I know how much you wanted the Power of Flight. And... I'm the reason you lost it. I guess I understand."

I watched as he walked away, shutting the door behind him. It wouldn't be long before we were no longer on the same side.

I couldn't tell how long I had been asleep, but I didn't feel anywhere near as sore as I had before I slept. My wings felt like they were healing, no pain in my arm. After a few minutes, I sat up pretty easily. I grabbed one of my wings and stretched it out, looking over it. There was no wound in it, and I couldn't feel anything other than the soft feathers when I ran my hand over it. Even my arm was starting to finally heal.

With little hesitation, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, then stood on my feet. I didn't feel too weak, like I had expected. I couldn't help but smile; it was time to go see if I actually had the power of flight.

I went out of the dim room, dark in order to let its one occupant sleep, down the hall, then out the giant, towering doors. Excitement bubbled up in my stomach, almost feeling like having the Power of Flight was too good to be true, even with the price it had come with.

I didn't realize that it would be so dark out, but the night was black. There were no stars and barely a moon to light up the night sky. There was a little breeze that ruffled my hair.

I jumped up into the air, activating the power of flight. And my wings lit up with the nocturnal shadows of night, and I flew up into the air.

I swerved immediately to the side as I realized I had jumped up directly into the tree that hung over our lost battle ground. I flew up into the sky, realizing that the reason the night was so dark could be because of Nyx...

But I shook my head. Tonight was about me, and the fact that I was actually able to fly again. My chest felt warm as I twirled and dove around, still able to fly without an outside force directing me. I would have shot some arrows into the sky, or directed my staff and shot random blasts into the air, but I didn't know where there were. So I would have to live with doing twirls and soaring over Skyworld like it was my own realm, doing a daily check over the kingdom to make sure there were no threats.

It was so amazing to be up in the sky again, even if my arm hurt and the giant, looming statue of Palutena that stood over the temple was always somewhere in my vision. It felt natural, like something I had been born to do. I wondered if Pit felt the same way when he was given the power of flight.

Slowly and hesitantly, I lowered myself to the ground. Even though I would have loved to stay out all night, discovering the things the night sky held, I was still tired. As I went inside the temple, I yawned and stretched my arms into the air.

And walked right into Katrina.

"What the heck?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. "Watch it!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She paused and frowned. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"I feel like your glasses have left imprints on my skull."

"Lady Palutena said-"

"I don't need Palutena anymore." I said, still frowning and rubbing my head. "I'm a free angel. I don't need some stupid angel to tell me what the goddess said."

I turned and walked away, my head throbbing. I threw the door to my room open and fell onto my bed, kicking the door shut. My room felt comfortable, unlike the sterile, bright white space of the infirmary. I smiled in the darkness, remembering how enveloping it felt. As I put my head on a pillow, I never wanted to leave my room again.

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