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'Lacey's POV'

I wake up in the middle of the night with a throbbing head and a sore torso, I must have inhaled to much water "Nya" I whisper "Nya!" I say a little louder "ya Lacey what's wrong" she asks coming to me "my head and torso hurt" I tell her and she lifts my shirt so that just my stomach and the bottom of my ribcage are exposed, she holds a lamp over it for light and I hear her gasp, when I look down I see that my ribs are bruised a deep purple "Lacey I'll go get sensei" she says walking out of our tent, I look down to my bruised ribs, my ribs have always showed on my skin more than I liked, I guess I haven't filled my figure in yet, at least that's what Tori told me.

Sensei and Nya come back into the tent "ah I see the root I gave you did not heal bruises" he says, lightly touching the bruise, I wince in pain "I'll run to the tea shop and get you some healing tea" sensei says "Nya I want you to keep her awake until I get back" sensei tells Nya "yes sensei" she says, he walks out and Nya walks to me, I try to sit up but Nya grabs my arm to quickly, she helps me "will you let me braid your hair until sensei gets back?" she asks "ya shure" I say, it hurts to talk.

Nya finds a few hair ties and starts, I end up with two long braids, one falling over each shoulder "there done" she says handing me a small mirror "thanks Nya" I say looking at my reflection, I've never thought I was particularly pretty but Tori always said I was "well your like my little sister now" she says putting the mirror away, I feel a single hot tear run down my cold cheek but I don't let it fall, I wipe it away to quickly.

"Lacey" sensei comes back into the tent "yes sensei" I ask "they will not have any of the tea we need until morning" he tells me "ok sensei" I say "will you be ok until morning?" he asks "ya... I'll be fine" I say, my voice sounds raspier than usual "ok you may go back to sleep" he says walking out of the tent, Nya helps me lay back down and I have to clench my teeth when she brings my shirt back down or I will scream out in pain "night Lacey" Nya says getting into her own sleeping bag "night Nya" is all I can say before my vision goes black and I fall asleep.

When I wake up in the morning Nya is gone, I put on Lloyd's hoodie as carefully as possible and get out of the tent "hey, morning Lacey" Lloyd calls coming over to me "morning" I say and my voice still sounds raspy "Lacey sensei got the tea" Nya yells running to Lloyd and me "ok so just drink this" she hands me a cup, I down the cup and it feels very warm in my stomach, all the pain vanishes "ok let's see if it worked" Nya says, carefully lifting the hoodie to look at my ribs "the bruises, there...gone" Nya sounds amazed, she looks up to me and puts the hoodie back down

"Why where you bruised?" Lloyd asks "I don't really know" I tell him shrugging my shoulders and he nods "ok you two go find the guys, sensei and I are going out of town so you guys are going to look for apartments" Nya says as all of the guys come up behind us.

'Coles POV'

"what?! were looking for an apartment?!" Jay asks "ya, and?" Nya asks "we'll look for an apartment sis" Kai says and Nya and Sensei are off.

"no I am!" I hear Lloyd yell from behind us "no I am!" Lacey yells back as me and all of the guys turn to them "no!" Lloyd yells "ya!" Lacey yells "stop!" I yell and they both look startled and look at me "what happened?" I ask "Lloyd said that he is smarter than me" Lilly says "no! you said that you where smarter than me! you started it!" Lloyd yells "no! you started it!" Lacey yells "I said stop!" I yell over them "stop fighting, you have to learn to work together if you are going to defeat Lord Garmadon together" I say "but he's annoying" Lacey shoots "your more annoying!" Lloyd shoots back "no! you are!" she yells, it goes back and forth from one to the other.

I see Kai make his hands into fists and I'm getting fed up with them too "stop!" Kai and I both yell.

'Lacey's POV'

Cole and Kai yell, Lloyd and I immediately stop fighting and look at them "stop fighting" Kai says staring into our soles "but-" Lloyd gets cut off "no buts!" Cole yells "you sound like sensei" I say and both me and Lloyd laugh, as soon as we realize that the other one is laughing we both stop, frown and cross our arms.

"I don't understand, one moment your fighting, and the next moment your laughing together?" Zane questions and the others snicker, I shoot daggers at each of them, Lloyd's gaze catches mine and we both quickly look away, the guys laugh louder this time "shut up!" Lloyd and I talk at the same time again "stop that!" we talk again "you stop!" we yell "both of you stop!" Cole yells the loudest "I'm not going to ask again: stop fighting" Cole says "apologize to each other" Jay says grinning

Lloyd and I look at each other with death stares, neither one of us wanting to be the first to apologize "I'm waiting" Jay smirks "Jay I do not think that either one of them is going to apologize" Zane points out "I think your right Zane" Cole says and they all start grinning "we could hang you two on buildings signs by the back of your shirts, like we did to Lloyd when he stole candy from town" Cole says "go ahead" Lloyd says fearlessly and they approach us "I-I was kidding" Lloyd panics "ya...we weren't" Kai says and they grab both of us.

The next thing I know I'm hanging on a buildings sign with Lloyd beside me "this is your fault" I tell him blandly, crossing my arms "ya I know" he admits "you two are staying up their until you both apologize" Cole calls to us "I'm not apologizing" I say "me either" Lloyd says "stubborn kids" Kai says "hey, we learned from the best" Lloyd says and we both laugh "sorry Lacey" "sorry Lloyd" we say still laughing.

The guys take us down from the signs "we will get you four back for this" Lloyd says to them "ok shorty" Kai laughs "I'm not going to be short forever!" Lloyd half yells "don't worry you'll grow...eventually" I laugh "hey, I'm taller than you" he says smiling "not by much" I say and he walks closer to me "I'm still stronger" he says "you are not!" I yell "wanna bet!?" he yells "ya, I do!" I yell and he tackles me

He throws me to the ground and pins my arms, I get one arm free, push him off of me and pin him on the ground, he pushes me off and pins me again, it goes back and forth for a while but the fight ends because the guys pull us apart "stop" Zane says "I monitored the whole fight and your strength is exactly equal" he says "really" I ask breathing hard "I was shure that I was stronger" Lloyd says smiling and also breathing hard "your a jerk" I joke with him "thanks, right back at you" he jokes

"C'mon if we don't find an apartment today Nya will kill us" Kai says "k let's go" I say and we're off.

We meet up with the real estate agent and the first apartment we look at is old and smells weird "this amazing apartment has three bedrooms and one bathroom" the agent says "it smells like old people" Lloyd says and I giggle quietly "ya, isn't there any better apartments" Cole asks "this is it in your price range, but we do have the penthouse" the agent says, smiling her fake smile "well let's see it" Jay says jumpily.

She takes us to the penthouse and it's huge "the penthouse has four bathrooms, four bedrooms, a dragon landing pad on the roof, and an indoor training facility " she says "ok guys it's a little pricey but if we get jobs than we can pull it off and still train Lloyd and Lacey" Cole says and we all nod, the guys go out and get jobs while Lloyd and I train.

"Kick.....punch......kick.....punch.....kic-owwww" I mumble as Lloyd shoves the punching bag backwards, landing me on the floor "sorry Lacey" he says helping me up "Lloyd what's wrong" I ask "it's just.....knowing that I have to fight my dad, I'm afraid" he says and I smile "you? afraid?" I ask and he smiles back at me, he jumps on me and starts to tickle me, I tickle back and it turns into a full fledged tickle-fight "ummm" Jay breathes seeing us tickling each other on the floor, we both stand up immediately, I brush off my pants like I got dirt on them, not that I did.

I look around for the others but it's just Jay, almost as if on cue the other three walk in "guys you won't believe it Lloyd and Lil-mumph" Lloyd and I tackle him to the ground and we each slap a hand over his mouth "what happened" Cole asks raising an eyebrow, he grabs me by the arms and lifts me off of Jay, Kai grabs Lloyd and they hold us off of him "so as I was saying, they where getting along and tickling each other" Jay says giggling, I feel heat rush into my cheeks "I thought you where training" Kai questions "we were" Lloyd defends "ok well we've all got to work in about an hour so actually train this time" Cole says "yes Cole" I say rolling my eyes "fine" Lloyd says.

The first weeks rent is easy to make but the second week isn't.

One day while the guys are working Lloyd and I decide to play some video games, while we're playing I see a reflection in the TV it looks like "Scales!" I yell and both Lloyd and I jump from our spots on the couch and run for the door "door is locked" the door says "I know I want it open!!" Lloyd yells, hitting random buttons, Scales is now a few feet from us, "Lloyd! Lacey!" yells Nya from the other side of the door "Nya! Sensei!" I yell pounding on the door.

Well in the end all of the guys got fired and we moved into the other apartment.

"I go away for one week and everything falls apart" Nya says as we unpack "Nya I missed you, being the only girl with five guys isn't very easy" I say, opening a box "oh I know all about it" she laughs "I heard that you and Lloyd got hung on building signs" Sensei says coming up to us "ya we where fighting and neither of us would apologize so the guys put us there until we did" I tell him and he chuckles "are you two still fighting" Nya asks "no" I say "no I caught them having a little tickle fight last week" Jay says putting his box down and I see him smirk "shut up" I say running to help Lloyd carry in the big box that he is carrying "thanks" Lloyd says "no problem" I say as we hit something and whatever we hit falls "let me carry that" Cole says taking the box.

I look to the floor and what we hit is Kai "sorry Kai" I say "just hope that there was nothing breakable in that box" he says getting up, Lloyd and I laugh and run to the truck to get another box.

When we finish we all get our own stuff to our separate rooms, until tomorrow Nya and I are just sleeping on our mattresses on the ground, I get on a tank top with my favourite green plaid pyjama bottoms and throw a hoodie on over it because it's freezing in our apartment, I sit on my mattress and take out my framed picture of me and Tori, I grabbed it before the devourer ate the ship. In the picture Tori and I are under a tree in the fall, the leaves are falling all around us, in the picture we are both laying in a big pile of leaves, I can see my mothers necklace on me in the picture, I brush over the necklace in the picture lightly, with my fingertips "what's that" Nya asks, coming to sit beside me "it's a picture of me and Tori..... before I found out she is a serpentine" I say shakily and Nya goes over to a box, she opens it and brings over a picture in a frame "this is me, Kai my mom and dad" she says.

The woman in the picture looks exactly like Nya with longer hair, the man looks more like Kai, they are standing in front of a blacksmiths shop, I assume that's their fathers shop: Four Weapons.

"You look just like your mom" I say, looking at Nya "ya I think so too" she says "you don't really look like Tori, witch one of your parents do you look like Lacey" Nya asks "um, I don't know, my dad died before I was born and I never knew my mom.....she left me and Tori when I was little" I say, choking back tears "I'm sorry Lacey, it was hard for me at your age too but it gets easier, I promise" she says and I get confused "what do you mean" I ask "my parents died" she says "Nya I'm sorry" I say feeling tears well up in my eyes 'stop it Lacey' I think trying to blink them back "I'm gonna get some hot chocolate, want some" she asks standing up "ya!" I yell, and the tears go away.

We both go out to the tiny kitchen and start the kettle "can I have some" Lloyd asks walking in in his pyjamas "ya" Nya answers, I get out a third cup and put chocolate powder into all three, the kettle screeches and Nya puts the water into the cups, I get the milk and Lloyd gets the marshmallows, we sit at the kitchen table and stuff as many marshmallows into our cheeks as possible and wash them down with the hot chocolate, Nya comes and sits with us "careful you don't choke" she says "ok Nya" I say finishing my hot chocolate, Lloyd finishes his too and we shove more marshmallows into our mouthes

"What are you guys doing" Jay asks walking up to us and kissing Nya on the cheek "ewe" Lloyd and I say through the marshmallows in our mouthes, Nya and Jay giggle "well Lloyd and Lacey are having a 'who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth without dying' contest" Nya tells him, we all laugh and Lloyd and I swallow our marshmallows "so who won" Jay asks "I did" Lloyd and I say at the same time "no I did!" We say "no I did!" we yell "stop it the others are sleeping" Nya scolds "no their not" Jay says "so I guess that it's a tie" Jay says "no, their are no ties...I won" Lloyd says "no I won" I say "Zane!" Jay yells and the nindroid comes running out.

"Yes brother" he asks "can you scan these two and tell them who ate more marshmallows" Jay asks "yes, so this bag was full" Zane asks holding up the now empty bag "ya" Lloyd answers sheepishly "wholly you two ate a lot of marshmallows" Kai says as Kai and Cole walk up to us "well you two ate exactly half of the bag each, you are, once again exactly equal" Zane says and Lloyd and I both have a confused look on our faces "so in other words if you two ever battled each other, the battle would go on forever because you are equal" Nya tells us, I nod "now brush your teeth and get to bed you two, in the morning we will be looking for a new place to train you guys" Cole says, Lloyd and I race into the bathroom and we both brush our teeth.

'Nya's POV'

Once they are out of ear shot Kai speaks "Is it just me or do they act more or less like a young couple would" he says "I've noticed it two" Cole says "ya those two are like, inseparable" I say "they probably do not think anything of it" Zane says, processing everything "maybe it's just a faze" Jay shrugs "we'll find out soon enough I guess" Kai says.

I hear some one yell "NIGHT NYA!" from the bathroom "night Lacey!" I yell back, not quite as loud "I better get to bed" I say putting the mugs in the sink "night guys" I call "night Nya" they call back, when I walk into our room Lacey is already half asleep, I get into bed too and fall asleep.

'Lacey's POV'

When I get into Nya and I's room I put my picture of Tori and me on my bedside table and snuggle into the sheets, sleep takes over quickly and softly.

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