🌗🖤 Darkness Arise 🌙🌑

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Delinquent Valt X Popular Shu

This story is taking place in Japan, Beigoma City, Tokyo. Both Shu and Valt live here but in a very different way.

They're not childhood friends and didn't bother to go anywhere leaving Japan.

It's an AU (Alternative universe) and Beyblade doesn't exist here. But you'll going to see Valtryek and Spryzen in a different way.

Well ^.^' I'm kinda dark mode addicted person so be prepared for something dark and deep...

Take me through the night... Fall into the Darkside~

So familiar with my One shot right?

Well nope kinda different but following that storyline :D Enjoy~


Third Person's POV

LIFE IS HARD. It may be beautiful and wonderful but it's also hard. The way people seem to cope is by not thinking about it too much.

But some people are not going to be able to do that. And besides, it's the human condition. We think therefore we're. We know we've to live anyway.

Money, it's simply a thin paper but worth a lot, everything has a price, with that you can buy anything in a mere seconds and nowadays it's a real big deal.

Just like how this world sees a person useless without no education, a person without money is worthless, they got another reason to criticize people for what they don't have...

"We're not in love

We share no stories

Just something in your eyes

Don't be afraid

The shadows know me

Let's leave the world behind..."

... At somewhere...

Dark navy blue sky filled with moonlight and stars. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was picturesque.

"*Boom*", suddenly sound of a gunshot tore up the peaceful night's environment.

"*Click clack clack tap*", a few footsteps echoed until a "*Thud*" could be heard.

With a heavy boot footsteps "*Thump*" a shadowy figure landed on the 2nd rooftop of a 4th floored building. They sighed tiredly.

"Not today old man *Pant* it's not easy to catch me Hiyaaa! ", They started running until they jumped on the other building's rooftop.

"Calm back here you CAN'T leave betraying Me! Brat!", An angry voice shouted running behind the shadowy figure.

"*Clang clack*", the person fired with their gun and the shadow person was dodging it nonetheless. Both landed on the ground. The person huffed.

"Grr, well huh! I know! Ahem bring the kid whom we caught from that alley", the person was a middle aged man with a purple and black masquerade ordered his man to bring someone.

"Here Sir", another man replied back but he wasn't wearing any mask. He dragged out a kid, a boy maybe 10 year old.

The boy was struggling to get out from his strong grip but no use. He kicked his legs as the boy fell face first in the ground an inch away near the foot of the masked man.

"Ahh", the kid groaned in pain. "*Gasp* Let him go. Now!", The shadowy figure turned their attention to the kid as the kid was mourning in pain.

"No no no my bad! Shadow V' , my boy what you've thought you can escape so easily? Huh your soft heart still crying for this poor kid aren't you?", The masked man smirked creepily as Shadow V' gritted his teeth.

"Old man this is the business between just me and you so let him go!", He demanded. He headed forward to the middle aged man.

The moonlight shown on him getting a little view of him. He was wearing a black cloak and covering his half face with a black masquerade.

His brown eyes glowing in the light daggering stares of hatred towards the man in front of him.

"Will I? Let me think No!", He smirked and picked up the little boy grabbing his throat causing him grasping for air to breathe.

"I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE! CAN'T YOU HEAR THAT?", Shadow V' shouted and charged with his dagger and slashed through the old man's hand.

He forced to leave the boy as he fell down in the ground panting and breathing heavily.

"Little guy! Come with me", Shadow V' picked up the boy in his arms giving him a warm smile softly.

The boy nodded clinging onto his shoulder tightly. Then he turned his attention to the man.

"You! Better stay away from my way! From today our ways are different! I'm not gonna kill any person for your stupid reason", he declared.

"Huh! Very funny my boy. Don't forget that I'm the one who raised you up and taught you everything when you were left in the road abandoned. How ungrateful! You were wandering like a beggar in the street now after all of these that's what you left to say?", The masked man questioned.

"Yes you did. And I'm really grateful to you for that day but for these all years I've given you enough for paying those as my debt I guess. Yes the thing I can't repay your kindness but that's not what you were back then!", He panted then put the boy down assuring him by patting his shoulders signalling he would be safe.

Then he continued, "I was always with you whenever you used to teach me how to steel and the coolest way to enter somewhere without any slight clue. I admit I enjoyed all the things you did for me. I admired you but everything changed when you started killing innocent people for your fun and cruel experiment. I hate this and I can't do the same. Using someone for your own selfishness I won't agree".

"So now you're saying that you'll going to betray me?", The masked man gave a dangerous tone. "No Ashtem I'm not betraying you. I'm quitting your company, I've paid all of my debts in those years now I can't stay with a murderer like you. Sorry Theodore but that's all what I can say. Don't worry Mr. Glass nobody would get to know about your secret organization, you have my word", Shadow V' said out.

"Well if I'm a murderer then you're not better than a popular Criminal in this entire city don't forget that", Ashtem smirked trying to get in nerves of V'.

"Huh I know that very well better than you. The person I created myself won't live a normal life but better than murdering innocent people", but V' only let out a dry laugh.

"So if it's all you have to say then go I won't stop you. But if you come in my way I won't hesitate to tear your head with my gun's bullet", Ashtem gave a blank stare.

"Hope we'll meet again Shadow V' or I better say Valt Aoi~", he smirked evilly. V' aka Valt gasped and bit his lip, "Don't call me by that", he lowered his voice.

"Don't worry we'll keep each other's little secret right my boy?", Valt nodded at Ashtem's words. "Very good hope we'll meet soon", he said.

"Well then I guess goodbye Ashtem", Valt gently picked up the little boy in his arms again and run down to a dark alley then jumped on another building next he vanished from the sight.

"Sir-", the man who was dragging the little boy proceed to ran after V' but Ashtem raised out his left hand signalling him to stop.

"It's no use now. Let them go. Now go back to our place and started working we've got a new lab rat to play", he ordered the man. "Yes Sir!", He saluted and left.

"Well well Valt Aoi enjoy your days until your last breath. You've no choice except surrendering to me. The time will come very soon my boy. Just wait and watch. Just wait and watch", he keep repeating those last words until he disappeared in the darkness.

~*Meanwhile with Shadow V'*~

Valt put down the little boy safely in front of an orphanage. "Here you go little guy you're safe now, go to Miss Ange you're in home now", he patted his head. "Thank you V' *genuine smile*", the boy replied.

"John! Oh my God where were you?", A lady maybe looked like 40 came out from the door and rushed to the boy.

"Miss I was playing with my friends then suddenly some men dragged me with them but V' saved me", he replied making Ange frowned.

"V'? But how it's possible?", She didn't believe. "Yes he is look there-", but when he looked behind there was nothing.

"I don't know who saved you but I'm glad you're safe. Thanks to the God", she breathed and held his hands heading inside, "Let's go inside it's already night you've to sleep John".

"But-", the little guy looked behind again then he spotted V' standing on the rooftop of a beside building with his index finger on his lips signalling like, "Let's keep this secret between us two only". He winked then vanished from the sight. The little boy smiled.

After leaving the little boy there Valt started heading back. He could be worry free now. At least what he thought then until...

"*Boom*", another sound of gunshot made him slipped his balance but still he managed himself and frowned at the source where the bullet came from.

He spotted someone with silver hairs and a red and black suit. The person covered themselves in a black and red masquerade.

"Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it

Let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side..."

He bit his lip thinking about if it was any man of Ashtem or not but then something caught his attention.

He looked at the person's suit. There was a logo printed on their suit's left side which he knew very well.

"Wait Ashtem can murder people but he hasn't the gut to print the government logo on his shirt. That's mean?", He thought but another bullet torn apart his train of thoughts. "Ok better if I first deal with this one", he muttered.

Shadow V' picked up his own gun and shoot pointing at the red masked person's feet. The Red Masked one dodged with a backflip then landed perfectly.

Valt was impressed by it. He grinned unknowingly and opened his mouth, "So a new rat of government send to chase the cat? Pretty funny". He mocked.

The silver haired person replied, "I guess you're the rat I'm gonna catch today in the rat trap". It was a male voice seemed calm and serious.

V' rolled his eyes, "Wow you government people are full with your pride Huh! You bet I won't let you touch a single hair of mine", he dusted off some dirts from his shoulders.

But in his dismay the red masked man charged foward to him ready to throw a punch. V' dodged swiftly then jumped on another building rooftop.

"Sorry but rats aren't faster than the cats~", he cooed making the red masked one huffed in annoyance. He suddenly jumped on the same hight making V' gasp in surprise.

"How-", the person was so fast V' hardly got to know where he came from. The Red Masked pinned him in the wall grabbing his shoulders.

Their faces were inches away dangerously close for Valt. He didn't know why he felt his cheeks were burning.

He took a breath and pushed away the person shaking off the weird feeling. "Personal space please", he can't help but shouted.

"What?", The Red Masked asked out in confusion. "Can't you hear I said give me some personal space. I don't like close contact", Valt said nervously.

"By the way who are you? Did those government people tired of chasing me that they're sending masked men now? How ridiculous", He said in a playful manner.

"No we're not until we get rid of a criminal like you. My name is Fire Flame and I'm willing to catch you and send you in jail", the guy named Fire Flame told him.

"Pretty amazing hope you won't bore me like those policemen does Mr Detective~", Shadow V' yawned. "Wow I even found a sweet name for you didn't I?", Valt giggled.

"Turn off this fishy game Mr V' and come to battle me if you dare. One on one, fair and square", Fire Flame declared throwing a direct challenge towards him.

"Impressive. Well in this case Shadow V' never walked back from a true challenge. I like your spirit! True spirit of a fighter. Challenge Accepted!", Valt went serious and started focusing on every movement.

He raised his gun in his right hand and started shooting. They dodged and attacked back and forth with each other's movement but seemed like they both were equal in strength. No win no lose.

Both were sweating and panting but Shadow V' didn't think it would be so hard for him to handle but one thing he could do... Escape.

He slowly began to retreat but then Fire Flame grabbed the cloak and pulled him forward.

V' let out an yelp and found himself locked between Fire Flame's arms. He was a little taller than Valt so he has to look up to meet his eyes.

Fire Flame's eyes were unpredictable because of that damn red fabric of the mask. But Shadow V's brown eyes showed a little fear as he gulped and struggled to get out from his grip.

"So Mr V' I can sense your fear. What happened to your bravery?", Now Fire mocked him. Valt gritted his teeth.

"No that's not what- I've said you before fight with me, battle and throw any comments but don't break my personal space please I hate it", he shouted or maybe begged.

"Then I guess I've found your weakness", he suddenly started learning forward and Valt's heart started beating. He felt his cheeks were burning red.

"Fear me I'll end you", Fire whispered in his ear quietly. Fire Flame's this word made Valt serious again as he harshly pushed him away and got back in attack position.

"Beneath the sky

As black as diamonds

We're running out of time (Time, time)

Don't wait for truth

To come and blind us

Let's just believe their lies..."

"Thanks for reminding me why I HATE popular People like YOU!", He let his anger boiled him as he charged with his dagger which was given by someone very special to him.

"Hiyaa! You're talking about fishy game huh? Then you're the one who's fishy", Valt felt kinda irritated and harshly slashed through Fire Flame's shoulder cutting out a little bit.

Fire flinched and blood started dripping from the wound. Shadow V's eyes widened when he saw the blood. Blood...

"Blood! No I didn't mean- Not blood! I hate it! I won't do it I won't", He panicked as he dropped the dagger.

Fire Flame concerned for a minute for this sudden outburst and slowly made way to Shadow V' and slightly shook him getting his full attention. "You okay? What happened?", He asked.

"I? Me? No! I hate blood I'm sorry", he gently pushed Fire's hands, with that he backed away step by step picking up the dagger with him and when Valt thought it's enough he just ran away.

"Wait!", Fire shouted but it was too late cause V' was long gone. The only thing Fire remembered that was V's brown eyes showed sadness.

"But why he was so sad? It was not so big cut though", he touched his wound and thought about treating it first as V' already escaped from him.

Fire couldn't help but concerned at V's sudden behaviour, "He felt like he was in pain. Like getting flashbacks of something horrible".

"... I wonder what is it. Maybe I'll get to know someday?...", With that Fire Flame headed back to his place.

"Fall into the dark side

Give into the dark side

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it

Let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side..."

"... I won't repeat the same mistake ever!", A raspy voice echoed and dark clouds moved to let the moonlight shine. Shadow V' wipped off his tears and looked at the sky, "Not again..."...

Then he hid himself with his cloak and jumped from the rooftop landing on the ground perfectly next he let himself engulfed by the complete darkness... Whom he knew the most...

So what Ashtem really thinking? Will Valt ever find out?

Or who the hell is this Fire Flame? Will this mysterious guy have a big impact on Valt's life?

Read to find out yourself~


So 😅 I'm back again after finishing my exams 🙃

Hope you've enjoyed the story 😊

Word count: 2847

See you soon 🖤💙🌙

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