✊👊 Defeating The Cruelty ⚔️🗡️

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Hola! Sorry my folks it's been a long time no update :')

Actually I was stuck in a writer block *sigh* Ok now I'm back :)


At least I AM! So let's start~


~*Last Time*~

... At Aiger's place...

"They... Took him with them...", Aiger managed to let out as Valt's grasp lose his shirt collar and Valt fell on the bed. "No It's not true... IT CAN'T BE!", He cried aloud.

Aiger stayed silent just seeing him like that. "Shu?", he said out remembering what Fubuki said to him, "They... Took... Him!"

"You're my idiot. Love you my blueberry", Shu's face flashed in Valt's head.

"No I'll bring you back Shu... It's my promise! Ashtem you'll play", Valt's brown eyes glowed in determination.

"No matter what is the cost"...

"Hey-o, here comes the danger up in this club

When we get started and we ain't gonna stop

We gonna turn it out till it gets too hot

Everybody sing, hey-O

Tell'em turn it up till they can't no more

Let's get this thing shakin' like a disco ball

This is your last warning, a courtesy call..."

~*Present Time*~

Third Person's POV

A lunar eclipse is what happens when, if you were standing on the Moon, you would see Earth block out the Sun. It occurs when the full Moon enters the shadow of Earth, which cuts off all or part of the sunlight reflected off the Moon.

From the Earth it's just like the time of Moonless night sky. In fact, hiding behind the clouds waiting for that time ... Just before being swallowed up by the darkness...

... At somewhere...

The room was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber in there and you would feel a chill as the darkness engulfed you.

It was the most piercing darkness ever-it was not merely the darkness that came out of absence of light, it was much more sinister...

Shu's POV

How the hell did we get here? What caused that to happen? And what the hell am I going to do about it?

"Just who the hell are you, Valt Aoi!?", I screamed at the brown eyed killer. I knew it as much as he did. He was Shadow V'. Why he was here like this?

"I-... I don't know. I thought I knew what I wanted from becoming this...", He mumbled, tears forming in his terror filled eyes. "Valt?", I cupped his cheeks and wiped off those tears.

"I'm sorry Shu. This is all my fault! If I never showed up in your life... You wouldn't end up like this. It's all my fault because of me you're suffering. I'm so sorry I'm...", He cried.

"Wait! What do you mean by it's all your fault?", I asked but he only repeated those words, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...". "Valt? Valt-", and with that everything went black again...

What exactly did he mean by that?

"I am not afraid of the storm that comes my way

When it hits it shakes me to the core

And makes me stronger than before

It's not a question about trust

But will you stand with us

Can you feel it, make it real?..."


Third Person's POV

A boy with messy silvery white hair slowly woke up with his crimson eyes that hazily looked around only to find an obscure place of eternal dark void.

He blinked as if that would clear up his view. The albino groaned in confusion and tried to stand when he realized he was sitting only to find out his hands were tied up.

Shu wobbled his body but the rope tied up on the chair were really tight. Panic rose up thinking he had been kidnapped but he dismissed that thought and to think rationally in order to get out of that freaking place.

"Don't think you can escape easily Fire Flame", A hush icy voice broke the deafening silence that sent shivers through his spine as his eyes widen in utter disbelief seeing that shadowy figure in front of him.

"You...?", Shu managed to asked out.

... With Free and Fubuki...

Free's POV

It had been about years since I moved to Japan for my new job. I was always at the top of my classes. I was always the one to finish my cases first. Why the hell wouldn't I be assigned to the case of Snake Eye and Death Soul?

So, here I was. I was in Japan, working for the police to find Death Soul. But I didn't expect Fire Flame to fall in love with the only person Shadow V' who knew Snake Eye's true identity.

Well guess what? After researching and gathering alot of information I got to know that Shadow V' aka Valt Aoi once used to work for Death Soul... Unbelievable!

But my question is if it was that then why he left this place for spending his life as a delinquent? Only he could answer all of these questions.

"Fubuki! Quick contact Aiger! We need to talk with Valt!", I shouted at Fubuki. "But why Valt? We need to find Shu as soon as-", he protested but I cut him off.

"I said we need him RIGHT NOW!", he startled by my sudden outburst but obeyed quickly. "Ok I'm calling Aiger", he brought out the phone and dialled Aiger's number.

"Grr! AIGER please pick up the call", Fubuki groaned as we both were getting impatient.

"The person you're calling is not answering please try again later", and the call ended.

"What?", Fubuki tried again but this time the call maybe cut out quickly. Then a "~*Ding*~" sound chimed in his phone. Fubuki noticed that it was a text message from Aiger.

"We're on our way for saving Shu...", The text message said. "Excuse me? How did he know where Shu is? Heck we didn't even find out the place's exact location", Fubuki complained.

I snatched away the phone from Fubuki's hand kinda forcefully. "What are you planning Valt?", I muttered out as I was sure definitely Valt was the one who thought about going there and Aiger followed behind.

"Tell Aiger to send us the location right after they reach there", I told Fubuki as he texted the maroon boy. In a reply his phone ding with another message, "Got it!".

I sighed heavily as we both looked at the night sky which was dark because of the lunar eclipse. We saw the moon was eaten up by the darkness slowly.

"I think it might wash away tonight

Awaken from this never ending fight

It takes more than meets the eye

This war we're fighting it's not just rotting..."

... With Valt and Aiger...

~*The time before Free found out Valt's connection with Death Soul*~

Aiger's POV

"I couldn't believe what I was doing. It was very stupid, but my Shu was in danger. He was so freaking stupid thinking he could go after Ashtem alone", Valt muttered out.

"Please, tell me where Free and Fubuki are I'm begging you", he pleaded to me fidgeting in his chair with anticipation. He needed to find Shu.

"Look Valt they're still in the WBBA HQ finding the location of Death Soul. If I'm not wrong Snake Eye took him. We've to find a way to trace him cause we didn't get to know where in the hell is his secret hideout", I gritted my teeth in regret and clutched my hands in a fist not sure about what to do.

I wished I could go there at least maybe I could help the trio and stopped those jerks from taking Shu... "Grr why him?", I let out a groan.

"Aiger?", Valt's voice broke my own thoughts. "Huh?", I looked at him. "Let's go! I know what to do", he said as I blinked at this.

"What? How-", but he cut me off. "Trust me! We'll find Shu for sure!", Valt's brown eyes fall on my turquoise ones and I guess there was something in his eyes... Pure determination... I blinked.

"We should contact Fre-", I tried to convince. "No I'm afraid we're running out of time. We've to hurry! If you're not coming I'm going all alone", Valt put on his Shadow V' attire and proceed to head to the door.

"Wait! If Shu was not there I'm not standing here anymore. If I've any feelings for him, I've always respected him as my elder brother! So there's no way I'm leaving him to rot in that hell", I shouted back wearing my own Scarlet Supernova attire.

A red cloak I loved to wear with a red and yellow bordered masquerade on my face to cover my identity. I took out my two favorite weapons also, which were a rifle and a dagger.

"That's the spirit! My Supernova!", Valt grinned. "Absolutely! Shadow V'!", I replied back. Valt frowned at this.

"Well I guess forget about that name. Now please call me Blue Knight!", He exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.

"Wow Blue! Ok then let's go Blue Knight we've a mission to accomplish. Saving Shu aka our Fire Flame!", I aka the Scarlet Supernova exclaimed. "Roger that!", Blue Knight replied back as he took his weapons.

And with that we two left the house heading to the location Valt guided me to follow.

Then suddenly Fubuki called me. I muted it and ignored for a while after that it went off.

Then I texted him, "We're on our way for saving Shu!" I sighed and put it aside to avoid distraction.

Then as my phone ding with another message from Fubuki I replied back, "Got it!"

"Trust me Guys I've a feeling we'll make it and save Shu for sure!", I thought to myself as my turquoise blue eyes sparkled in determination.

"There's a rumble in the floor

So get prepared for war

When it hits it'll knock you to the ground

When it shakes up everything around

But survival is a must

So will you stand with us

Can you feel it, make it real

Make me feel it..."

... Back with Shu...

Shu's POV

I looked up at the shadowy figure as my eyes widened in shock. It was...

"You?...", I managed to get those words out as the person showed a evil grin. The room was dark only a small dim light was the source which was illuminating in the darkness.

"My my my isn't it the great famous detective Fire Flame? The head of the World's Biggest Bureau Association? WBBA? Ha! Now look you're struggling like a rat to be free", the person's purple mask glowed in the dim light.

"Ashtem? I mean Snake Eye?", I gulped as I felt his cold stares were right on me watching me eagerly like a animal wanting to hunt me down as his prey.

"Yes the one and only dear Fire", Ashtem mocked making me grit my teeth in disgust. I glared at him.

"What do you want from me now? Haven't you satisfied after destroying the half of our WBBA? I just can't believe you use our own people for betraying us and they did what a shame. But I can't understand one thing clearly what you exactly want from us? From WBBA?", I asked him.

"Huh! Destroying the WBBA isn't my main concern I'm planning to destroy each and every defender of justice. Cause there's more fun to break people's spirits more than breaking their bodies hahaha. Killing someone mentally feels so amazing", he laughed like a psychopath. My eyes went wide in horror.

"You BASTERD! Let me get out from here! If I don't get a chance to throw a solid punch in your dirty face then my name isn't Fire Flame!", I struggled hard to tear off those ropes but no use.

"Struggle as much as you want but nothing you can do. Well you can be a perfect object and great experiment in my new invention 'Requiem Project' huh", Ashtem came closer until he was inches away from my face. "Requiem What?", I asked.

"My new invention! Say me Fire Flame! What do you think? Don't you want to be more strong? More powerful? Believe me being strong and powerful can lead you anywhere in this world. You can be anything", Ashtem laughed out raising both of his hands.

"No! Being strong isn't everything. It'll only make you weak inside and force you to shove everyone aside and make you selfish", I pointed out furrowing my eyebrows.

"Huh that's why I want you Fire Flame or I better say Shu Kurenai...", His words made me gasp, "How?... Did you know?"...

"Huh! Well Shu... You should have been more vigilant. Who knows how many things are going on without your knowledge ...", He trailed off.

"Well why do you even care? You just need a lab rat for your experiment. You've no interest in my life anyway", I said.

"Hmm I wanna know how is your little lover doing? Oh my you're shouting at me when you're the one who fell in love with a criminal", his lips curled up into a creepy smirk.

I blushed a little at this but quickly shrugged it off. "WHAT? I don't-", "Don't lie to me Shu. I know you're in love with Shadow V' or I better say Valt Aoi~ my little boy~", Ashtem pulled out a tone which made me worry. How he knew about Valt?

"You? Know him?", I blinked. "Well looks like your sweet blueberry didn't tell you the whole truth yet, practically I'm the one who raised him up ya know? Maybe like his own father. Now that he betrayed me so I just want him to come back. You can say a lovely father and son reunion", his those words stopped my heartbeat.

'Valt know him? They're related?' "No! You can't trick me old hag- I know very well. And I'm sure you've used Valt just like you're using me now", I said.

"Hmm just wait and watch Kurenai... You'll see what's next. Well take care my dear little lab rat", with that he left the room leaving me alone in the dark again, "Valt where are you? Well the main question... Who are you really?"

The only thoughts wandering around my head what was happening... How am I supposed to get out from here?...

... Back with Valt...

Valt's POV

It took us a while, but we finally made it to the stupid apartment building. I was going to find Ashtem's dumb face, and I was going to enjoy kicking him very hard in the goddamned face.

"Valt I've sent the two our location. I hope they'll come as soon as possible till then let's search for Shu by ourselves", Supernova pointed out.

"Ya let's go", we entered into the building. Surprisingly there was no guard in the front gate.

Probably for fooling people showing it was totally abandoned and useless.

But I bet there was high security inside we just had to cross the gate and I didn't even know what we would face but no matter what we'd to fight back against all of them.

"Shu!", I shouted into the empty void of the abandoned building. But to my dismay, I was left with no response.

Furiously stomping deeper into the dark towering building, I glanced around my surroundings, cobwebs and spiders crawling about the walls.

I shivered at the sight instead of being used by the darkness, but it didn't stop me from wandering deeper into the rusty and abandoned building.

"Blue! Be careful!", Scarlet warned me in a strict tone. I nodded and I really should've been more careful, but being the unlucky and clumsy me, what can you expect.

I tripped over my own feet, catching myself with my arms, leaving dust and rocks to hug onto them,"Ouch!" 'God dang it!'

"Oh com'on where gone my ability? Did it also vanish after I quit as Shadow V' ?", I questioned myself wondering about my sudden stupidity.

Oh I remember it all started happening after I got a feeling falling for Shu slowly... UH- STUPID FEELINGS!

"Com'on Valt it's not the time for complaining- oh my are you okay?", Aiger came closer. I cursed myself still lying on the floor.

Wiping myself off, I sat on the ground just to find a paper came to me flying. I stood up catching it in my hands and opened it.

It was some letters written as I noticed closely my eyes widened in shock as those words started haunting me again... Not again... No!

It was written—

"Dear Valt Aoi~ nice to see you again my little boy. I guess you love your Shu so much that you returned back here again without any hesitation.

I really appreciate it. Then I guess you'll find your lover very soon. Good luck for that. But one thing to say...

Will he be the same after knowing the truth about you? After knowing who are you really? Shadow V' or more?... Well whatever good luck for that...!"

And it ended. I fell on my knees on the ground again. I just couldn't think straight now. What would I do now?

"Valt? What is this?", Aiger took that piece of paper from my hands. He read all of that and he gasped in disbelief. Now how was I supposed to reply him? How?

Oh God this was all my fault. I shouldn't meet Shu. I shouldn't come to anyone's life, now they're all in danger because of me.

"Scarlet! Shadow V'!", A voice called us. "God we finally found you out! Thanks goodness", some footsteps echoed until the people came closer to us.

It were Fafnir and Forneus. "Guys! You're here!", Aiger ran to them but I couldn't move an inch.

"Valt? What happened to him?", Fubuki asked as Free stayed silent. Free noticed that paper as he read and nodded in acknowledgement.

"So mind to explain the entire story? Valt? Or I better stay the trump card of Snake Eye?", Free said in a cold tone. I nodded.

Since my back is against the wall, there is no way to escape. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"It's been two years since then, but I can still hear the bloody screams of her. The previous leader of WBBA, SolRa aka Kristina Kuroda. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to. But I wanted to end that old man all by myself..."

"That leads me killing her as he used her to cover him and after that he sliced through his poisonous knife into her skin. I couldn't do anything except standing there in shock. After that I ran away and hid from everyone for a while. Because I couldn't forget".

"It's like he's punishing me for starting the fire of protest. Coming back to haunt me from the dead depths of hell. Ashtem was tired of waiting for me there. He wanted me there immediately. The only thing that haunts me more than that, is if Shu found out, he's gonna hate me..."

Suddenly Free came out from nowhere pinning me in the ground, "So you're the one who killed her huh?"

And as expected he was in pure rage. Why not? After all it was all my fault that SolRa aka Kris was murdered by Ashtem.

"No I didn't but it was my fault she got killed by Ashtem", I confessed my guilt. "FREE! STOP!", I heard the other two shouted.

I felt Free's grip on me tightened up as I struggled for breath but didn't complain.

Next Aiger and Fubuki both shoved him off from me. What else I had to say anyway? I just sat there.

Nothing made sense anymore. My whole family died and now the person I love was in danger. I cried.

Those painful tears that have been suppressed for years, held in so that I could find the person that killed them and shed them once I found the killer. Every single burning tear.

"Here I am again. Stuck in the past. I need to save Shu. Who knows he was losing too much blood, and I need to take them out. If they found out Shu's true identity..."

"And I can still hear their bloody screams whom those basterds killed. Their cries for help. They're all waiting for me to come join them in hell..."

My hands were shaking, trembling in absolute terror. Sweat was trickling down my back, dampening my shirt and having it stick to my body.

Everything I worked for these past years. Poof. Gone. Nothing I could do about it.

And it all came crashing down. I got up from the dusty and cracked floor and wiped my teary eyes with the sleeve of my shirt.

"So I guess it's enough for you all?", I managed to let out. "Are you done crying? Com'on we don't have any single min to waste. We've to find Shu", I heard Free exclaimed.

I looked up to see him looking at me straight. I nodded as I stood up. But right then-

"Haha what an wonderful show. Well done my boy", a voice echoed in the dark. I looked carefully and found out it was coming from a hidden speaker in a corner of the building.

Maybe a hidden camera also... Absolutely... That was going to happen anyway.

"ASHTEM! Where in the hell you've kept Fire Flame? No matter where you hide him, I promise I'll find him!", I challenged him as he chuckled, "I wonder if you even find him".

"Grr! Stop playing and tell us where is Fire Flame?", Free interrupted hardly keeping himself from the rage burning up his entire body. Ashtem cackled.

"Before I tell you, may I tell you a secret? And will y'all", Ashtem giggled like a crazy child.

"I will do anything to know where he is", I stated, not worrying about the consequences.

"Hehe. Good. Fire isn't the person that belongs to your family. It 'was' the person you're trying to save", He laughed like a maniac, dark sound making it seen as if the room was rumbling, shaking and swirling.

I was so surprised, I felt like fainting on the spot. I recalled back my last night's horrible nightmare. Then Ashtem said, "The one that killed your Shu is Me".

No. Nononononono. This couldn't be true. That was just a bad dream.

"I think it might wash away tonight

Awaken from this never ending fight

It takes more than meets the eye

This war we're fighting is not just rotting..."

"You're bluffing! You just don't want me to find Fire Flame so that he'll die and won't be able to belong to anyone else. You're lying!" I screeched, hyperventilating at the single thought. It couldn't possibly be. All I'd worked for...

"Oh, yes. It is true. In fact, you can see him once you find him on the top floor of the burnt apartment complex", And he freaking chuckled.

He freaking burst out into psychotic laughter. All if I could do was firmly ready my fist, and slam it down right in his sweet psychotic damn face, crunching very satisfyingly at impact.

"Pfft. Look who's laughing now, little rat", And with that, I left the crazy freak and went to go find my lover.

While Free and others followed behind. Grr how dare that old man to say these type of things about my Shu in front of me? I should kill him!

And as I'd guessed right after we entered into the main base the rain of bullets started showering on us from all around the places.

"Uh! Guys are y'all okay?", I asked others dodging as much bullets as possible. "Yes! Let's move forward!", Free shouted.

"Wait! Do you think you can win so easily?", Another voice caught our attention as we came face to face with Ashtem's people.

A group of men blocking in the way, all in same black clothes and masquerades but except two people.

One was wearing a golden design masquerade like Free but different and more creepy and another one had Silver one with the same design. I recognised the two very well.

"Dang it! Those pack of lab rats! HEY! YOU! GOLD EYE! LET US GO! I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T I WON'T HESITATE TO CHOP ALL OF YOURS PRECIOUS HEADS!", I warned pointing my gun.

"Oh my! Look who's shouting! You're one who is the traitor Shadow V'! How dare you betraying us? You think we're going to let you leave so easily?", A man beside Gold Eye came into the view, it was Silver Eye.

"Grr! I can't believe you're still with that JERK! While you all know very well that he's just using all of you for his own benifits", I tried to call the reason.

"Pfft leaving Ashtem? Don't compare us with you pathetic brat!", Gold Eye shouted at my face as I charged towards him. He crossed my limits of patience.

"GUYS! Stay alert! There are many hidden traps that can trapped you here forever", I warned my friends while shooting towards Gold Eye.

He blocked and reflected my attack. Then I pushed him into a corner as the hidden trap went activated and he fell into the dark.

I sighed as Fubuki shouted, "Don't worry! We'll deal with those booby traps and these guys. Now go forward! You've to find Shu!"

"Right go find him Blue Knight!", Aiger shouted. "Blue Knight?", Fafnir and Forneus asked.

"Yes from now on he's not that criminal Shadow V' he's our Blue Knight! Go Blue!", Aiger smiled while firing his shotguns with his both hands shooting off his targets.

"Me? Aren't we supposed to search for him together?", I asked shocked about the fact they wanted me to be the one for finding Shu, after hearing everything about me, how could they still trust me? I owe their kindness.

"Hey-o, here comes the danger up in this club

When we get started and we ain't gonna stop

We gonna turn it out till it gets too hot

Everybody sing, hey-O

Tell'em turn it up till they can't no more

Let's get this thing shakin' like a disco ball

This is your last warning, a courtesy call..."

I was lost for a moment when Silver Eye came with his poisonous dagger right in front of my face, "Say goodbye to your life V'!" "AHH!", I screamed but that contact never happened.

I looked to see that Free blocked it with his arms. "Fafnir?!", I was shocked as he protected me.

"Go! Now!", He ordered as I nodded firmly, "I won't let you down I promise!" And I left that floor.

I glanced back a little to see Forneus and Supernova showed me thumbs up sign. I was so grateful to them.

"Don't worry Shu! I'll find you soon. Just hold on a little. I can't lose! I refuse to lose to that old man!", I increased my speed even more to ran as fast as possible.

Each step echoed off the crumbling walls as I walked up the burnt stairs of the abandoned building.

Finally, I made it to the 4th floor. Sitting in the middle of the room was a bruised and bloody albino male.

"Mmph! Mmm!", The boy groaned from his chair which he was chained to, waving his head around frantically waiting for his anticipated freedom. My eyes widened as I recognised him, "Shu?!" I ran towards him quickly.

But just before I was about to reach out to him the floor crack open to a hidden door as I fell into the dark.

"NO! SHUUUUUU!", I screamed from the top of my lungs but I guess it was over. Is it the end of me? Am I going to die without saving him?

So what will happen next? Will Valt be trapped in there forever?

Will Shu ever get a chance to be free from that hell?

What's Ashtem planning anyway? Did he's something to do with Shu or Valt?

Let's find out in the next chapter ~


Sorry I was supposed to pull it short then it'll be just 1 more to write and finish.

But my stupid brain couldn't take it that's why I'm parting it into two parts.

So 2 more to go. Hope I'll survive :)

Word Count: 4754

See you soon 🙃

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