Chapter Five: A New Family?

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Yay,back with another sucky chapter of this sucky book! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
It's been 6 months or so and I've been pretty much pushed around by Henry and his friends. Expect now things are more.....brutal I guess. Now,they hurt me more then they've ever have. They now leave me scars,cuts,bruises,etc. There are times where I'm close to losing almost all of my blood and other times where I can't even move. Or,like most of the times where I can't feel anything but pain. But,no matter what I try, these three just seem to follow me and end up finding me. When I tried calling out for help,Henry always threaten me by putting a knife against my throat. My world darkened more and I was on the very edge of giving up hope.

The word they said to were hurtful and sank down into my heart and head. I soon started to believe what they said about me. I started to lose more color with each passing day and my eyes cracked a little more too. I had wish so much for this to stop,but it continued. I was sitting on the roof top of a house one afternoon. So far,everything was peaceful. I kept my distance from both humans and kwamies. I looked around until I spotted them. The three of them were shoving one another and joking around. I sighed. I really wasn't in the mood to get all the blood out of my body right now,so I merely just flew away. I sat down on one of the bar on the Eiffel Tower. I looked the bunny across from me. Floppy Bunny seemed to always have his head titled, looking at me with his button eyes. I picked him up and stared at him blankly.

My ear flicker as a certain voice caught my attention. I sighed. Of course they found me. They always do. I turned around to see Henry smirking at me. As usual,I sighed again."Hello Henry...."I muttered. He fake pouted."You're not happy to see me?"he asked. I stared at him blankly as I shrugged. His fake pout so disappeared as his usual smirk replaced it."Me and the gang were wondering if you could come with us to have some fun" he said,his smirk never fading. I frowned. "Look Henry....I'm not in the mood for this..."I muttered. He stared at me before he's smirk widened. "Well,then... why don't we just take you to have some fun?"he smirked deviously. I stared at him before and a cloth was brought to my face and someone grabbed me.

I tried to get out of their grip but then my vision started to blur and I passed out. After I while,I woke up. My vision was a little blurry but soon I could see right again. I was tied to a chair. Go figure. I looked around until my eyes met blue eyes. Henry,he smirked at me. I frowned at him. "This is your idea of fun,huh? How am I not surprised?"I asked, sarcastically. He's smirk only widened as he started to circle me. I stared at him blankly until he stood in front of me again."Do you know how much fun it is to hurt you?"he asked,her smirk never fading. It never seemed to fade away."I can only imagine how excited you get..."I replied, blankly. He chuckled darkly. I noticed that Gina and Marcus weren't with him."We're going to have so much fun tonight... hearing your pathetic screams as you try and call for help"he said as lift my chin. I frowned at him before moving my head away. The next thing I knew....his fist came into impact with my eye. I yelped in pain as my eye strung.

He merely just laughed. He then kicked me in the stomach, making grunt in pain. I then felt as if something was digging it's claws into my arm. I cried out in pain when I realized who it was and how much it burnt. I turned to see Gina now standing next to Henry,laughing. Then I felt something punch my stomach very hard. I ended up coughing out my own black blood. Yes,my blood it black....I'm not sure why though. They laughed at me as they continued to beat me up. My blood was now all over the floor. I cried out it pain as they left deep, burning cuts and scars on my face and body that burned and bruises that hurt even when I slightly touched them. Again, something snapped in me that caused me to kick Gina in her leg when she was about to claw me again. She tripped and she accidentally cut the ropes that held me. I quickly got up and flew away as fast I could,ignoring the terrible shock of pain the flowed through my entire body.

I flew as fast as I could,even thought I had no idea where I was going. I eventually stopped and I hid under a park bench in one of the parks of Paris. I panted and started to feel light-headed. I guess it was because of all the blood I lost.....again. My eyes started to close as I started to lose my strength. I saw two blurs fly by me. A black one and a red one. I saw them stop and they made their way towards me before I lost conscious. I started to eight different voices. Four male ones and four female ones. I quickly opened my eyes to see an elderly man in front of me with seven other kwamies. A turtle kwami, a moth kwami,a black cat kwami,a ladybug kwami,a fox kwami,a peacock kwami and a bumblebee kwami.

Scared,I tried to move away from them because couldn't since I was injured. I hissed in pain and the turtle kwami appoarched me. "Easy there,little one. You are still badly injured" he said in a calm voice. I nodded slowly before looking at all of them,a little scared."Do not be frightened, young one. We mean you no harm"said the elderly man. I nodded slowly again."My name is Master Fu. I am the a healer of kwamies and I am the Great Guardian of the Miraculouses"he said. I stared at him."This is my kwami,Wayzz"he said. I stared at the turtle kwami. He smiled gently at me."This is Nooroo and Plagg"Wayzz said as he pointed at the moth and cat kwami.

"This is Tikki and Trixx. And finally,Duusu and Pollen"he said as he pointed at the girls. They all smiled at me."What's your name?" Tikki asked. I hesitated for a bit before I answered in a small voice."M-My name is S-Snowflake..."I said. They all smiled at me."That's a beautiful name!"said Duusu. I stared blankly at her."Do you have a home?"asked Master Fu. I shook my head."What about a family?" asked Plagg. I stayed quiet."I.... I'm an orphan..."I said. They all stayed quiet before they all turned to the elderly man."Can we keep her?" they all asked. I blinked at them. They wanted to keep me? As in... they wanted to adopted me?

Master Fu smiled."I don't see why not. It would be nice to have another family member"he said as he looked at me with a kind smile. They all turned to me and smiled before hugging me. I yelped out in pain. "Owowowowow!!!"I shouted. They all let go quickly."We're sorry!!" they said. Wayzz appoarched me again and smiled. "Welcome to the family, Snowflake"he said.
Aaaand,we're done!!! Please tell us how much it sucked!!! 😅😅😅
•Cindy Martinez•

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