Chapter Three: Childhood Part 3

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Yay,three chapter! Let's hope this one sucks too! Hahah!😅😅😅😅
He continued to stare at the drawing before looking at me. I merely just stared at him."S-Sweetie.....why did you draw this?"he asked. I continued to stare at him before I looked at the ground."I....I don't know..."I mumbled."Well...could you at least tell me why you colored it black and why it has a tear drop on it?" he asked. I hesitated before I sighed."Emptiness..."I replied. He stared at me."What?" he asked. I looked up at him. "Emptiness and what the black part stands for. the dark. Because the heart feels that's sad.... that's why there a tear drop on it..."I replied. He stared at me before looking back at the draw. He frowned. "Sweetheart,did you draw this because this is what you feel in your heart?"he asked. I stayed quiet before looking at the ground again,nodding. I heard him sigh and he placed the picture down on the desk in front of me. The next thing I knew,I was picked up and he hugged me,holding me in his arms.

I didn't react to this,I merely just layed my head on his shoulder. He stroked my back as he started to rock me back and forth,humming a tune. This felt so familiar...and yet nothing came to my mind. I frowned. "Don't worry, baby girl. You'll get your memory back...."he whispered. I remained silent,not really knowing how to answer to that. He sighed again. "...hopefully you will...."he said, quieter. I stared down at my drawing. Soon, he walked out of the room with me still in his arms. Floppy Bunny was hanging from my hand as I held him. Later,as the day went on I still remained quiet. I only talked when I was asked a question. I only ate a bite or two when we had lunch. I wasn't really hungry. That day,Okami wanted to go to the park and we ended up going. I took Floppy Bunny with me.

I sat on the park bench with mother and father while Okami played. He had begged me several times to play with him, but I always shook my head. The father looked at me."You don't want to play with your brother?" he asked. I stared at him before shaking my head. I didn't really feel like playing. I looked around and saw a dirt path. Curiosity got the best of me and I got off the bench when the parents weren't looking and walked towards it. I looked back to make sure no one was watching and a flew away. I don't know what I was looking for,but I just kept on flying. I soon spotted a human crossing the street. Nighttime was nearly but I wasn't really paying attention. I kept flying around that I didn't even notice a car coming straight towards me. "Snowflake!!! Look out!!!" someone shouted at me. I turned around to see the car's headlights and I quickly flew out of the way. I looked across the street to see the father floating there on the other side.

"Snowflake!! Stay where you are,sweetie!!"he shouted and started to flying towards me. I hugged Floppy Bunny tightly. I heard growling behind me and I turned around to come face to face with a angry dog. I froze in place as it snarled at me. Right when it was about to attack me, the father slammed the dog against the wall. They both growled at each other. The dog lunged at him,but he dodged. I whimpered,causing the dog to look at me. It growled and charged at me. I tried to fly away but it bit my tail,causing me to yelp out in pain. The father growled and clawed at the dog's eye. It let me go and I fell to the ground. The father slammed the dog against the wall again and looked at me.

"Honey,are you alright?!"he asked me. Before I could answer,I saw the dog charging at us and at an instant,I pushed the father out of the way before the dog could grabbed him. Because I did so, the dog grabbed me instead by my tail and started to run. "SNOWFLAKE!!!"he shouted and he flew after us. The dog growled at him and hit him with his tail. The adult kwami went flying and hit a wall before crashing to the ground. The dog ran away with me in it's mouth as I tried to escape. And that was the last time I saw my father. That was the last time I saw my family.

The dog kept running as I tried to pry out of it's grip. I eventually punched his eye,causing him to let go of me. I flew away as fast I could with my stuff bunny in my arms. I landed in a roof as I tried to catch my breath. I looked around. I didn't have any clue where I was. Suddenly,I felt an empty feeling inside my again, like I did last night. A lonely feeling. I still remember the look of fear the father had when the dog grabbed me. For some strange reason.....I missed him. A lot. And I missed the boy and his mother. I looked down at my arms to see Floppy Bunny staring at me. I hugged the stuff toy before I started to fly around for I bit. I kept flying around until my eyes landed on the Eiffel Tower. I made my way towards it and flew all the way to the top. I sat down on a bar with Floppy Bunny sitting next to me. I looked down at the city as cars drove by. I noticed a child with his parents.

They were happily playing with one another. I frowned as my ears flattened and my tail curled up. I kept staring at the family before my vision started to blur because of my tears. I looked away as I cried and pulled Floppy Bunny close to me. I layed down, curling up into a ball. Soon, everything around me started to get swallowed up by the darkness again. I shivered and trembled in fear as it got closer towards me. Soon,the darkness surrounded me completely until it charged towards me,aiming at my heart. I screamed out in pain when it hit my chest and I jolted up,gripping my heart. Soon,the pain slowly went away and I calmed down. I looked up at the stars. I wiped away some of my tears as I curled up into a ball again and sang a song."H-Hush, baby. B-Be still,love....d-don't cry. S-Sleep as you're....r-rocked by the stream. S-Sleep and....r-remember....m-my last lullaby. S-So I'll be with you.....w-when you dream...."I sang softly before I started to cry more. Soon,after a while,I had cried myself to sleep.

Soon,a few weeks had passed. Seven weeks or more I think and I haven't eaten anything since. I didn't really care considering I was always exploring and flying around Paris. But,of course if I did find food,I'd only eat a tiny bite or two and save the rest until the next day or so. I didn't have a problem with water since it had been raining a lot lately. The Eiffel Tower soon became my new home. I didn't really mind not being able to sleep in a bed or under a roof. I liked sleeping under the night sky, watching the stars. Even though I was alone. But,as days passed and they turned into weeks,I soon forgot about father and mother and Okami. And forgot about my home or everything else. I even forgot about that anti-kwami Spotty Bane. I completely forgotten everything. It's like it never happened. So as I grew up,I imaged I had always been an orphan since birth.

Though,I spent countless nights wondering who I am and who my family was. I felt so lonely at night and darkness,emptiness and sadness mostly consumed my heart and I always had to cry myself to sleep ever night. I never interacted with any other kwamies. I always watched from a far distance and watched them live a happy life. And for the last 14 years or so,I spent life by myself and lived in the Eiffel Tower until......I met them.....

Henry the Hawk kwami,Gina the Tigress kwami and Marcus the Shark kwami. The three kwamies that turned my life into hell.
Aaaand,we're done with Chapter three!!! Hooray!! Again,tell us how much it sucked!!!
•Cindy Martinez•

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