Chapter 11.2

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They all gathered at the docking port door to say goodbye. Mihra cuddled each baby in turn, whispering secret wishes into an ear of each. Nanny-bot took two of the children into her arms while Celeste took the other to her shoulder.

Mihra put a hand on Celeste's other shoulder. "They be healthy and grow well. The line of the Empress be in good hands. So happy am I that I took you in so long ago."

Celeste said, "Thank you so much for your help, Mihra. You know you are welcome to go with us to Sanctuary?"

Mihra hugged Celeste. "Nay, girl. The whole Commonwealth needs to hear that the Empress be reborn, far and wide! And I will try to root out those threatening you. For now, run silent, run fast."

The tall woman released Celeste and came to Moon, wrapping her strong arms around him and pulling into a nearly suffocating embrace. "You take care of her and the babies."

Moon returned the hug and nodded. "I will."

Mihra even hugged Nanny-bot. "And you, Sai, keep watch over them all."

Nanny-bot stood rigid, seemingly not knowing what to do in a hug, especially as she held two babies. "Indeed, I shall, Priestess."

Moon lowered his voice. "Are you sure we can't convince you to stay? You could be in danger. Those that hunt Celeste may not want the news of a new Empress to get out."

Mihra stuck out her chin and crossed her arms. "They would not dare harm a Senior Sol Priestess! And once the news be out, it will spread like wildfire, nothing can put it back. I shall be fine."

Moon turned to Nanny-bot. "Sai, establish a direct long-range link with the Harmony AI and keep it open during her trip. Plot an indirect course for her. Just in case." He turned his head toward Mihra. "With your permission, of course."

She nodded. "So granted."

As Mihra ducked her tall frame through the docking port door, she said with a smile, "I would tell you all 'may the Sol Empress be with you', but I know she be."

Celeste and Moon watched the Harmony undock and move away from the port window.


Later, the next evening, Sai announced. "Priestess and Captain, I hope you do not mind, but I prepared a dinner for you in the garden. I shall look after the babies so you may dine in peace."

Celeste dropped her jaw as Moon shrugged. "Sai, that is very thoughtful of you. But first I should give them their dinner."

"Of course, Priestess. Your dinner will be ready when you are."

Celeste nursed the babies in the bedroom, changed their diapers, and left them in the care of Nanny-bot. Hope and Faith had already fallen asleep, and Gabriel would soon join them.

Moon met her at the bedroom hatch, grinning and shaking his head. "You are not going to believe this."


"You'll just have to see for yourself."

Moon escorted Celeste to the garden. Rich old-world classical music drifted through the open hatch, inviting them within.

With a bow and an extended hand, Moon ushered her inside. "I believe our table is ready."

Her eyes widened and her breath halted. A white tablecloth and a slender taper candle adorned the small table in the middle of the garden. The overhead plant lights stood dark, the only illumination came from a multitude of tiny twinkling white lights scattered across the ceiling and walls like stars on a moonless night. It seemed a magical place.

Celeste smirked at Moon. "Did you plan all this?"

"I cannot honestly take any credit. This is all Sai's doing."

One of Sai's squat maintenance-bots awaited them at the table. Two metal arms pulled out a chair for Celeste to sit down, then with a plasma cutter arc, lit the white candle in the middle of the table. Another maintenance-bot entered carrying a tray. After pouring fruit juice into metal mugs, it placed two ration packs wrapped in silvery foil before them.

Sai said through the maintenance-bot, "I must apologize, Priestess. I am afraid the choice of cuisine is rather limited."

She replied, "That is quite alright, Sai. This is all so wonderful. Thank you." She turned an ear to take in a deeply passionate violin solo rising above a lush soundscape of strings. "What is this music?"

Moon grinned. "Classical music from the Romantic period. I once had Sai put together this playlist when I brought a date on the ship."

Celeste's eyes widened to the realization of Sai's intent. "Ohhh..."

Moon nodded, tightening his lips. "Oh, yeah." He lifted his eyes. "Sai, play my Coltrane playlist instead."

Celeste swayed her head to the warm melody from a tenor saxophone, accompanied by piano, string bass, and drums. "This is good."

Moon nodded. "Old world jazz. The instruments are all acoustic, when that kind of thing mattered." He turned to the bot as it finished serving, peeling off the top foil wrapper of the ration packs. "Sai, why are you playing matchmaker to us?"

Sai's voice seemed gleeful. "A romantic attachment increases the probability that the Priestess and the children will continue to stay with us. I have become fond of them and do not wish them to leave."

"I understand your logic, Sai."

"Thank you, sir!"

Celeste said, "Sai, I am very appreciative of the care you have given me and the little ones. Thank you."

"You are quite welcome, Priestess." The maintenance-bot bowed by bending forward on its short legs. The metal joints creaked. "I shall take my leave. Enjoy each other."

The bot left. With head tilted down, Celeste lifted her eyes to Moon, not sure what to say. They stared at each other in silence. Simultaneously, they both erupted into rolling laughter.

After the laughter died down, Moon sighed. "This is a bit awkward, isn't it?"

Celeste nodded. "It is. You have a strange and wonderful AI."

"Yeah, I do." He lifted his mug. "A toast then, to Sai."

The mugs made a metallic clink as they touched.

Celeste looked down at the plain long skirt and tank-top she wore, some of the clothes that Mihra brought for her. Her engorged breasts drooped, and her belly remained enlarged from the pregnancy.

I am not really dressed for a date.

Moon put her at ease. They told tales of their past and laughed at jokes as they ate. The conversation remained lighthearted, purposely avoiding the uncertain future they faced.

A slow-tempo jazz ballad played as they finished the meal. Moon stood up and extended a hand. "Would you care for a dance, my lady?"

Celeste lifted an eyebrow. "Are your intensions honorable, sir?"

He bowed deeply. "They are of the highest honor, my dear lady."

She smiled. "Very well then, my brave knight."

Celeste took Moon's hand and allowed another to circle her waist, placing her hand on his shoulder. She said, "I am not a good dancer."

"It is not a skill I claim either. Let's just move to the music together."

She tilted her head down to her feet and followed his lead, swaying back and forth in time to the soulful ballad. The music swirled about the dancers, holding them in its own embrace.

Celeste looked up into Moon's eyes. "How am I doing?"

His eyes held hers. "Perfect."

Celeste laid her head against his shoulder and allowed his arm to draw her against his body. His warmth comforted her, like a soft blanket on a cold day, or like coming home from the lonely deep of space. She allowed her feelings free rein, pushing aside all concerns for the future.

I like this.

She whispered, "Moon, thank you for everything. You've been my rescuer and my protector. I know I forced this role on to you."

He stopped the dance, gently turning her head to face him. "Yes, you did. You changed my life, Celeste. For the better. You gave me the purpose and meaning that had been missing for so long. I am glad you stowed away on my ship."

Celeste purred as she laid her head back down on his shoulder. They resumed the slow dance, letting the music caress them.

Moon leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Sorry I shot you."

Celeste erupted in a series of giggles. "That didn't make for the best first impression."

The ballad ended. He wrapped both arms around her waist, urging her closer still. She inhaled sharply, becoming lost in his moss green eyes, projecting both caring and passion at the same time. Her emotions swirled, carrying logic and common sense away. Did they dare? Her heart decided before her mind could object.

Celeste leaned up and pressed her lips against his while wrapping her arms around his neck. Moon reciprocated in full. A warmth flooded through her entire being, overwhelming her senses. The universe fell away, and for a few moments, only they existed.

Celeste whimpered as Moon pulled back, but his lips remained only a breath away. He panted, "Celeste..."

Her heart fluttered at the breathy way he said her name. She reconnected her lips to his, demanding ever more. His hand worked its way up her back, inducing tingles along the way. The taste of emotions intoxicated her with an intensity she did not expect.

Celeste pulled back, leaving her hands on his shoulders. "Moon, I --"

Sai interrupted the moment, coming over the intercom speaker. "Sir, I believe Priestess Mihra is in danger."

Moon jerked his head up. "What?"

An unpleasant foreshadowing tightened in her chest. No! Please no!

Sai continued. "Sensors indicate an unregistered ship closing on her location. Estimated time to intercept is eight-point-five minutes."

Moon stepped back, releasing his self from Celeste's embrace. "Sai, increase her speed to maximum and download our evasion package to her flight controller. Open a com channel. I'll be on the bridge."

He sprinted out the door. Celeste followed as fast as she could.

Moon shouted out as he jumped into the captain's chair. "Tactical and telemetry display!"

A holographic display showing Mihra's shuttle and the unidentified ship appeared in front of the bridge control panels. The threatening ship came nearer to Mihra with each moment. A string of numbers appeared beside each icon.

Moon frowned as he muttered, "Damn."

Mihra's image came up on one side of a control panel. She drew her dark eyebrows together. "What is chasing me?"

"It's a Corsair interceptor. This is not good, Mihra." He tilted his head up. "Sai, bypass the operating limits and push her quantum drive. Plot a course back to us, we will provide cover."

Mihra's nostrils flared and eyes narrowed. "Override! Don't you dare, Moon! I shall not lead them to the Empress' heirs!" She looked down at a display panel, then back up. "Will I be able to outrun a Corsair?"

Moon drew his lips together and looked Mihra directly in the eyes. He replied, "No."

"Well then, I am just going to have to meet them. Shutting down the quantum drive now. Let's see if they will talk." She tilted her head down toward a control panel. "No response to a hail. That be unfriendly."

Mihra made another attempt at communication. "Unidentified ship, this is Shuttle Harmony. I am a Senior Sol Priestess on official business. Please respond." She shook her head. "They still won't answer."

Sai said, "Two minutes until intercept."

Moon stood up but kept both hands on the chair arms. "Mihra, I'm going to have Sai run evasive maneuver sequences through your nav system."

Mihra shook her head slowly. "No, Moon. We both know that won't help."

Sai said, "The Corsair has come out of quantum space. They are one-point-two kilometers astern of the Harmony."

Moon called out, "Visual."

The Corsair appeared on the display screen, the dark-gray ship difficult to make out against the black of deep space. But it looked menacing, and with a set of pulse cannons and missile tube attachments mounted to the rounded hull, it truly was.

Tears streamed down Celeste's face as an ominous darkness crossed her heart. She choked on her words. "Mihra... I'm sorry."

Three streaks of light emerged from the underside of the Corsair.

Sai said in an even tone, "The Corsair has launched missiles, sir."

Mihra smiled, touching the mark of the Sol Priesthood on her neck, then her lips and forehead. "This be not on you, Celeste. I be honored to have served the Sol Empress. I love you all--"

The com display went blank.

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