Chapter 12.4

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Moon laid a snoozing Gabriel gently in the crib beside his sisters, then blew out a silent breath.

Finally, they are asleep.

Although unsure of the visitors at first, the babies eventually turned on their charm and enjoyed the attention of curious new eyes. The lingering stimulation kept them awake past a normal bedtime.

Smiling, he placed the gentlest of kisses on each forehead, causing tiny movements but not interrupting their slumber.

They are so peaceful, the very essence of innocence.

He tiptoed into the small bathroom, barely big enough for two, where a scented moist warmth surrounded him. Fresh from the shower and wrapped in a large white towel, Celeste stood in front of the mirror. He took a moment to gaze at her, mesmerized by the flow of long dark hair as she pulled a brush through it. She turned to him and lifted an eyebrow.

Moon mentally shook himself out of the trance. "They're finally down for the count."

She nodded. "Wonderful. This has been an eventful day."

"Yeah, in a good way. Our odds have improved."

Moon came up behind her. Because of the narrow room width, he rubbed up against the back wall while at the same time brushing against her. The soft coppery sheen of her bare shoulders intoxicated him, and he lifted his hands to steal a caress, perhaps then to take away the towel that hid the rest of her body. Letting out an audible breath, he dropped his hands.

I should not ask this of her. Not until she is ready.

Celeste lifted enticing eyes to his reflection in the mirror and parted her lips. Leaning back into him, she molded herself against his body, trapping him against the wall. Almost involuntarily, Moon's hands went to the bare skin that tantalized him. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, trembling as he traced a line ever so softly down from shoulders to arms, then encircling her waist in an embrace.

Spinning within his arms and lacing fingers behind his neck, Celeste pulled Moon's lips down to hers with a demanding invasiveness he had not expected. Sparks danced between lips, sending electric jolts from one heart to another. The lust Moon had kept locked away for her sake thrashed at its bonds, shooting out defiant tendrils of white-hot heat. He pulled her tight against himself, prolonging the kiss. Outward evidence of his desire swelled between them.

Panting, Celeste pulled back from the kiss, but remained enclosed in his arms while nestling her head against his chest. She whispered, "I like that."

Tilting her head back, Celeste locked eyes with Moon, looking up through long lashes as her pupils widened. To him, an entire universe dwelled in those eyes.

Moon felt every heartbeat. Does she know how enticing that look is?

"Moon, you have done so much for me, but I feel like I have been neglecting you."

He smiled. "It's okay. You have three very excellent reasons."

Celeste stepped to the side, escaping his embrace but not his gaze. "I would ask one more thing from you."

"Of course. Anything."

As if responding to his desires, Celeste released the towel, letting it slide down her body in sensual slowness, dragging Moon's eyes along with it. Her voice came out low and breathy. "Make love to me?"

The naked woman before him stole Moon's breath away. She was the type of woman who was sexy without trying, but when she tried, the effect was devastating. Soft skin, gentle willowy curves, and full lips all demanded attention. But her beauty ran far deeper. The best part of it, her caring heart, radiated from the warm depth of honey-cinnamon eyes. This view of her would forever be burned into his memory.

The rigors of childbirth still marked her - swollen breasts, stretch marks across her abdomen, and a bit of a post-baby bulge. While imperfections to some, they endeared her to him all the more. After all, she was the mother of his children.

Emotions swirled within, bringing a dizziness. He usually sought escape from strong feelings, but these, they drew him in.

He opened his mouth, but coherent words failed him. "Wow... You are... Wow."

She dipped her head with a demure smile. "Thank you for that."

A nervousness came over Moon, tingling in his fingertips. "Are you sure you are ready? I mean, I don't want to hurt you or anything..."

He bit his tongue. Oh, that was smooth. Don't mess this up!

"I may be tender. Please be gentle with me." She bit her lower lip. "Do you have protection? I'm probably not ovulating yet, but I really don't want to risk another pregnancy right now."

He grinned. "Yeah, I do."

Celeste placed a quick kiss on his lips and led him into the bedroom by the hand. Stopping at the bed, they glanced at the sleeping babies in the crib and then to each other.

He whispered, "Umm, how about we do this in the guest bedroom?"

She nodded with a half-smile. Hand in hand, the naked woman pulled him down the hallway. He couldn't help but gaze at the sway of her bare arse.

Celeste tilted her head up toward the ceiling as they rounded the doorway to the guest bedroom. "Sai, would you look after the little ones for a while? We will be otherwise occupied."

Sai's voice responded, "Of course, Priestess."

"Oh, and start Moon's Coltrane playlist in the guest bedroom."

Seductive jazz flowed out of the bedroom door, inviting them within. Sai said, "Priestess, if I may suggest, there are several coital strategies known to enhance sexual pleasure--"

Moon interrupted with a shake of his head and a grin. "No, Sai. I think we've got this."

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