Chapter 13.2

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Moon pointed at the forward visual display. "There it is!"

A dark pitted asteroid, shaped roughly like an egg, appeared in the distance, looming larger as they approached. Numerous craters and deep crevices marred its surface. It occupied a vast space with other rocky objects between the orbit of two large gas planets. The telemetry showed dimensions of approximately two kilometers on the long axis and one-and-a-half kilometer on the short.

Celeste wrinkled her forehead. She expected a facility on the surface of a lush green planet, a smaller version of the former Temple of the New Covenant on Earth, not this. "That is Sanctuary?"

Moon nodded. "A hollowed-out space rock would be the perfect place to hide it. You would not even know it was there until you get close."

Sai said over the speaker, "Confirmed, sir. I read internal voids and energy sources, most of which are at one end of the asteroid. Three docking ports are indicated."

Blinking blue squares appeared on the asteroid image, each associated with a surface crater or crevice. A yellow three-dimensional schematic also appeared, showing internal details. Tunnels with interconnecting passageways radiated out from a group of caverns. Each dock included a hollow bay.

Moon said, "Hail it, Sai."

"Hailing open, sir."

"Sanctuary, this is Phoenix Star. Request permission to dock."

Moon and Celeste held their breaths, but no response came. After a few moments, a white beacon blinked at the location of a docking port near the rounded point of the ovoid asteroid.

Moon glanced at Celeste. "Well, they aren't very talkative. Sai, proceed with docking. Take it slow and easy."

"Yes, sir."

In half an hour, the ship shuddered as the docking clamps latched on to the side of the Phoenix Star. Sai said, "Docking complete, sir. Powering down the fusion reactors to minimum output. Sensors indicate breathable atmosphere and zero-point-nine-gee gravity in the dock bay."

Moon said, "Visual view." An image from the ship dock door showed a short walkway with windows extending to an empty and mostly dark open area that would be the dock bay. He narrowed his eyes. "Do you see any activity out there, Sai?"

"No, sir. The bay is mostly empty."

Moon turned toward Celeste, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "I don't like this. There should be someone to meet us."

Celeste said, "Perhaps, Sanctuary is unoccupied?"

"Yeah. Probably so. But the facility AI should have sent a bot, or at least a message."

Celeste's eyes widened. Her heart throbbed. "Is there something wrong? You're not worried, are you?"

He waved his arm as if to brush away any concern. "No. I get these gut feelings sometimes. It's probably nothing."

Sai interjected. "That is true, Priestess. Moon's accuracy rate for such non-specific feelings is only about twenty-four percent."

Moon rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Sai." He stood up. "Wait on the ship for now. I'll go first to check it out. If everything is good, I'll come back and get you."

Celeste nodded, her eyes still wide. "Okay. Just be careful."

He smiled. "No worries."

Celeste did feel worried as Moon donned a blue-gray armored spacesuit and strapped a pulse gun to his waist. Her stomach churned. If there are no worries, why is he putting on armor and carrying a weapon?

Moon fastened on a helmet and smiled at her through the transparent visor. He stepped through the rounded port door into the passageway. "I'll be back soon. Don't go anywhere."

She bit her lower lip. "No worries... Right?"

He gave her a thumbs up gesture as he walked away. Speaking through the com link, he replied. "Right. But lock the door behind me."

Celeste pushed the green button to close the outer ship door. She called out as she walked back to the bridge, "Sai, would you watch over him?"

"I am unable, Priestess. The local surveillance system interfaces appear to be shutdown."

Moon spoke over the com. "If it would make you feel better, Celeste, you can watch via my helmet cam. Sai, patch it through."

She lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm somewhat nervous."

"Hey, that's okay considering everything we've been through."

Celeste stepped around three napping babies sprawled out across a blanket on the floor, all under the watchful eye of Nanny-bot. The visual feed from Moon appeared on the center panel. She saw little on the image until he turned on his helmet lights, but then the light only revealed the bare walls of the port bay.

Moon said, "The ambient temperature and atmosphere reads good. It's weird that the bay is so empty. Although, there may not have been anyone here for years. I'm going to go look for a control interface."

A rounded metal hatch creaked as he swung it open to a long dark passageway. The light from his helmet bobbed up and down on the bare gray walls as he walked along.

The sound of Moon's in and out breath came through the com link. "This place is kinda spooky in the dark. Maybe I can find--"

A sudden flash of light and a dull thud sound interrupted him. He grunted. The image from his helmet cam spun around, then fixed at the passageway ceiling as if he landed on his back. Then, it went dark.

Celeste's heart spiked as she yelled out, her voice brittle. "Moon!" No response. "Moon, please answer!" Again, no response. "Sai, what is happening?"

"The data link was terminated, Priestess."

She jumped up. Tendrils of panic wrapped around her gut and her heart raced. "Sai, I'm going out after him!"

Nanny-bot stepped in front of her with a hand up. Sai spoke through the robot in an even voice. "Priestess, please stop. Armed commandos are approaching the ship. Their affiliation is unknown but presumed hostile."

Celeste snapped her head around to the display panel showing images from the port door. Several soldiers in black body armor and rounded helmets rushed forward, each carrying a pulse rifle. Because of the flurry of movement and the narrow angle of view through the docking tunnel, she could not tell how many.

Sai said through Nanny-bot. "Intruder protocol initiated, Priestess."

The heavy metal bridge hatch swung shut behind her. Celeste gasped as it locked with an audible clunk. To her, it sounded particularly ominous.

Her breath quickened. This can't be happening! This is our sanctuary!

Hope awoke and wailed. Celeste gathered up the little girl into her arms, whispering, "Hush, little one. We will be okay." But she was not convinced herself.

On the display, a single soldier sprinted down the passage tunnel to the ship's outer docking hatch. Being so close to the door mounted camera, only the soldier's helmet appeared on the image view, the darkened visor obscuring any show of a face. Then the soldier retreated.

Within thirty-seconds, an explosion shook the ship with a rolling rumble. Celeste wavered on her feet from the movement. The display image went blank.

Faith and Gabriel awoke, crying with little frowns and quivering lips, soon joined by Hope. Celeste sat down beside them and gathered all three babies in her arms, hugging them tightly. A single tear traced her cheek.

Multiple ship internal views appeared on the bridge display panels. One showed several soldiers running down the passageway toward the bridge.

Nanny-bot stood beside Celeste. Sai spoke. "Priestess, I have run multiple situational simulations. I am sorry, but none have favorable outcomes for you and the children. Surrender is the best option. A bridge hatch breech using explosives would likely result in injuries or fatalities to you and the children. With your permission, I will open the hatch."

Celeste steeled her expression. "I understand, Sai. Do it."

"One more thing, Priestess. My core programming forbids actions that will result in human death except by administrative authorization. Should the situation require, I request permission to kill."

"So authorized, Sai."

"Good luck, Priestess." Nanny-bot shrunk back into a corner and stood motionless.

The locks on the bridge hatch released with a clunk, and the door swung slowly open. Celeste put the babies down on the blanket, kissing each one, whispering, "I am so sorry, my little ones. Be brave for us."

She stood, positioning herself between them and the door. Taking a deep breath, she wiped the moisture from her eyes and accepted the inevitable.

Celeste raised her hands as two soldiers burst through the open door with weapons ready. Her reflection in their dark visors was the last thing she saw before one of them fired.

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