Chapter 21.2

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The long-range Com Center sat in the middle of Pytheas, part of the large round Ground Port building. A taut cable of immense tensile strength extended up into space, connecting planet to the spaceport. On it, a space elevator rode up and down, ferrying cargo and people. From the Com Center, real-time communications were transmitted across interstellar space. Within the first booth, Hope swiped her credit bracelet within to make a personal call.

Moon drew his lips tight and eyes narrow, leaning forward until his image filled most of the display panel. Hope's breath hitched at his intense gaze. Never had she seen him look so grim.

In an even voice, he replied to the news of Faith's hospitalization. "Hope, you and your sister may be in great danger. Here's what I want you to do. Go to the cabin to get the bug-out kit and the pulse guns. Then go to our evac place. We are already on our way back and will meet you there." He rubbed a hand across his forehead. "Leave Faith at the hospital for now. We will pick her up later."

Hope's eyes shot open wide. Her voice shook. "Dad... I can't leave Faith!"

Moon's features softened. "I understand your feelings, Hope. But I am dead serious about this. I don't know how much time--"

Her chin trembled as tendrils of panic raced through her gut. "Dad, what is happening!"

"Powerful people want you and Faith dead because of your genetics. There is no time to explain now. Go!" He put two fingers to his lips. "I love you, Hope."

With tearing eyes, she repeated the gesture. "Love you too, Dad."

The communication ended.

Stunned, Hope's brain swirled. With head in hands, she let the tears flow. I don't know if I can do this.

Visions of happy times with her sister welled up from deep memories and flooded her mind — playing hide and seek, creating elaborate societies with their stuffed animals, giggling beneath blanket forts, swimming and kayaking in the stream by the cabin, and pulling pranks on their brother. It was as if they shared souls. Triggered by the memories, a firm resolve rose from some place deep and took hold. Hope's fists clenched.

I'll be damned if I leave her behind!


The quad-fans of the flyer kicked up a faint cloud of dust as Hope landed it behind the hospital. Swinging the side gull-wing door up, she hopped out, stuffing a pulse pistol into her black leggings and partially covering the bulge with her long tank top. The pulse rifle stayed behind, lying on the floor next to a khaki backpack. Flashing a rifle might cause too much commotion in the hospital.

The hospital, like most buildings on this world, was a rounded, single level structure made by robotically printing a mixture of natural clay and gravel aggregate, held together with a special binder. In many ways, it resembled an old-world adobe house.

As Hope expected, the back door was unlocked. The crime rate on this world was so low that few bothered to lock doors. She tied her long hair back into a ponytail and slunk down the brightly lit hallways toward Faith's room, passing only one other person who hardly seemed to notice her.

Hope turned the corner near her destination, then immediately pulled back, covering her mouth to prevent a loud gasp. A woman in hospital scrubs laid motionless on the floor at the threshold to Faith's room, either unconscious or dead.

Two men emerged from the room, both dressed in black. Helmets with mesh face shields hid their faces. One held an assault rifle to his shoulder, swinging it back and forth. The other lugged Faith along by her shoulders. But she would have none of that, digging her heels into the floor and eliciting a growl from her kidnapper.

Hope leaned back against the wall and drew her gun, holding it on the ready as her father had taught her. A touch on the stock changed a small yellow light to red, switching from stun mode to plasma bolt. If they would threaten our lives, I shall do the same to them.

With a deep breath, she willed courage and steeled focus. Now is the time.

In a single fluid move, Hope swung around the corner and fired. The bright orange plasma bolt struck the assailant with the rifle square on, making an explosive pop. He jerked back, then slumped to the floor, threads of smoke rising from the hole in his chest.

Hope advanced with a fierce expression, aiming her gun at the other man. She commanded, "Let her go!"

The man did not, instead yanking Faith up and using her as a human shield. An arm held her against him in a choke hold. With the other hand, he reached for a pistol holstered at his waist.

A twitch of eyes communicated intent between sisters. In practiced precision, Faith reached up with both hands and grabbed the arm that squeezed her neck, pulling down. She stepped back, crossing legs with the man to unbalance him, then spun out of the hold and dropped to the floor.

Hope fired again, the sharp twang of the discharge echoing off the walls. The bolt tore out a section of the man's neck. His head rolled back, and he joined his companion on the floor, adding his blood to the tiles.

Stuffing the pistol back in her leggings, Hope rushed to her sister, kneeling down. "Faith! Are you okay?"

Faith laid on the floor, holding one hand to her chest. Unable to speak over her wheezing, she nodded. Finally catching her breath, Faith lifted a hand and allowed Hope to sit her up. Faith said, "Thanks. Did Dad tell you to come back here?"

"No. He told me to go straight to the evac point. We would come back later for you."

Faith grinned. "Well, I'm glad you disobeyed. But you know he is going to kick your butt."

Hope huffed. "Probably. Come on, let's--"

A gravelly male voice made Hope jerk. It said, "Hold it right there, girlie! Let's see those hands. Stand up slowly!"

A turn of Hope's head revealed another black-clothed man in a wide stance, pointing a pulse rifle at her. She slowly extended her arms out to her side.

Turning back to her sister, Hope flashed her eyes down, then back up. Almost imperceptibly, Faith nodded. She reached to extract the pistol from Hope's waistband, all out of sight of the man.

Hope raised herself up with hands held high and slowly turned in such a way that the gun remained hidden from the man. His narrowed eyes shot contempt at her.

Glaring at him, Hope growled, "What do you--"

Faith fired two bolts in rapid succession between Hope's legs. The bolts threw the assailant back on his heels. His rifle discharged, blasting a chunk from the ceiling above the sisters. Sparks and bits of composite material rained down on them.

Hope pulled her sister up, sliding one arm around Faith's waist and taking the pistol with the other. Hope whispered to Faith, "We gotta get going."

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