Chapter 33.1

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The greatest of all warriors is the one who prevents the war.

     - Writings of the Sol Empress, Words of Faith


Hope is in one of her stubborn moods.

Standing before a closed door, Gabriel let out a long breath. "Sai, override the lock."

The AI replied from an overhead speaker. "I am sorry, Gabriel, but Hope requested not to let anyone in."

"She is upset. I think I can make her feel better."

"Past observations indicate your council is more likely to irritate Hope than to calm her, Gabriel." 

"She can be fairly irritating herself," he grumbled. "But that is why I might be successful. Her low expectations would make it more likely that she would listen."

"That is not logical, Gabriel."

"Its human psychology, Sai. It's not supposed to be logical."

"I see. Humans are often illogical. Very well, Gabriel. Access granted."

After an audible click, Gabriel pushed the rounded metal hatch open to a darkened room. Light from the passageway cast a beam across the room to the bed against the far wall. His sister laid on her side in the gloom, facing away. "You've been holed up in here for almost a day, Hope. Everyone is worried about you."

"How did you get in here?" she said, turning to her brother.

"I told Sai that human psychology is not logical."

Hope scrunched her forehead for a moment, then said, "Go away, Gab."

He huffed. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Lights low, warm color," Gabriel said while plopping down in her desk chair. A gentle glow enriched with reds and yellows illuminated the room. "If you can't talk to your annoying brother, who can you talk to?"

"What are you going to do? Use psychology on me?"

"Hey, sometimes it works. Doctor Gab is now in session."

"You're worse than Sai." Hope rolled over to sit on the bed with elbows on knees and head turned down. Long dark hair hung down to frame her face. Her leg stump, minus the prosthetic, unsettled Gabriel for a moment and reminded him she suffered more on Ephenia than he did.

"Fine," she grumbled, "I don't want people to die for me. There, I said it."

"Those on the Covenant didn't die for you, Hope."

Jerking her head up, she retorted, "What kind of quack are you?"

"They died for the Sol Empress and everything she represents, not you personally." He held his hands up against her narrow-eyed glare. "Don't get me wrong, there are those who would risk their lives for you — Dad, Celeste, Eshe, and maybe even me. If you want to honor those who died, be the Empress."

Hope sighed. "I'm not sure I am up to it. It ripped my heart out when they sacrificed themselves."

Gabriel leaned forward. "You care, Hope, so it hurts. And that is why you could make a good Empress." He leaned back and laced fingers behind his neck. "Besides, if you don't, I just may proclaim myself Emperor." 

A loud snort escaped Hope's lips.

Gabriel stiffened. "Hey, it wouldn't be that bad!" He put a hand to his chin and gazed upward. "I wonder if I could have a harem?"

"Please spare the women!" Hope snorted again. "Speaking of that, how serious are you and Sura?"

"Just a short-term fling until we go our own ways."

Hope's lowered eyebrows shot suspicion. "Does she know that? You've misled women before."

Gabriel flopped his head back, overselling offence. "I am always upfront! Well, most of the time... Anyway, Sura and I talked it through. She doesn't want anything long-term either." He walked toward the door, then turned back. "Umm, would you mind watching Amil for a while so we could have some alone time?"

"Sure." Hope smiled. "Oh, and Gab, thanks."

He grinned back. "What is a brother for? Oh, Saffron saved the last cinnamon roll for you. But if you don't come out soon, I am going to eat it."


Hope sat on an examination table within the Confederate ship Asclepius, an old boxy cargo starship converted into a mobile hospital, encompassing all the latest medical technology.

A doctor in a white smock passed a hand-held scanner over Hope's leg and new prosthetic limb. She asked, "How does it feel, Empress?"

Hope flexed her artificial foot. The new prosthesis looked more like a natural limb, although it had a pale-gray metallic outer skin, and included the latest in bio-mechanical advancements that would respond to her nerve impulses. "Good."

The wide-eyed delight on Hope's face implied it was better than merely good. While still not as functional as the real thing, it certainly was an improvement over the stiff piece of plas-steel with a curved blade foot that she previously had.

"Try it," the doctor said, holding out a hand in support.

Scooting off the table, Hope shifted her weight to it and took a hesitant step. Then another. A faint whir of the power servos sounded with each step, flexing the ankle and foot in natural motions. 

"How does it look, Amil?" Hope said with a smile.

The boy put on his characteristic room-brightening grin and nodded vigorously. He had already begun treatments for his degenerative bone disease and the prognosis was good, which delighted his mother to no end.

Gabriel was truly happy for Amil, who had become his little buddy. Sura ran her fingers down Gabriel's bare arm, igniting little sparks under his skin and reminding him of a side benefit to her son's good fortune. Freed from that worry, she became a more enthusiastic lover.

Eshe strolled into the treatment room carrying a black outfit, embellished in red on the left shoulder with the stylized sun symbol of the Sol Way. "This is for you, Hope. It has a built-in sensor array that detects potential threats including most poisons and explosives, an entangled emergency com, and is made of a special energy absorbing material that can dissipate a full plasma blast from a pulse rifle."

"Put it on, Hope, and let's test that," Gabriel said with a half smile.

"I have one for you, too, Gabriel." Eshe put on a rare smirk. "Perhaps we can test it on you?"

It warmed Gabriel that the two women were back to being friends. When Hope emerged from her self-imposed exile after the Covenant sacrifice, Eshe formally offered her resignation. But Hope refused to accept it, instead embracing her protector.

Moon stepped into the room. "Hope, the Council is seated and they are ready for you." He glanced down at her feet and lifted an eyebrow. "Nice leg."

"Thanks, Dad. Tell them I'll be there soon." She took the clothing from Eshe. "I need to change first."

Gabriel followed his father into the ship's galley, hastily converted to a meeting room with the tables arranged into an open-ended rectangle. Eighteen members of the Confederate Council sat around the perimeter, most representing sectors of the loose-knit colonies beyond Commonwealth space. They wore formal apparel of various styles, each from their heritage. He recognized two at the table: Chancellor Janya Patel and Admiral Liam Glynn. Additional security and support personnel stood behind.

One seat remained vacant at the table, awaiting the Empress.

Almost as one, the entire Council rose as Hope entered, each bowing with a hand over their heart in traditional reverence to the Empress. Her protective black outfit clung to Hope's body without being indecent and gave her an additional air of authority.

Hope tightened her lips as she cast her eyes around the room. She is uncomfortable with this.

As Hope sat down, so did the others. Eshe stood directly behind her with arms crossed. Hope scanned the eyes that gazed at her, then said, "Members of the Confederate Council, I thank you for the support you have given me. Without it, I fear I would not have been alive to sit here among you. We have important matters to discuss. What is our present situation?"

Liam rose. "First, I wish to inform you that we found the ship that launched the quantum torpedo and destroyed it. There was no identification, but we believe it to be controlled by the Trade Consortium. That they possessed a torpedo at all is troubling."

Hope closed her eyes and dipped her head, muttering. "More death..."

The admiral activated a holographic display at the open end of the table. A star map appeared, showing local space with symbols representing an approaching fleet. "The Commonwealth Invictus Battle Group has arrived at the Outer Colonies. Within twenty Earth standard days, they will arrive in Confederate space."

"How powerful are they, Admiral?" Hope asked.

"Very." His demeanor shifted, denoting the seriousness of the situation. "The Dreadnaught Invictus leads it, supported by over a hundred cruisers, frigates, troop carriers, and other support craft. We have more ships, and more volunteers arrive each day, but they are much more heavily armed." A thick silence fell over the room.

"I must ask your honest opinion, Admiral," Hope said. "If battle broke out, what would be the result?"

"There would be heavy losses on both sides, Empress, but I cannot say who would prevail. However, with sound strategy, we might improve our odds."

Hope shook her head. "No one wins such a battle."

"War is inevitable, Empress." A man with long white hair tied back into a ponytail spoke up. "If we do not face them, they will sweep through the Confederacy and take our home worlds, one by one. Now is the time."

Liam continued. "Here we could fight on our own terms and away from our worlds."

"War begets war, Admiral," Hope said, quoting from the Writings. "Ultimately, the Commonwealth would overwhelm you."

"We have two advantages, Empress," Janya interjected. "First, the people of the Commonwealth would have little stomach for a prolonged war, and second, we have you."

"But it is me that draws them here, Chancellor." Hope glanced at her father, who returned a subtle nod. "If the Council so wishes, I will withdraw from Confederate space and perhaps avoid the conflict."

"Empress!" Janya exclaimed, coming to her feet. "It is your presence that would allow us to prevail! The conflict is inevitable, and if I may use the old expression, a long time coming. You have united the worlds of the Confederacy like never before. But also, you have divided the Commonwealth people against their corrupt leadership, even the military. Protests have broken out all across their worlds. I ask you formally, Empress, will you join with us?"

Hope drew in a quick breath. "The Council must understand, if I am ultimately successful and take fully the role of Sol Empress, I will become the figurehead of the Commonwealth and be subject to its constitution."

Jayna smiled, smoothing her red sari as she sat down. "If that becomes so, I believe there will no longer be need for war."

Turning her head, Hope implored the input of her father and brother. Moon nodded and Gabriel gave a thumbs up gesture. A confident smile grew on her face as she turned back to the Council. "I accept. Admiral, draw up your plans. And may peace ultimately prevail."

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