Chapter 40.3

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The Firebird Rise set down in an open area just outside of the amphitheater, crushing an ornate landscape display of shrubs and flowers. After the thrusters quieted, the starboard docking door swung in.

While waiting, Hope turned to Eshe. "Do you know where Claire is? We will need her to guide us through the Consortium headquarters."

In response, Eshe pointed to the ship. Claire appeared at the doorway and, with the push of a button, lowered an extension ladder, thus bridging the two-meter space to the ground.

Hope grinned. "You really earned your keep today, my friend."

"About that, Empress," Eshe replied with a wink, "I would like to put in for some time off."

Hope and Gabriel scrambled up the ladder first, followed by a limping Celeste, who required help from Moon. Eshe came aboard last, behind the two uniformed men she recruited, the same guards that defended the amphitheater earlier.

Moon hopped into the captain's chair. "Sai, take us to the Hoge Toren at maximum safe speed. Plot a direct path and ignore local air traffic regulations."

"Yes, sir," the AI responded. The ship rumbled as it took off.

Standing beside her father, Hope wiped the partially dried blood from her temple with a bandana. She tilted her eyes up. "Sai, thank you for your part in saving our lives this morning."

"I am pleased with the outcome, Hope," Sai responded from an overhead speaker. "Are you injured?"

"Bent, but not broken. Shaken, but not shattered."

"I do not understand, Hope."

"An old Earth expression, Sai."

Gabriel, sitting in a chair that overlooked a control panel, pivoted around. "I don't suppose you have a plan, Hope?"

"Not really. We are just winging this operation," Hope responded. "Sai, put up a 3D schematic of the Hoge Toren." A wire-frame hologram of the tall building, with a shape resembling a tapered five-sided spire, appeared in the open space in front of the control panels. "Claire, where do we need to go?"

Claire walked to the image, which stood as tall as her and pointed at the top. "Diego would be in his penthouse office. It is accessed through a separate elevator, requiring special clearance." She then bent down to point at the bottom. "The corporate database historian is in the basement. Few ever go down there."

Hope sat down in the flight controller's chair and leaned forward in thought. "Okay, let's try this. Gab, you and Claire go down to the basement and download the corporate files. Eshe, the guards, and I will pay Diego a not-so-friendly visit. Dad, you and Celeste stay with the Firebird Rise and discourage any outside interference. Today is a public holiday, so there won't be many other people inside. How does that sound?"

"Excuse me, Empress," one guard said, a young man in a blue and red uniform with bushy blonde hair named Owen, based on his name tag. "The Hoge Toren would have an advanced security AI. How would we get by that?"

Beside Owen, a fellow guard stood at attention, a young man with short black hair named Cole. With widened eyes, he seemed too stunned to move or speak. Perhaps I intimidate him. 

"Leave that to me, Owen." Hope responded. "I have a way with AI's." She spun around in her chair. "Our objective is twofold, collect Consortium operating data and capture Diego. Questions?" None came. "Set your weapons for stun. Let's avoid any more deaths, but if required, deadly force is authorized."


What few people wandered about near the Hoge Toren scattered from the roar of thrusters as a starship landed on the paved plaza, kicking up a cloud of fine dust. The building rose high from the ground, gleaming like a crystal shard in the mid-day sun. As if the starship was not enough to clear the area itself, the appearance of six people wearing uniforms or tactical suits, five of which carried pulse rifles, did the trick. The Firebird Rise waited behind, idled thrusters rumbling a menacing warning to any who might approach.

Eshe led the way to the main entrance, shoving aside the double glass doors between the flowered vines that rose from two stone planters. A man and woman, security guards wearing crisp white shirts and black pants, jerked at the intrusion. The woman, sitting within a circular reception desk made of dark polished marble, stood and held up a hand. "We are closed, you can't come in here."

Marching forward, Eshe raised her rifle. "I think we can."

The male security guard, standing outside of the desk, reached for the pistol holstered at his waist, but his hand never touched the weapon. Eshe fired a silvery stun pulse, striking the man in the chest. His body quaked, then slumped to the floor.

The woman's eyes shot wide open, and she slowly raised her hands while staring at the barrel of Eshe's rifle. As Hope appeared before her, the woman's jaw dropped. "Empress?"

So, she knows who I am. Leaning on the desk, Hope lowered her rifle and said, "Is Gideon Diego in? I would like to have a word with him."

"Yes, Empress," the woman replied in a small voice, while lowering her hands. "Shall I tell him you are here?" Her hands shot back up as Eshe pushed her rifle closer.

"Oh no," Hope replied with a half grin. "I would like to surprise him. Move aside."

While Cole dragged off the stunned male guard and Owen secured the woman inside a small conference room with handcuffs, Hope occupied the chair within the circular desk. A row of flat monitors showed views within the building. Touching a button on a tablet viewer, she said, "Sol override. Code sigma omicron lambda."

"Confirm authorization," a tinny voice responded.

Hope placed her hand on a biometric scanner and watched a white line travel under it. "Identity confirmed," the voice said, "Welcome, Empress."

"Is this the building security AI?"

"Yes, Empress."

"Very good." Hope grinned, winking at Eshe. "Lockout all other access, except for myself and those here with me. Close and lock all security doors and all building entrances. Oh, and grant those with me override privileges." There. That should prevent others, inside and outside, from interfering.

"Complied," the voice answered.

"Building schematic." Hope gazed at the graphics displayed on the desk monitors. "Locate Gideon Diego." She grinned as a small red blob appeared on the top floor. Gotcha. "Show all other people inside the building." A smattering of figures appeared.

Gabriel gazed over his sister's shoulder. "Good, nobody downstairs." He gestured to Claire, extending an arm. "Shall we?"

Claire led Gabriel across the white marble floor of the wide reception foyer. He stopped her at the stairway door. "Wait, would Diego have deleted all the Consortium records?"

She smiled. "He might have, but the database downstairs is a tertiary backup system that almost nobody knows about. Everything should still be there."

Behind the reception desk, the frosted glass doors of the restricted penthouse elevator opened to Hope's command. She, Eshe, and the two guards shuffled in and allowed the doors to slide closed.

Pulling up her viewer, Eshe commanded, "Building AI, show visual of the top floor."

"Visual images not available," responded a voice.

"Hmm, show heat images then?"


A frown appeared on Eshe's face. "It is hard to make out, but there are at least four others on the top floor, maybe more, besides Diego. And they are gathered near the elevator." She tilted her eyes up to Hope. "They are waiting for us."

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