Chapter 9.3

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A insistent nudge interrupted Moon's slumber. Through a margin of lucidity, he heard Celeste's call as if through a long tube. "Moon?" She laid on her side behind him with a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head, but it plopped down again. The next nudge shook his whole body.

Still half asleep, he rolled over toward her and mumbled. "Umm, what?" His fingers touched dampness under the sheets, and he frowned. "Why is the bed wet?"

"I think my water broke."

"Hmm, okay," he mumbled, then jerked up as electric tingles shot through his body. "Wait, what?"

"My water broke."


"I don't think so, but they may start soon. Usually they... Ohh!" Celeste grasped her belly and drew shallow breaths in and out through pursed lips.


Celeste's voice strained. "Definitely."

Panic hit Moon like a meteor, blazing a trail through his brain. With widened eyes, Moon waved his hands. "No, no! I know triplets usually come early, but Mihra won't be here for another two days. Can't you wait?"

Celeste drew her eyebrows together. "It's not my choosing. They're your children. You tell them!" She rolled her eyes back. "Men have it easy. You don't have to deal with childbirth."

He grinned. "Yeah, but we have to deal with women. So it's a tie." The grin disappeared. "I probably should not have said that."

She scowled. "There is no probably about it." Then she shook her head. "We need to work on your social filter, Moon."

Sai's voice came from the ceiling. "Priestess, I have prepared the medical bay for delivery."

Celeste replied, "Good, Sai. It may be several hours till birth, though. I've only had one contraction... Ohh!" She did her practiced breathing technique for a moment. "Umm, make that two."

Moon looked up. "Sai, were you spying on us again in our bedroom?"

"Yes, sir. Given the Priestess' late stage of pregnancy, I thought it best to monitor the situation. Was I mistaken?"

Celeste responded. "It's okay, Sai. I appreciate the concern."

Moon spoke to the ceiling. "Sai, increase relative velocity to sixty-five C and adjust course for an earlier rendezvous with Mihra's ship." Mustering confidence, he turned to Celeste and took up her hand. "Let's get you to the med bay for a scan to make sure everything is good to go."

The scanner plate descended from the overhead compartment on a robotic arm. It projected a moving white line across Celeste as she laid on the examination table, tracing across her swollen abdomen. To Moon, her belly seemed unbelievably huge for her slight frame, like she was more babies than woman. Well, there are three of them in there.

A holographic image appeared above them, forming as the scan light passed over her. Three curled babies crowded her womb, facing head down. A wide smile came to Celeste's face.

Sai announced, "I took the liberty of contacting Priestess Mihra and forwarding the diagnostic results to her."

Celeste nodded. "Thank you, Sai."

After a beep, a voice came over the intercom. Mihra's face appeared in one corner of a medical display panel. "Celeste?"

"Mihra, my water broke, and I've already had a few contractions."

"The little ones just can't wait, can they? Not unusual for multiples." She peered down. "Hmm, looks like they've descended in good positions. You're nearly fully effaced and partially dilated. It's nearly show time." She looked up with gentle eyes. "Everything looks good for natural delivery, but I must caution you, with multiples there is always risk of complications. If the babies become stressed, is the med-bot capable of a caesarian section?"

Sai answered. "Oh yes, Priestess. It has full reproductive capabilities. I have downloaded the appropriate sub-routines."

Mihra creased her forehead. "And you are?"

"I am Sai, Priestess. My name is spelled S-A-I, which stands for ship AI. Captain Moon gave me my name."

Moon dropped his head and put a hand to his forehead.

Mihra paused with a blank expression. "I see... Umm, how long until I arrive?"

"Approximately fifteen hours and twelve minutes at current relative velocities, Priestess."

"That soon? I thought it was later. How fast are you going?"

"We have increased relative velocity to sixty-five C, Priestess. But we can go faster for limited durations. We achieved eighty-two point five C relative velocity while being pursued by a quantum torpedo. Captain Moon often states that we are the fastest hauler in this part of the galaxy."

Mihra's eyes went wide. "Someone fired a torpedo at you?"

"Yes, Priestess. It was a Corsair with unknown affiliation near the Meridian Space Port soon after Priestess Celeste stowed away on the ship and Captain Moon shot her with a stunner. We were--"

Moon threw his head back. "Not now, Sai!"

"Yes, sir."

Mihra looked to Celeste. "You have had quite an adventure, girl."

Celeste grinned. "You have no idea, Mihra."

Moon grumbled. "I'm sure Sai would be happy to tell you all about it." He looked up with a frown. "She tends to be very talkative."

Mihra chuckled. "I look forward to it."

Celeste grunted. "Oww..."

"Another contraction, I take it," Mihra said.

Celeste only nodded as she puffed breaths in and out of pursed lips. Moon offered his hand to hold, and she took it, squeezing hard enough to make him grunt. The babies shown in the image shifted slightly as the womb compressed.

Mihra asked, "How long since the last one?"

Sai replied. "Twelve minutes and twenty seconds, Priestess. This is the seventh contraction, with an average frequency of eighteen minutes and forty-two seconds."

Celeste laid her head back and took a deep breath as the contraction ended. She drew her eyebrows together. "I thought that was my third one?"

Sai said, "The first four occurred while you were asleep, Priestess, and were relatively mild."

"Nothing gets past you, Sai."

"Thank you, Priestess. I strive to be attentive."

Mihra grinned. "That be unusually intense for an early contraction. Those babies are not messing around. It may not be long, Celeste. Let us know if you need pain relief."

Celeste steeled her expression. "I can handle it." She looked up to Moon while placing one hand on her belly and drawing her lips tight. "I want you to promise me that you will do whatever it takes to preserve the lives of these babies. Even at the cost of my life. They are far more important than me."

The implications of her words sent electric shocks down his spine. After all they had been through, the thought of losing Celeste terrified him. Moon shook his head. "Don't talk like that. Everything will go fine."

Celeste's moist eyes drilled into his. "I know. But I'm serious, Moon. I need you to promise me. And not just now, but all times."

Moon paused as a lump grew in his throat. He kissed her hand. "Okay. I promise. Now put it out of your mind and let's pop out some babies. Err, I mean, you pop them out. We'll catch them."

Celeste laughed. "It's not quite that simple, but yes, let's do that."

Mirha rolled her eyes. "Okay. Glad that is settled. Let's keep this connection open. I will monitor from here."

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