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Simba and the remaining lionesses rushed to the forward side of Pride Rock and spotted Janja and his clan, who at this moment made their way up to the entrance. Simba, enraged at the sight, roared and yelled: "Janja, face me and fight!"

Janja turned around, to look at him and grinned.
"Nope, I promised Zira, too leave that honor to her." He laughed an ran inside Pride Rock. Simba wanted to follow, but the outlander lions caught up to them and the fight continued.
"Nala, they're coming!", Simba yelled, hoping, that she could hear him. 'Where in the pridelands is Kion?', Simba thought, as he jumped into the fight.

Two outlanders attacked him immediately, aiming for his legs. He pounced on one of them and bit her in the back, but she managed to get free and retreated, while another lioness took her place.

Simba jumped back, to get some distance between him and the outlanders. And then he finally spotted Zira. She waited at a distance, watching the fight with visible enjoyment. Then, she jumped from the rock she had been sitting on and stalked closer to him. Vitani joined her, apparently having regained consciousness.

She and two other lionesses jumped forward and attacked him simultaneously. Zira followed them a little behind, probably hoping, that Simba would be distracted by the others and using that opportunity, to finish him off.

Vitani was the first, to reach Simba and he swatted her with his paw again. She flew back, right into Ziras path, who came to a sudden stop.
"Get out of the way!", she yelled and swatted Vitani in the face and throwing her to the side.

The other two lionesses attacked Simba and managed to pin him to the ground with their combined weight. He struggled, trying to get up, but before he could, Zira launched at him and closed her jaw around his throat.

Simbas eyes widened in shock, as he felt the pressure and the pain on his throat. He tried to move, but it was useless. The lionesses, pinning him down, were too much for him to counter. He felt his lungs running out of air and tried to breath, but Zira blocked the airflow. He raised his front paws and attempted to force Zira to let go of his throat by clawing at her face, but his actions were nothing more but a minor annoyance to her. He didn't have the remaining energy needed, to actually do something about it.

"Your majesty", a lioness of his pride yelled and tried to run up to him, but she was blocked by multipule outlanders. She was unable to get even close, just as the remaining lionesses of his pride would be.

Simbas vision started to get dark and his paws, that had tried to pester Zira off of him, fell to the ground. The battle was lost. He knew it.
"Run", he whispered. He summoned his last bits of strengh and said as loudly as he could: "Run!"

He was barely audible, but some of his lionesses closest to him had heard him. They slowly stepped away from him and the outlanders, who followed them, baring their teeth. The prideland lionesses looked at each other, uncertain, as what to do. The path up to Pride Rock was blocked and not really an option, as they would only be caught in a pincer between the outlanders and hyenas. They came to a silent agreement and turned around simultaneously to try and make a run for it, the outlanders in hot pursuit. The fleeing lionesses let out a warning roar, to let the lionesses inside Pride Rock know of their defeat.

Simbas body went numb, as he unsuccesfully tried to take a last breath and his head fell to the ground. The last thing he saw, was Zira, still choking him to death. The king of the pridelands was dead.

Zira let go of his throat and stared at his motionless body. She almost couldnt't believe it. She had finally done it. She had finally gotten revenge on Simba for murdering her beloved Scar. She raised her paw in anger and swiped it at his body. And again and again. She angrily mauled his body more and more, drawing a lot of blood. All the anger, she had been holding for a long time was finally released and she didn't hold back.

A little to the side, Vitani got up again, covering her eye with her paw. It hurt pretty badly, as she made her way to a water puddle, to take a look. She removed her paw from the eye and looked at her reflection. Her eyes widened in shock, as she saw the bleeding wound across her eye. Pain errupted from the wound and she winced. After a few seconds of waiting, she opened her eye again carefully. She could still see from it. So the eye itself wasn't wounded. She swallowed. At least that was a good thing. But thinking about the fact, that her mother had done this, only because she had fallen in her way, gave her a sick feeling.

Meanwhile, inside Pride Rock, Kiara lifted her head and her ears went up. She had heard something from the outside.
"Was that Dad?", she asked her mother in a shushed voice.
"I didn't hear anything", Nala whispered back.
"I think I heard your name", Kiara replied.

Then they heard noises coming from the entrance. And it didn't sound like it was someone, who wanted to defend them. The taps were softer then those of lions, quiet. As if these animals didn't want to make much noise and the lions of the pride wouldn't have a reason for that.

As Nala realised that, she froze in shock. These animals didn't only get into Pride Rock, they also didn't seem to be in a hurry to find them. They didn't move around quickly, to find them. Simba and the other lionesses must have been too occupied to do something about it. She forced herself to focus and looked down at Kiara, who looked back at her, her nervous tail brushing the floor.
"Everybody, keep quiet and maybe they'll miss us", Nala quickly whispered, before crouching down in an attack position.

Kiara looked at her friends, who were both shaking. Tiifu was blinking like crazy, all the stress getting to her, while Zuri attempted to breath as shallowly as she could. The little cubs were hugging each other, close to tears, but staying still. The two older lionesses, who were the last other ones remaining in the cave, just stood near the entrance, waiting, for what was to come.

They heard the steps coming closer and then going past the small cave. They all looked at each other relieved, but at this moment, one of the cubs stared sobbing. Time seemed to slow down, as the sound rang through the entire cave. Before any of the lionesses could do anything about it, Janjas voice yelled: "There they are boys. Get'em!" and the first hyena jumped in the cave.

Nala growled and tackled him, but a second one, Nne, immediately followed. One of the other lionesses tried to tackle him as well, but he evaded her and swiped at her. Tano was the next one and got intercepted by the third lioness, but struggled free, after biting her paw and escaping her grip.

Then Cheezi and Chungu followed with a sixth hyena. Nala and the two other lionesses being distracted with one hyena each, it was only Kiara, Tiifu and Zuri left, to defend the cubs. They looked at each other, before jumping at the hyenas, Tiifu and Zuri hesitating a little longer than Kiara did. Tiifu and Zuri went for Cheezi and Chungu, while Kiara attacked the last hyena.

There wasn't much room in that cave to begin with, but now, with six hyenas also inside, it was pretty hard to move, without bumping into each other. Then, Janja entered the cave and calmly walked past everyone, straight toward the cubs, who cowered in a corner.

"No!", Kiara screamed and struggled free from her attacker. She jumped at Janja, who quickly evaded her and slammed her to the ground with his paw. Kiara inhaled sharply, as she felt the pain of the impact. Janja turned around again and moved closer to the cubs. Kiara searched the cave for her previous attacker, who at this moment pounced on one of the other lionesses and brought her to the ground.

She looked shocked, as Tano jumped in and the two of them attacked the lioness viciously. As she heard a scream, she spun her head around and saw Janja picking up one of the cubs and shaking it, while crushing it with his jaws. When the scream suddenly stopped, he threw the lifeless body at the wall, where it left a blood splatter and fell to the ground.

"Get the cubs out of here!", Nala yelled and all lionesses tried to seperate themselfes from their combatants. Before anyone could reach him, Janja stepped on the neck of one of the cubs and slowly put more and more pressure on it, while looking at the lionesses, who struggled to get to him. One lioness was dead, killed by Tano and the other hyena, who now teamed up with Nne against the lioness, he was facing. Nala jumped to her aid, but the hyena she had been fighting followed suit and delivered a quick blow to the bleeding lioness, bringing her to the ground as well.

At this moment, they could all hear a roar from outside and everybody inside the cave froze.
"It can't be", Nala whispered quietly. The roar meant defeat and she recognised it coming from her pride members. "Grab the cubs and run!", Nala yelled and she, along with Kiara, Tiifu and Zuri rushed towards Janja. He was surprised and shocked by all of them running at him at the same time and his eyes openend wide as a reaction. Then he felt the cub under his paw trying to get free and he pushed down, breaking the neck in an instant. Nala roared, as she saw this and knocked Janja against the wall behind him, rendering him unconscious.

She and Zuri quickly grabbed the two remaining cubs and they all sprinted past the hyenas into the main lair of Pride Rock and headed towards the entrance. As they rushed through, they came to a sudden halt, as they saw the outlanders make their way up to them. At the bottom they saw Simba, lying on the ground and not moving, while Zira struck him again and again with her paws.

"Simba", Nala yelled shocked, accidentally dropping the cub she was holding in the process. Zira looked up at them and grinned, her smile stained with Simbas blood.
"Well, looks like you decided to show up just in time for me to finish you off as well", she said tauntingly.
"To the right!", Nala quickly ordered and picked up the cub again, as they started running. The outlanders followed them, as well as the hyenas, who exited the lair.

Before too long, multipule lionesses and hyenas had caught up to them and pounced on the lioness closest to them, which happened to be Nala. As Nala was pushed to the ground, she let go of the cub in her mouth and it flew to the edge of Pride Rock, where it rolled over it and fell to its death, screaming in terror.

"No!", Kiara yelled and looked to her mother, who was being attacked by all their pursuers. They ripped at her flesh and she screamed in pain. She locked eyes with Kiara.
"Go! Run!", she yelled at her daughter and her friends. She managed to swipe at one hyena, who fell off of her and she stood up, pouncing on a lioness. She knew, that she would only be able to last for a few more seconds, but she hoped, that it would be enough for Kiara and the others to get away.

Kiara looked at her mother, before she turned and made a run for it, the other ones close behind. She didn't see, how her mother was killed, but she could hear it. The screams could probably be heard through most of the pridelands and she heard the flesh being ripped off her body. They reached a path, that went to the bottom of Pride Rock and after they descended it, they ran into the grass. They saw some big logs and quickly hid under them, as some pursuers ran past them.

"What do we do now?", Tiifu asked quietly.
Kiara's eyes were wide and she breathed irregularly. Her parents were dead. Killed in front of her. Tears began to form and started to fall. She started to shake and covered her head under her paws.
Zuri, who had put the cub on her back, gently nudged her and whispered: "Kiara, we don't want to push you right now, but we can't just stay here all night."
Kiara slowly tried to pull herself together and nodded.
"We need to get away. I'm not sure, where to. Just... away", she said and the others nodded. She looked at the cub on Zuri's back."How are you holding up, little one?", she asked.
"I'm scared", the cub answered.
"That's alright. It's not wrong, to be scared", Kiara responded. "Just try to be quiet, so we get out of here, without being noticed."
The cub nodded.

"I just wanna go to Mommy", the cub said.
"We'll try our best to find her", Kiara promised.
"Do you promise?", the cub asked.
Kiara wasn't sure, if she should do it, but she decided, that she wanted to make the cub feel better.
"Yes, Wajanja, I promise, that we'll try our best to find your mother."
Wajanja nodded. "Thank you", he whispered.
"Alright, let's go. Be careful", Kiara said to all of them and slowly made her way from underneath their hideout.


Simba and Nala are dead. Did you expect them to die?

Wajanja means clever

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