Nukas mission

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Nuka and two lionesses hid right at the border to the pridelands. Three enemy lionesses walked past them in some distance. Nuka yawned. Zira had made sure, that he got as little sleep as possible, by trying to keep him up all night. She didn't do it herself directly, but other lionesses kept him awake by doing noise and sometimes a rock flew in his direction. He was sure, that it was her doing. He shook himself, to wake a little more up. The other lionesses were far away now and he gave the signal to go further into the pridelands. He looked around in awe. It had been an eternity since he had been in the pridelands and it's beauty was still magnificent. He shook his head again, he needed to stay fokused.

"So, where are we going now?", Skauti asked. She was one of the two lionesses, that were on this mission with Nuka. The other one was Mtazamaji. Skauti was Nukas age and had a similar dark fur. She was one of the best scouts of the pack and an experienced huntress. Her father had been a rogue lion, that had wondered through the pridelands, during Scars reign, before he left again, to go looking for some adventures. Mtazamaji was her mother, also a very good huntress and a good observer. She came to the pridelands with the rest of Ziras pack, when the male, leading the pack had been killed and they searched for a new home. Her fur was less dark, except for a dark spot at the shoulder of her left front leg.

Nuka trusted both of them and he had asked them himself, if they would help him with that mission. They were the ones, that had helped him train, when Zira decided, she wouldn't train him. He also had made sure, that Zira didn't found out, who he would take with him on his mission, so she couldn't manipulate them. "There should be a small water hole nearby, where the zebras use to drink from.", Mtazamaji said and looked over to Nuka, to see, how he would react. "Sounds like a good plan. Let's head there.", Nuka said and walked ahead.

Shortly after, they arrived at the water hole and there was indeed a zebra herd. "How are we gonna get them?", Skauti asked and she and her mother looked at Nuka. He was in command after all. Nuka tried to use his senses, to learn about all the factors, that he needed for the hunt. "The wind is blowing from the left, so you go to the right and go around the herd, so they don't notice your scent. When you are ready, I will attack them and bring them directly to you." "That could work.", Mtazamaji said and Skauti nodded. "Go.", Nuka told them and they left, sneaking to the right. He pulled out his claws (Do you say it like that? I'm really not sure about that.) and shook himself again, to relax a little. He tried to spot Skauti and Mtazamaji, but he could only spot Skauti once for a moment, while Mtazamaji stayed hidden for the entire time.

He spotted Skauti again, when she lifted her head from the tall grass and nodded to him, to signal, that they were ready. He cowered to the ground, prepared himself and then jumped and began to run at the zebras full speed. A smile spread across his face. He could finally make his father proud. He ran at a male zebra, that looked at him, full of surprise, but didn't run away. Confused, Nuka stopped and almost crashed into the zebra. The zebra didn't move a bit and the rest of the herd also hadn't moved. "Good lord. You scared me.", the zebra said and Nuka was more confused then ever before. "What?", he asked. "You scared me. Why did you run at me like that? I don't like it."

Then the zebra took a closer look at Nuka. "I don't even know you. Are you new here?" Nuka decided to play along, so that Skauti and Mtazamaji could sneak up on the herd, that was now completely focussed on him. "Well, I used to live here a while ago and decided to come back and visit.", he said and tried to spot the two lionesses. He spotted them and made a gesture, so that they understand, that they are supposed to sneak up on the zebras. "Oh, you lived here? How lovely. Do you still like it?" "Yeah. And very soon, I will be staying here for a long time.", Nuka said with a grin, while Skauti and Mtazamaji slowly came closer and closer to the zebras.

"Oh I definately can't wait for that.", the zebra answered and at this moment, the lionesses pounced. Skauti and Mtazamaji pounced on two female zebras and killed them easely. Nuka wanted to pounce on the zebra, he had been talking to, but that zebra saw, how the other two zebras were killed and immediately ran past Nuka yelling: "Panic and run! Panic and run!" Nuka quickly changed his plan and pounced on another zebra, that was trying to get away. The zebra fell to ground, with Nuka holding it down and biting its throat. Instead of choking it, he ripped the throat open and blood flowed out. The zebra twitched for a bit, until it stopped.

Nuka looked to both lionesses and at the prey, they cought. They had three zebras. That surely was enough for Scars army. And it wasn't like they could carry more anyway. "That was really good.", Mtazamaji said with a smile. "Well, the plan didn't really work out the way I wanted, but we have three zebras and that's more, than I expected.", Nuka admitted. "We need to bring the zebras to the volcano as fast as possible, before the pridelanders get here." "It is already to late for that.", Skauti suddenly said and pointed to where the three patroling lionesses had went earlier. They were coming back, and they were coming fast.

Nuka froze. No way would it be possible, to bring the dead zebras to the outlands in time. They needed a distraction, to get enough time. He had an idea. "Quick, help me carry my zebra undereath these bushes!", he said and the lionesses did so without questioning him. After a few seconds the zebra was completely hidden. "Now take your zebras and bring them to the volcano! I will distract them and later take my zebra to the volcano." "Are you sure about that?", Skauti asked and he nodded. "I am, Now go!" They turned around, got their zebras and began to carry them to the outlands. Nuka on the other hand ( other paw?) ran further into the pridelands. He made sure to be seen by the enemy lionesses and hoped, that they would follow him. Why shouldn't they? They didn't see Skauti and Mtazamaji and he ran straight to Pride Rock.

He looked behind over his shoulder and he was right, they were following him. He just had to find a place, where he could hide. He spotted a dark spot a little to the right and headed there, the tall grass behind him meanwhile prevented the lionesses to see him. He came closer to the dark spot and saw, that it was a small cave. He jumped in it and rolled himself a few times on the ground, to try and cover up his scent with the dirt. Then he just sat still and waited. He tried to breath as low as possible, which wasn't easy, but he managed to stay quiet. He heard the lionesses run by and after he calmed down a bit, he climbed out of the cave again. The lionesses were no where to be seen and he ran back, to where he left the zebra.

Back at the volcano:

"Great job Nuka.", Scar congratulated Nuka, who was standing proud in the volcano. "To be honest, I expected you to fail, but it seems, I was wrong." Nuka lifted his head even more proudly, while Zira, who was in the volcano as well, had to resist the urge to attack Nuka. "The food you got for us will be enough for our army for a while. The lions can have one zebra and the hyenas, jackals and crocodiles can have the other two. Very well. I shall keep my word and let you be a part of future missions. And you will have important roles in them. You can leave now and rest." "Thank you father. Thanks a lot.", Nuka said and left the volcano, being very glad, that he didn't mess it up and that his father stood true to his words.

As soon as he had left, Zira exploded. "Why didn't he fail the mission? I did everything possible to keep him awake during the night. I had told every lioness, that he could pick, that they should give their worst effort. I did everything you told me to do." "Apparently Mtazamaji and her daughter didn't listen to you.", Scar said quit disappointed. "They will only get the leftovers and will have to do extra work for the rest of the week." "Understood, darling.", Zira said. "Will you keep your word?", she asked him. "Of course not. I will pretend to, but I won't. That surely was a one-time event and I doubt, that it will happen again. The missions, that I will give him, will be simple and keep him out of action. If he gets into fighting, he will mess it up and we can't risk that."

Scar stopped and seemed to think for a few seconds. "I think it would be best, if he goes on missions with Kovu, with Kovu in charge. The missions Kovu will be on, won't include engagements and if they get attacked, Nuka can protect Kovu. I need him. I have a plan for him." "Very well.", Zira said. "What about Vitani? How will we use her?" "You said she was a good fighter, right?", Scar asked. Zira nodded. "She is an excellent fighter.", she replied. Scar seemed satisfied with that answer and said: "We will use her in the engagements. She is expendable. We don't need her for anything else and we don't need to keep her out of action because of one reason or another."

What neither Scar or Zira knew was the fact, that someone had heard the entire conversation and now ran outside through the secret entrance, this someone had entered.

Scar and Zira dropped the subject of their kids and Scar said: "I need you to leave now. I want to speak with a certain guest, that the hyenas had been guarding for me and I want to talk to her. Alone." "Of course darling.", Zira said and left the volcano.


What do you think of this chapter? I think it's surely one of the better ones so far.

I had researched the names for the two lionesses, that would be with Nuka on this mission. Skauti means scout and Mtazamaji means observer. At least according to google translate. What do you think of the names? Are they good?

Who, do you think heard, what Scar and Zira were talking about?

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