The new members are a little overwhelmed

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"I'm really regretting my decision right now.", Zuri yelled, while running away from a hyena. "Oh no, he's right behind me.", she continued yelling. "You outran him like ten seconds ago.", Ono told Zuri, after he flew next to her. Zuri stopped and looked behind her. The hyena indeed had stopped chasing her. Zuri sat down and began to shift uncomfortably. "Sorry. That's so embarassing." "It's not.", Ono replied. "You're just not used to it."

Both of them looked back to the others. They had run into the hyneas and jackals, that had tried to sneak into the antilope territory. Both groups were very surprised, when they literally bumped inot each other and a quick and unorganised skirmish had started. Kion and Beshte were dealing with the jackals, while Bunga and Tiifu faced the hyenas. It wasn't looking very good, as they were outnumbered and everyone was for himself. "We must do something.", Ono said. "But what? I'm not a fighter and you are a small bird.", Zuri said.

"I have an idea.", Ono said. "You need to get the attention of the hyenas. Just make them follow you. You are faster than them. Lure them to Beshte and he'll deal with them. I'll tell him." "I should get their attention? No way! What if I trip? And Beshte is busy with those two jackals.", Zuri complained. "I will help him with the jackals and then you can lure the hyenas to him. Trust me, we did this before.", Ono explained. "And if you trip, Beshte and I will be there to assist you."

"I'm not going to do...", Zuri said, but she was interupted by a scream. They looked over to Tiifu and she was pinned by Nne. Bunga was dealing with Janja and Tano and Tiifu had knocked out Cheezi and Chungu, but she didn't notice Nne sneaking up behind her. And Zuri realised, that Nne had been the one chasing her, before he lost interest, because he couldn't catch up to her.

"Oh, no, no, no, no no, I'm on it.", Zuri yelled and ran at Nne. "Let her go, you stupid hyena!" Nne looked at her and ducked, when she pounced at him, but she still hit him and he fell off of Tiifu. He stood up and chased after her. "I'm gonna get you for that." "You need to catch me first.", Zuri answered, which she only did, to provoke him a little more and ran straight at Tano, who was just getting up, after Bunga had hit his head, with a stone. He looked at Zuri, but she was to close for him to react. She jumped over him and when he jumped up, to catch her, she was already out of reach. Unfortunately for him, Nne had been right behind her and now Nne crashed into Tano.

Both groaned and got up again. Nne put pressure on his front left leg and he winced. He looked at it and there was a wound, where Tano had bitten him on accident. Tano looked over at him and asked: "Are you alright, brother?" Nne nodded. "I'm fine. It's not that bad."

Then he looked at Zuri, who had stopped running, after the hyenas had crashed into each other. He growled at her and she cowered down a bit. "Now it's personal.", he said and they ran at Zuri. Her eyes widened and she turned, to run away from the two bloodthirsty hyenas. "This is far worse, than I imagined it to be.", she thought and tried to run in a circle, to lure the hyena brothers to Beshte. She was starting to get tired. Lions aren't used to run for longer distances and Zuri didn't run often, so her endurance wasn't that great.

She looked for Beshte and saw him hiding behind a big rock, so she ran to the rock and passed it on the left side. "Twende Kiboko.", Beshte yelled and left his hiding spot, standing right into the hyenas running path. Tano ran into Beshte and was knocked out, but Nne avoided him, because he was a bit behind Tano and had the time to react. He passed Beshte and pounced at the surprised Zuri, who had thought, that both hyenas were knocked out cold.

He tried to bite at her and she desperately tried, to keep his jaws away from her throat with her paws. "Help, help, guys, help!", she screamed, as Nne was trying to pin her paws to the ground with his legs. Before he could do so, he was pushed off of Zuri and she got back on her paws. Tiifu had gotten back up and rescued her friend, returning the favor, in doing so. Nne stood up and growled at them. Tano appeared next to him, just like the rest of the hyenas and finally the jackals as well.

Tiifu and Zuri began to back up, but then the rest of the guard appeared on their sides and now, they felt a lot more comfortable. Janja and Reirei smiled and Janja said: "So you replaced Fuli with these two? You must be really desperate, to do that." "Well, they are unharmed, so I think this decision wasn't that bad.", Kion replied. The hyenas and jackals slowly advanced, until they realized, that it probably wasn't the best idea, to stand in a group, when Kion was standing in front of them.

Realisation appeared on all of their faces, except Cheezi, Chungu and Goigoi, who just continued advancing, while they chuckled. Nne, who was probably the first one, to realize, what was going on, looked at Tiifu and Zuri and angrily yelled: "We aren't done with you two! We'll get your blood, I can promise you that!" Then Kion roared and the outlanders were blown away. Tiifu and Zuri watched it happen, with their eyes wide open. "Wow, I always wondered, why a roar would help you fight, but I surely didn't expect this.", Zuri said. "My thoughst exactly.", Tiifu agreed.

"Is everyone alright?", Kion asked and all nodded. He turned his head to Tiifu and Zuri. "How are you two?" "We're alright.", Tiifu answered. "Just a little shaken up." Zuri looked to the ground and mumbled: "Yeah, that what she said." Then she looked up and asked: "Can I go and think for a moment?" "Of course you can.", Kion replied. "Thanks, Kion.", Zuri answered, turned around and walked away from the others. Tiifu looked after her, worried and wondering, what was going on in her friends mind. She looked at Kion and he nodded, so she followed her.

Tiifu found Zuri, lying on a rock, lost in her thoughts. "What is it, Zuri?", Tiifu asked and laid down next to her. "Is it, what Janja said? Don't let it get to you, we're only ment to be temporary anyway. Or was it the fight?" "It was neither of those two.", Zuri replied, her voice shaking a little bit. "Ok, maybe the second a little bit, but it's mainly something else." She fell silent again.

"Before today, I never appreciated the guard. I didn't care about them and what they did. I just knew, that they kept the outlanders in the outlands and prevented them to go into the pridelands. I always thought, this would be a little fighting, but not something like this. For the pridelands sake, I never knew, that the guard puts itself in that kind of danger. And they've been doing that for almost a year. They put themself in that kind of danger every day, to protect us and I just didn't care. I'm just disappointed with myself, that I didn't care about that before."

Zuri was now almost crying and Tiifu snuggled up to her. "Don't be to harsh on yourself. You didn't know about it before, but we were busy being with Kiara all the time. Now you know about it and that's, what's important. Now you've realized, why they need all the help, they can get. And you are helping them right now, by being a member of the guard. And you did great, during the fight. You saved me from Nne. That was very brave of you."

"Well, you saved me from Nne as well. So we are even. Thank you. For saving me and talking to me.", Zuri replied. "No problem.", Tiifu said and they went back to the rest of the guard.


What did you think of this chapter? Was the fight scene good and what about the dialog, that Tiifu and Zuri had at the end? I would love to hear your opinion.

I'll be in a camp the next two days (related to my workplace) and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Yeah, the autistic guy (me) going to a camp for two days, while he doesn't know anyone there for except like one or two other guys. This will be a nightmare. Being stuck there with a lot of people you don't know, who could do everything possible and you would have no idea, how to react to it and you're afraid, that a wrong reaction would end with not so nice consequences.

I read a youtube comment once and it pretty much explains, how I will feel like: It will be a movie and everything is improvised. The guys with autism thought, that they would get a script and are totally lost.

But at least it won't be as bad as last year, were I was at a camp for an entire week, with a lot more people, than there will be in this camp and I only knew one single person there. And I only knew this person, because we live in the same village, but there's an age gap, so we weren't in the same class in school and we never talked with each other before.

Well, I'm sure I will survive that camp. By the way, I published a new book, here on Wattpad. The title is: The lion guard season 3: What I think about it The title pretty much explains itself. If you want to, you can of course check it out. If you don't want to, you of course don't have to check it out.

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