chapter 2 - his choice

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Kion let out a sigh. "I'll give myself up, but dont bother my pride ever again" kion said, fala gasped. "Dad! You cant--" fala said to her father. "Its okay fala, daddy's just going to go to the heyenas" kion replied "but-- will we meet again?" Fala asked, tears filled her eyes. "We will always be together" kion replied as he then walked over to jasiri.

"Now let fuli go!"  Kion strictly said to jasiri. ".... fine" jasiri sighed, "boys, bring the two pridelander back to their.. home" jasiri comanded her heyenas and they nodded to jasiri, one of them walked over to fala. Fala backed up scared. "dont worry, he's not going to hurt you" kion comforted his doughter. Fala then looked at the male heyena as he walked away, leading fala back to the pridelands with uncountious fuli on his back.

Fala took a last glance at her father before she then followed the heyena carrying her mother. With a broken heart, kion watched fala leave him, knowing it might be the last time they see each other.

As fala and teh heyena carrying fuli got to the pridelands, the heyena pushed fala to a big rock, hitting her head hard with it. Fala fainted, the heyena put fuli down near fainted fala. He then sat down near them, waiting for them to wake up.

About 5 hours later, fuli woke up, she opened her eyes slowly. She then spotted the heyena, her eyes immidiatly open wide as she gained all her power to tackle that heyena and pinning him to the ground. Fuli growled at him "wait no! I was the one that saved you!" The heyena shouted. "Why should i belive YOU?" Fuli growled.

"I- i was the one that took you and fala back here safely! My friend attacked fala and i saved her! Please.. " the heyena said, fuli's eyes widened, whe turned around to fainted fala. "Fala! Sweetie wake up" fuli said as she tried to wake fala up with her paw. "Grr, what did you do to her!?" Fuli shouted at the heyena. " i saved her life! Yours too! She was attacked by the other heyenas and then i fought them and took you and fala here!" The heyena said.

Fuli growled protectively at the heyenna, thinking he was lieing. "I.. i have some.. terrible news! Just calm down and listen!" The heyena said loudly to take fuli's full attention. "Why should i-" "its about kion!" Fuli's words were cut off by the heyena, her expression turned more shocked then mad.

"Like what? He's probably the one that saved me and fala! Your just a liar!" Fuli said. "IM NOT! HOW DARE YOU-" the heyena shouted, he then took a moment to breath and strated to talk again " is fala okay? She havent been moving" he said, changing the subject.

Will fala wake up?

Find out in the next chapter!

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