Love will find a way

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At night, Kiara walks slowly through the grass. As she walks, two doves suddenly emerge from the grass and take to the air, causing her to pull up short. The doves touch beaks. Kiara watches the doves fly away, clearly wistful. She continues walking. "In a perfect world," A herd of gazelles frolics by. "One we've never known." A gazelle couple bounds away from the herd, then stops to nuzzle. "We would never need" Kiara watches the couple for a moment before turning and striding away. "To face the world alone." Kiara walks into a forested area. "They can have the world." Kiara stops and watches as two butterflies flit over her head. In a nearby tree, a monkey couple nuzzles. "We'll create our own." Kiara follows the butterflies out of the forest. "I may not be brave or strong or smart." Kiara leaps up onto a tree branch and looks up at the stars. "But somewhere in my secret heart, I know" 

Kiara looks between the star formation of a rabbit and the star formation of two lions fighting: the same ones she and Kovu had spotted earlier. "Love will find a way." Kiara lowers her head sadly. "Anywhere I go." Kiara lies down on the tree branch. "I'm home if you are there beside me." Kiara looks down at her reflection in a pool. Half of her reflection is missing. A leaf falls into the pool, distoring her reflection. "Like dark turning into day." Kiara stands up. "Somehow we'll come through." Kiara notices a bush on the far shore moving, as if someone is hiding behind it. "Now that I've found you." A frog jumps out of the bush and lands in the pool. "Love will find a way." Kiara frowns and walks away with her head bowed. Later she is walking on a hill covered in ash. She sits down. Kovu stands on a hill behind Kiara. He watches her with a frown. "I was so afraid." Kovu bows his head and closes his eyes. After a moment, his eyes snap open again. "Now, I realize" Kovu lifts his head and smiles. Kiara sighs silently. "Love is never wrong." Kovu strides down his hill toward Kiara. "And so it never dies." Kiara's eyes open in shock. "There's a perfect world." Kiara turns around, and her mouth falls open in delight. She smiles affectionately. "Shining in your eyes." Kovu and Kiara smile at each other.

"And if only they could feel it, too," Kiara bounds down her hill toward Kovu. He rushes to meet her. "The happiness I feel with you." Kovu and Kiara meet halfway and nuzzle. "They'd know love will find a way." Kiara licks Kovu's cheek, then walks off. His eyes widen in shock before he smiles. "Anywhere we go, we're home." Kovu chases after Kiara, who flicks ash at him. They walk side-by-side up another hill. "If we are there together." Kovu and Kiara sit down. "Like dark turning into day," Kovu uses one paw to scrape away ash on the ground, revealing a green shoot. "Somehow we'll come through" Kiara stares in wonder. She smiles at Kovu, who waggles his eyebrows. "Now that I've found you. Love will find a way." Kovu and Kiara embrace. Around them, a wind carrying milkweed floss stirs the ash into the air. "I know love will find a way." Two butterflies flit around Kovu and Kiara. Kovu watches them excitedly. Kovu gasps. "Hey..." The butterflies fly away. Kovu chases after them. 

Kiara watches him go in confusion. He looks over one shoulder at her, grinning and laughs. Kiara's confused expression clears. She races after Kovu and laughs. Kovu and Kiara chase each other through the grass. The two of them laugh. Kiara leaps on Kovu, and they roll until he is pinned on his back. "Hey!" Kovu licks Kiara's cheek and she chuckles. Kiara sits up, while Kovu lifts himself up on one elbow. He nuzzles her. "Mm." Kovu looks into a nearby pool. "Hey, look." Kovu's and Kiara's reflections are merged in the water so that the left side is Kiara's face, while the right side is Kovu's. "We are one." He said. Kiara looks up in realization. "What?" She asked. "Let's get outta here." Kovu races away from Kiara, then turns to face her. "We'll run away together..." Kovu crouches and shakes his haunches suggestively. "And start a pride, all our own." He said, and Kiara chuckles. Kiara walks to Kovu. "Kovu," Kovu and Kiara nuzzle. "We have to go back." She said. Kovu pulls away from Kiara. "You're kidding. But we're finally together!" He protested. "Our place is with our pride." Kovu looks away thoughtfully. "If we run away, they'll be divided forever." Kiara said. Kovu's expression is uncertain. He glances back at Kiara with the same grim look. Back at the Outlands, the Outsiders, led by Zira, walk into a pond. The Outsiders emerge on the opposite shore, their coats soaked with mud.

The Outsiders stride across the savanna. Overhead, gray clouds cover the sky. Thunder rumbles, and lightning flickers in the clouds. Back at Pride Rock, there is a clap of thunder, and rain begins to fall. "I can't believe we lost her again." Timon and Pumbaa pace restlessly inside Pride Rock. "This is the eight-thousandth time!" Timon said, and Pumbaa whimpers. Timon halts and jabs an accusing finger at Pumbaa. "I thought you were gonna watch her!" He accused. "Me?" Timon marches around Pumbaa. "You were gonna watch her!" Pumbaa shouted. Timon turns to face Pumbaa on his other side. "I thought you were gonna watch her!" Timon shouted. Pumbaa points accusingly at Timon. "No, you were gonna watch her!" He shouted. "You were gonna watch her!" Timon shouted angrily. "Ah! Watch this!" 

Pumbaa belly-flops on top of Timon. "Ow!" Timon flips Pumbaa onto his back and tugs at his lip. "Take that, you creepy warthog! Say it!" (Y/n) strides into Pride Rock and shakes rainwater from her fur. "Fat!" Pumbaa shouted. "Say it!" Timon shouted. "Fat!" Timon holds Pumbaa by the leg. "Fatty! Fat! Fat!" Pumbaa shouted. "What are you guys doing?" (Y/n) asked playfully. Timon and Pumbaa snap to her attention. Pumbaa grins innocently, while Timon lands on his stomach. "Ah! Good question." Timon sits up. "Uh, lemme ask you one." He said. "Hippo-thetically." Pumbaa said. Timon hops onto Pumbaa's snout. "Very hypothetical. There's this lady." Timon began, and Pumbaa shakes his head. "But she's not a lion!" He said quickly, and Timon waves his hands in denial. "No! No!" (Y/n) smirks knowingly. "She's not a lion. Sheesh." Timon wags a finger at (Y/n). "Definitely not a lion. And, ah... Ah, her daughter, um," Timon holds up both his arms. "Say..." Timon crosses his arms. "Vanished?" He asked, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened with fear and worry. "Kiara's gone?!" She panicked. Zazu flaps frantically into the den. "(Y/n)!" Zazu hovers in front of her. "The Outsiders are on the attack! Heading this way! It's "War!" Zazu's eyes widen, and he pumps his wings in fists.

"Zazu, find Kiara and Simba!" Zazu flies off. "We'll assemble the lionesses. Move, now!" She shouted. (Y/n) races away. Timon and Pumbaa exchange frantic glances. Thunder crashes, and lightning flickers in the clouds. The Outsiders stalk slowly across the landscape. Several guinea fowls flee from the Outsiders. (Y/n)'s pride strides onto the plain, opposite the Outsiders. (Y/n) stalks along the line of lionesses. Several antelope and zebra lift their heads, then flee. Kovu and Kiara race through the rain toward the warring prides. In-between them and the battlefield, the gorge splits the land. Half of the gorge is full of water and dammed by logs. Several giraffes and okapis flee from the prides. The Outsiders form a battle line, while Zira climbs a tall rock. Vultures circle overhead. The Outsiders stand in a line. (Y/n)'s pride forms up opposite them. (Y/n) stands at the head of her pride. Timon and Pumbaa march out in front of them. They turn and shake their butts at the Outsiders. 

"Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!" They teased. "It's over, (Y/n)! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!" Zira smirks, and Simba stands in front of her protectively. "You leave her alone!" He growls. Timon stands on Pumbaa's head. He gestures to Zira. "Boy, does she need a hobby." He said sarcastically. "Last chance, Zira:" (Y/n) juts her head at Zira. "Stand down." She growled. "Never." Thunder booms, and lightning flashes. "Attack!" Zira shouts. The Outsiders rear onto their hind legs. The Outsiders walk toward (Y/n)'s pride and she roars. (Y/n)'s pride walks toward the Outsiders. The Outsiders continue their advance, now trotting quickly. (Y/n)'s pride continues their advance, now trotting quickly. The Outsiders break into a run and so does (Y/n) and her pride. The Outsiders and (Y/n)'s pride meet in the middle of the battlefield and begin to fight. An Outsider bites a Pride Lander on the back. Zira continues to stand on her tall rock. "Go for the eye!" Zira shouted. An Outsider smacks a Pride Lander in the jaw. "Break her jaw!" Zira shouted. An Outsider smacks a Pride Lander aside. "Hit her low!" An Outsider pounces on a Pride Lander. "Get them!" Zira shouted. The Outsiders and (Y/n)'s pride continue to fight. "Do what you must!" From across the gorge, Kovu and Kiara watch the battle in dismay. Kovu and Kiara exchange a glance before continuing to run toward the battle. The Outsiders and (Y/n)'s pride continue to fight. Timon and Pumbaa stand up against a rock wall. "Whadda we do?! Whadda we do?!" Pumbaa asked.

Timon lifts a finger emphatically. "There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa." Timon smacks his fist into his hand. "When the going gets tough," Timon repeats the gesture. "The tough get going." Timon spreads his arms wide. "That's our motto!" He said. "I thought our motto was "Hakuna Matata!" Pumbaa said. Timon holds his hands to his head. "Pumbaa, stop livin' in the past! We need a new motto." Timon lunges toward the battle. "Yeehaw!" Pumbaa follows Timon and they yell. An Outsider turns toward Timon and Pumbaa and roars. Timon and Pumbaa pull up short in terror and scream. "Like I said," Timon and Pumbaa run away. "Let's get going!" He shouted. Kovu and Kiara climb down the gorge to where the logs form a dam. Kiara crosses to safety. Kovu follows, but a log dislodges itself, and he nearly falls into the river. He regains his footing and continues following Kiara. 

Meanwhile, Vitani bounds up a tall rock and looks down on Simba. "Where's your pretty daughter, Simba?" She mocked. "Vitani!" He growled. Vitani leaps down on Simba. The two roll, with Simba on top. Timon and Pumbaa flee from the Outsiders. Timon and Pumbaa smack into a rock wall. They turn to face the Outsiders, cornered and they scream. The lion growl at them. Timon plasters himself against the rock wall, while Pumbaa turns his back on the Outsiders and crouches, hiding his head in his hooves and the two whimper. Timon looks from left to right frantically. Timon notices Pumbaa's butt, which is stuck up in the air, then grins. Timon chuckles deviously. Timon jumps onto Pumbaa's butt and cocks Pumbaa's tail like it's a gun. He levels it at the Outsiders. "Don't anybody move!" He shouted, and the lions growled. "This thing's loaded." Pumbaa looks over one shoulder at Timon. "I'll let ya have it!" The lions scream girlishly and run off. "Yeah! Yeah!" Timon cackles. "Huh!" Timon spins Pumbaa's tail idly. "Talk about your winds of war."

The Outsiders swarm (Y/n). Zira stands atop her rock, flanked by two Outsiders. "(Y/n)..." Zira said. Zira and the Outsiders leap from the rock and stride menacingly toward (Y/n). "You're mine!" Zira said. The Outsiders pile on (Y/n). She breaks free and swipes at the Outsiders, clearing a space around her. Zira approaches and strikes (Y/n) to the ground. Immediately, the Outsiders and (Y/n)'s pride halt their attacks. They watch the fight with concern. (Y/n) gets to her paws and faces off against Zira, and snarls at her. Zira stalks in a slow circle around (Y/n). (Y/n) watches Zira's every move and growls. Zira switches directions, but continues to circle (Y/n). (Y/n) and Zira circle one another. Around them, the Outsiders and (Y/n)'s pride gather in a tense circle. Zira rears onto her hind legs, lifting a paw and roars. (Y/n) rears onto her hind legs, lifting a paw and also roars. There is a clap of thunder, and (Y/n) looks up. Kovu and Kiara leap into the fray amidst a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning. Kovu and Kiara leap in-between (Y/n) and Zira, each facing their respective parent. (Y/n) looks taken aback, while Zira looks furious. "Kiara?" (Y/n) asked, and she glares at her. 

"Kovu!" Kovu glares at Zira. He narrows his eyes. "Move." Zira demands. "Stand aside." (Y/n) said. "Mother, this has to stop." Kiara said, and (Y/n) blinks in shock. "You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!" Zira shouted. "You'll never hurt Kiara...or (Y/n), or Simba." Kiara looks over one shoulder at Kovu. He lowers his head threateningly. "Not while I'm here." Kovu growled. Zira hisses at him. "Stay out of this!" (Y/n) said to her daughter. "A wise queen once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand her then." Kiara smiles. "Now, I do." She said. "But," (Y/n) looks at the Outsiders. "They–" she began. "Them? Us?" Kiara looks at the Outsiders. "Look at them." Simba, who is standing at (Y/n)'s shoulder, looks at her questioningly. (Y/n) looks at the Outsiders. "They are us. What differences do you see?" Kiara asked. The Outsiders look at one another uncertainly. Vitani continues to glare, after a moment, lifts her head and widens her eyes. Kiara, (Y/n) and Simba exchange meaningful glances. Kiara smiles. Overhead, the clouds clear, and the sun shines down on the two prides. (Y/n) looks up at the light. She smiles and embraces Kiara. "Vitani," Zira looks over one shoulder at Vitani. "Now!" Zira shouted. "No, Mother!" Vitani looks at Kiara, who smiles at her over one shoulder. Vitani looks back at Zira. "Kiara's right."

Vitani crosses the battlefield to stand beside Kovu "Enough." She said. The Outsiders exchange wondrous glances. "If you will not fight, then you will die as well." Zira said. The Outsiders scowl at one another. The Outsiders walk toward (Y/n)'s pride. Zira looks right. "Wha–" Zira looks left. "What are– Where are you going?" The Outsiders join (Y/n)'s pride on the opposite side of the battlefield. "Get back here!" She shouted. "Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us." Simba said. "He's right, Zira. We don't have to fight anymore." (Y/n) said. "I'll never let it go! And I'll fight you until your deep in the ground!" Simba looks up as logs shift in the gorge behind Zira. "This is for you, Scar!" Zira crouches and lunges at (Y/n), who's eyes widened. "(Y/n), watch out!" Simba shouted. Kiara jumps in front of (Y/n), intercepting Zira. Kiara and Zira roll on the ground. Kiara and Zira tumble into the gorge. "Kiara!" (Y/n) and Simba both shouted. (Y/n) races to the edge of the gorge. Kiara and Zira roll down the side of the gorge. They hit a ledge and break apart. Kovu, Simba, and the lionesses join (Y/n) on the edge of the gorge, looking down worriedly. "Kiara!" Kovu shouted. Kiara and Zira free fall. 

(Y/n) jumps into the gorge. He clings to the ledge with her claws, then continues her descent. "Kiara!" She shouted. Kiara and Zira tumble down the side of the gorge and Zira screams. Kiara and Zira free fall and Kiara whimpers. Kiara and Zira tumble down the side of the gorge. Zira goes over a ledge and screams. Kiara goes over the ledge, but uses her claws to slow her momentum. "Guh!" Kiara clings to the side of the gorge and gasps. Zira, who fell farther, clings to the side of the gorge. Kiara hangs above her precariously. Simba stands at the top of the gorge. "Hold on, Kiara!" Simba looks up. The log dam breaks apart, and the river begins to flood into the gorge. Simba looks between the river and Kiara. "(Y/n)..." Simba leaps between pillars in the gorge. Simba stands above her at the top of the gorge. "(Y/n), the river!" He shouted. (Y/n) looks down at the river, then continues to climb toward Kiara. Zira loses her grip on the wall and falls a bit farther. She catches on to the ledge with both paws and grunts. "Zira," Kiara stretches a paw down to Zira. "Give me your paw!" She shouted. Zira slashes at Kiara's paw. "Ah!" Zira slips farther down the gorge, her claws leaving indentations in the rock. "Ah..." Kiara continues to offer her paw.. "Zira, come on!" Zira continues to slide down the gorge, leaving more claw marks in the rock. Zira looks over one shoulder at the river, clearly fearful and gasps. "I'll help you." Kiara said. Zira slides farther down the gorge.

"Oh..." Zira scrabbles uselessly at the rock wall." Kiara watches in horror as Zira falls into the river. Zira screams as she falls. Zira's paw is seen bobbing above the waves before it is sucked under again. The river calms. Kovu watches sorrowfully from above and sighs. Kiara watches the river. It flows calmly, with no sign of Zira. Kiara stands. "Kiara." Kiara turns to see (Y/n) standing on a ledge above her. She offers her a paw. "Mother," Kiara takes her paw. "I tried." She said. Kiara and (Y/n) climb to the top of the gorge. Simba hugs Kiara, while (Y/n) puts a paw on Kiara's back. "Kiara." Kiara nuzzles Simba. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." Simba said. Kiara, (Y/n) and Simba nuzzle. (Y/n) chuckles. Kovu, Timon, Pumbaa, and the lionesses approach. "Wow, that was really brave!" Pumbaa said. "Yeehaw!" Timon said. Kovu and Kiara approach one another. "Kovu..." Kiara said. Kovu and Kiara nuzzle. "Oh, Kiara." Kovu said. Simba watches Kovu and Kiara thoughtfully. "Kovu?" Kovu breaks his embrace with Kiara and walks toward Simba. "I was wrong. You belong here." Kovu smiles, and so does (Y/n). Kiara sidles up to Kovu, who nudges her affectionately. "Let's go home." (Y/n) said. The Outsiders approach from behind her. She turns to face them. "All of us." She said. 

Later back at Pride Rock, several lions and lionesses stroll onto Pride Rock, where they gather with more lionesses who are waiting on the promontory. Simba, (Y/n), and Rafiki sit at the head of the pride, with Kovu and Kiara nearby. Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa sit on the fringes of the crowd. As the rest of the lions and lionesses file into place, the ones who are waiting on the promontory sit up so that the pride forms a circle. Rafiki and (Y/n) smile at one another. Rafiki beams at the sky, then shakes his gourds over Kovu and Kiara, who nuzzle. Simba and (Y/n) smile at the couple, then at each other. Kiara smiles at Kovu before nuzzling him again. Simba nuzzles (Y/n), who looks briefly at him before beaming at Kovu and Kiara. Kovu and Kiara halt their embrace to smile at (Y/n). They then stride forward to sit next to Simba, (Y/n), and Rafiki. "I love moments like this!" Pumbaa said tearfully. 

Timon clasps his hands. "Yeah." Timon agreed. "Love!" Timon and Pumbaa point at each other. "Not like!" Timon and Pumbaa hug. "Love!" Zazu holds up his wings to shield himself from Timon and Pumbaa's tears. Simba, (Y/n), Rafiki, Kovu, and Kiara smile at the pride. Simba and (Y/n) stand and stride past the lions and lionesses, who bow as they pass. Kovu and Kiara follow. Simba and (Y/n) reach the edge of the promontory, followed by Kovu and Kiara. (Y/n) roars, then Simba, and Kovu afterwards. Simba, (Y/n), Kovu, and Kiara then all roar together. A large crowd of Pride Landers are gathered below Pride Rock. The couples nuzzle. The Pride Landers stamp the ground and wave their arms in approval. The couples continue to nuzzle. (Y/n) looks to the heavens. The sun shines through the clouds. "Well done, my daughter." Her mother said. A breeze carrying milkweed floss stirs (Y/n)'s fur. She smiles and closes her eyes. Rafiki nods knowingly at the sky. "We are one." (Y/n)'s mother said. The sun shines down on Pride Rock.

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