The fight for Pride Rock

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Timon and Pumbaa are fast asleep. Pumbaa lies on his back, while Timon rests on Pumbaa's belly. The two of them snore. Simba approaches and pokes Timon. "Hey. Hey, wake up." He said. Timon sleepily lifts his head and looks behind him. Simba's face is incredibly close to his and he screams. Timon hides behind Pumbaa, who is jolted awake and the two scream. "It's okay. It's o... Whoa! Whoa! It's okay. It's me." Simba said. The two sigh in relief. Timon walks across Pumbaa's snout and belly toward Simba. "Don't ever do that again." Timon turns away, holding his forehead in exasperation. "Carnivores. Oy!" He said. "Have you guys seen (Y/n)?" Simba asked. "I thought she was with you." Timon said. "She was, but now I can't find her. Where is she?" Simba asked. "Ho, ho, ho!" Rafiki sits in the branches of a nearby tree. "You won't find her here. Ha, ha! The queen," Rafiki bows. "Has returned." He said. "I can't believe it." Simba's eyes widen. "She's gone back!" He said happily. Timon hops off Pumbaa and looks up at Rafiki. "Gone back? What do you mean?" Rafiki has mysteriously disappeared. "Hey! What's goin' on here?" Timon gestures at where Rafiki was sitting. 

"Who's the monkey?" He asked. "(Y/n)'s gone back to challenge Scar." Simba said. "Who?" Timon asked. "Scar." Simba said. Pumbaa tilts his head questioningly. "Who's got a scar?" He asked. Simba shakes his head. "No, no, no. It's her aunt." Simba said. "The monkey's her aunt?" Timon asked. Pumbaa approaches and sits next to Timon. "No!" Simba shouted, scaring them. "(Y/n)'s gone back to challenge her aunt to take her place as queen." Simba said. "Oooh." Timon and Pumbaa said. Meanwhile (Y/n) runs across the sand toward the Pride Lands. She arrives to find that her homeland has become a desolate ruin, with skeletons lying everywhere. She looks around sadly, then climbs onto a ridge with a full view of Pride Rock. She glares in its direction. "(Y/n)!" She looks over one shoulder. "Wait up!" Simba sidles up next to her. "It's awful, isn't it?" He asked. "I didn't want to believe you." (Y/n) said. "What made you come back?" Simba asked. "I finally got some sense knocked into me, literally." (Y/n) jerks upward with her chin. "And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom." She draws herself up to her full height and stares at the Pride Lands. "If I don't fight for it, who will?" She asked. Simba approaches her. "I will." He said. "It's gonna be dangerous." (Y/n) warns her friend. "Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Simba said, imitating (Y/n) from when she was little, and she snorts.

"I see nothing funny about this." A familiar voice said. Timon and Pumbaa stand behind Simba and (Y/n). Timon's hands are on his hips. The two lions look over their shoulders at Timon and Pumbaa. "Timon! Pumbaa! What are you guys doing here?" (Y/n) asked. "At your service, my lady." Pumbaa said, he bows to (Y/n). Timon approaches and stares at the Pride Lands in disgust. "Awww. We're gonna fight your aunt... for this?" He asked. "Yes, Timon. This is my home." (Y/n) said. "Oh. Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, (Y/n), if it's important to you, we're with you to the end." Timon bows to her, who smiles down at him fondly. (Y/n), Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa stare at Pride Rock in the distance. Stormclouds gather overhead, and there is a grumble of thunder. Later, at a rocky area near Pride Rock. (Y/n), Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa hide behind a log. Hyenas block their path, lounging and chewing on bones. "Hyenas. I hate hyenas." Timon said. "So what's your plan for getting past those guys?" He whispered. 

"Live bait." (Y/n) whispers. "Good idea." Timon said, before realizing what she just said and he turns to glare at her. "Hey!" He said. "Come on, Timon. You guys have to create a diversion." (Y/n) said. "What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?" Timon asked sarcastically, and (Y/n) smirks at him, and he frowns. Loud drum beats startle the hyenas, who look up abruptly. Timon dances in a hula costume. "Luau!" Pumbaa sits nearby with an apple in his mouth "If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat," Timon darts onto Pumbaa's back. "Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat. Come on down and dine on this tasty swine." The hyenas close in on Timon and Pumbaa, their tongues lolling hungrily. "All you have to do is get in line. Are you achin...?" Timon asked. "Yep, yep, yep!" Pumbaa sung. "For some bacon?" Timon asked. Pumbaa winks at Timon. "Yep, yep, yep" The hyenas continue to stalk toward Timon and Pumbaa, with (Y/n) and Simba sneaking past from behind. "He's a big pig." Timon sung. "Yep, yep." Pumbaa said. "You could be a big pig too! Oi!" Timon and Pumbaa pose. Timon and Pumbaa flee, with the hyenas in hot pursuit as they scream.

(Y/n) and Simba slink closer to Pride Rock. They pause. "Simba, you find my father and rally the lionesses." He nods. "I'll look for Scar." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) and Simba part ways. (Y/n) creeps closer to Pride Rock. Thunder rumbles overhead. Scar stands atop a boulder near Pride Rock. "(F/n)!" She shouted. (Y/n) peers out from behind a rock and gasps. Her father strides through the crowd of hyenas who are gathered below Pride Rock. They growl and snap at his heels, but he does not flinch. (Y/n) watches sadly. Her father climbs up to stand in front of her aunt. "Yes, Scar?" He asked. "Where is your hunting party?" Scar paces back and forth in front of him. "They're not doing their job." She said. "Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on." (F/n) said. "No! You're just not looking hard enough." Scar strides away. "It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock." (F/n) said. Scar turns back to face him. "We're not going anywhere." She said. "Then you have sentenced us to death!" (F/n) said. "Then so be it." Scar said. "You can't do that." (F/n) said incredulously. "I am the queen." Scar sits, holding her head high. "I can do whatever I want." She said. 

"If you were half the queen (M/n) was, you would nev..." Scar flips around and backhands (F/n) and he falls. "I'm ten times the queen (M/n) was!" (Y/n) emerges on a high ledge. Thunder booms, and lightning crashes and she roars angrily. Scar stares in fear as (Y/n) descends the ledge. "(M/n)? No." Scar backs away. "You're dead." (Y/n) approaches her father and nudges him gently. He groans and stares up at (Y/n). "(M/n)?" He asked. "No. It's me." (Y/n) said, and his eyes widened. "(Y/n)?" He asked. He smiles and tears stream down his face. "You're alive? How can that be?" He asked. "It doesn't matter." (Y/n) bends down and nuzzles her father. "I'm home." She said. Scar watches them in confusion. (Y/n)?" She asked in surprise, but then smirks. "(Y/n)! Oh, I'm a little surprised to see you... " Scar's voice drops, and she looks up pointedly. "Alive." Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed stand on a ledge above Scar and they gulp and back out of sight. (Y/n) advances on Scar, furious. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart." (Y/n) said, and her aunt backs away. "Oh, (Y/n), you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom..." she said. Scar stops, cornered against Pride Rock. "Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar." (Y/n) said. "Oh, ye... Well, I would, naturally. However, there is one little problem. You see them?" Scar points up to where legions of hyenas snarl down at (Y/n). "They think" Scar gestures to herself. "I'm queen." She said.

"Well, we don't." Scar and (Y/n) look at Simba, who stands surrounded by lionesses and lions. Two help (F/n) stand. "(Y/n)'s the rightful queen." Simba said. "The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight." (Y/n) said. Scar strides past her. "Oh, must this all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member." Scar looks over one shoulder at (Y/n). "Wouldn't you agree, (Y/n)?" She asked. "That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me." (Y/n) said. Scar strides toward the lions. "But what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?" She asked. Scar grins at the lions. (F/n) stares back stonily, while Simba looks troubled. "(Y/n), what is he talking about?" He asked. Scar circles (Y/n). "Ah, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, (Y/n), now's your chance to tell them." Scar paces past the lions. "Tell them who is responsible for (M/n)'s death." She said. Simba and (F/n) look expectantly at (Y/n), who steps forward. "I am." She said. The two stare at her in horror. Her father walks up to her. "It's not true. Tell me it's not true." 

He said, and Simba immediately growls. "It's not true! There's no way it's true! She's lying!" Simba said as he gestures to (Y/n)'s aunt, who looks surprised. "Oh? Am I really, Simba? Well you weren't there were you? You have no say in this." Scar snarled. Simba growls at her angrily, but (Y/n) steps in between them. "Simba, please stop. I..." she said, and Simba looks over at her. "It was me." (Y/n) said, forcing her tears in and Simba's eyes widened. He still refused to believe it. "You see? She admits it?" Lightning flashes behind Scar and thunder booms. "Murderer!" Scar said. "No, it was an accident!" (Y/n) said. Scar circles her rapidly. "If it weren't for you, your mother would still be alive. It's your fault she's dead! Do you deny it?" Scar asked. "No." (Y/n) said quickly. "Then you're guilty." Scar said, and her eyes widened. "No, I'm not a murderer!" She shouted. Scar backs (Y/n) toward the promontory of Pride Rock, with hyenas fanned out behind her. "Oh, (Y/n), you're in trouble again. But this time, Mommy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows why!" Scar lunges at her, who slips and barely catches on to the ledge. Simba's eyes widened. "(Y/N)!" He tries to jump in and help, but several hyenas block his path and he growls. Lightning strikes the foliage below Pride Rock, setting it ablaze.

(Y/n) dangles from the promontory, while Scar looms over her. "Now, this looks familiar." Scar holds a claw to her face in mock contemplation. "Hmm." (Y/n) struggles to hold on, hanging only by her paws. "Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Hmm. Oh, yes! I remember. This is just the way your mother looked before she died." (Y/n) nearly loses her grip. Scar sinks her claws into (Y/n)'s paws. "And here's my little secret." Scar leans in close to whisper in (Y/n)'s ear. "I killed your mother." (Y/n)'s eyes widen. A flashback starts. Her mother falls to her death. Young (Y/n) stares in horror from atop the gorge. "No!" Young (Y/n)'s voice warps into adult (Y/n)'s voice. The flashback ends and (Y/n) leaps up Pride Rock and pins Scar. "Murderer!" She shouted. The lions stare in alarm. "No, (Y/n), please." Her aunt said. "Tell them the truth." (Y/n) said. "Truth? But truth is in the eye of the beho..." (Y/n) presses a paw to Scar's throat, choking her. Scar speaks in a croak. "All right. All right! I did it." She said. 

"So they can hear you." (Y/n) said. "I killed (M/n)!" She shouted. Both the lions and lionesses lunge into battle. The hyenas swarm (Y/n), knocking her off Scar. The lions and lionesses attack the hyenas from behind. (Y/n) fights off the hyenas from the ground, while Simba swats one away with his paw. Timon and Pumbaa charge into the fray. "Hee-yah!" Timon and Pumbaa charge through the hyenas, with a bowling pins sound effect. "Excuse me! Pardon me! Comin' through! Hot stuff!" Timon hops off Pumbaa. "Whoo!" Pumbaa kicks away a hyena. Timon and Pumbaa look left and right, braced for action and they both grunt. Timon and Pumbaa charge off. (Y/n) runs away from a hyena, who nips her from behind. Several hyenas attack her, including one who jumps on her from a high ledge and begins biting her and she roars. A stick hits the hyena on the head, knocking it away. (Y/n) looks up questioningly. Rafiki, standing on a high ledge, shakes his staff over his head and he screeches.

Rafiki jumps down in the middle of several hyenas, hefting his staff over his head like it's a sword. The hyenas charge at Rafiki one by one. Rafiki kicks several hyenas away and makes ninja noises. Rafiki beats back two hyenas with his staff. One attempts to attack him from behind, but, without turning around, Rafiki punches it in the face. "Yow!" The battle continues, with the lions and lionesses fighting the hyenas atop Pride Rock while a fire rages on in the background. Many hyenas flee out of sight. Banzai chases Timon. Banzai snaps at Timon's heels. Timon jumps into the air. "Ah!" Timon whimpers. Banzai chases Timon into Pride Rock. "Let me out! Let me out!" Zazu said from within his bone cage. Timon clambers into the cage next to Zazu. "Let me in! Let me in!" Shenzi and Banzai surround the cage, licking their chops and the two cackle. Timon clings to Zazu. 

He lets go and clasps his hands pleadingly. "Please, don't eat me." Timon said. "Drop 'em!" Shenzi and Banzai look up in surprise. Pumbaa stands in the entrance of the cave, clearly disgruntled. "Hey! Who's the pig?" Banzai asked. "Are you talkin' to me?" Pumbaa asked. "Uh-oh. They called him a pig." Timon said. "Are you talking to me?" Pumbaa asked. "Shouldn't have done that." Timon said. "Are you talking to me?!" Pumbaa asked. "Now, they're in for it." Timon said. "They call me Mr. Pig." Pumbaa charges at Shenzi and Banzai. "Aaah!" Ed stands outside Pride Rock. The ground shakes, with rocks falling around him. "Take that, you stupid..." Zazu said. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Banzai said. "Take that and that!" Timon shouted. "Keep at 'em! Keep at 'em!" Pumbaa said. "Ow! Ooh! Whoo, baby!" Timon said. Shenzi and Banzai flee the cave, running into Ed. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed charge off.

"Whoo!" Timon said. Timon, Pumbaa, and Zazu emerge from the cave. "Run, ya yellow-belly!" Pumbaa said. "Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!" Timon, Pumbaa, and Zazu said. (Y/n) runs along the edge of Pride Rock. She spots Scar slinking away. Scar pauses, looking back at her. There is a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. (Y/n) chases after Scar, who flees up Pride Rock. (Y/n) snarls. Scar leaps over flames. She runs to the peak of Pride Rock and skids to a stop at the edge, sending rocks pattering to the ground below. She looks over one shoulder. (Y/n) leaps over the flames to join her at the top of Pride Rock and roars. (Y/n) stalks slowly toward her aunt and growls. "Murderer." She said. "(Y/n), (Y/n), please." Scar crouches. "Please, have mercy. I beg you." She said. "You don't deserve to live." (Y/n) growled. " But, (Y/n), I am" Scar crouches lower and smiles shakily. "Family." Scar stands up straight. "It's the hyenas who are the real enemy." Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed listen to Scar's betrayal from behind the flames. "It was their fault. It was their idea." She said. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed back away and growl. (Y/n) stalks closer to Scar. "Why should I believe you?"

 Scar crouches lower as (Y/n) gets closer. "Everything you ever told me was a lie." She said. (Y/n) looms over Scar. "What are you going to do?" Scar grins. "You wouldn't kill your own aunt?" She asked, and (Y/n) glowers. "No, Scar. I'm not like you." She said. "Oh, (Y/n), thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise." Scar stands. "And, uh, how can I prove myself to you?" Scar gestures definitively. "Tell me, I mean, anything." She said. "Run." (Y/n) said, and Scar's face falls. "Run away, Scar. And never return." She said. "Yes." Scar slinks past her niece, who glares at her. "Of course. As you wish," Scar eyes some burning embers at her paws. "Your Majesty!" Scar flings the embers into (Y/n)'s eyes and she recoils and screams, then paws at her face and groans. Scar leaps on (Y/n) with a roar. Scar and (Y/n) wrestle on the ground. Scar pins (Y/n) at the edge of Pride Rock. She bats her away. Scar and (Y/n) lunge at each other, battering with their paws. Scar strikes (Y/n) in the shoulder. 

(Y/n) roars and hits Scar in the face who growls. Scar hits (Y/n) in the face. Scar hits (Y/n) again, this time knocking her to the ground. (Y/n) looks up. Scar leaps toward her. (Y/n) uses Scar's momentum to kick her away and send her flying off Pride Rock. Scar tumbles down Pride Rock and lands in a heap. (Y/n) looks over the edge. Scar weakly sits up. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge through the flames. Scar pants. "Ah, my friends!" He said with relief as he stands up. "Friends? I thought he said we were the enemy." Shenzi said. Banzai grins at Shenzi. "Yeah." Scar's eyes widen in fear. "That's what I heard." Shenzi and Banzai look at Ed. "Ed?" They asked. He laughs deviously. Ed licks his chops. More hyenas surround and close in on Scar and cackle. Scar backs toward Pride Rock. "No. Let... No. L-L-Let me explain. No, you don't understand! No, I didn't mean... " Scar flinches away from the advancing hyenas. "No! No! Look, I'm sorry I called you... No! No!"

The shadows of the hyenas pounce on Scar. Flames rise around Pride Rock. Rain begins to fall, extinguishing the fire. Timon and Pumbaa emerge through the smoke. (Y/n) descends Pride Rock. Zazu stands on a nearby rock and, as (Y/n) passes, bows. A lioness rubs against (Y/n). She exchanges nuzzles with her father, then Simba. There is a clatter of gourds, which makes (Y/n), Simba, and her father look up. Rafiki stands near Pride Rock. He gestures to the promontory. Simba approaches Rafiki, who bows. (Y/n) draws Rafiki into a hug, and, after a moment, Rafiki returns it. He then grips (Y/n) by the shoulders. "It is time." (Y/n) walks toward the promontory of Pride Rock. Her father and Simba watch from below. 

(Y/n) begins to ascend the promontory. Zazu watches in awe. Timon and Pumbaa do likewise. The rain washes away an animal skull. As (Y/n) reaches the edge of the promontory, she stops and looks up at the stars. The clouds part. "Remember." Her mother said. (Y/n)'s expression changes to confidence and she begins to roar. All of the other lions roar with her. Many animals gather below Pride Rock. Simba, (Y/n), Timon, and Pumbaa gaze over the crowd from the promontory. Birds fly around (Y/n), Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa. Timon climbs to the end of Pumbaa's snout and shakes his arms in victory. (Y/n) and Simba nuzzle. Rafiki emerges, cradling a newborn cub. The cub turns and blinks open her eyes. Rafiki exchanges glances with (Y/n) and Simba, then lifts the cub high.

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