The Little Red Fairy (Little Red Riding Hood AU)

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Before I start I just wanna say I know it's been like 5-6 years (shiz that's a while) since I've written an FT book/one-shot I'm sorry so please don't judge...

Anyways onto my actual author note that I wrote before this!!

I found this image (also because Ik Wattpad's and deletes the header image sometimes I'll put it at the end for everyone too) and I couldn't not do anything with it
Also in this AU Zera is neither dead nor an illusion she is very much alive and can be seen :)

Read to the end for more notes! :D

6 Hours Written Later Edit: The more I write this the dumber and more embarrassed I feel but oh well hope everyone enjoys :,)
7 Hours Written Later Edit: Yuppp same feeling however I feel even more stupid like 'why are you so stupid?'

He's killed people... more than he can count.

Zeref... the half wolf...the "big-bad" wolf as others called him never wanted to harm anyone. It was simply just... survival of the fittest.

"Mavis?!" A brunette called for her best friend in their small shared cottage, while trying to heat up lunch for the both of them.

"I'm here, Zera!" Mavis said with a smile on her face as she walked down the stairs of the old cottage.

These girls are Mavis and Zera, they live on the far side of the forest in a once vacant cottage. On the other side of the forest is a small village that the girls usually sometimes go to help out. It may be a far walk but they don't really mind, they get money out of it after all.

"Ugh, you're still wearing that tacky thing I made for you a few years ago?" The olive colored eyed girl questioned.

The pale blonde girl got a bit confused, before she realized what her friend meant. The 'red cloak' that Zera knitted together a couple years ago. That caused Mavis to laugh a little. "Of course I am! After all, you made it for me!"

"Well I didn't expect you to wear it for the rest of your life." Zera mumbled. "Some of the people in the village started calling you Little Red, or Little Red Fairy." The second one was referring to the wings on each side of her head.

The green eyed girl simply smiled. "I like the second one."

"You shouldn't!" The brunette then sighed in irritation, knowing there was no way of winning with her best friend.

"Anyways~!" Zera decided to change the topic, "can you please bring this basket of bread to Mrs. Rita." She said, using one hand to hand Mavis the basket that was on the kitchen table, as well as using her other to stir food in the pot that was on the stove. "I'm too busy making lunch for us."

"You can count on me!" The pale blonde said happily.


"Hmm~ hmm~ hmm~" Mavis was joyfully humming to herself while walking on the dirt path. However, she looked down. "Oh~ it looks like some of the flowers are in bloom~!" She said, astonished. "Well I guess it is that time of year~!" Yet... then she looked straight ahead, remembering what Zera told her.

"Mavis Vermillion! You better listen to me well! Don't let me repeat anything to you! Stay on that path! Do you hear me?!"

'I'm sorry Zera... it was just a second...' she internally cried, the pale blonde girl's expression looking extremely sad.

"Oh hey~! Look who it is, Little Red Riding Hood herself!" A male voice said happily.

"Oh!" The girl's expression immediately changed to surprise. "Hey, Mr. Yuri!" The girl said happily, and running up to him.

"Yo!" The blonde waved with a grin. "I wasn't expecting to see you out here today? You with Zera too or...?"

She shook her head. "No, it's just me! I was actually on my way to your house to deliver this to Mrs. Rita as a matter of fact!"

"I feel bad I can't take that myself, I'm pretty busy today." The male said with an awkward laugh, and the girl tilted her head. "Oh? Did you not know? There's been dangerous animals around this forest recently." Yuri then pulled a gun out of his holster.

This is Yuri Dreyar, he's one of the most famous huntsmen in the village along with Warrod Sequen, and Precht Gaebolg. No animal was ever able to escape from any one of their hands.

"Dangerous...animals...?" Mavis asked, curiously.

"Yup. So far the most dangerous one seems to be a wolf... or so we've heard." Yuri murmured the last part to himself. "Be careful, and if you see or hear anything, let us know."

"I will!" Mavis said. "I'll tell Zera too!" The girl smiled. "Thank you for the notice." The pale blonde said before continuing onwards.


It had been about a half an hour after her conversation with Yuri and she still had about twenty minutes to go 'Phew... I'm getting kind of tired...' the girl thought. 'But I can't take a break... I told Zera I would get these to Mrs. Rita and that I would make it back with no distractions... well- despite my conversation with Mr. Yuri- but... she probably won't yell at me for that...' she thought, her expression turning blank.

A moment later the girl had frozen hearing something. It sounded as if the bushes were shaking and branches had been moving. 'Hmm...?' The pale long haired girl glanced around, looking for the source of the noise. "Hello?" She asked. 'That couldn't have been the wind...'

"Is someone there?" She asked, turning around completely.

She took a few steps closer and something immediately jumped out, launching Mavis into the other side of the forest, causing her to drop the basket, and the pale blonde realized the thing that threw was now on top of her and growling.

Her green eyes went wide and she covered her face the best she could with her forearms. "P-Please wait...! I have food that isn't me!" she yelled nervously, hoping that animal could understand. (Most likely not but if there was a chance-)

"Well, alright." Suddenly a voice had spoken and it wasn't one she heard before. Then she saw the wolf had turned more human-like only showing wolf ears and a tail, the rest of him had pretty much seemed like a regular human being, which surprised the young girl. "You said you had food so, give it here."

"A-Ah... right...!" The pale blonde haired girl said, nervously before looking around for her basket. Then she looked to see it was back in the dirt path. "Oh! There it is! B-But could you please get off me first...?" She asked nervously.

"Are you going to run away?" The wolf asked.

"No..." she said, shaking her head.


"So the only reason why you kill people is for you and your brother's survival...?" Mavis had asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. It's eat or be eaten with my species... no more no less." The male said before eating another piece of bread.

"Um... I'm not trying to be mean but can you please not eat the whole basket, I still need to deliver some to Mrs. Rita and if I don't my friend will be really mad." The pale blonde girl said, the male then looked down, noticing there were only two loaves of bread in the basket, when originally the girl had about ten.

"Sorry..." the male mumbled, a bit embarrassed. "I haven't eaten in a bit..."

"It's alright..." she said with a small laugh.

Then after a moment the young girl realized something. "Oh hey... I never got your name..."

"Huh? Why bother with it? I almost killed you and ate almost your entire basket of bread which your friend will be mad at you for later... So why do you want it?"

"That... doesn't matter to me... right now, you're a very kind person... your eyes say it." Mavis said with a smile.

The wolf was hesitant before answering her. "Zeref..."

"Huh?" The girl asked with a surprised look.

"You wanted my name right? It's Zeref." He said with a small smile.

"Zer...ef...Zeref... I like it, it fits you." She grinned at him.

The male smirked before standing up and stretching. "Well I better get going before the hunters find me." Zeref said.

'Ah... that's right...! Mr. Yuri said...!' That caused Mavis to frown.

"Hey," That grabbed Mavis's attention. "Do me a favor and don't tell anyone you saw me, alright?"

"Yeah! You can trust me." The girl smiled.

"Thanks, I appreciate it 'Little Red Fairy.'" Zeref said before turning back into a wolf and running off.

Mavis felt like hearing that gave her some type of deja vu feeling and that's when she remembered what Zera told her, '"Some of the people in the village started calling you Little Red, or Little Red Fairy."' "Oh yeah... that's right..." the pale blonde mumbled. "Oh well, better get this to Mrs. Rita." She then grabbed her basket and started to walk along the dirt path once more.


The green eyed girl finally made it back to the cottage and when she closed the door the question that was asked was:

"Where were you?!" The brunette with pigtails yelled, she had folded arms, her eyebrows furrowed, and lips in a frown. She was obviously not happy.

Mavis let out an awkward laugh, setting the basket on the kitchen table. "Zera, I can explain-"

"You better have a good excuse, do you know how worried I was?!" The brunette asked.

"I'm sorry..." the pale blonde said. "I really am... but just please listen!"

"Fine, what happened?" Zera asked.

"I ran into Mr. Yuri on the path we usually take and we started talking and he told me there were dangerous animals around the forest recently." Mavis explained.

"Dangerous animals? What do you mean, what kind?" The brunette asked, raising an eyebrow.

The green eyed girl didn't want to say it, she knew not all of his species were bad after meeting him. "...Wolves..."

"Oh...! Were you just being careful while walking?" Zera asked.

The pale blonde haired girl had been hesitant before answering the olive colored eyed girl's question, however she just nodded her reply.

After they finished talking Mavis felt sick to her stomach all evening.


'I'm lucky Zera didn't notice the scratches from Zeref on my arms...' Mavis thought sitting in the water of her bath. She stared at her arms. The scratches didn't look too bad, they would definitely clear in a couple of weeks, however if her brunette friend were to notice them she would've thought the pale blonde either had gotten attacked or taken a detour and gotten into roses (again.)

Mavis let out a sigh of annoyance. 'Why do Mr. Yuri, Mr. Precht, and Mr. Warrod always have to kill the animals? Some are really nice...' the pale blonde thought, leaning on the back wall of her bath.

"...It's not fair..." she whispers, folding her knees up to her chest.

"MAVIS?!" 'WHA?!' There was an immediate knock at the bathroom door. "HOW MUCH LONGER ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN THERE?!"

"J-Just a few more minutes Zera! Sorry!" The pale blonde yelled back.


A few mornings later it was bright and sunny, Mavis had been the first one up and she had started packing what seemed like crackers and bread in the basket.

"Mavis?" Zera walked down and curiously noticed the girl seemed a bit too cheery.

"Hm?" The mentioned girl asked, opening the front door.

"Where are you going with that?" The brunette asked, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"To the village! I'm dropping it off at Mr. Precht's!" The girl answered with a smile.

"Hmm... fine!... just... be back soon!" The brunette said.

"I will~!" Mavis answered happily, leaving and closing the door behind her.

Zera froze for a moment. 'Was that just me... or did I see scratches on Mavis's wrist when she had her hand on the door handle...?' The brunette bit the nail of her thumb. 'I might be going crazy...' she thought. 'I can ask her just to make sure though...'


"Zeref...?!" Mavis whispered, but just loud enough to hope the half-wolf she had met a few days before could hear her. "Zeref?!" She whispered a bit louder, and just when she was about to say his name a bit louder, "Zer-" she got cut off.

"Oh well if it isn't you, Miss Mavis!" A loud voice had immediately caused her to turn straight ahead, her expression looking nervous.

"O-Oh! Mr. Warrod!" The girl said, a nervous smile on her face as she hid the basket behind her back. "H-How are you...?"

"I'm doing alright. It seems you and Zera are still doing the delivering business though." The dark haired male said and she nodded, the awkward smile still on her face.

"Yeah... how is the huntsmen job going with Mr. Precht and Mr. Yuri?" The girl asked.

"It's very stressful and very tiring I'll tell you that-" he got cut off.

"Then why don't you stop!" The young girl said. "If it's bringing you unhappiness, then you should stop! Some animals are probably even harmless... wouldn't you think...?" The girl gave him a hopeful smile.

"Even if it's stressful and tiring... some animals do attack others and bring pain... Mavis I think you're too young to understand that. However, keep being optimistic. I like that about you." The male smirked.

The girl's mouth went agape then it closed, turning into a frown. Her eyes then glanced downward, maybe Warrod was right. Was she too young and naïve to understand that? Who knew?

"Anyways, is it just you today? Who's the basket for?" The male asked with a smile.

The girl looked up to him, her eyes didn't have much emotion in them this time, however she still tried to express some sort of feeling in her tone of voice. "Yeah! It's just me today! Zera's back at the cottage most likely making breakfast!... and about who this is for..." 'Shoot who did I tell Zera this was for again?' She thought, sweat creasing the girl's forehead. 'It was... it was...! That's right!' "Mr. Precht!" She gave the man another nervous smile.

"Really? Because when I first saw you I thought you were calling for an animal." The male said.

"HUH?!" The pale blonde girl asked, shocked.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding~!" He said, waving her off with a laugh, which caused her to let out a sigh of relief but it also caused one thought to run across her mind:

'I forgot how much this man likes to joke around!' She was slightly angry.

Warrod then started to walk away after giving the girl a message. "However if you do see a dangerous one, for example like a wolf, let me, Yuri, or Precht know alright!" The male said.

"W-Will do..." Mavis murmured.

Once the man was out of sight the pale blonde haired girl collapsed onto her knees. 'How stressful...'

"Ah...!" A male voice had let out a noise before running out onto the dirt path, noticing a familiar girl had fallen onto it. "Hey...! Red, you okay...?!" He tried raising her up.

The girl whispered something as she tried standing up herself. "What?" Zeref asked. "You need to speak up."

"Mavis... My name is Mavis." She said before pulling away from him. It seems she was finally able to stand up herself.

"Alright then Mavis we should sit down somewhere, since apparently you need rest and I shouldn't be seen." The male said.


"So... I heard what you said to that man who was hunting me." Zeref told her.

"W-What I said to Mr. Warrod...? Y-You mean...?" The pale blonde haired girl's face turned slightly red. "Then why don't you stop! If it's bringing you unhappiness, then you should stop! Some animals are probably even harmless... wouldn't you think...?" How embarrassing... having anyone else hear that.

"Thank you for saying that..." the dark haired male said with a soft smile. "It means a lot to me..."

"Huh?" Mavis asked. "I just said what came from my heart...? I don't think I should be thanked..."

"Then you truly have a heart of gold, Mavis..." the male said. "I've lived in a world of hatred and murder for so long... so meeting you... makes me happy."

The green eyed girl didn't know what to say, she was surprised by his words. So she didn't say anything at all. She just smiled back at him, a caring smile that showed kindness and fondness.


"I'm back!"  A male voice entered the room of what seemed to be a workstation.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Yuri asked.

"Not well." Warrod answered, "I caught nothing."

This place in the village was separate from the huntsman's houses since they were so favorable to the village people they were allowed to have a separate place for work.

"Would you both quit being so loud I'm trying to do paperwork." The third male said in annoyance sitting at his desk, his elbows on the desk and his fingers on his forehead trying to stop his pounding headache.

Warrod then decided to change the topic, "Hey Precht, I heard Mavis stopped by and dropped off some things for you." Which caused both males in the room to look at the black haired one with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Neither Mavis or Zera hasn't come by all day? To the village at all in fact." Yuri said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Huh?" Warrod asked.


The door to the cottage immediately slammed open "IS MAVIS HERE?!" Yuri shouted.

"GAH?!" The brunette shouted, turning to the front door. "CAN'T YOU KNOCK?!" She shouted back.

"No time for that!" Precht said. "Where's Mavis?!"

"She's not here! She hasn't been here all day! She was supposed to be delivering things to you!" Zera explained, pointing to Precht with a skeptical look in her eyes.

"Well I never asked for anything and she never came to the village!" The blonde explained.

The olive colored eye girl immediately froze. "Wait... what...?" She asked.

"Zera, this is really important, do you know where she might be?!" Warrod asked.

Zera had to think. Anything. Anything that gave a clue to her best friend's whereabouts. Then she remembered. ... This morning...! "'Was that just me... or did I see scratches on Mavis's wrist when she had her hand on the door handle...?'"

"I think I... might know, but I'm not one hundred percent sure." The brunette said.


"MAVIS?!" Yuri yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"MAVIS?!" Warrod shouted, doing the same motion.


All four of them had been walking along the dirt path that Mavis and Zera had usually walked on to deliver things to the village so they assumed Mavis's disappearance may be close to there.

"...MAVIS PLEASE...!" The brunette yelled. "...I'M SORRY...! The girl looked down in defeat. "...I didn't mean to make you want to run away..." she mumbled, upset.

Yuri gently put his hand on the crown of her head. "Hey, I'm sure Mavis didn't run away." All the brunette did to respond was shrug, not being so sure. "Listen, Mavis needs you like you need her. And if she ran away we would've seen that red cloak in the middle of the pathway by now." The male smirked. "Weren't you the one who made it for her?"

'Huh...?' The brunette thought. 'That's right.' If the pale blonde was that 'fed up' with her then she obviously wouldn't want anything she had made and would've just thrown the cloak in the dirt by now and they would've most likely seen it-!

Zera's thought process had been cut off by the sound of bushes and tree branches shaking and all four had immediately looked to the source of the noise.

Yuri's arm from on the brunette's head to protectively in front of her in case of any danger...


"Oogh...!" A girl wearing a red cloak tripped and fell out of the forest, falling straight onto her face.

"MAVIS!" The four yelled, happily and relieved.

Zera was the first to run to her, hugging the girl and close to crying. "I thought you ran away, dummy!"

The pale blonde girl, finally having a chance to sit up and hug the brunette back was a bit confused, however also seeming a bit sad herself. "Why would I run away...?" She asked.

The girl didn't answer, instead she started crying while hugging her best friend.


Minutes before~

Mavis and Zeref were in the forest both laying against a tree.

It was quiet, however it wasn't awkward, just quiet.

Peaceful some might call it.

Then, that changed when Zeref heard something. His ears twitched. Mavis hadn't seemed to have heard it with her still smiling ever-so calmly. It must be the part of him that's a wolf that had heard it.

"Mavis..." the male said.

"Hm?" She asked, looking up at him.

"People are calling for you. I think you should go to them before they think something happened to you." The dark haired male said.

"Huh... but... what about you?" She asked, concerned for the male's safety.

"I'll be alright... I've lived this long. I think I can find a way to live for a bit longer." Zeref explained with a small smile.

"But-" the girl had a nervous look on her face.

"And Mavis." The male kissed her forehead, which surprised the younger girl. "Thank you for showing me what a good human being could look like." He then turned back into a wolf and ran off before the young girl had a chance to say anything.


That night Zera tried to talk with Mavis about what happened, however...

The girl was silent.

She had been like that for a few days and Zera had been very worried.

Mavis hardly got any sleep and had eyebags and the brunette had tried to get her to open up but she got no response from her best friend.

It had been a month and a half until Mavis slept well, but still, each time she walked by the forest she couldn't help but be reminded and be worried.


Now it was five years later, Mavis still had never seen the half-wolf boy named Zeref she met all those years ago and still worrying for his safety even now.

She never knew if Yuri, Warrod, Precht had killed him, if he got killed by someone else, or if he had run to the other side of the world by now. She was hoping it was the third option... but she was also hoping by chance she got to meet him again... one day... maybe in the near future

Right now the pale blonde girl was sitting on the porch of the cottage, bored, and waiting for Zera to give her the basket of bread to give to Mrs. Rita's.

"Here," The brunette said, opening the door and handing the girl the basket, which Mavis took. "Please be quick. I don't want the same situation to happen like it did five years ago." She sighed in annoyance.

"I know! You tell me that all the time~!" The girl giggled, standing up and waving off to her best friend as she walked away.

"Hmm~ hmm~ hmm~" the pale blonde did her usual humming as she walked along the dirt path.

Well that was until the green eyed girl stopped, hearing fallen branches start to make a crunching sound and leaves start to make a shaking sound "Hello?" She asked, looking around. 'Did Zera forget something and want to refill it?' "Zera...?"

She then saw someone come out of the forest which made her start to tear up a little. "Y-You're..." she whispered, "back...?"

"Hey, sorry, I left you for a moment there-" Mavis cut the male by jumping on him and wrapping his arms around his neck, causing them both to end up in the grass.

"You're back! You're here!" She said, happily.

"Yeah... I'm here..." the male said with a small smile.


"I missed you a lot, you know..." Mavis said with a frown on her face.

"I missed you too-" Zeref had been cut off by the pale blonde pressing something soft against his lips.

"THAT WAS FOR YOU LEAVING ME LOVING YOU FOR FIVE YEARS STRAIGHT!" The girl yelled, a light blush on her face.

The male's dark eyes were wide, not expect that. "I'm sorry, Mavis... then let me make it up to you."

"Huh?" The pale blonde haired girl asked.

"Let's get married." Zeref said with a simple shrug.

"HUH?!" The girl asked, confused.

AS I SAID I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT WRITING THIS! THE START OF THIS I WAS LIKE "HMM YUP THIS SEEMS ALRIGHT" AND THE END OF THIS I WAS LIKE "yeah idk MARRIAGE." I also had a bunch of different ideas for this but that didn't make it into the one-shot ANYWHERE so...

I'm also writing a ZerVis fic and Next Gen fic idk which will be done first however (most likely the ZerVis just depends on which I like more) but I won't upload it until I finish it or almost finish

(Also the Next Gen isn't really a shipping one, it's more of a family-ish/adventure one I'd say if that makes sense???)

And the End image :)

I miss the babies 🥺🥺

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