Missing a Friend

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Lukas' POV:

I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in the Order's hall anymore. Instead, I was in what looked to be a prison cell. The walls were made of stone, and the floors were dirt. In the corner of the room, there was a cobweb, which luckily came with no spiders. There were no windows; there was only an iron door to peer through. "Hello?" I called out hopelessly. I don't know why I expected somebody to reply in a prison. To my surprise, somebody did respond. "Why, hello there," said the voice. It was the man's voice from earlier-
the one who was underneath the white pumpkin mask. Soren.

Jesse's POV:

I waited and waited by the window, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Lukas would come walking over the horizon. After hours of watching and waiting, I knew that my fantasy was too good to be true. He wasn't coming back. "Aidan?" I called quietly. I needed somebody to comfort me right now, and since Lukas wasn't here, Aidan was the next best thing. He came walking out of his room, holding a book. "What do you need, Jesse?" He asked me. There was a hint of sadness in his voice. "I, uh-" I stuttered, "I really miss Lukas." I don't know why I told Aidan that. I've tried to always ignore talking about my feelings whenever I was around him or anyone else, but for some reason the words just slipped out.

Aidan walked closer to me and hugged me. "I do too Jesse," he told me, "but we'll find him." I sighed.
"I just wish he was here now," I said quietly, holding back tears, "I don't know what to do." Aidan was silent for a moment.
"Here," he said, handing me the book in his hand, "this is one of Lukas' books. Read it. Maybe it'll make you feel better."
I took the book from him. "Thanks Aidan, this means a lot." I decided that maybe it would help if I read the book in Lukas' room. Maybe it would make me feel like he was here.
I laid on top of his bed and started reading.

"I always liked stories where the hero has no idea that they're destined for greatness.
The sort of heroes who are living their lives and assume that nothing exciting will ever happen to them. Those are the kinds of heroes in this story. They started as just a bunch of friends in a treehouse, looking up to their idols that had come before them...

But when disaster struck, and an evil monstrosity threatened to destroy the world, those friends discovered that heroes can come from the most humble of beginnings.

They traveled the world to battle that monster, facing obstacles and sacrifices every step of the way. It wasn't easy, but they had each other. And working together, they struck it down and saved everyone.

Soon, they were the most famous people in the whole world. And their legend, their fame, just continued to grow as they explored more worlds, venturing into the great unknown.

And that's how those five friends, plus the bravest pig in the world, took their place in history as some of the greatest heroes who ever lived."

Jesse shut the book and smiled. She felt almost as if Lukas was right next to her, reading her his book. She got under the covers of Lukas' bed and whispered, "Good night, Lukas."
She knew that he couldn't hear her, but it was nice to pretend that he was there, right by her side.

A/N: Sorry about the spam about everything being republished. I accidentally pressed unpublish and had to redo everything.

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