2. Questions, Tears, and Closing Walls

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// Dean's POV

"So anything planned?" Lisa asked, rolling her eyes at the thought.

Dean was pretty much the trouble maker of the school. He would take any dare and always do it-- no matter what.

He once managed to replace the principal's shampoo with pink hair dye. And it wasn't your regular pink. It was full on neon pink.

"Nothing yet. I mean no one's told me to do anything yet." Dean shrugged.

"Okay good. I'm going to get lunch, I'll be right back baby." Lisa smiled and kissed him quickly before walking into the line.

Dean waited patiently and looked around the lunch room. He saw that new kid sitting awkwardly at an empty table. He kept looking around, as if he was expecting someone. Then he looked at Dean, blushed and looked away like nothing happened.

"Hey Dean." Someone spoke. Dean turned around and found Gordon and Bela sitting across from him.

"Hey guys."

Bela and Gordon were the ones who always had something new for Dean to do. Always a new task or dare. He wondered what they had planned this time.

"So, we have a little job for you." Bela smiled.


"Which is?" Dean asked, sarcastically.

"You've met the new kid right?"


"Yea, the nerd. We have a job for you involving him." Gordon said.

"Well what is it?" He was growing impatient.

"We've noticed him staring at you a lot. Like he's debating whether to talk to you or not. It's obvious he likes you. So we need you to make him fall for you. Hard. And then you can break his little heart by saying you don't want to do anything with him." Bela sneered.

"Whoa. What? I can't do that." Dean stated. They had made him do something like this before. With this one chick but now he had Lisa. And Cas looks so innocent, he couldn't do anything to him!

"Just until he falls for you." Bela batted her eyes.

"Besides, you know we have dough. And we know you need help with your brother."

Dean's eyes widened. He did need help. They had run out of money a while ago and their food wouldn't last much longer.

"Dean. What are they doing here?" Lisa asked, now accompanied by Charlie.

Gordon and Bela smiled and got up to walk away.

"Think about it, Winchester."

"What did those jerks want?" Charlie asked sitting down.

"Nothing." Dean mumbled.

Lisa and Charlie both glared at Dean.

"It's never nothing. It's always another job for you. What was it this time?" Lisa asked.

"Just something with the new kid." Dean sighed.

"Michael?" Charlie asked.

"No. Cas."

"Well don't you anything to the poor boy anyway." Both girls said.

Dean rolled his eyes and looked towards Castiel.


It was money for his brother after all, what could possibly happen?


Dean walked towards his seventh period.

He kept thinking the whole situation over. He couldn't do that to Cas...but it was money for Sam...this was frustrating.

Dean walked into the classroom and sat in the back. Cas was sitting next to him...great.

Castiel sat quietly at his desk, not knowing what to do...he looked kinda scared actually.

"Hey, Cas." Dean smiled at him.

Castiel looked at him and gave a small smile before turning away.

"So..." Dean began.

Don't do this...but it's for Sam-- nothing good will come out of it man! Don't ask th--

"You doing anything after school?"

Dammit, Dean.

Castiel looked back at him with wide eyes.

"No...why do you ask?"

Dean smiled widely and shrugged.

"I was thinking I could take you out and show you a few places-- you know for future reference."

Dean stop! This is wrong!

Castiel's cheeks went red and he slowly nodded.

"I guess I could go with you..." he mumbled.

"Winchester. Novak. Keep it down." Mrs. Adler instructed.

Castiel quickly went back to the lesson and began writing things into his journal.

"Great." Dean whispered.

You're never gonna live this down, Winchester.


// Gabriel's POV

"Why are you still following me?" Sam asked, walking around the school's library.

"Because I don't know anyone else and I feel like I need to help you." Gabriel smiled and unwrapped a lollipop.

"Help me? How?" Sam scoffed.

"I'm not sure yet...you just seem...upset."

"Well you don't have to help me in anyway."

Gabriel was quiet for a while before shrugging and putting the lollipop in his mouth.

"Hey Sam! Are you looking for anything new?" A girl with curly blonde hair asked as she came up to them, smiling widely.

"Hey, Jess. I was actually just looking around." Sam smiled. His smile was wide.

"Sam! What happened to your lip?!" She asked standing closer to him and looking around for any other injuries.

"Eh, just some trouble with Crowley." He shrugged.

Gabriel kinda just stood there, chewing on what was now the lollipop stick.

Jessica shook her head and sighed before looking at Gabriel.

"Oh. Who's this?" She asked.

Sam sighed and gestured towards Gabriel.

"This is Gabriel. He's new."

Why did he sigh? Does he not like me?

"Hey." Gabriel smiled.

"Hello, Gabriel! I'm Jessica."

"Nice to meet ya." Gabriel winked.

"He wont stop following me around all day...it's getting annoying-- he needs to find something better to do." Sam whispered to Jessica.

Jessica's eyes widened and she smacked the back of his head.

Gabriel felt his face grow hot.

He dropped the lollipop he was currently unwrapping and clenched his fist tightly, looking down at the floor.

"...you could've just said something before." He mumbled before turning away and walking out of the library.

He had no idea where he was going...he just needed to get out of there.

Why hadn't Sam just told him he was starting to get annoying? It would've made things a lot easier.

Gabriel didn't mean to be annoying. He just wanted someone to talk to. And Sam seemed emotionally unstable.

He only ever wanted to help him.

Gabriel ended up hiding in one of the cubicles in the restroom.

He knew hiding wasn't going to fix anything but he just needed some time alone...maybe that's all he'd ever experience.

Maybe that's just what his life would ever consist of. Meeting new people, trying to help and then being pushed away. That's what it always was.

Gabriel didn't realize he was crying until he wiped his face off with the back off his hand.

Why was he always crying?

He should be used to this sort of stuff happening.

It always happened anyway.

It was inevitable.

Gabriel felt his stomach rumble. Right...he had skipped lunch because he followed Sam to the library.

Gabriel pulled out a candy bar from his pocket and sadly bit into it.

After a while, the bell rang and he slowly made his way into the now crowded hallways.

"Gabriel!" He heard someone call.

He kept walking.

"Gabriel!" The voice called again and grabbed his arm.

Gabriel turned around and faced Jessica. She looked worried. Gabriel just looked down at the floor.

"What is it?" He mumbled.

"I just wanted to know if you were okay. Sam acted like a dick." She smiled.

Gabriel tightened his fists, looked up at her, did his best to smile and told her the lie he's been living his entire life.

"Don't worry. I'm fine."


// Michael's POV

It's been half a day and Michael was having it pretty rough.

He'd been finding all his classes on time-- mostly anyway. But it was the trouble getting there.

Michael was claustrophobic. He hated being in any tight space.

People would pile in hallways, the foot of stairs, in front of doors. It was horrible.

But...for some reason, when he would try to get through, people would slowly move aside. And as Michael made his way through the crowd, Lucifer would be standing far by the crowd.

It was a very awkward half day.

Michael was currently making his way to his third to last class when once again the halls were cramped.

"Excuse me..." He mumbled as he squeezed his way through the crowd.

"Watch it!" Someone yelled as he accidentally bumped into them.

"S-sorry." He whispered and kept walking.

For some reason, the area became more crowded.

Michael could hear his heart beginning to race. He could see the walls becoming smaller and pushing closer together. He wrapped his arms around himself for protection.

He tried to suck in a deep breath but he couldn't.

It was too cramped.

He couldn't breath.

Michael clutched his chest. He tried to make his way through the crowd but they just pushed him back.

He tried to scream. Nothing came out.

Everything was getting fuzzy.

He couldn't breath.

People were staring at him. You would think they would move aside if they say a panicking person in the middle of the hall but no, they kept doing what they were doing.

"EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" Someone yelled over the already loud and crowded hallway.

People slowly began to move out of the way and made their way to a different part of the hall.

Michael was so relieved. But he was still having problems breathing.

The walls still looked like they were moving towards him.

"Hey, hey hey. You alright?" Some asked in a soft voice as they lifted Michael's chin with their hand.

Michael looked up to see Lucifer standing in front of him, a worry written all over his face.

Michael tried to say something but he couldn't. He couldn't feel his legs. He ended up toppling over on Lucifer.

"Whoa. Okay that's it. I'm taking you to the nurse." Lucifer sighed and wrapped an arm around his neck and his arm around Michael's waist.

The slowly made their way to the nurse's office.

The nurse made Lucifer sit outside of her office where she had Michael.

She helped him with the breathing problems and brought him water.

"You alright?" Lucifer asked once he was allowed in the room.

Michael took a sip of his water and nodded.

"What happened?"

Michael's face flushed red and he fiddled with the bottle cap.

"I uh...I'm claustrophobic. Like, really-- it's a serious problem." He mumbled.

Lucifer slowly nodded and the proceeded to walk closer to Michael and hugging him.

Michael's eyes widened and he squeezed the bottle tightly, causing it to make that crackling sound.

Lucifer pulled away and smiled.

"If you ever need anything. Just ask." He whispered.

Michael slowly nodded and watched Lucifer walk out of the nurse's office and into the halls.

*So hey. I know it's not Christmas but I felt like I needed to publish something so here!

I hope you guys enjoyed that! And I will see you next time!

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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