5. What Really Happened At The Park

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// Back At The Park \\

// Castiel's POV

"I um...I want this to be a date." Cas mumbled, avoiding the awkward question. I mean come on! Who asks someone how many women they've slept with?!

And asking this to be a date was the worst mistake he ever made.

"A date? Cas how dare you ask such a thing from me? You know I am in a relationship! I can't believe you, Cas. I thought you were a nice little angel. Tsk tsk." Dean said, shaking his head.

"W-what?! No no no! You said-- "

"A date huh? I can do that. Last person I dated-- hell, we're still together." Dean winked.

Castiel's ears went pink and he looked away.

"Dean...I should go. This isn't right." Cas said, standing up.

Dean also stood up and looked down at him.

"You're right. It's not. But hey, I'm a gentleman, and if you want a date...you'll get a date." Dean smiled and took Cas' hand in his and began walking along a grey cement path in the park.

Castiel stared at their hands, their fingers weren't interlocked. They were just platonically holding hands, that's all.

But still...it was nice.

Dean's hand was soft and warm. Cas knew he was blushing-- but Dean wasn't looking at him so he couldn't see Cas blushing, which was good.

Oh god, what if Cas' hand was sweating?! OH MY GOD!

What if Dean pulled his hand away in disgust and never spoke to him again?!

Well, if it wasn't sweating before, it sure was now.

Why wasn't Dean looking at him? His head was completely turned away from him!

And the tips of his ears were going red.

Wait...was he...was he blushing?! Oh. My. God.

"Dean?" Cas asked, trying to get Dean to look at him...to see if he was blushing.

"Yeah, Cas?" Dean replied, still not looking at him.

Cas bit the inside of his cheek and also looked away shaking his head.

"Never mind."

Maybe he wasn't looking at him because he hated him...

What if this whole thing turned out to be a disaster and Dean told everyone Cas was gay?!

Would they have to move again?!

No wait...Dean wasn't straight either. According to that belt of his, he was as straight as half a rainbow slinky.

But at the moment, he was in a relationship with Lisa. Which meant, Cas had to stay out of the way.

What was he even doing here?! Ughh life sucked so much right now.

Castiel cleared his throat and slowly pulled his hand away, pretending to scratch at his other arm and then let his hands swing at his sides.

To his surprise, Dean nervously went and grabbed his hand again, a little tighter this time.

Castiel's eyes widened and he felt his face growing hot. He looked up at Dean, who was already staring at him, giving Cas a small smile.

This time, it was Dean who was looking down at their hands, an adorable, loving smile plastered on his face.

When he noticed Cas looking, Dean awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away.

Castiel felt himself smile as Dean's ears went pink again. That's when he noticed what was happening.

"Dean...where are we going?" Cas asked, in a hushed whisper.

"I don't really know. I guess we're just walking around the park?" Dean shrugged.

"But Dean...we're standing in the middle of the street."

The sounds of car horns blaring became audible. There were cars speeding past then, or just swerving around them angrily.

Their eyes widened as they realized the danger they were in.

They clung to each other for dear life and began screaming at the top of their lungs.

"HOW DID WE EVEN GET HERE?!" Dean yelled.



Castiel was about to continue yelling but was cut off by the sound of one of the loudest horns you don't want to here if you're standing in the road.

The boys looked up and saw the bright red front of an eighteen wheeler headed towards them, the driver's face in panic.

He was slamming down onto brakes but it was too late, the truck was moving too fast.

"Dean, we gotta move!" Cas yelled.

"You're right, you gotta move."


Before he knew it, Dean was pushing him out of the way and onto the grassy, cemented sidewalk. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, but all so fast.

Castiel landed on his back and sat up as quickly as he could, watching the truck speed past.


The truck drove by as if nothing happened.

Castiel stood up and looked around for any sight of Dean.

Relief washed over him when he saw Dean brushing himself off on the grassy median in the road.

He looked up, smiled widely and waved at Cas.

Castiel took in a deep breath for about a minute before running his hands through his hair.

Before he knew it, Dean was crossing the road and standing in front of him.

"Hey there, Cas." Dean smiled, his hands on his hip and his smile wide and proud.

Castiel's eyes widened in anger. And then he proceeded to slap Dean across his beautiful face.

Dean seemed to be in shock, he turned back around at Cas with a hand on his cheek.

"You idiot! What the hell were you thinking doing that, Dean? Do you realize what could've happened? What would happen to Lisa and Sam if you were gone? What would I do?" Cas yelled.

"Cas I-- "

"Assbutt." Cas mumbled, and the next thing Dean knew, the smaller male had his arms around Dean's middle and his face buried in Dean's chest.

Dean looked down at the tuff of black hair. His hand was still on his cheek and his other arm was stiff at his side.

Cas was...hugging him. Cas cared about him.

Dean found himself wrapping his arms around Cas and nuzzling his face in his hair, closing his eyes and breathing in his scent.

He felt so bad right now. For himself and for Castiel. But, he couldn't help but smirk to himself at how bad this kid had it. This whole bet was going to be easy. He would call it off in a heartbeat if he could, but it was for Sammy.

There they were. Two teenagers, hugging on the side of the road.

"S-sorry." Cas mumbled, pulling away and looking down at the floor.

Dean stared at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

Castiel looked up at Dean hesitantly and in confusion. He narrowed his eyes at the green-eyed man for a moment before smiling, glad he made the Dean laugh.

((You know that smile Cas gets whenever he makes Dean happy. Yep, that one.))

"Man Cas, that was painful! I really don't wanna know what would happen if you punched me." Dean laughed, rubbing his cheek.

Cas found himself also laughing. And the laughing got louder and harder until Dean was bent back, head thrown back and laughing in the air and Cas was hunched over, hugging his stomach.

"I-- I'm sorry!" Dean breathed out between laughs, wiping the corner of his eye to remove the newly budding tear. "It's just-- oh god, I didn't think that this would happen today and- " he cut himself off, trying to regain his breath.

Cas straightened himself up and also tried calming down.

"Man, it's been a long time since I've laughed like that." Dean said, his smile saddening the slightest bit-- and Cas noticed.

"Well, I'm glad you got the opportunity to let yourself go like that again." Cas smiled. His was practically dying inside at the thought that he was making Dean happy.

If Dean wasn't with Lisa, he would probably kiss Dean then and there. And if Cas was a really out going guy, he would've kissed Dean regardless.

But Cas was a really shy, nerdy, bee and was not capable of doing something like that.

"So...you want me to take you home?" Dean asked, biting his lower lip.

"Um..." No! "Okay..."

Dean smiled, wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulders and walked them to his car.



// Castiel's POV

"Sweetie...wake up." A voice cooed.

Castiel mumbled something before burying his face further into his pillow.

"Cassie...I'm going to count to three and if you're not up by then...well, you don't want to know."

Cas ignored the voice and continued to prance around dream land.


Oh look, rainbows.


Oh look, green apples.


Whatever she had planned couldn't be that bad.

But then, he felt a bunch of his hair being tugged and the sound of scissors snipping was heard and his hair was released.

Castiel's eyes widened and sat up quickly, his hands rummaging through his hair.

Anna sat there, staring at him, scissors in one hand and the other hidden behind her back.

"Mom! What the hell?!" Cas shrieked.

Anna smiled innocently and pulled her hidden hand from behind her to reveal nothing but an empty palm.

"Did you really think I would actually cut my baby's hair?" She asked.


Anna gasped dramatically and began to make sobbing noises. Cas rolled his eyes and got out of bed.

"Sorry, mom. Is everyone else awake?" Cas asked, kissing her cheek.

"They are!" Anna said, smiling widely, whatever sadness she had, had disappeared. "I actually used the same little trick with them! But...walking into Gabriel's room made me realize how much I appreciate you and Michael. This is our second morning here and there are already candy wrappers everywhere! But no, he hasn't even begun unpacking the things he actually needs!" Anna yelled, walking of Cas' room angrily.

Cas sighed and looked around his room. He had unpacked most of his boxes.

He looked through his new closet and pulled out a white buttoned down shirt, a maroon colored jumper and a light brown sweater over it all. He slipped into his black slacks and converse.

Cas looked into the mirror and sighed. He looked good...but something was missing. His hair looked like it had been to hell and back! People would probably think it was either a bad hair day- which it was- or he had had sex the other night.

Castiel puffed up his cheeks and held them like that for a while before letting the air out with a fart noise.

He looked around the room and grabbed a red beanie from his nightstand and put it on.

Meh, it was fine. Now he looked decent.

((Cough cough, picture on page one))

Cas grabbed his bag and headed downstairs where there was a whole fiasco prepared for him.

"Can you pass the syrup?" Gabriel asked.

"Michael, hurry up and eat."

"Yes mom."

"Can you pass the syrup??"

"Michael, that's not yours."

"I know mom."

"Could you please pass the-- "

"Who's is that."

"A fr-- "

"COULD YOU PASS THE FUCKING SYRUP?!" Gabriel yelled, slamming his hands on the table.

Michael looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Gabriel. The syrup is two inches away from your hand." And continued eating.

Gabriel looked to his left where the syrup sat there, mocking him.

His eyes widened in anger before he slapped it off the table.

But he just picked it back up, put some on his waffles and threw it back onto the floor while Michael and their mom kept talking.

"Michael, who's jacket it that?" Anna asked again.

"Um...it's a friends jacket." Michael said.

"Liar." Gabriel coughed.

Michael shot him a glance before smiling back at his mom.

"Alright. Well, how are you feeling?" She asked.

Michael blinked a few times and nodded.

"I'm feeling fine mom. Thank you."

"Well that's a relief. You can go to school and apologize to that poor kid! He was worried sick about you. Bursted in here with you in his arms. What was his name? Swoocifer? Lucifie?"

"Lucifer, mom. His name is Lucifer."

"Ahh! Right. The boy who took you out yesterday! How did it go?"

"Besides the anxiety attack? Great, mom." Michael sighed.

Anna bit her bottom lip and ruffled Michael's hair before turning to Cas.

"Cassie! Good morning! Come get some breakfast!" She smiled widely.

Castiel sat down and served himself some waffles.

"So how was your date with Dean?" Anna asked.

Castiel choked on the waffle and started coughing violently before chugging down milk to wash it all down.

He cleared his throat and tried to calm down his blushing.

"It wasn't a date."

"Liar." Gabriel coughed.

Castiel shot Gabriel a glance before turning back to his mom.

"It was not a date mom. But it went well I guess. We totally didn't almost get run over." Cas smiled.

"Liar." Gabriel coughed.

"Okay, that's it young man!" Anna snapped. "Why don't you tell us what you and Sam did hmm?"

Gabriel started choking on his waffle and fell on the floor.

He stared blankly at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

"We went to the candy store, bought candy. Went to the ice cream parlor, ate ice cream. He gave me Pocky. He's so into me."

"Wait. He gave you Pocky?" Anna asked. "Willingly?"


"You sure you didn't force him to?" Cas asked.


"He's so into you, man." Michael smirked.

"I know."

"Okay guys! Come on, go brush your teeth, I'll be in the car." Anna smiled, grabbing her coat and keys, walking out of the door.

Michael and Castiel wiped their mouths, set their plates in the sink and went to brush their teeth.

Gabriel on the other hand quickly stood from the floor and gobbled down his waffles.


// Michael's POV

"Okay, I will see you boys after school-- unless of course your boyfriends take you from me again." Anna waved them off.

The boys all laughed nervously and walked into the school.

"Okay, see you guys la-- " Michael started but was cut off by Cas and Gabriel's teasing.

"Ooooo there's Satan!" They smiled widely and ran away. "BUH BYE!"

"Wait what?! No! Take me with you!" Michael yelled, running after them but he was tackled down onto the floor.

"G O O D M O R N I N G VIETNAM!" Lucifer yelled, hugging him tightly.

Michael gasped for air and just laid on the floor.

"Mmmm I missed you so much! Holy crap sorry! Am I hugging you too tight? Please don't freak out! I really don't want you to pass out again--" Lucifer rabbled, climbing off of him. "I get worried when you do."

Michael stared at him before standing up and brushing himself off.

"N-no! It's fine...I just...you just sorta scared me that's all." He laughed nervously. "Oh! Here's your coat, thank you." He smiled and extended his arms out towards the devil which held his jacket.

Lucifer stood up and shook his head.

"Nope. You see, I noticed you aren't wearing a jacket my dear Michael , which means part of you is hoping I'll let you wear it so-- you keep that jacket as long as you want." Lucifer smiled widely.

Michael shook his head frantically and practically threw the sweater at Lucifer.

"No! It's yours! You don't need to give it to me! You shouldn't have left it at my house anyw-- "

"Sshhhhhhh...." Lucifer whispered.

He proceeded to turn Michael around and help him put of the rainbow-cuffed jacket.

"Lucifer, really. You should take your jacket back." Michael insisted.

Lucifer raised his hand to silence him.

"Listen, I know you think I'm here to aggressively seduce you and that I only want you in my bed. But here's the deal: I might be gay and I might be attracted to you but I'm really not one of those guys. If I make a move on you, I would do it in the gentlest manner and obviously the sweetest. Lending you my coat is the first step to you falling in love with me-- as well as me falling in love with you." He smiled. "Besides, it's getting cold out."

Michael's eyes widened and he stood there in a daze.

Did...did he just say that? Was that...was that a confession? Did Lucifer just confess?

Oh my god Lucifer is attracted to me! Whoa, now there's a thought I never thought I'd have.

Michael was about to say something when the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.

"Well, I will see you later." Lucifer smiled, ruffling Michael's hair and running off.

"I-- I...what?" Michael asked to himself, his head tilting to the side.

"Hey you! Get to class!" Someone yelled.

Michael snapped out of his thoughts and quickly ran to his class.

Satan is attracted to me.



// Gabriel's POV

"Hey Sammy McSammich." Gabriel smiled, sitting in his desk and propping his feet on the desk, a rather large cherry lollipop in his mouth.

Sam smiled and waved at him.

"Hello Jessica." Gabriel smiled, waving on the other side of Sam.

"Hello!" She smiled. "Sooooo how was your date yesterday?" She teased.

Sam's face went pink and he started coughing violently.

Gabriel smiled widely and pulled the lollipop from his mouth.

"It went great, Jess! We ate a buttload of stuff-- hehehe buttload." He snickered.

((He'll be eating a buttload of other things soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))

"B-but! It wasn't a date!" Sam cut in.

"Hmmm my gaydar says otherwise." Jessica winked.

Sam's face flushed and he sat in his chair, pouting. Jessica and Gabriel just high fived each other above the Moose's head.

"Good morning, tiny humans! Uh, Gabriel, we discussed this yesterday, there is no candy allowed in the room. Please throw it out." The teacher sighed, setting his things on the table.

"Oops." Gabriel shrugged before getting up and walking towards the trash can. But he sort of stood there for a while before throwing an empty stick in the bin.

Gabriel quietly walked back to his seat, smiling.

The teacher proceeded to open his laptop and call role.

"Dude, did you like bite down on that thing?" Sam whispered.

Gabriel smirked and opened his mouth reveal the lollipop- minus the stick- in his mouth, smaller than before.

Sam smiled and shook his head.

"You're unbelievable." He mumbled.

Gabriel smiled widely. If he was a dog, his ears would be perked up and his tail would be wagging with happiness.

"You really think so?" He asked, his eyes wide.

Sam laughed and smiled widely, his eyes closing.

"Of course!"


"Here!" Jessica said, raising her hand.

Sam stared at Gabriel for a bit before beginning on the assignment.

Gabriel stared at Sam, watching how concentrated he was. How the tip of his tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth.

If Gabriel was as out going as Lucifer was with Michael, he'd be flirting so hard with Sam right now.

But he wasn-- wait. Gabriel was as flirty as the Devil!

Gabriel smirked to himself, positioned himself in his chair and opened his mouth to say some witty pick up like when-


Gabriel quickly snapped out of his thoughts and turned back to the front of the room.

"H-here!" He squeaked out.

Sam stopped writing and looked at him.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

Gabriel felt his face heat up and when he looked at Sam, his face had practically exploded.

Sam was looking down at him with wide, worried puppy-moose eyes.

"Pffffft! Yeah! I'm awesome! Why wouldn't I be?!"

What the heck was happening?! A moment ago, he was this confident sexy ass and as soon as he got a worried look from the frigging moose, hE BECAME MUSH!

Sam narrowed his eyes at him, nodded, and went back to work.

Gabriel bit down on the cherry lollipop- minus the stick- and began doing the assignment.

"So, Halloween's coming up huh?"

Sam slightly looked up and nodded.

"Yes, it is. In around a month."

Gabriel looked at Sam and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know what that means!"

Sam rolled his eyes and sighed.

"No, Gabriel. I don't."

"I mean dressing up and hanging around the rich people's homes and haunted houses and cANDY!"

Sam scoffed and shook his head.

"I don't really like Halloween, Gabriel." Sam admitted.

"Wait what?" Gabriel asked, shocked. "Why not?!"

Sam set his pencil down, done with the assignment and shrugged.

"I mean...what's the point?"

Gabriel tsked the moose.

"That's your problem, Samwich. I've known you for maybe a day and I already know you don't like Halloween because you think there's no point to it." Gabriel said.

"Yeah, I just told you that." Sam reminded.

Gabriel ignored him and sighed.

"Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. Do you not know the joy of candy?" Gabriel questioned.

"Winchester." The teacher called.

"Here! Well I know you adore candy and would probably die to get your hands on any cheap or free candy you could fine...so maybe?"

Gabriel narrowed his eyes and slowly nodded.

"Hmm alright. You sort of get it. Now let me ask you this. Why do you think I'm always happy?"

"Because you probably have an amazing, rich girlfriend?" Sam questioned.

"Pfft! No! It's because of all the candy I eat! I'm constantly on a sugar high! Without candy, I'd be all blehhh all the time! That's my joy of candy." Gabriel explained. "Also, there's no rich girlfriend because...I've kinda got my eye on someone." He winked.

Sam's head twitched a bit to the side and he stared at Gabriel in confusion.

"Ah...I see." He said. "Who d-do you erm...have your...eye on?" He asked, cautiously. "I mean, it's only been your second day of class."

Gabriel smirked and unwrapped another lollipop.

"Don't worry about it." He said, poking Sam's nose and continuing his work.

Sam narrowed his eyes and waited patiently for the teacher's next instructions.

He was happy for Gabriel. It was only his second day at the school and he was already interested in someone! Good for him. But still, after last afternoon with the pocky, Sam felt a little tug of jealousy that he immediately pushed down.


// Castiel's POV

Castiel walked into Ms Oswald's room and sat his things down at his desk, thankful he made it in time.

"Good morning everyone!" She greeted in her British accent. "Please turn to page two hundred and twenty-one in your books and begin reading." She smiled and fixed her messy hair.

Castiel turned to the page and began reading. While Ms Oswald wasn't looking, Meg ran inside and jumped in her seat.

"Phew." She sighed and started turning her book to the said page.

"Meg. This is what...the eleventh time you're late to my class?" Ms Oswald questioned.

The class was silent, everyone staring at Meg, waiting for her response.

"I erm...well you see. I...don't necessarily have a good excuse." She admitted.

Ms Oswald shook her head and sat at her desk.

"You can't keep doing that, Meg." She insisted.

"Yeah yeah, I know."

Meg sighed and turned over to Cas, smiling widely.

"Hey, Clarence."

Castiel looked at her and smiled.

"Hello, Meg."

Meg smirked and scooted closer to him.

"How was your day yesterday?" She asked. Castiel's heart began to pound in his chest at the thought of the events of yesterday.

"My day was f-fine..." Cas replied calmly, skimming through the story they were meant to he reading.

"Hmm...I bet it was." Meg began to whisper. "Heard you and Dean had a lovely afternoon." She informed, raising a brow.

Castiel felt the heat of a blush creeping up from his neck to the apples of his cheeks.

"I-- I don't-- I-- we-- yes. We just...hung out yesterday..." Cas said, fumbling through his words, still not looking at Meg.

"At the park."

"Y-yes at the park. I-Is that wrong?" Cas asked, glancing at her for a second, sitting up straight in his seat.

Meg narrowed her eyes at him and slowly shook her head.

"No...not exactly. Now, Clarence...you do know that Dean Winchester is dating Lisa Braden, right? One of the most popular girls in school?" Meg questioned.

Castiel clenched his teeth and tapped his index finger on the desk, annoyed.

"Yes, Meg. I know that."

Meg stared at him for a while, studying him.

"Alright. Just making sure. I mean, Dean does joke around a lot but he is dating someone he loves so...don't take things too seriously or too far with him, Clarence." She warned. "There are always consequences when you get too close to a Winchester."

Castiel looked at her for a moment, wondering what the hell she meant. Was he not supposed to he talking to Dean? Dean was the one who spoke to him first so why should he stop? Dean was the one who had taken him out to the park. But...Cas did say he wanted it to be a date. But that was Dean's fault! Like, how randomly asks about the others sex life?! If anything, Dean was the one getting too close. It was Dean who first spoke to him. Who hit on him! But that was only a dare. What if that's what Cas was? Nothing but a dare? Is this why Meg was telling him all this? No...Dean wasn't like that.

Castiel shifted in his seat so he could face away from Meg.

This was a very confusing school.

The room was silent then, everyone reading. Ms Oswald was organizing her things, constantly checking the time as if she had somewhere to be.

Whatever broke the silence wasn't relatively noticed at first. The sound of someone whistling a catchy toon became louder and louder as they approached the room.

Mostly everyone ignored it, some tapping along but not really bothered by it.

Then the whistling stopped. And came the loud singing.


And then Dean Winchester stood at the door, smiling widely.

Ms Oswald was somewhere in the back of the class, not really paying attention.

Dean's eyes roamed around the room before laying eyes on Cas.

Castiel wasn't necessarily paying attention either. He was still reading. But the feeling of silence had changed. It was no longer a peaceful silence but the silence that people were watching something.

Cas looked up from his book and looked around, trying to see what everyone was looking at.

He caught sight of a blonde girl twirling her hair and smiling at the doorway.

Castiel turned to the door and locked eyes with Dean, who was staring right at him.

Heya, Cas. Dean mouthed and waved.

Castiel also waved and slightly smiled at him. He noticed Dean was sort of looking at him...in a very lustf-- curious? Way?

Castiep ignored it and went back to reading, glancing at Meg who was glaring at him in disapproval.

"May I help you?" Ms Oswald asked, walking towards Dean.

Dean's stares lingered for a bit before he turned to Ms Oswald and shook his head, placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"No! No...just wanted to make sure the little angel got to class without any difficulties." Dean smiled.

"The little angel?" Ms Oswald asked, confused.

Castiel's grip on the thin sheet tightened and Meg's glaring was boring into his soul at that point.

"Yes. Castiel." Dean said, nodding.

The entire class and Ms Oswald turned to look at Cas. Some of the girls were glaring at him extremely hard and some of the guys were kind of staring at him in shock because Dean Winchester had just called him an angel. Cas assumed this was all a big shock for them. Was Dean really that popular?

Castiel felt his cheeks heat up and he did his best not to look at anyone.

"Well, he made it just in time. You needn't worry." Ms Oswald smiled. "You should get to your class."

Dean chuckled and looked back at Cas. "Pardon my disturbance in your classroom, Ms Oswald." He told her, except he was looking at Cas.

"Oh, it's alright. We were just reading anyway."

Castiel glanced up for a second and in that second, Dean managed to smile widely and wink in Cas' direction. And everyone in the room let out dreamy sighs.

"I'll see you later, Cas." Dean said, excused himself from the class and walked away.

The room was dead silent for a whole minute before everyone slowly turned to Cas and started asking all sorts of questions.

"Aren't you knew here?"

"How did you get Dean to talk to you on your first day?!"

"Can we be like best friends so I can talk to Dean?"






Castiel's face was extremely red by then. He had no idea what to say. What the hell was he supposed to say?! Why did Dean even show up?

One thing's for sure, he certainly wasn't going to plot against Dean. He wasn't going to date anyone and he was never going to help anyone else date Dean. Why? Because he was with Lisa! Duhhhhh.

"Alright alright! Settle down everyone and finish reading!" Ms Oswald instructed, clearing her throat and checking her phone. "I'll um...be right back." And she ran out hurriedly with her coat. She probably wouldn't be back until midday...who knew what the hell she was doing.

"Wait. Do you have a crush on Dean Winchester?" The blonde girl that was twirling her hair before asked in disbelief.

Castiel's eyes widened and he awkwardly cleared his throat, ignoring the question.

"Who doesn't have a crush on Dean Winchester?" A boy in the front of the class asked, turning around and facing the blonde girl.

"But think about it. He's a new kid. And Dean frigging Winchester is talking to him and calling him an angel? I'm sorry but this just seems like he's doing something with Bela an-- "

"Would you guys shut up?" Meg hissed. "Just like you said, Cas is a new student and he doesn't deserve all these questions and assumptions on his second day!"

After that, only small talk was made. But nothing about Dean or Cas.

Castiel sighed and closed his book, finished with the story of an angel rescuing the 'righteous man' from hell.

"Thank you." Cas whispered towards Meg. She looked over at him and shrugged, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's no problem. But you're gonna have to get used to this sort of thing."

Castiel nodded and fiddled with the sides of his sweater. He couldn't help but think of what they were saying before. About Cas being two days new and Dean was already talking to him and calling him angel. And they mentioned a name...Bela? Something about Dean and Bela? Who even was she? What did Dean have to do with her? So many unanswered questions!

Maybe Cas would ask Dean later...this was all getting really suspicious. Was Dean not aloud to speak to him?

Castiel started making a list of questions to ask Dean the next time he saw him.

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of the bell. The students gathered their things and filed out of the room to their next class.

There were many questions that Cas needed answered to.

*HOLY FRICK I DID IT! That took forever! I am so sorry for hiding in my cave for way too long! School has really been tough and it's been taking up my time. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I liked writing it.

So...how have ya'll been? Good? Good! If you ever need to talk, I'm here to support you all! Also, this book and my one shot book will start having some SPOOPY CHAPTERS! If they go how I want Cx so yes.


NO SPOILERS GUYS! For my pies who aren't caught up!

Thank you all for reading and I will see you next time!


Currently listening to Jensen singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas *

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