Chapter 1

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Hailey's P.O.V.

Being a Crosby means that you have be the best, regardless of whatever you're doing. Including acting. I started acting for Marvel when I was only 10 years old. The first Marvel movie that I was in was Captain America: The First Avenger, it was just a small part at the end of the movie.

My character was Steve Rogers daughter, Riley. She was experimented on by Hydra for the first 9 years of her life before she go saved by Shield.

So since I was under age for the filming of the movies, I had Chris Evans as my legal Gardian while I was away from home. Right now, we are in the middle of filming Avengers: Infinity War in Atlanta, Georgia. And to say that it was hot out was a major understatement.

"How much longer do I have to stay in this thing?" I complained to nobody in general about my costume "oh come on Hailey, the day hasn't even started yet" Joe Russo said, coming up beside me "fine, I guess I'll live" I groaned and laid down on the ground. My costume looked like Black Widows, but it was a dark blue colour with a single white star with a red outline on the right shoulder.

"Ok! Come on you guys! Let's try and get this done in one take" Anthony yelled so we could all hear him. We were currently filming the scene where we were coming into Wakanda to get Bucky for the big fight that was coming. "And cut!" Anthony yelled "good job guys, take a break and come back in 30 minutes" he added afterwards.

I made it back to my trailer to grab a small snack, a drink and to check my phone. Seeing that I had a message from my brother "Hey kiddo, hope you have a good day" it read. I smiled and replied saying "thanks broski! Hope you have a good day too."

I grabbed my script that had all but my lines blacked out, Marvel really didn't want anybody spoiling anything. So that meant that I basically had to have my scripts with everything highlighted in black to make sure I didn't spoil anything.

30 minutes later we were all back on set, ready to finish the last few scenes for today.

~A few hours later~

We finally finished the scenes for today, meaning I could finally eat something then go to bed. "Hey Hailey! Wanna come with a few of us to go get some dinner?" I heard Chris ask from behind me. "Hey, where are you guys thinking of going?" I questioned as he followed me into my trailer so I could grab my phone and bag "just a little fast food place down the road" he said with a small smile, I thought for a minute "yeah sure, let's go" I smiled and walked out the door behind him.

After the much needed fast food dinner, the cast and I went our separate ways for the night. "Hey! Is it ok if I crash at your place? I don't wanna sleep in my trailer tonight" I asked Chris as we were walking back to his car "sure. You know that you don't have to ask, right?" He chuckled "I know, but I'm Canadian, I need to be nice and ask" I laughed as we started driving back to his place he's renting here in Atlanta.

(A/N: hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter)

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