Chapter 5

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Hailey's P.O.V.

It was only a day after I graduated that I had to be back on set to film the last half of Avengers: Endgame. Usually when we're filming the scenes are always out of order. So we never really knew what we were going to be filming until the night before or until we got on set that day.

I was walking threw the doors of set and I heard a bunch of people start yelling and cheering. "There's our girl!" Robert yelled, popping a party popper then coming over to give me a hug "what's all this?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug "you graduated high school! So we had to throw you a quick party before we started filming again" Chris (Evans) said as he gave me a hug.

We had a quick little party that only lasted about 45 minutes before we had to start filming. Today we were filming the scene where Captain Marvel was bringing Tony, Nebula and Riley were coming back down from space. Steve had no idea that Riley was still alive and that she was on the ship with Tony and Nebula.

When everything and everyone was ready, we heard Joe yell "action!" Tony was shaking as he walked down the stairs of the ship with some help from Nebula, Steve ran over to help catch him. "I lost the kid" Tony said with a deep, sad sigh "I know, we lost people too" Steve replied as he helped Tony go to Pepper. Just then Steve turned his head back to the ship and saw that I was slowly coming down the stairs, he ran over to me and gave me a big hug "I thought I lost you" he said, his voice had a small shake in it "I'm here. I'm ok" I cried into his shoulder "let's get you inside, yeah?" He said as he helped me walk towards the compound. Once we got inside, Bruce started to hook Tony and I up to some fluids as someone else made us a PB&J and some water. Someone else gave us a blanket to put around our shoulders. "We lost. I lost my best friend" I said sadly, referring to Peter "I know, it sucks. I lost Bucky too" dad said quietly, he put his hand on top of mine as I started to quietly cry in my seat, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in a way to try and comfort me.

We finally finished the rest of the scene without a problem "and cut! Good job guys, take a quick break and then come on back" Anthony told us.

I wiped my face to get rid of any remaining tears before standing up and heading over to the drink table. "You know, sometimes I forget how scary good you are" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Robert standing there "I scare myself sometimes too. You're a really great actor too" I chuckled quietly.

After our little break was over, we went back to filming the remaining scenes for today. The next few days was going to be the longest days this week, seeing as how we were going to be up from 5:30am tomorrow until we get everything right. We were going to be filming the big fight scene for the end of the movie. So that was going to take up the whole week to try and make sure it's perfect.

(A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to vote, comment and share!)

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