A new... Development

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Izuku POV

I was woken up suddenly by the sound of my mom throwing up in the bathroom, Ochaco was still asleep so I decided to silently get up out of bed trying not to wake her and head down stairs. Once I leave my room I hear All Might's voice from the downstairs bathroom, he was talking to my mom and asking her why she was sick all of a sudden. I get downstairs and I head to the bathroom where All Might was holding my mother's hair back and she was throwing up into the toilet, after her sick episode, All Might leaves the bathroom to allow my mom to brush her teeth and get ready for today. I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge.

Me: How'd my mom get sick? Was it something she ate?

All Might: I don't know Izuku, if you ask me I think she just ate something foul she'll probably be fine in a couple days.

Ochaco: What's going on? Who's sick?

Me: My mom was throwing up this morning, we think she ate something bad yesterday. I say taking a sip from my water bottle

Ochaco: I don't think that's why Izu~

All Might: Then what do you think the reason is Young Uraraka?

Ochaco: All Might, please call me Ochaco, and you probably should go ring shopping because I believe that Ms. Midoriya is pregnant!

Once Ochaco says this my mom swings the door to the bathroom open wide eyed with tears of joy cascading down her face looking at All Might, I spit take all the water I was drinking at Ochaco on accident, and All Might falls flat on his face because he passed out. I quickly grab a towel for Ochaco and apologize for accidentally spitting on her, my mom tries to resuscitate All Might while having a mini panic attack at the fact that she is pregnant. Once we manage to wake him up my mom tackles him to the floor hugging him crying tears of joy, Ochaco and I laugh at her reaction then All Might looks to me and gives me a look saying 'let's talk this is important' after my mom gets off of him, she calls Ochaco to the kitchen with her to start making breakfast while me and All Might go to talk in my room privately.

All Might: Well, that was one way to start off a morning... Izuku, what do you think about all this?

Me: Its great! I'm going to be an older brother and I am finally going to have a dad!

All Might: Well, I think it's about time I retire... Izuku the UA sports festival is coming up soon and I am going to make my retirement public on that day so I can marry your mother and raise our child... and I want you to announce that you are my successor in your speech since you are the freshmen representative Bakugou lost that title when he killed you.

Me: Well, this is a lot to take in... are you going to tell them why you are retiring, because of my Mom?

All Might: No, if I did that villains would target our family, doing that would put you all in danger.

Me: what do you think I should say in the speech, I can't just blatantly say that I am your successor

All Might: you just need to tell the world that "I AM HERE" and I think you'll do fine.

Me: actually, I have an idea... but you'll just need to wait and see what I have to say about my speech. Do you mind me telling Ochaco about One for All? You have told some of your closest friends like RG and Nedzu so I was wondering if I could do the same.

All Might: Yes... only Ochaco since she is your lover, but you must make abundantly clear that she can tell No one.

We leave my room and head to the kitchen where Ochaco and my mom had just finished making omelets, as we sit down to eat Ochaco jumps I to my lap. While we are eating All Might looks up from his food and begins to speak.

All Might: there is something you two need to know about the quirk Izuku and I share...

Me: It is a quirk that has been passed down from generation to generation acting as a stockpile of power...

All Might and Izuku: Our quirk is called One for All.

All Might: I gave Izuku my power because he proved that he was more heroic than the heroes were on the day Bakugou was attacked by that sludge villain, Izuku ran into save him with no regard for his own safety and that's why I gave him my quirk.

Ochaco: I knew that Izuku's quirk was like yours but I didn't know it was your quirk at one point

Inko: Well thanks for telling me Yagi... do you think our baby will also have one for all?

All Might: I don't know, I was originally quirkless when I was gifted One for All, but it may act as a exponential power boost for our child and if it does inherit a quirk it will most likely be a very powerful version of yours.

Me: When Ochaco and I start a family there is a possibility that our children will get a mutated version of One for All, my Dragon Vasto form and Ochaco's zero gravity. If I were a betting man I would say that our kids will have my dragonoid capabilities and total gravity control.

Ukuzi: That's where you are wrong there king... you have yet to see my Vasto Lorde form. That dragon form I used at the USJ is just our Full Hollow form not Vasto Lorde

Me: Well, Ocha lets get ready for school Aizawa is going to rip us a new one if we're late.

Ochaco: Carry me Izu~

Time skip brought to you by chibi Ochaco bear hugging Izuku with her arms and legs while he is trying to walk

Arriving to school Ochaco and I walk into our classroom and I am immediately tackled by everybody except Todoroki and Kacchan. Aizawa walks into the class room and takes one look at the dogpile that is on top of my chest with Ochaco sitting on top proudly. He lets out a very disappointed sigh before saying he has an announcement for the class.

Aizawa: First of all get off of Midoriya, secondly you will be living in dorms after the festival and speaking of which, The UA sports festival is in two weeks and you all are going to be given time off to train and recover from the USJ events... class dismissed. He said very unenthusiastically before zipping himself in his sleeping bag and going to sleep.

Ochaco: that reminds me, me and Izuku need to talk to you and principle Nedzu privately regarding the dorms.

Kirishima: Midoriya, you were such a badass at the USJ! The way you took charge and turned into that dragon! I've never seen something so manly!

Denki: well if I have to fight you at the festival I'm screwed!

Todoroki: Midoriya... may I have a word with you after class, and when you are in your dragon form are you fireproof?

Me: I'm pretty sure that's the case, I mean it would be pretty lame to have the powers of a dragon and I still got burned.

Ochaco: Oh! Izu~ that reminds me show our class what you can do now with the mask! And you never showed me that you can breathe fire.


Ukuzi: Want me to handle this king?

Me (thoughts): No!

Me: This...

After getting out of the pile of my classmates, I claw the air infront of my face and I summon my mask. it surprised everyone except Ochaco that I was in control and that I wasn't going on a rampage. I then turn to Kacchan who is starring in horror at my mask and I blow a smoke ring into his face, then I turn to face the rest of the class and I exhale briefly and breathe out a small amount of green fire, I was far enough away from the class that none of them got singed. After I got rid of my mask Kirishima, Denki, Sero and Iida started to ramble a few questions out with Iida scolding me about "Smoking" on school grounds.

Denki: What does the mask feel like?

Sero: IS there any other moves you can do while wearing the mask?

Kirishima: Does that hole appear on your chest when you activate the mask?

Me: If you want your questions answered then come with me to the training field

I went to walk towards the door only for it to be crowded by the other first year students. Apparently, they were there to scope out the competition for the UA festival, but was getting quite hungry and I wanted to try out my new powers. Deciding to be polite I asked nicely if I could be let through the mob of people. Only to be blocked by three kids, the first one had purple hair and looked like he hasn't slept since last week, the second had weird things around his eyes with steel silver hair, and the last guy was a blond who acted all stuck up towards us.

Me: Excuse me, do you mind if I get through, I would like to get some lunch before they sell out of Katsudon

Neito: Well, it seems like the scum of Class 1-A might actually have manners allow me to introduce myself... I am Neito Monama it's a displeasure to meet you.

Me: Really is that seriously necessary? I was being nice asking if I could go get lunch and train for a while. I haven't even met you before and you are already this rude to me.


Iida: You can't just call people extras just because you don't know who they are *Multiple hand chops*

Me: really not helping our case Kacchan... apologize to them before You and Ukuzi have a little chat. Excuse him he's just an ass, now may I please go get lunch.

Shinso: No, we are here to declare war on class 1-A, if we do well enough at the festival we could move into the heroics courses and you could move down.

Me: Seriously? What did I do? I haven't even met you people and you all are acting like I killed your pet or something I just want to eat lunch.

Tetsutetsu: Its true that you've done nothing but we aren't letting you leave until you accept our declaration of war.

Ukuzi: You know what to hell with this, King has been nice to you rejects trying to go get his lunch but you just ignored his kindness and repaid it with resentment just for his class. So, you all have about five seconds to leave before I turn this hall way into an Inferno...

My mask starts to materialize on my face and Ukuzi starts to breathe out smoke through the teeth of the mask causing all the students to scatter and run out of the hall way. The mask then shatters off my face meaning Ukuzi had given me back control over my own actions again. "There you go King, now how about some Katsudon?" "I could have handled it by saying yes to the declaration but you had to go and make us look like a bigger dick than Kacchan." "That's not hard considering the way he acts is a clear sign he's overcompensating for a lack of something." "I dare you to say that to his face." "Okay, but I should tell you of a power you have access, think of a place and touch the air like an elevator you'll open up a portal and be transported to that location."

Ukuzi: Hey Baku-Bitch! Is your attitude over compensating for you being small where it counts?


Ukuzi: I can prove you wrong so fast Baku-Bitch its not even funny, but That is something for Queen's eyes only, and I wouldn't try anything stupid because I might not be so... Merciful to you if you attack me much less Queen Ocha over there...Ah-hahahahaha!

Izuku: Oh, dear god! Why did he say that! I'm sorry about him Kacchan. Anyway, you guys want to see what I can do right? Come with me.

I walk towards the wall thinking about the training field and I poke an invisible button in the air, suddenly a black zipper looking thing opens a pitch black portal, I put my hand in it as if I was holding a door open and I look to Ochaco who is awestruck and I say: "Malady, after you this leads to the training area." She then walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking into the portal, I quickly follow and soon all my classmates are outside at the training area.

Me: Well, Sero Kirishima and Denki wanted to see what I can do so I figured I would show off, but first I want you all to look at my chest when I activate my mask.

Mineta: Midoriya you bastard! You getting all the girls to look at your muscles! Are you trying to build a harem?!

Me: Ocha is my one and only girl.

I take off my uniform top and take off my shirt, I turn to face my classmates and I summon my mask, when it starts to appear they notice that my chest expands and rips open into a perfectly shaped circular hole where my heart should be leading all the way through my body. I extend my hand and I point two fingers in the air and I concentrate on forming an energy ball on my fingers just like how Ukuzi did at the USJ, once the ball forms I say in a calm tone: "Cero" and I shoot the green energy ray harmlessly into the sky, I then do the say with my other hand and mouth. I get the brilliant idea of replicating the Gran Rey Cero that Ukuzi used but I put my own spin on it. I bite my hand with the mask drawing blood and then I assume the Kamehameha pose charging up a cyan blue beam this time in my hands. I scream out: "Gran rey Kamehameha!" and I fire the blast into the sky at the same trajectory of the last blast. I finish off my show of power by exhaling a large amount of green fire in the shape of a heart around Ochaco on the ground before I deactivate my mask.

Me: I am not going to use any Ceros during the festival, I will just use the speed, portal, instant regen, and fire breath with this mask along with my muscle enhancement quirk.

Denki: Welp looks like I'm screwed, try to hold back on me will ya?

Kacchan: Even if you go all out I'm still going to kick your ass Deku!

Ukuzi: Bring it Baku-Bitch!

Todoroki: Midoriya, may I have a word with you privately?

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