A Night to Remember

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Aizawa turns around and leaves leaving us to unpack out things and settle in to our new home. Ochaco and I head up to our room to unpack our things, we get into the room we see our king-sized bed, two desks with office chairs, a second twin sized bed in the corner of the room, a small fridge, a master bathroom and a large television adjacent to the bed so we can watch it before we go to sleep. I open a box full of All Might merch and Ochaco laughs at the crazy amount of stuff I have then I turn to see Ochaco open a second box of her own filled with just as much stuff as I have about the rescue hero 13. She turns to look at me red faced and all I do is just stare at her like it is normal, I mean I have tons of merch of all might so I don't understand why she got all flustered. We finish getting everything set up and we make Eri's bed leaving an All Might plushie on her bed. Ochaco and I head down stairs and everyone else was already down there, Mina had set up a punch bowl int the kitchen, Toga was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with a glass bottle telling everyone to come play spin the bottle... Specifically Kacchan.

Toga: Come on! Let's play spin the bottle~ I know you want to Kacchan~

Mina: Yeah Lets Play spin the bottle!

Tooru: Think we should invite Mei? Iida might like that~

Me: I can go get her if you want me to, I have a new ability I want to try out.

Tooru: yeah go get her Iida needs someone so he won't be such a stick in the mud, maybe he'll open up if he has someone.

Ochaco: Don't let her get to close remember you are mines Izuku.

Me: I know, I know... See ya soon babe!

I open a Descorrer and walk through it, once I'm inside I concentrate on the Reishi in the outside world looking for Mei's soul, after a few moments I find a ribbon made of white Reishi. Looking into it I see her reflection in the ribbon and open a portal appearing right infront of her and earning a monkey wrench to the side of the head and It snapped the wrench in two like a twig.

Mei: Mido?! What the Hell? You scarred me.

Me: Sorry about that Mei I didn't mean to scare you.

Mei: Didn't mean to?! Mido, you literally ripped open a portal inches away from my face and casually walked out. What do you want from me today? Do you want one of my babies?!

Me: Actually no, I came to invite you to our party we are having at our dorms. Want to come?

Power Loader: Get out of here Mei, school ended 5 hours ago and I want to go home!

Mei: Fine I'll go... and besides I have a party to go to. Question, Is Iida going to be there?

Me: Yeah... Why?

Mei: Oh, No reason~ when is the party?

Me: Now, I can teleport us there if you want me to.

Mei: Can I study how you do it? I want to make something that can replicate it!

Me: No, if you do this wrong you could be brought to a realm called Hueco Mundo, it is filled with beings like me but unlike me they are evil and will kill you... and you cant see them.

Mei: How can you walk so care free through them then?

Me: Simple, they're scared of my power...

Mei: Everyone is, you're insanely powerful!

Me: Lets go, they're waiting on you.

I open a new portal and I walk into it telling her to walk through it, she enters after getting an eyeful of the portal, I close it behind us and we walk to the dorms. We arrive after a few minutes all the while I was listening to Mei vomit out ideas like a machine gun about support items, she could give me to make my fire more powerful. I open the portal right infront of Iida to which he also freaks out at the fact I broke reality, Mei runs out of the portal and instantly tackles Iida thanking him for his help with the support companies today.

Mei: Iida! Thank you so much for your help today!

Iida: It's no problem Mei... can you get off of me?

Mei: Nope!

Iida: Why not?

Mei: Not until you agree to go on a date!

Iida: A what?

Mei: We're going on a date this weekend! And I'm not taking no for an answer!

Mina: Go with her Iida, you need this you're such a stick in the mud!

Iida: Hey that's mean!

Mei: Hey what's that?

Mina: Oh we're playing spin the bottle, it was Toga's idea

Mei: Common Iida, lets play!

Iida: Fine we'll go out and I'll play this game with you guys... put I'm putting a stop if things get too lewd.

Me: That's why Mineta is banned from the game, hey I got an idea, lets play Murder.

Everyone: What?!

Me: It's a mystery game where we are like detectives, we're going to be heroes so we may get involved with one of these cases so this would be good practice. We could use a mannequin as a fake corpse and Momo could make us detective costumes and pipe we can be like Sherlock Holmes!

Kacchan: hey that's not a bad idea, but whose going to be the alleged 'Murderer'

Iida: We draw straws.

Mina: Lets play spin the bottle and truth or dare first

Ochaco: this will only end badly... there is a 1 in 22 chance I will land on my fiancé so I don't feel comfortable doing this.

Mina: It you don't have to kiss that person if you don't want to, if it is your crush then you have to.

Kirishima: Alright I'm down

Me: Even if it doesn't land on my queen I'll kiss her anyways, your joining to right Kacchan?

Kacchan: Yeah, I guess I'm in too...

Toga: Yay! Kacchan~ is in!

Toga instantly grabs the bottle and spins it, to her luck it lands on Kacchan and his face turns bright red, Toga stands up and walks seductively to Kacchan, grabs him by his collar and tongue kisses him infront of everyone leaving Kacchan wide eyed in amazement. Toga closes her eyes and continues to swirl her tongue around his and soon Kacchan closes his eyes, snakes his arms around her waist and Toga wraps her arms around his neck. This goes on for several minutes before Mina of all people coughs twice brining them back out of their make out session. Toga stands up and walks back to her spot licking her lips leaving Kacchan with a dopy grin on his face and a slight nosebleed. The next person to go was Tsuyu and her bottle landed on Fumikage, she doesn't get up, instead she spits her tongue out, grabs Fumikage and pulls him towards her. she unravels her tongue from him and kisses him snaking her tongue into his mouth. Their kiss didn't last long and Fumikage was just wide eyed through the entire time.

Iida had the next turn and when he spun the bottle it landed on Mei, she was elated to get to kiss Iida, so much so she ran straight into him and tackled. Iida let out an: "Oof" noise when she collided with him, Mei grabbed Iida by the back of the head and kissed him forcefully, tongue and all. Iida falls into it and wraps his hand around her waist and the other on the back of her head running his fingers through Mei's hair. They stop after a few moments and everyone in the room was red faced, Sero decided to tape up the bottle and we changed games to Spin the bottle.

Ochaco: Hey, King? Can you get me some punch please?

Me: Sure

I flash step to the kitchen pour two cups worth one for myself and Ochaco and I flash step back to my spot next to her handing her the cup. I take a sip and I notice it tastes a bit strange but I dismiss it and polish off the glass, Mina starts off by asking Denki Truth or Dare.

Mina: hey, Denki! Truth or Dare?

Denki: Truth!

Mina: Who do you have a crush on?

Momo: I knew this would happen...

Jiro's thoughts: (I Hope he says me)

Jiro: This is going to be a doozy...

Denki: I-its K-Kyoka... I h-have a c-crush on Jiro

Jiro: WHAT?!?! W-w-well I-I u-uh I m-mean y-you are v-very funny and y-you a-are good l-looking...

Denki: W-want t-to go out s-some t-time?

Jiro: S-s-s-s-s-sure...

Denki: Yosh! Alright Kirishima Truth or Dare?

Kirishima: Dare it's the manly thing to do!

Denki: Alright... I dare you to... Make out with Mina

Mina: WHAT?!

Kirishima: Okay...

Kirishima casually walks over to mina, picks her up bridal style and walks away, leaving all 20 of us just staring at him as he walks down to his dorm holding mina who is covering her face blushing. Twenty some odd minutes pass, Kirishima and Mina walk back to the common room, Kirishima had his hair all ruffled up, his shirt was slightly unbuttoned and he had Mina's lipstick all over his face. Mina wasn't much better, her hair was beyond messed up, her shirt was untucked, her tie was undone and she had kiss and bite marks all over her neck. We all just stare at them as they walk back to us with Mina wrapped around Kirishima's right arm.

Kirishima: Well, now that we got to do that, thank you Denki, Now, Mido... Truth or Dare

Me: Truth

Kirishima: Do you really share a bed and room with Uraraka?

Ochaco: Midoriya.

Kirishima: Right sorry, it slipped my mind.

Me: Yes, we do, we've actually been sharing a bed for a few weeks now... Mineta before you even think of asking, we haven't done anything Lewd. We have a child that stays in our room with us.

Mineta: I wasn't thinking that!

Ochaco: Yes, you were.

Mineta: Alright I was...

Me: Alright Kacchan, truth or dare

Kacchan: Truth, I'm afraid of what you might come up with Deku

Me: Are you going to date Toga?

Kacchan: Are you stupid or something? Of course I am, you saw how she managed to make me stutter and even blush. She is mine...

Toga: I wouldn't have it any other way, and Mido-kun don't call him Kacchan anymore that's my name for him now.

Me: Okay... what should I call him now?

Bakugou: my last name is fine Deku.

Sero: Anyone notice that Bakugou is no longer hissing Deku's name?

Me: That's because of our agreement, I won't burn him to death for hurting my queen and we go back to being childhood friends. I told him that he can call me Deku still because to means you can do it.

Bakugou: Alright Grape Bitch, Truth or Dare

Mineta: First off rude... second off Dare

Bakugou: I dare you to keep your shitty mouth shut for an entire week... you will say nothing or I will destroy you...

Mineta: ...

Bakugou: Good...

Tsuyu: Well Bakugou has now ruined the game, how about we go with Midoriya-Chan's idea and we play Detective *Kero*

Momo: I'll make the costumes!

Ochaco: Hey Momo, can you make a plushie of Deku's hero costume for Eri?

Momo: Of course, I'm sure she'll love it!

Momo creates the old timey detective trench coats and makes a pipe for me, Ochaco and I drink a couple more glasses of punch, she downs hers in seconds and I finish mine. Momo finishes making my costume and she made me the head detective, Iida grabs straws and cuts a one of them marking it as the Murderer straw. Momo then creates a Mannequin and we fill it with fake blood that Mei had made. We take a break to cook and eat dinner before we start the game, all the while I was breathing smoke out of the pipe to make me look like I'm actually smoking. Iida begins to scold me, but I just laugh and tell him that I can literally breathe fore so its not tobacco. We draw straws and Momo tells all those who are Innocent to go into our rooms and wait for 10 minutes to allow the Murderer to harm the dummy as they want and then set up the crime scene. I head to my room and I'm shortly joined by Ochaco, not a few seconds later we hear a fake generic movie scream from down in the common room and we wait for the time the 'Murderer' has to run up. Momo sends out a group text saying time was up and we all head into the living room, all 22 of us yet one is the fake 'Murderer' Ochaco walks over to the punch bowl again and drinks another cup before returning to us.

We look at the fake crime scene in the common area, it was staged to look like a suicide, the dummy was against the couch with a single mark in the die of its head like a gun shot wound would be, but the whole room looked like there was a struggle, things were knocked over, the dummy had strangled marks on its neck. There was no murder weapon in the room and there are no places where one could be disposed of because everything was turned over.

Me: This wasn't Bakugou... Its Way to subtle to be him.

Bakugou: Yeah, defiantly not me, if it was me, there wouldn't be any thing left, someone is trying to frame me... but who?

Me: Whoever it is they're not cleaver...

Sero: It couldn't have been me, I'm not smart enough to pull off something like this.

Iida: We didn't even pin the blame and you already have an alibi?

Denki: No, it wasn't him, he walked with me towards our dorms

Momo: Before we start blaming each other, lets look for clues, you all should have a magnifying glass in your trench coat pockets.

All of us walk about the room looking for clues but we are interrupted by All Might and Nedzu enter the dorms and just stare at us, all of us wearing old detective trench coats with Sherlock Holmes' hat and me with a fake pipe out of my mouth that is leaking actual smoke due to my quirk.

All Might: I'm going to regret asking but... what are you all doing?

Nedzu: Midoriya, I trust that, that pipe doesn't have actual tobacco in it.

Me: We are doing a murder mystery game, and no there's no tobacco in it, I'm just breathing out smoke with my quirk.

All Might; Oh, we just came along to see how you guys were settling in.

Shoto: Hey Dad, we were having a party, Mr. Aizawa said that we can have sleepovers and that lights had to be out by 3 AM.

Nedzu: This is a bad idea, how about you all just watch a few movies before going to bed, you guys need to clean this up.

Everyone: Oh, all right.

We quickly cleaned the common room and I incinerated the dummy out in the back yard, after everything had gotten cleaned up, we relaxed in the living room and Ochaco and I continued to drink the punch. The punch had a strange yet very addicting taste to it and I figured it was some weird recipe for it. we all sat in the common room and we had a quick discussion on what movies to watch, we ended up settling on a dragon ball movie, the little mermaid (Shoto's idea) the winter soldier and pacific rim.

Shoto POV

I took one sip of the punch and instantly knew what was in it, the punch had been spiked, my brother and his fiancé were downing cup after cup of the stuff while we were watching our movies. They eventually stopped... when there was none left and they began to get very clingy and handsy towards each other. They began making out on the couch while we were watching The Winter Soldier and Mina had the most brilliant idea of telling them to take their make out session to their room. When my brother responded he was slurring all of his words, I knew then and there he was totally wasted.

Mina: Get a room you two!

Izuku: Shure thing Minaaa... c'mon Osha lesh go to our room...

Ochaco: Alwight Izuku~ Lesh a go!

Me: Oh my god... they're drunk. Someone spiked the punch.

Mina: Who did what now?

Denki: Oh, yeah... I forgot we did that...

Mineta: We were the ones who spiked it...

Me: Izu-Nii is going to kill you two when he wakes up...

A/N Before you ask, yes they did the deed, and No I will not write any Lemons. this will be important later in the story...

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