All Might healed and Ukuzi's Training

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Izuku: Emperor? A fitting name for the son of the number one hero, what if its twins?

All Might: then I will surprise you by telling you their names when you get to meet your little brother/sister or the two of them. I assume that Nedzu is allowing you and Ochaco to share a room?

Izuku: it took some persuasion from Ukuzi but we are sharing a room, and relax Ukuzi didn't hurt him.

All Might: That's good, are you going to go all out at the sports festival?

Izuku: That wouldn't be fair for the others if I went all out at the start I told them that id only use a fraction of my power, but I told Todoroki that if he doesn't go all out then I will. I also said that if Kacchan hurts my Ocha then I'm going to surgically attach his feet to his Ass.

All Might: Don't kill him, I know Ukuzi has tried to in the past.

Ochaco: We're ready! May I present to you Eri Uraraka-Midoriya!

Inko: Ochaco decided that would be her full title, Isn't she just precious!?

My mom Ochaco, and Eri come down the hallway and walk to the living room, when they get there my heart instantly melts. Eri is sitting on Ochaco's shoulders, Eri is wearing an All Might silver age onesie with the purest smile that could power the world painted to her face. I walk over to Ochaco and I take Eri off her shoulders and I head over to the couch and sit her down in my lap with Ochaco sitting next to me and my parents sitting on the other couch. I look down to Eri who looks as if this was the first time she was ever shown kindness and I tell her something very important.

Izuku: Eri-chan there is a few things that you need to know, the first and most important thing is that the bad man won't hurt you or anyone anymore. He's dead because I or rather my other-self killed him. Secondly you are going to be living with us from now on Eri, and last but not least let me introduce my self officially... I am Izuku Midoriya, your new Father, you can call me Papa, Dad or Daddy. I have a quirk that turns me into a dragon and that quirk has is his own person so, if you ever hear my voice change and you see what looks like a dragon's skull on my face that's just the other me you can call him dad as well.

Ochaco: Eri-Chan, I am Ochaco Uraraka-Midoriya and I am your new Mother. Please call me Momma, Mom or Mommy, you are in good hands now. My quirk is Zero gravity I can make anything weightless. The man wit the blonde hair is your grandpa he's a hero, actually he's the number one hero All Might and the green haired woman sitting next to him is your grandma.

All Might: Fear not little one for Grand-Might Is Here! Ah-ha-ha-ha! We are going to take good care of you Eri-chan! *POOF back to Skele-Might* you never have to worry about someone hurting you ever again.

Eri (through tears): W-why are y-you being so n-nice to me? M-m-y quirk is a c-c-curse it can k-kill people and I c-can't control it.

Me: Shh... there, there my little one... what does your quirk do Eri?

Eri: I-It t-turns b-b-back time, b-but I c-can't c-c-c-control h-how much time. It o-only h-happens w-when I t-touch people...

Ochaco: Don't cry sweetie... your quirk wasn't active when I was carrying you. That means you can control your quirk sweetie. Your quirk is a gift not a curse... if you want to see a curse just look at Daddy's quirk, it literally forces him to die to use it.

Me: Eri Sweetheart... you can control your quirk and I can show you how. Dad, can you lift up your shirt and show Eri the scar?

All Might: I hope this works.

All Might takes of his shirt to show Eri the massive scar and I Activate my mask and show Eri what happens to my heart when I use my power. When Eri sees the hole in my chest and the fact I'm still alive she stops crying and looks at me I amazement before she puts her arm in my hollow hole. After a few moments of her tracing her hand around the hole repeating the word amazing, I tap the top of her head and she looks up at me.

Me: Eri have you noticed that you aren't using your quirk on me? That means you are controlling it. What I want you to do is put your hand on Grandpa and focus on making the scars go away, can you do that?

Eri: Okay Papa I'll try.

Eri walks over to All Might and she places her hands in the middle of the massive scar, suddenly All Might is surrounded by a green aura. As we watch in silence the scars on All Might begin to disappear, then All Might begins to buff up as the scars finally vanish. Eri retracts her hands from the place the scars used to be and she looks up to him with an innocent Trillion-watt smile.

Eri: I did it! Papa! I did it! I did it!!!

Me: That's amazing Sweetheart! This means you can control your quirk! You can become a great hero! If not the greatest healer and rescue specialist of all time!

Ochaco: *gasp* I know what her hero name should be!!!

All Might, Inko, Me, and Eri: What?!

Ochaco: The Healing expert: The White Mage!

All Might: That's an amazing name, what do you think Eri-chan

Eri: White mage? What's that mean?

Ochaco: It's a play on words, your hair is snow white and your quirk looks like magic.

Me: It also means someone who can heal people using magic.

Inko: Eri is going to be an amazing hero like her grandpa and her dad

Me: Well I'm going to train with my hollow powers' tomorrow, I want to see how much I could do, want to meet me at the training area at UA?

Ochaco: Sure Izu! I think Eri would like to watch you in action.

Me: Sure, I'm going to try to harness that form I used at the USJ attack, Ukuzi said that I have an even stronger form than that.

Eri: Papa? What's a dragon?

Me: I will show you tomorrow sweetheart, we've all had a long day. Let's get some rest and I will show you my dragon form. Mom, is it alright if Ochaco stays with us until we move into dorms? She said that she gets unbearably lonely at her house since she lives alone.

Inko: I don't see why not, she is Eri's mother after all, when you move into dorms be sure to let Eri visit us on the weekends so I can spoil her like any good grandmother would!

Ochaco: Thank you Ms. Midoriya.

Inko: please call me Mom, after all you are my future daughter in law! And you already told me what my other grandbabies will look like and I cant wait for you two to get busy!

Ochaco and I begin to blush as my parents begin to laugh uncontrollably, soon after they had stopped laughing I scooped up Eri who looked as if she was about to fall asleep and I walk her to my room with Ochaco following close behind me. I get into my bed and Ochaco Quickly follows snuggling up next to me, I lay Eri down on my chest and Ochaco hugs my arm before she to fell asleep. I lay awake for a few moments thinking of what I could of done right to deserve this family and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Narrator POV

Izuku awakens to find himself laying on a very familiar hospital cot, but his thoughts where interrupted by a familiar echoing voice.

Hello king... you remember this place, right? We are in the doctor's office where the world came crashing down on our head. Take a look outside, you'll see the playground where we were bullied and the middle school where we were told to kill ourselves... This is your inner world Izuku. Oh, where are my manners king? Its good to see you in person My other self... You already know my name but I will say it again anyways... I am Ukuzi Ayirodim. Izuku turns around in the small doctor's office they were in to see the spitting image of himself, but his counter parts skin was as white as snow, he was wearing a black and white version of Izuku's hero outfit, his eyes were completely black with two twin piercing Irises that glowed forest green. At his waist was a katana, its hand guard was in the shape of two dragons' heads facing away from the swords blade and scabbard. The hilt and handle were adorned with dragon scales and a traditional katana wrapping. Looking back up to Ukuzi's face he notices that the horns of their mask are present on the crown of his head, his chin had the bottom jaw attached to his face. "so Izuku... like what you see? This is the pinnacle of my power I'm going to give you access to the form I used at the USJ and I want you to fight me, if you manage to disarm me by taking my sword or cutting off the arm holding the sword I will give you all of my power... we will train every day until you beat me... don't worry I'm not going to kill you after all hehehe you die... I die." "How do I tap into the hollow power? Do I have to imagine becoming a dragon?" "Bingo! Let's start!"

Izuku begins to focus on becoming the dragon, then he is surrounded by a black and green aura. As the aura fades it reveals Izuku in his full Hollow form, his mask had two green lines running from the eye holes to the bottom of the jaw. After ascending to the for Ukuzi draws his sword and tells Izuku to attack him, Izuku lunges at him reaching for the sword only to get smacked by the back of the blade sending him through the wall into the street below creating a crater. Izuku stands up and looks at Ukuzi who is flying over head just outside the broken window, then Izuku begins to charge up three cero beams aimed at Ukuzi before teleporting to him and firing them at point blank range into Ukuzi. When the dust settles Ukuzi is standing there with his left-hand smoldering from the blast, then Ukuzi lifts up the blade and throws it into the air before proceeding to punch Izuku back into the ground. "You are never going to beat me in that form! You need to get angry! Ascend to Vasto Lorde and take the sword from my hands! You're done for today go back to our queen and daughter they're probably waking up. Oh, and If Baku-Bitch hurts her in anyway at the festival I'm multiplying her pain on him sevenfold! Ah-hahahahaha!"

Izuku POV

I slowly wake up to feel Ochaco in my arms, apparently, she got me to roll over on my side and managed to wrap my arms around her waist. Eri has still sleeping on my side but she had managed to roll to her back, her arms were above her head limply and her hair was in my face. I slowly start to get up and Ochaco makes a displeased sound at the fact I took my hands off her waist, she turns around and kisses me on the lips before hugging me again. Eri had woken up because Ochaco had turned around to face me, Eri then begins to sit up and get off of us.

Eri: Common Mama I want to see Dragon Papa!

Ochaco: Oh, alright... lets get you dressed and we will go.

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