Finals Finale

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Izuku makes his way into the gamma city surrounded by the massive jungle of metal tubing and concrete, He begins to channel his reishi ascending into his Espada form before the announcement is made for the battle to begin. Wasting no time, Izuku spreads his skeletal dragon wings and draws his sword from his left side before flying high into the sky so that the sun is exactly at his back. He looks down at the 15 pro heroes he has to fight for his final exam before raising the katana high into the air. With black reishi surrounding him he utters one simple phrase.

"Dawn of the endless Night... Kaikishoku (Infinite Eclipse)." Izuku says as suddenly the moon can be seen darting across the sky following the point of Izuku's index finger until it covers the sun turning Day into Night.

In the observation room:

"Holy shit! Did he just..." "He turned day to night, look! The sun is blocked out he moved the moon!" Kaminari and Kirishima exclaim looking at the screen that shows Izuku clad in his white espada armour and in front of a eclipse that he made Just by speaking.

"Did you know he could pull something like this off?!" Momo asks Ochako whos looking at the screen with undivided attention with a hand over the bump on her stomach. "No... I had no idea he could do this I'm just as surprised as you are." she answers watching Izuku draw one of his swords and then he vanishes from sight.

"What?! Where'd he go?! He just vanished!" Jiro asks shocked at seeing him disappear and chasing around the screen looking for Izuku whose nowhere to be found. Ochako gives her a look for a moment, the is confused as to what she said and asks her what she means. "Um... what do you mean? he's right there." She says pointing to the moon on the screen where Izuku is floating in the middle of the sky.

"No he's not... he's gone, I understand being pregnant makes smells seem off but it doesn't mess with vision right?" Mina asks looking at Ochako who just sits in disbelief that they can't see him. "No it doesn't... but why can't you see him he's in the middle of the screen!" She declares as they shift their attention to the pros who are standing in the middle of the street as if they were frozen.

In the testing sight.

Izuku had gone to his soul form his truest hollow state and to the people who didn't have enough spiritual pressure to see him, he's invisible. He stares at the heroes on the ground and begins to devise a plan on how to deal with them one by one. The heroes on the ground frantically search the skies for Izuku not seeing him float directly above them. Izuku draws his sword and spreads his skeletal wings before landing on the ground directly in front of the heroes. From their perspective it looks as if the dust on the asphalt just got moved aside from something landing there. Snipe being on edge takes three shots from his revolver at the dust and misses completely. Aizawa activates his quirk causing his scarf to levitate as he stares at nothing in front of them. Then Snipe is snatched, he was grabbed from behind with an invisible hand covering his face and was gone before the others could even react. Izuku knocked out Snipe with a chop to the neck and cuffed him with the quirk canceling cuffs he was given before the exam. One down seven to go.

"Stay close together! He's trying to single us out and take us down one by one!" Aizawa declares as the heroes huddle up back to back with each other in their fighting stances. Seeing them huddle up together trying to avoid being taken makes Izuku laugh to himself before he decides to toy with them a little bit before going back to being visible.

"Who just touched me?!" Midnight shouts in fear feeling a sudden poke to the side of her body. The other heroes turn to face her and then looking around the street of the fake city. "No one touched you Midnight!" Powerloader shouts with his voice riddled in fear. Izuku manifests several feet from them laughing out loud and holding his sides from laughing so hard.

"You should see the looks on your faces! Hahahahahaha! I can't tell you how funny it is to see you all trying to fight a ghost!" Izuku says through laughter before the heroes try to attack him only for him to vanish again without a trace.

"Damnit! He's toying with us, he can win and he knows it. We're just sitting ducks out here. We can't split up because he will just snatch us and we can't just stand here either!" Nedzu yells trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with this situation. Then Midnight lets out a sudden scream before silence as she disappears as well leaving five left. 13, Eraserhead, All Might, Blood King and Nedzu stand in the center of the testing facility shaking in fear.

Izuku becomes visible standing in the center of all the heroes and looks around with them for a moment before asking All Might a question. "Hey All Might sensei? What are you looking for?" He asks with a smile on his face wanting for All Might's response.

"We are looking for Young Midoriya we have to defeat him before the time runs up." He says as all the pros turn to face Izuku in the center of them before Izuku gives them his response. "I hope you find him soon, you only have 4 minutes to do it." he says before the pros turn and attack him.

Izuku extends his wings and takes off from the ground blasting the other pros away with the downdraft of his wings. Aizawa tries to snag Izuku out of the sky with his scarf only for it to be grabbed by Izuku and then yanked upwards taking Aizawa with it. Aizawa is quickly wrapped up in his own scarf and plopped down next to Midnight and Snipe who were cuffed on top of a building near the exit to the fake city. The four remaining heroes prepare to fight against Deku who lands on the other side of the street with his skeletal wings spread out as far as they can go and his two swords drawn and at his flanks. Deku's mask over his face hides a wide confident smile underneath, the heroes on the other hand back pedal slightly seeing the masked number 50 hero standing before them confidently. Deku takes off sprinting toward the heroes at full speed dragging his wings and swords on the road creating sparks.

All Might starts by throwing a Detroit smash at Izuku which generates a massive gust of wind down the street that Izuku. The gust of wind does nothing to stop Deku as he continues to sprint at the heroes and lunges at Blood King using his tail like a third sword trying to incapacitate the hero. All Might lunges at Izuku who simply flash steps away from him with Blood King ensnared in his tail and then cuffed. Nedzu and All Might remain waiting for Izuku to attack before a green beam flies directly past their heads slamming into a garbage bin causing it to explode into shrapnel. The two pros spin to see Izuku with one of the swords close to All Might's face and his razor sharp tail pointing at Nedzu. Both pros put their hands up in the air and Present Mic in the observation room announces Izuku has completed the exam with one second to spare.

"Midoriya Izuku completed the exam! You had one second to spare! Come on back to the observation room and tell us how you did it." Present Mic says as he unties the pros and heads back to the observation room. Getting inside Deku is swarmed by the class badgering him with questions on how he did it when the moon parts from the son and Izuku drops out of his transformation.

"Midoriya! How the hell did you manage to do that?!" Kirishima asks as Izuku tries to catch his breath

"That's what I call a workout! What do you want to know?" Izuku asks after catching his breath and standing up straight. Izuku turns around only to get hammered with questions as if he was in an interview as to how he took out the heroes.

"How the hell did you do... that!" Katsuki asks in an angry manner as Izuku stretches a little bit and wipes the sweat from his face. "I used my soul form, basically if you don't possess Reishi you can't see me or hear me. I don't even show up on infrared and thermal cameras. As for the eclipse, that's a new move I wanted to try out that Ukuzi had taught me." He says with a smile on his face.

"So you can become totally invisible? What are you a ghost?" Kaminari asks in a joking manner but gets an answer he wasn't expecting. "Yes, that's what hollows are, we are ghosts. Technically I'm not a ghost since I'm still alive so i'm somewhere in between the two." he explains as the rest of them go quiet for a moment.

"Well, That concludes your final exams! All of you passed the written portion but there were some who didn't pass the practical portion. You weren't expected to beat us since we have years of experience on you lot but good job nonetheless. Head back to the dorms you guys earned your break. In a few weeks you will be going to a training camp for a month to work on your quirks and super moves." Nedzu says as the pros head back to the main campus to change out of their costumes and head to the teacher's dorms on the other side of campus.

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