The Full Hollofication

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The Full Hollowfication

I woke up the next morning and did my usual morning ritual of the shower and got ready for school, after waving bye to my mom I left for school. After meeting up with Ochaco and Iida we get to our classroom and are met with our classmates smirking and Mina holding her phone up showing Jiro and Hagakure a picture. "Morning love birds! How was your train ride home yesterday?" Ochaco starts to blush and I grab her arm to keep her from floating away. I felt a sudden surge of confidence as if Ukuzi was cheering me on and I smiled slyly and said: "I don't know Ashido... does this answer your question?" without giving her anytime to register my words I swing Ochaco around to me and kiss her on the lips as passionately as I could, closing my eyes in the process. My train of thought was interrupted by Mina, Momo, Jiro, Hagakure and Tsuyu squealing at our display. I take a step back from Ochaco and look at her now beet red face, with her mouthing words but nothing coming out. "Now Mina, if you have any questions about us be sure to ask I'd gladly tell you about how perfect my queen is."

Aizawa: "Alright quiet down... Midoriya... why is Ochaco floating like a balloon?"

Mina: "I can answer that~ Its because we have the first official couple of class 1-A! and its Izu-Ocha!"

Aizawa: "Izu-Ocha... Oh Izuku and Ochaco okay, but that still doesn't explain why Ochaco is blushing and flying around the room."

Izuku: "That's because she's flustered, I kissed her for the first time to prove to Mina that we're together and she kind of did that."

Sero: "I got her"

Izuku: "bring her down to me."

Aizawa: "well since we no longer have a human balloon I suggest that you all get in your hero outfits because we are headed for rescue training off campus this morning."

We go to get changed in the locker rooms and Mineta pulls Denki and myself over to him.

Mineta: "Midoriya Kaminari! Come here I found a poral to paradise!"

Kaminari: "Mineta what did you find?"

Mineta: "I found a hole that looks into the girls' locker room I'm going to see all the Booty!!!"

Ukuzi: "Oh, the little grape baby has found a way to look at my woman... I'm only going to tell you this once... Say anything about her or even look at her in a way that I would and I will personally send you to hell in as many pieces as possible."

Mineta: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

I snap back to control over myself and feel something attached to my face, I pull the thing off my face and I look at it noticing that it is 3/4ths a completed mask. I throw it on the floor and turn around to see Mineta cowering in fear at me and the others just standing wide eyed at what just happened. I raise my right eyebrow and they all say at the same time: "Ukuzi" and I just shake my head, put on my gym uniform and gauntlets then leave after apologizing to Mineta. After getting on the bus all of my classmates begin to talk about our quirks.

Tsuyu: Midoriya-chan your quirk is an awful lot like All Might's, are you two related by any chance.

Izuku: I don't know, the only relative I know of is my mother. My father left shortly after my mom found out she was pregnant with me, the only thing I know about him is that he is a Villain.

Tsuyu: Well sorry to hear that, but since you don't know there is a chance that he may be a relative of yours since your power is so much like his.

Kirishima: Well his quirk is a lot like All Might's but you are forgetting a major difference All Might doesn't hurt himself like Izuku.

Izuku: well that's because he can actually regulate the power he uses whereas I don't know how.

Ochaco: Yeah but once Izu~ learns how to use his powers from his Vasto Lordes del Dragon quirk and his All Might like quirk he'll be number one for sure!

Mina: Well if that's the case Ochaco-chan it seems like you'll have an easy life as the house wife to the Number one pro hero. The only thing you'd have to worry about is raising his brats and their crazy powerful quirks.

Ochaco: Yeah but that's along time from now, so I'm going to savor every moment I have with my Izu~

Momo: wow she didn't get flustered this time.

Aizawa: Alright shut up brats we are here.

Ukuzi: hey king we got a problem.

Izuku: What do you mean Ukuzi?

Ukuzi: There are villains inbound... are you going to let me handle them?

Izuku: Yes, but after we get inside, the moment the arrive you know what to do.

Ukuzi: I probably should warn your friends because I don't think they'd appreciate an impromptu blood bath.

Izuku: at least try to not kill them, if they hurt Ochaco or anyone else then show no mercy

I walk off the bus and enter the USJ building with my class, we are greeted by the rescue hero 13 where 13 explains what we will be doing, suddenly we are interrupted by Kirishima saying: "Woah we even get fake villains to fight this is cool!" Aizawa whips around and sees the villains and screams out: "13! Get the children to safety this isn't a drill those are real villains." He was about to jump down the stairs but stops when he sees me emitting a black and green aura then Ukuzi takes over my voice and we speak at the same time.

Izuku/Ukuzi: You bastards really think that you can just come in here and attack us to put us in our place and deter us from becoming heroes? I have news for you poor bastards as soon as you touched the floor here your fates were sealed. Iida! Go to UA get the teachers somebody needs to cleanup this mess when I'm done!"

Hand villain: Tough talk coming from a fledgling hero brat, you are going to be the first to die, then we are going to kill All Might

Narrator POV

Izuku begins to scream in anger as he enters the transformation, suddenly his uniform top gets ripped off revealing the hole in his chest and two large skeletal dragon wings sprout out of Izuku's back as his mask covers his entire head. His hair grows to knee length and his arms and legs change to resemble that of a dragon. His arms have become scaly his fingers have become like razor sharp daggers, his feet have changed to be that of a dragon's with three razor sharp talons on each foot, a new joint forms in his legs making them bend backwards

Ukuzi: relax teach I got this... oh and you might want to take a few steps back because you're in the splash zone... RAAAAHHHHHH!!!

(A/N that's the roar)

The newly born Hollow jumps off the stair case letting out a primal rage filled roar that deafens the villains that were to close to him. Meanwhile all of Class 1-A had made it outside the USJ building with the exception of Aizawa and 13. The villains watch in horror as a human dragon comes flying at them at blinding speeds, the dragon extends its wings and begins to breathe fire on itself becoming an inferno of bones and black fire. Ukuzi extends his claws and swipes them into a hoard of villains burning them alive and cutting them down with the sheer wind pressure alone. Ukuzi then flies up to the middle of the room and exhales a massive torrent of black flames at the army of villains incinerating all of them until three remain. The hand villain, the purple wisp and the giant bird like beast with an exposed brain.

Hand Villain: Noumu kill this brat!

The Noumu lets out a shriek and jumps up to meet Ukuzi in the air, Noumu throws a massive right hook to Ukuzi's mask but its fist gets caught in Ukuzi's mouth. He uses the sharp dragon teeth of the mask to bite off the Noumu's arm, he then breathes an ocean of black fire onto the Noumu sending it back to the ground carbonizing the arm that Ukuzi just bit off. He then divebombs the Noumu at blinding speeds and slams his claws into the beast's eyes, grabs it by the face and throws him through the mountain range of the land slide zone. As the Noumu gets up Ukuzi teleports in front of him and charges a deep green beam in his mouth before firing it at the Noumu only to barely miss it as the Noumu jumped out of the way of the blast. The Noumu grabs one of the wings of Ukuzi and attempts to throw hi out of the air, but with only one arm the Noumu does nothing. Ukuzi then spins violently as the Noumu gets sent flying towards the ground leaving a 10-meter-deep crater due to the force of the impact. Ukuzi vanishes and appears in front of the Noumu, lifting his hand Ukuzi uses his talons on his hand to cut his palm open. Letting the blood drip to his finger Ukuzi grabs the face of the Noumu and charges another attack, this time the beam is a bright blue colored ball of energy forms in Izuku's hand and grows around the Noumu's head. Ukuzi screams out the name of the attack with his eerie echoing voice reverberating off the walls of the USJ: "GRAN REY CERO!" the beam expands and engulfs the Noumu and vaporizes him completely.

Hand villain: You Cheater! That Noumu was made to kill a 100% All Might and it was beaten by a child! Mark my words brat I Tomura Shigaraki will kill you! Korogiri! Warp us out of here!

Tomura sprints to escape the dragon and dives into the portal Korogiri opened up just in time to escape another Cero blast that slammed into the ground where the portal once was. Ukuzi lands back on the ground in the center of the USJ building, turning around to look at a horrified Aizawa and 13 the scaly body of Hollow Ukuzi cracks and shatters falling to the floor like a shedding exoskeleton. Once the shell had fallen off Ukuzi, the real Izuku is revealed underneath wearing a smaller mask than his Hollow form. As soon as all the screaming and energy blasts stop all of class 1-A came running back into the building to asses the damage, once getting inside they all see almost everything in the building is on fire, the mountains have a humanoid shaped hole in them and Izuku is lying in the middle of a crater out cold. Once she gets inside Ochaco sees Izuku passed out and pushes past everyone to get to Izuku.

Ochaco uses her quirk to lift up Izuku and carry him back to the entrance just as All Might arrives, Ochaco hands the unconscious Izuku to All Might and places a small kiss on Izuku's forehead. All Might vanishes with Izuku in his arms and rushes to RG's office, placing him down on a bed before returning to the USJ building to asses the damages. Once All Might arrives he sees what looks like a war zone with massive craters and claw marks on the ground, most of the trees and miniature buildings in the facility are being burned by green fire. dead and unconscious villains littered everywhere and a massive smoldering trench leading toward the land slide mountain zone. The tallest mountain has a muscly humanoid shaped hole going all the way through it. All Might walks towards Aizawa and asks him what happened.

All Might: what happened eraser?

Aizawa: Ukuzi happened, he went on a rampage killed several villains and a bio engineered beast made to kill you.

All Might: tell me what exactly happened I need details Eraser!, I already knew Ukuzi had something to do with this.

Aizawa: Well, the villains appeared Izuku got pissed off, transformed into a human dragon hybrid with a full head dragon mask. He attacked the villain army burning them not nothing and ripping off limbs, the Noumu as they called it was ordered to attack and Ukuzi bit its arm off bathed it in fire and vaporized him with a move he called a gran rey cero, The two villain leaders escaped.

All Might: Well, that's good, I now know we have a student that is stronger than me, maybe I can retire soon. Anyways call the rest of the pros and the police to collect the villains. I need to check on young Midoriya.

Ochaco: All Might... can you bring me to him?

All Might: Why young Uraraka?

Ochaco: because...h-he's m-m-my b-boyfriend

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