Old Faces Return

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(Popup: A Lemon will be down in the chapter. Also, a character will appear, and also, this character is connected to a Helluva Boss story I made on fanfiction.net, called A New Hellish Chance)

The new Hazbin Hotel...that has been built in just under a day...after the extermination has been repelled for the first time, after thousands of years of it happening. And since Cain reappeared after so long, and is ready to defend Hell, should the Exorcists ever come back with their decreased numbers, Hell now feels a bit more safer for everyone present, especially after it has been a week. And Crowley...he is now shown to be inside of his room, and is making something. He is shown to be turning a blank page, as he then cuts his hand with a knife he made, before he then began to draw an occult symbol onto it, before he finished doing that, and began to label it, as Crowley spoke out.

"Well, almost done. Just a couple more."

Crowley then turned the next page, as he began to do another one. The whole week that Crowley had gotten into...it was rather...strange, to say the least. Because the news caught him on camera, fighting against Adam all by himself with no help, as well as of past footage of his year-long stay in Hell of him doing occult symbols and all of that, with the need confirming him as being an Overlord, Crowley had been constantly encountered by many greedy and pushy demons that wants to make a deal from him, all just to save their hides, which includes some Overlords that he has never interacted with before, which was weird. But Crowley assumed that's because they saw him when Lucifer made his chain appear, to show that his soul is owned by him, and because of this, want to take advantage of this status to give themselves a new ally for them to use.

Although, there were some that he did initiate deals with, and those are the ones that were the more sympathetic and kind types that are very rare, even with some of them being bad. And because of this, Crowley agreed to help them in making some shields in case the exorcists come back, with nothing to gain in return...but oddly, the ones he met want to sell their souls to him. At first, Crowley refused, thinking that it is not good at all. But the demons convinced him to, especially since they want to ensure that the protection that they have is good enough for the exorcists to not penetrate. Although he is unsure, after a bit of being told to do so by the first demon he encountered, being a mother trying to raise her children, and making sure it's what that demon wanted, he agreed, and remembering what he can do when he first met Charlie and Vaggie, due to accidentally demonstrating it, Crowley enacted a deal with the mother, gaining the demon's soul, which made Crowley stronger then before, and made a Sigil of Lucifer on their rooftops to make a shield in return.

And the same happened when he encountered other demons, such as a father trying to take care of his son, or an older sibling trying to take care of his young sister. And this is just to make 2 examples, where he intimidated a deal and took their souls, but only after making sure it is what they want. It's very odd that they want to give their souls to him even though they should not be that concerned. In current times, he had made 30 soul-taking deals in just a week, all for protecting the homes of demons with families, which is a very surprising thing, and it made him much stronger than before, both his powers and physicality have increased in their strength and might.

Of course, that was not the only thing that was odd. Because he was shown on the news, everyone, seeing his occult symbols, because to call him the Occult Overlord, the same one Valentino sarcastically called him as before. And too those that are not interested in him, began to fear him due to having seen him before, or they already began to avoid him once they know of what he's done. Needless to say, Crowley is not too happy, and honestly wishes that he can just be this unknown person in the crowd again, and what happened annoyed him to no end.

"Well, there goes my status as an anonymous person. Dang it."

Crowley shook his head, as he finished the book. He then stood up and walked downstairs, to see the inside of the new Hazbin Hotel. And now, since it is rebuilt to be far stronger and greater then ever before, as well as wider, he now takes long walks to get down. But, Crowley decided to save time and just take the quick route. He then teleported and went into the main lobby, where Charlie and the others are inside. They looked and saw Crowley appear, as Charlie smiled.


She runs and hugs him tightly, as Crowley spoke out.

"Woah, easy Charlie. Hehehehe."

Charlie, however, hugged him tightly. Ever since his battle with Adam and risking his own life to combat against him, Charlie has become...more possessive towards him. Almost like she is constantly worried that he would be killed all of a sudden. And as such, whenever Crowley appears next to Charlie, she would hug him tightly and refuses to let go, unless Vaggie also decides to come along and hold him. And Vaggie, she is not as clingy as Charlie on this regard, but she does have her moments and always clings into him whenever he goes outside, as if she wants to act as his personal bodyguard for him to rely on. It's honestly a bit weird for him, but he is not complaining, although that is because he does not want to hurt their feelings. Also, Dazzle and Razzle are still fine, but Dazzle's injures were bad, and because of this, he's still recovering due to what happened.

"Sorry...just, just can't help it."

Crowley smiled, as he hugged back and spoke out to her.

"I know, Charlie. I know."

Charlie smiled, as Crowley sighed and looks to see Angel Dust, who is looking irritated about something. Crowley goes to him, with Charlie holding onto his arm, as he spoke out.

"Your boss giving you a hard time, Angel Dust?"

Angel Dust looked and sighed unhappily, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, though...you being here with me kind of makes that shit worth it."

Crowley nodded, as he spoke out.

"Well, hopefully this can ease your mind."

Crowley raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, calming and relaxing music appeared out of nowhere, but no instruments are playing in a speaker or anywhere else at all. This made Angel Dust blink and look around, as he spoke out.

"Woah, how are you doing that?"

Crowley shrugged, and spoke out.

"Well, I guess making deals and taking the souls of demons gives you some new tricks that not even I can explain."

Angel Dust nodded. Although everyone is aware of what he has been doing over the past week with the deal making, this is after he explained what happened and did not mention the deal until he told them at the end of the conversation, where he wanted to make sure the demon wanted to sell their soul to him. So, they at least understood why and aren't mad at him, especially since he at least tried to turn them down, and only did it due to wanting to know if it's exactly what they want.

"Well, gotta say. It's some very cool tricks ya got there, Crowley! It's very badass!"

Crowley spoke out.

"Yeah, and at least the music is 'entertaining' to listen to."

The moment he said entertaining, his voice oddly changed to that of Alastor's radio-filter voice, which he somehow learned to do, in mimicking the voice of others. This weirded him out a bit, as he spoke out.

"Okay, I really gotta stop doing that."

Charlie giggled, as Vaggie spoke out.

"Well, that's cool at least."

Crowley nodded, as he looks to see Vaggie, as she has her hands on her hips. Crowley then looks to see Husk, as he spoke out.

"Well, least this makes cleaning up the bar bearable."

Crowley shrugged, as Husk also speak out.

"But can you please not use Alastor's voice again? It's weird."

Crowley snorts a bit, as Cherri Bomb then came out of nowhere and spoke out.

"Hey, can you copy my voice as well?"

Crowley then spoke out, as his voice sounds an awful lot like Cherri's.

"Sure I can."

This made Cherri Bomb grin a bit, as she spoke out.

"Okay, that's fucking insane and awesome!"

Crowley shrugged, as he then spoke out.

"Wonder what sort of tricks I can do with mimicking voices, because this is something I definitely need to know how far I can go with this."

Cherri Bomb looks down with a smile, as she spoke out.

"Well, can't wait when that happens! Come here!"

Suddenly, Crowley is pulled from Charlie's arm, as Cherri puts him in a headlock and began to noogie his head, as Crowley looked at Cherri, and spoke out.

"Seriously, a 3rd time in this?"

Cherri Bomb laughed a bit, as Niffty goes to Crowley and climbs his leg, as she spoke out.

"Oh, I can smell roach juice onto you! I want to taste-"

Crowley then used telekinesis and lifted her up, as he spoke out.

"Don't even think it."

Niffty smiled a bit, as Crowley puts her down, and after Cherri Bomb is done doing her noogie on Crowley, Alastor goes to Crowley, as he then spoke out.

"I gotta say, Crowley, your battle against Adam was a nice performance back there."

Crowley shrugged, as he spoke out.

"I guess. Shame you didn't witness Cain take him out when he first appeared at the hotel."

Alastor hummed a bit, as he spoke out.

"Hm, a great shame indeed. But at the very least, I was able to see him when he was training with you. So that is at least something that can count in a way."

Crowley nodded his head, as he looks down to see Frank, who looks sad at the portrait of Sir Pentious, as he goes to him and spoke out.

"You still miss him?"

Frank looks up at him and nodded his head, as Crowley rubbed the top of his 'head' as he spoke out.

"I miss him too buddy. We all do."

Frank blinked a bit, as he smiled sadly, at least happy that he is not alone in this. Crowley smiled, and he stood up straight. When that happened, Vaggie goes out to him and spoke out.

"Hey, Crowley...mind that we both can go out and have fun together, enjoy ourselves in the city?"

Crowley looks at Vaggie, and after looking at Charlie, who nodded her head, Crowley looks and spoke out to her.

"Uh, yeah...sure thing."

Vaggie smiled a bit, as she took Crowley by the hand and walked outside, as Charlie spoke out.

"Get back to the Hotel soon, you 2!"

Crowley nodded, as Vaggie spoke out.

"We will, Charlie!"

After they walked out of the door, both Crowley and Vaggie spread their wings out, as they flied up into the air. And this moment...it became somewhat of a special moment for both Crowley and Vaggie, as they flied into the air and went together, as they held hands to not separate. The wind passing onto their face, their hair waved in the wind, it was such a pleasant feeling for the both of them, they cannot tell how great they feel, as Vaggie kissed Crowley on the cheek, and Crowley does the same thing, which made Vaggie happy. As soon as the both of them landed to the ground, the demons saw Crowley and fled from him, as Crowley groaned a little bit, not being too happy with the sort of thing that has happened.

"Ugh. Really missed having an anonymous identity. It's very ridiculous and I can't get used to it."

Vaggie smiled, as she wrapped both of her arms around Crowley's left arm, as she spoke out.

"Well, on the bright side, at least it allows us both some good together time without anyone interrupting us."

Crowley looked at Vaggie and nodded her head, as they both walked together and enjoyed the scenery around them, especially since no one dares to get near Crowley, out of fear that he might retaliate back. They know better than to believe he's vulnerable, due to his seemingly harmless appearance. As they continued walking, they heard a voice spoke out.

"Oh, hello Crowley, Vaggie."

The both of them turn around, and they saw Carmilla Carmine approach them, as Vaggie waved and Crowley spoke out.

"Oh, Hello Carmilla. Nice to see you."

Carmilla smiled back at him, and Crowley was about to speak, but then realized something, and chuckled a bit as he closed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Don't even thinking of sneaking up behind me again, Zestial."

As he said that, a large shadowy mass appeared, and Crowley looks up to see the tall visage of Zestial, as his 2 pairs of green eyes stared down at him, and Vaggie blinked, as Zestial spoke out.

"Hmhmhmhm, it seemeth thee has't not hath lost thy toucheth, Crowley."

Crowley smirked and spoke out.

"More like, I got better. Anyplace else we can talk?"

Vaggie looked a bit annoyed, but she decided to slide along with it, as Zestial nodded, as Carmilla decided to come along in this.

"Of course. Follow us."

Carmilla and Zestial went somewhere, as Crowley and Vaggie went along as well.


"Huh, neat place."

Crowley, Vaggie, Carmilla, and Zestial are now at a table of what appears to be a drink sort of place, as the waiter handed them some drinks. Crowley smiled, as he and Vaggie held hands, as Carmilla spoke out.

"I must say, you both did a splendid job back at the battle you had with Adam's armies."

Crowley nodded, and as Zestial drinks his tea, Vaggie spoke out.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without your help, Carmilla. So I have you to thank for that."

Carmilla smiled a bit, as Zestial spoke out.

"And thee as well, crowley. Thy square 'gainst the first sir and the leadeth'r of the army is valiant and splendid. Possessing the bravery to standeth 'gainst him, yond coequal I myself seemeth to not has't."

Crowley looked down, and spoke out.

"I...I would not call that bravery, Zestial. I was scared sure, but I was scared more for Charlie, Vaggie, and my other friends."

Vaggie smiled, as she learned her head against Crowley's shoulder, as she spoke out.

"And that is why you and mine and Charlie's number 1 Overlord, Crowley."

Crowley smiled a bit. Carmilla turned around, and she looks annoyed, as she spoke out.

"Ugh, not her again."

Crowley looks and sees Velvette on her phone, as Crowley spoke out.

"Uh, let's make this more private."

Crowley cuts his hand and makes a symbol of the Sun Cross from his blood, as he tapped it. The symbol glowed and a black dome briefly appeared around them, before it disappeared. And when that happened, Velvette walked past them, as she looks at the table, but she looks as though she cannot see them, as she then went back at looking towards her phone, as she spoke out.

"Hehehe. Wonder if I'll see the Occult Overlord! Can't wait to give him what I have!"

Velvette smirked as she walked away, as Crowley looked nervous.

"Okay...that does not sound good."

Carmilla shook her head, as she spoke out.

"No, definitely not."

Vaggie gripped Crowley's hand tightly in a protective way, as Crowley sighed and puts his left hand on his face.

"Ugh, really wished I had my status as an anonymous demon still. Fuck the news."

Carmilla smiled a bit, as Zestial them took the chance to speak out to him.

"Well, there is one thing valorous yond cameth out of t. Thou art anon known yond some demons art able to maketh deals with thee, and thou art able to gain their souls."

Crowley looks and spoke out.

"Well, I guess. Still, I would preferred being anonymous over being known. Especially since I had to deal with some demons that only wanted because of..."

Carmilla spoke out to him.

"Because they saw you bound to Lucifer himself?"

Crowley sighed and spoke out.

"Yeah. Figured that, since his chain was literally shown when he appeared. It's honestly annoying. And I only made 30 deals in just a week when that happened."

Vaggie then pulled close to him, as she spoke out.

"Well, as long as I am with you, they won't bring annoyance to you, Crowley."

Crowley looks at Vaggie and smiled, as Zestial spoke out.

"So, what types of deals didst the demons wend 'long with at which hour thee madeth to for those folk, Crowley?"

Crowley shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Mainly it's the ones that want their homes protected so their family members can be safe, in case the exorcists come back. Of course, I was hesitant to do so, especially since I don't know if that is what they truly wanted or not. But in the end, after they made it clear that they want to do it, I made the deal and took their souls."

Zestial nodded her head, as Carmilla spoke out.

"And how do you feel, your strength, I mean, when you took their souls?"

Crowley looked down, as he spoke out.

"I honestly felt my own power grow, and when I tried it on some targets I hit, my powers were far more destructive. My fire can now detonate violently, I can summon more lighting at once that are now far more damaging then before, the winds are now moving faster, the ice I can use is now able to be more durable and colder then before, and my weapons are far sharper than before."

Carmilla nodded, as she spoke out.

"Well, being as you are an Overlord, to own a soul means you gain powers and increase how strong you are. So it is no surprise that your own magic became far greater than before."

Crowley nodded, as he drank his drink, as Vaggie spoke out.

"And I'm guessing trying to let go of the souls is impossible, right?"

Crowley shook his head, as he spoke out.

"No, I tried that. Didn't work."

Zestial then spoke back.

"Well, not willing, thee can relinquish a soul. Once thee has't did earn it, it cannot beest hath returned. And coequal if 't be true thee wanteth to receiveth did rid of it, it hast to beest taken from thee by another Overlord."

Crowley pinched his nose, as he spoke out.

"Figures. God-fucking-damnit."

Zestial smiled a bit, as Vaggie spoke out.

"Well, on the bright side, you getting stronger is a good thing for the Hotel."

Crowley looked and smiled at Vaggie, who smiled back, as Carmilla spoke out.

"That reminds me, that demon...Cain I believed he said...it sounded like you know him."

Crowley nodded, as he spoke out.

"Well, more like he knows a lot about me, has been watching over me for a long time for some reason, and we only met a month before the Extermination started, the same day Vaggie and you met, all so he can train me. Have you both not met him before?"

Carmilla shook her head, as she spoke out.

"No, I haven't. But Zestial has."

This made Crowley blink, as he turns to Zestial, who then spoke out.

"Ah, aye. I remember yond fellow knight, backeth at which hour i wast still growing in power. That gent wast a very polite and well-mann'r'd knight yond i has't never bethought of meeting. It maketh me very joyful to knoweth yond that gent is still 'round."

Crowley nodded, as he spoke out.

"Well, he did seem helpful to train me, even though there is no reason too. So, really fits that description."

Vaggie took a drink, as Carmilla smiled a bit, in which she then spoke out.

"Well, Cain reappearing and now this time, defending all of Hell itself, it seems that a lot of good came out of it. Although, I would not hold my breath yet, especially since there might still be some that are still up there, ready to return their retribution to Hell for this humiliation."

Crowley nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Well, if that does happen, we'll be ready for them. After all, we'll prepare for when they come back."

Carmilla smiled and nodded her head a bit, as she spoke out.

"Yes, perhaps we shall."

She sipped her drink, as Crowley does the same, with Vaggie holding onto Crowley's hand as that happened. She breathed in his scent and smiled wider, clearly enjoying his presence a lot. Seems that the times are getting a bit better for now. And Charlie, Vaggie, and Crowley will be enjoying it a bit, especially since this time, all 3 of them are alive and well together, through and through.

Hazbin Hotel

A red flash appeared inside of the Hotel, as Crowley and Vaggie are shown to have returned quickly, and as they did, they look and see Charlie, as she spoke out.

"No way...yes, of course! Come here if you want to! It will be a nice experience for you, I promise!...okay, see you soon!"

The call ended, as Crowley spoke out to her.

"Hey, Charlie!"

Charlie looks and smiled at Crowley and Vaggie, as she goes to talk to the both of them, and she smiled happily.

"Crowley, Vaggie! Oh my gosh, today has gotten great!"

Crowley and Vaggie looked confused, as Vaggie spoke out.

"What's going up, huh?"

Charlie looks at Vaggie, before she pulls them both close to her, as she spoke out.

"We are now getting a new client for this! She'll be coming to try and be rehabilitated in the Hazbin Hotel!"

Crowley looked surprised, as he spoke out.

"Really? That's great!"

Charlie smiled, as she hugged them both, before she kissed both Crowley and Vaggie on the cheeks. They both grinned happily, as Charlie spoke out.

"Oh, I can't wait! This time, I'm going to make this work for anyone who comes here! And this will be a first!"

Crowley smiled and nodded a bit, and looked around to see that there is some messes lying around, as he spoke out.

"Well, gotta make this spotless first."

Crowley swiped his right hand, and the mess is gone, as Crowley spoke again.

"I'd normally let Niffty do it, but I want to make this fast."

As soon as Crowley said that, a knock was heard on the door, and Charlie, upon hearing this, spoke out.

"Oh, that must be her. Coming!"

Charlie goes to look outside, as a voice spoke out.

"Oh, it...it seems I'm at the right place. This is the hotel that helps sinners be redeemed, right?"

Charlie nodded happily, as she spoke out.

"Yep, that's right! Wanna come in?"

The demon nodded, as she spoke out to Charlie.

Charlie stepped out of the way, and they look to see what the sinner demon looked like.

The demon seems to be of an adult age, possibly between their 20s to 30s, with skin that is light violet, her hair is messy and is colored in a light gray, her eyes possess red sclera and slit yellow pupils, her ears are large and pointie, almost like an elf's, and her lips are black with sharp yellow teeth inside, with a tail that closely resembles that of an imp's tail, and has goat-like features such as horns and lavender-colored hooves. In addition, her headscarf is now black in color. Her clothing consists of cat-eyed glasses, diamond-shaped earrings and a yellow-tipped tear drop-shaped pin, all colored in salmon-pink. She wears a dark mauve-pink turtleneck with torn edges and salmon-pink stitching, alongside a high-waisted black maxi skirt that is torn at the hem, and it also features both salmon threaded seams and two salmon buttons. Crowley, he doesn't know why...but this demon feels familiar, like he should know her. It's very odd.

"Well, mind saying your name to us?"

The demon nodded, as she spoke out.

"Oh, yes. Of course. I'm simply called Mrs. Mayberry. It's nice to meet you."

This made Crowley's eyes widened, as he knows he's heard that name before, but he just doesn't know where he has heard it, as Vaggie spoke out.

"Umm...do you have a first name or..."

The female demon shook her head, as Mayberry spoke out.

"I did...but I prefer to be known by my last name. Besides, don't want a reminder as to why I am down..."

As she said that, she turns to look at Crowley, and Crowley felt a bit uneasy, as Mayberry spoke out.

"Wait a moment. Do I...know you?"

Crowley looks at her and shrugged his shoulder, as he spoke out.

"I...don't know. You seem familiar, but I have no idea why. It just is that way."

This made Mayberry gawk at Crowley, as she looks at his face, and spoke out.

"Wait...your face looks familiar. I think I've seen you before back when I was alive. But what could..."

As she looked around for a bit, she then noticed the locket, and her eyes widened, as she has seen that before, a while before she became aware of the Hazbin Hotel.

"Wait...that locket...I remember another..."

This made Crowley looked afraid, as she goes to grab it, and Crowley wanted to stop her, and Mayberry spoke out.

"Do you mind if I can look at it? I want to see if I did know you."

This made Crowley uneasy, but he nodded, and Mayberry took the locket and opened it, as she looked at the picture. There were 5 people in there, but the one that she pairs attention to are the 3 boys in the picture. One of the boys, looking like an 8-year old, has black hair and green eyes, and wears a blue shirt with black stripes, and red pants that reach only to the knees. The other one is a young boy, 2 years younger then the other one, with red hair and green eyes, wears a black t-shirt and wears long pants that are blue. In between then is Hodr, when he was younger, looking a year older then the one with black hair and green eyes. He has long black hair, wears a bright blue jacket, and has a grey t-shirt with black stripes with plants on the t-shirt, as well as blue pants that reaches down to his ankles, with blue eyes. This made Mayberry's eyes widened, as she spoke out.

"Wait, I do remember you, Hevel, right?!"

This made Crowley stunned, and both Charlie and Vaggie are surodied, as she spoke out.

"I remember you, back when I was younger! I took care of you and your brothers whenever your parents are away!"

This made Crowley's widened, as he remembered her, remembering the blonde hair and kind green eyes she had, as he spoke out with a happy smile on his face.

"Wait...I remember you now! You took care of me and my olde and younger brothers! You babysit us when our parents are gone!"

Mayberry smiled, as she hugged Crowley, which caught him by surprised, and Charlie spoke out.

"Wow, never knew someone you knew of can be in hell."

Mayberry stepped back, as she spoke out.

"I...I didn't think you...I was told you died!"

This made Crowley confused, as he spoke out.

"What? I didn't die! Well, not really, I'm still alive, just turned! But...who said I died?"

Mayberry looked at him and spoke out.

"Your older brother. He said you and Set had both been killed."

Charlie and Vaggie were confused, as she spoke out.

"Wait, what do you-"

Then, Crowley's eyes widened, and a tear began leak out.

"Older...n-no way..."

Charlie and Vaggie looked to see that Crowley is crying, a look of shock was present, yet he oddly realizes what she meant that made him not want to believe it, yet he wants to believe that it is the case, as he spoke out.

"My older brother, y-you mean Dean?! He's alive?!"

Mayberry nodded her head, now remembering what he's called, as she spoke out.

"He is. he's still a human and is in Hell, think because he got transported here, and has learned some magic of his own. Although, he's mind is not in the best condition, even renaming himself as, Hodr, I believe he said."

Crowley, shocked at this, spoke to her in a begging voice.

"Wh-Where's my older brother?! Do you know where he is?!"

Mayberry looks at him and spoke out.

"He's in Imp City, working at the Immediate Murder Professionals, a sort of assassin job of some kind."

Crowley, hearing this, spoke out.

"Well, no moment to waste! I need to find him!"

Crowley goes and runs to the door, as Charlie extends her hand to stop him, before Cain suddenly appeared and grabbed him.

"Hold it, Crowley, stop right there."

Crowley looks up at Cain, and spoke out.

"W-What are you doing?! I need to-"

But Cain spoke out.

"Crowley...listen. I know you want to find your older brother...but currently it is not the best time. Firstly, he would not recognize you in that appearance you have. You, being a demon, he certainly won't know you, and the locket...I think he will believe you stole it or something. And secondly...he has problems that he needs to deal with on his end, and it is something that he must go through."

Crowley looked down, as he spoke out.

"B-But I..."

Cain sighed, as he puts a hand on his shoulder, and spoke out.

"Look, you will see him again, I can promise. Because I will watch over him. I've been aware of him in Hell for some time. And besides...I need him for something that is of the upmost important. But you have my word. You will reunite with him again someday."

Crowley looked down, and he felt distressed and hurt. He had found out his older brother is still alive...but he still cannot see him. It distressed him to no end. He sighed, and spoke out, choking on his tears.


Cain nodded, as he stepped back, and he then spoke out.

"Good. Do not worry. You will reunite with him again in the near future, and maybe...your younger brother will join in as well, if he'll be able to."

Crowley closed his eyes as he turned away, and both Vaggie and Charlie hugged him, with Charlie wiping his tears away, as Cain then spoke out.

"Now if you can excuse me...I need to go and recruit more knights, so that the exorcists, should they come back, will not win."

Cain teleports away, as Mayberry goes to him and puts a hand on Crowley's shoulder, as she spoke out.

"Well...if it makes you feel better...Dean was the one who told me about the Hazbin Hotel in the first place. So...he unknowingly brought me here to you."

Crowley looked and smiled sadly a bit, as he spoke out.

"Yeah...I guess it does make me feel a tiny bit better."

Mayberry smiled, as she goes to him and hugs him for a bit, as she spoke out.

"It's good to finally reunite with you again, Hevel...even if...it isn't supposed to be like this."

Crowley nodded, as Charlie spoke out.

"Well...while we're at it, how about we show you which room you will be living in, shall we?"

Mayberry looked and smiled, as she spoke out.

"Yes, that would be great."

Crowley smiled. It may not be the best day for him to be in...but at least he finally reunited with someone he cares about.


In Heaven, Emily is shown to be flying around, as she looks around the city that she is in. It has been a week, since Sir Pentious had manage to ascend to Heaven, redeemed himself from his battle against Adam. And needless to say, Emily was overjoyed. Sera, not so much, but deciding not to give her the time to judge in what to do, Emily showed him around the city and gave him a home for Sir Pentious to be in. Of course, having known that Sera has made a lot of bad and ridiculous decisions, it is only a matter of time until she decided to do something insane with Sir Pentious. For now, she's going to hide him, and is going to try and find a way to help him, as well as help Charlie. So for the entire week, she has been trying to stay away from Sera and keep Sir Pentious' location hidden.

Right now, she is sitting on top of a building, as she looked down, and she whispered to herself.

"I have got to find a way to help Charlie while still in Heaven. But how? And what should I do? Sera will try to stop me, continue to think that I am nothing but a child with her condescending compassion, and she hid all of this, the extermination and suffering of souls that had the potential to truly change and see the light."

She puts her hand together, as she whispered to herself.

"I...I need to think of something, but what?"

As she said that, a voice spoke out.

"Perhaps I can help with that."

This made Emily look up, as she turned around to see someone coming towards her. It was an Angel with white hair that covers his ears, yellow eyes, and a halo on his head, with 3 pairs of wings on his back that are golden in color, as well as wearing a white business suit and pants. This made Emily surprised, as she spoke out.

"Wh-Who are you?"

Emily could look at him and could tell that he's a sort of angel at the rank of a Dominion, as the angel spoke out.

"I cannot tell you who I am, least I get in trouble. But...I came here to help with your problem."

Emily was surprised, as she stood up and spoke out.

"Wait...you...you want to help me? Why?"

The angel sighed, as he spoke out.

"I admit...I am already aware of all that is happening. The meaningless, senseless death, violence, and suffering of the exorcists, and what your superior, Sera, had done in allowing it. It is foolish and needlessly insane. There is not even a reason for it to be the case. I honestly do not know what she thought of as...being a good idea. But times are beginning to change, and we must change with it. Which means you need a change of your own."

This made Emily blink for a bit, as she spoke out.

"Then...then what is the change I need?"

The angel look down at her, as he spoke out.

"You will need someone to help you...and I may have an idea. But first...I need to tell you something?"

The angel made a chair and sat down onto it, as he spoke out.

"Tell me...if you are aware of hell and the demons that exists in there, they have a way of gaining power. Do you know why?"

Emily shook her head, as the Angel spoke out.

"Simple, they gain power through souls. More specifically, souls to those that they have contracted and bind themselves with. Whenever a weaker soul makes a deal with a stronger one, the stronger gained the weaker one's soul to gain strength, having full control over it. To the demons, this is called Deals. But...Angel had a similar technique that has since been abandoned for quite some time, due to the fact that it is considered as...unnecessary."

Emily, curious, spoke out.

"What is that?"

The angel looks up at her and spoke out.

"The angels have this technique, called Vows. It's similar to the Deals that the demons can use in regards to the soul, but the way it works is different. In this case, both the one that makes the vow and the other one that goes along with the vow must make some, promises about something, 1 for each side. And when that happened, the souls of both will be connected and bound to one another. It does not mean, you control them. Rather, you connect the soul to your own to prove that they are loyal to aid you, but like an Overlord, your power will grow when that happens. And in this case...I'm going to teach you about the Vow...because I want you to use it on a human I've been watching over, whose soul is pure enough to aid you."

This made Emily surprised, as she spoke out.

"Wait, you want me to use on...on an actual human? But...what happens if I do it?"

The angel looks at her, and spoke out.

"Then the human will become an angel. Of course, he can still return as human, but only if it is by a time limit in how long they stay with the angel. But in this case, you need him as an angel permanently to aid him in this. He'll be similar to a Winner, but he'll be alive instead of dead, and how strong he is as an angel...will depend on how strong the angel initiating the vow is. So...tell me, do you want help or not?"

Emily looked down at the ground for a second, as she felt conflicted. But...if there is at least a chance for her to do this, she'll take the risk. She looks up and nodded, as she then spoke out.

"Who do I need help from?"

The Angel smiled...as he has a thought in mind.


"Oh...come on."

A voice spoke out, as he is shown to be carrying a suitcase, which rolled across the ground or something. The person that is walking down the street is shown to be a young boy at the age of 16, at the higher of 4'7, with red hair that is long enough to cover his ears and blue eyes, wearing a blue shirt with buttons on the collar of the shirt, white pants, and dark red shoes, as he walked down the sidewalk, as he spoke out.

"Man...can't believe I need to get out of my house due to not paying the rent, all because the job I was working part time in had to shut down at the worst possible time."

He facepalm a bit at this, as he then shook his head. Right now it was nighttime, as he walked down the sidewalk. He shook his head...and gripped a piece of paper on his hand, as he spoke out.

"Man...I wish you were here, brother. I need you."

He continues down, as the nighttime was both cold and dark, and luckily, he is wearing a thick jacket to keep him warm. Still, he is not very happy, as he kept on walking away in order to try and find some other place for him to stay in. As he looked around, he sees that he is near some type of bridge. As the young boy continues to walk forward...he then felt a creek present. This made him stop...and it made him scared, as he felt uncomfortable.


He took another step forward, as the bridge finally creaked more, this time more violently then before, as the boy spoke out.

"Okay, better get off!"

The boy then began to ran off of the bridge. But unfortunately, it broke far faster then he could get off, as he felt himself beginning to fall, as he shouted out.

"OH NO!"

He began to fall, the luggage fell down faster, and the boy closed his eyes, as he cannot watch. But as he began to fall down, a light consumed him, and he is suddenly caught. This made the boy surprised, and he blinked a bit, and he looks around to see what has happened, and he spoke out.

"Huh...wh...what is going on? Why am I..."

Then, he is gently placed onto the ground, and a female voice spoke out.

"Oh, you're alright. Thank goodness."

This made the boy look up, and he is stunned.

Standing before him is Emily, all shown in her angelic glory, as the boy spoke out.

"Woah...no way...are you...an angel?"

The girl nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Of course. I'm Emily. It is nice to meet you. Mind telling me your name?"

The boy was hesitant, but he spoke out.

"My name...my name is Set."

Emily waved at him, as she spoke out.

"It is very nice to meet you, Set. And...oh...is your luggage gone?"

Set sighed, and he spoke out.

"More like, dropped faster down the bridge than me...and all I have is this."

He held a piece of paper in his hand, and Emily gawked in confusion, as she spoke out.

"What is it?"

Set looks down, and spoke out.

"I...I don't know if I should say it..."

Set them felt Emily touch his hand, and she smiled calmly at him, in which she then spoke out.

"If you have a problem...let me hear it. Maybe I can help you."

Set looks at her with wide eyes, before he sighed sadly, and spoke out.

"It's just...I...I've been trying to find someone...who had left me behind. My...my older brother, who took care of me he...he disappeared. I tried to find him...I want to keep finding him...but I don't know where he is. And...all I got...is this letter he left behind...before he disappeared in my life.

Set showed the letter to Emily, who then reads it.


This might be the last time I might actually get to communicate with you. I don't want to leave you. Really, I don't, but I have to. Despite this, I am was able to find a solution to what happened to you. All of your wounds, that you had sustained in that crash from before, I manage to save you. And yet, I had to give myself away in order to make that happen. I am sorry, that I will be leaving you, I wish I could have found another way where I did not need to do that. But, do not worry about me. I don't want you too. I had prepared your life when h am gone. Set, no matter what happens, you are always my younger brother who I cherish and life deeply, more then anything in the world. Being with you, despite the pain of losing our parents and Dean, has always been the best years I've had with you. I don't regret ever saving you. I really hope that you'll live a life, one that is far better then what I live in. No matter what happens, I'll always be proud of you, and I will never stop loving you, even when I am very far away. Goodbye, Set, and I will always love you.


Emily was stunned at the sight. That is when she began to piece together something. Crowley once mentioned that he had a brother that was involved in a crash. Maybe...

"Your brother...did he...really leave you?"

Set looked down and spoke out.

"I...I don't know. But...all I know is...I want nothing more than to see him again. I just want my brother back. I miss him, I miss hearing his voice, his presence...I mess everything about him. I don't know what to do without him."

Emily looked down, as she spoke out.

"Maybe I can help you."

Set looks at her, and he looked surprised, as he spoke out.


Emily smiled at him, as she spoke out.

"What if I can help you in this. You want to be with your brother, right? Maybe we can find him together. You don't have to do this alone."

This made Set's eyes widened, as he stood up and spoke out.


Emily nodded her head with a smile, as she then spoke out.

"Of course. But...I will need your help in something else in return for that."

This made Set blink, as he spoke out.

"What is it?"

Emily sighed, as she spoke out.

"Heaven is not...in a good place. I had discovered that...it had hid some dark secrets from me this whole time. Involving the innocent souls that were condemned to sin and were not given chance to repent and redeem themselves, so many senseless slaughter and torment of so many innocent souls, all for no reason, and now...now I have no idea what to do. I need help trying to fix Heaven and make it into what it is meant to be, but I cannot do it alone. So...I want your help. I ask for your help to aid me on this. So please...can you aid me on making Heaven a better place?"

Set was stunned at this...but he then looked down, as he thought back on the times he had with his brother. Maybe...maybe his brother might be somewhere is there in Heaven. This might be the only chance he has to be able to find him again. He pulled something out of his shirt, and he is now holding what seems to be a locket that is golden in color with black star and wings present. He looks up at Emily and nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Well...if it gives me some chance to help me find Hevel, I'll do it. I'll even turn into an angel if it means finding where he had gone to."

Emily smiled, clearly liking the response that he has spoke out on, as she spoke out.

"And becoming an angel...you shall. May this vow be something we both agree to."

Set nodded, as he grabbed both of her hands, and blue lines began to form, as it spreads to Set and Emily's arms, and then to their heads, which then spreads to their souls. All of a sudden, a bright white light appeared above, as it fired down on Set, and he closed his eyes. They both felt their souls connect, and Emily, she felt stronger than she ever was before, the first time she felt such strength within her increase. Set's hair began to turn white, as his eyes turned green with a blue sclera. All of a sudden, 3 pairs of wings burst out from his back, as his skin turned pale. Set, he doesn't know why, but...he is starting to feel, like he can do anything he wants, anything he desires with all he can inside of his head. It is such an insane..yet great feeling. Set looks up, and he sees the bright light blind him for a bit. He closed his eyes, as he has no idea what is happening. But as he continues to close his eyes, he felt the entire temperature become warm, and then...Emily spoke out.

"We are here, Set."

This made Set open his eyes, and he looks around, and sees that he is in Heaven. This stunned him. He then looks down at the floor...and he sees his reflection. He is now in an Angel form, a third eye is shown on his forehead, he has a golden halo that also has 3 eyes at the front in a single row, and has an eye on his chest and a single eye on each of the palms of his hands, as well as additional eyes on the inside of the coat and has white skin, the wings are also present on his head. His hair, oddly, is showing eyes all over as well, 3 on each side. Oddly, blue religious symbols appeared all around him. Emily smiled, also in her true Angel form,

as she spoke out to Set.

"Set...welcome to Heaven."

Set looks around, as he looked amazed, and he spoke out.

"Woah...is this...what Heaven looks like? I...I kinda thought it would be far more ancient in appearance. Didn't know it'd be as advanced as Earth in...everything."

Emily chuckled a bit, as she spoke out.

"Well, times have changed everything, and this is no different."

Set smiled a bit, his form then changed into a more human-like form, his skin still pale, but the extra eyes are now gone, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Set then closed his hand, but the moment that he had, yellow lighting formed until his hand. This made him looks stunned, as he then opened his hand and shook it, as it disappeared, but at the same time, the eye on the palm of his right hand opened, unleashing a bright light, and Set is forced to clench his fist again. Emily looked and realized what sort of angel that Set is now.

"Amazing. You became a Virtue."

Set looks confused at her, as he spoke out.

"A what?"

Emily then began to explain.

"A Virtue, a class of angels that are able to control the elements, as well as being able to also assist in governing elements of nature, such as storms."

This made Set look at her, as he spoke out with a smile.

"Wow...that's amazing."

Emily nodded, and she looked at Set. And she felt...odd for some reason. She doesn't know why, but her face, it began to turn red, as she felt a strange warm and cozy feeling around him, almost like he is something she wants to be with eternally. As she looked, unbeknownst to her, she was being watched by 2 angels, which are none other then the Ophanim that has spied on Lute and Lilith, and the Dominion that Emily has met before. The Dominion spoke out.

"Are you sure using Emily to aid in this is a good idea?"

The Ophanim nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Of course. Emily too desires to bring redemption to the sinners that have been placed down there. But she cannot do it alone. She needs help in this."

The Dominion looks down at the ground, before he spoke out.

"Let us hope that Sera does not ruin this and make more problems than before. I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to banish her and imprison Sir Pentious."

The Ophanim turns to him, as he then spoke out.

"Even if she does decide on that, you will be the first know, or Set, since I can already tell his powers are growing. It will take a long time, 3 months at least, until his powers grow to the strength and extent of a Virtue, but even so, he will know enough to flee, and Emily will take Sir Pentious with him."

The Dominion nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"If you say so, let us pray for their success...Abel."

The Ophanim, Abel, nodded, as he spoke to the Dominion.

"Let us hope so as well, Seth."

The Dominion, Seth nodded his head, as both he and Abel flied away, leaving the pair alone, as Emily grabbed his hand, her face still red, as she spoke out to him.

"Say, that reminds me. A week ago, we recently manage to get a demon who manage to redeem himself to Heaven. Do you wish to come and see him?"

Set smiled a bit, as he then spoke out.

"That would be nice. Please lead the way."

Emily grinned, as she giggled.

"Hehehehehe! That what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

She spread her wings, and Set spread his, as he felt himself know how to use them, somehow, and they both flied into the air, as they went in fast to try and find Sir Pentious. For Set, his adventure into Heaven, it is just beginning.

Hazbin Hotel

Hevel is shown to be inside of the room that he is sharing with Charlie and Vaggie, as he sighed a bit. He is now on his pajamas, as it is nighttime outside. Hevel looks around, as he sees that so many stuff inside of the bedroom that he once shared with Charlie and Vaggie has very different, now a bit more larger, with the ceiling high enough to fly in it, as Hevel spoke out.

"Very insane, and...at least Adam won't be a threat anymore."

Hevel looked down, as he spoke out.

"Still...ain't the same without Sir Pentious. Gonna miss that guy."

As he looked down, he then felt Charlie coming, as he looks up and sees Charlie enter, now in her pajamas, as her hair is lose. Hevel looks at her and smiled, with Charlie smiling back, as he spoke out to her.

"Seems like someone is ready to sleep with me. Is Vaggie coming?"

Charlie nodded her head, as she goes next to Crowley.

"Yep, of course she is."

Hevel nodded, as he looked around, and spoke out.

"Still...very amazing how so much change can happen in under a week."

Charlie nodded, as she hugged Hevel by the arm, wrapping her arms around it. Charlie smiled a bit...but she then began to frown, and Hevel, sensing this, turned around to look at her and spoke out.

"Uh, Charlie. Is something wrong?"

Charlie sighed, as she spoke out.

"Sorry. It just that...you know..."

Hevel then spoke out.

"Sir Pentious?"

Charlie nodded, as Hevel then spoke out to her.

"I know. All of us are affected by this as well, all because of that bastard, Adam."

Charlie gripped him tightly, and began to slightly shake, as she spoke out.

"It's just...he worked so hard, he truly tried to make himself good, he genuinely made an effort to become good. It was such the greatest day that we have ever had, and because of Adam...he's gone."

Then, tears came out of her eyes, as Hevel looked stunned, and tried to wipe it off of her, as he spoke out.

"Woah, Charlie...please don't cry."

He tries to stroke her face to wipe the tears away, but Charlie use one of her hands to stop him, and Charlie spoke out.

"And then...you went to fight him...I thought you were gonna die, and I did nothing to help you! You had gotten knocked down by him to the ground, I thought was going to kill you!"

Hevel's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Charlie, I was the one that told you to stay back so you could recover! That's on me!"

Charlie looks at him with teary eyes, as she spoke out.

"But even so, I left you when you needed help, when Adam clearly was about to kill you at that moment! I almost...let you die!"

Charlie then lunges and hugs him, as Hevel was knocked back onto the bed. Charlie then crawls up to his face, as she cupped his face in her hands, tears continue to leak out...but, there was something in her eyes that Hevel cannot describe. She lowers her face and kisses him, as she stuck her tongue into his mouth. Hevel was caught by surprise, but not knowing what to do, just allows it and tries to kiss her back, in which a tornado of flames suddenly appeared onto the bed again, although it didn't burn the bed, oddly, as Charlie's horns and tail appeared, and she appeared into her true demon form. She then gripped and locked her hands with Hevel's and pinned him to the bed, as Hevel's tail then whipped a bit, but Charlie's tail wrapped around Crowley's in order to keep him from moving. After a bit, Charlie stopped kissing him, and rose up a bit, a blush present on her face, she spoke out.

"I love you, Hevel. And this time...I'm not letting you go."

Her hands began to glow, but before she can do anything, Vaggie then hugs Charlie from behind.

"Think you wanna do this on your own?"

This made Hevel and Charlie look to see Vaggie in her white nightwear, as Vaggie also has a blush present, and spoke out to her.

"If you are thinking of doing what I think you are...well, then count me in."

(Lemon. Anyone younger then 18 by any chance, don't look)

Hevel blinked with his face turning red. All of a sudden, Crowley felt his original shy and nervous self return at full blast. Hevel, before he can do anything, saw that his clothes are beginning to glow, as Charlie snapped her fingers. All of a sudden, his pajamas disappeared, even his boxers, exposing his lower region. Hevel blushed and tried to pull the covers a bit, but Charlie stopped him, her own pajamas and Vaggie's also vanished, as they are all now naked. She then spoke out to Hevel, her voice a mere whisper.

"No...don't. We want to see...all of you."

Charlie spat on her hands a bit, and before Hevel realizes what was about to happen, she lowers the cover and gripped his, manhood, as Hevel gasped a bit, and felt it sprang out a bit, as Charlie goes to suddenly bite him him on the neck, while also kissing him, while Vaggie goes to kiss him in the mouth, as Hevel moaned a bit at what Charlie is doing in stroking him like this. But Vaggie decided to make it more so by stroking his tail that is still wrapped about by Charlie's own tail, which made him gasp a bit, as his moans grew louder.

"Uh..th...this is..."

Charlie then puts het finger onto his mouth, as she spoke out.

"Shhh...let's have this."

It is all so much for Hevel to handle, his mind is going all over and scattered in so many different places, as he feels his left hand move on its own, as he strokes all over Charlie's body, before one of them reaches her breast and gropes it.

Charlie moaned a bit, due to feeling what he had done, as Hevel began to knead her breast, which made Charlie felt pleasure unlike any other. She felt herself feeling warm at her lower region, and she does not want it to stop, as she continues to stroke Hevel's manhood. Hevel moved his right hand, in order to try and grip something, but Vaggie grabbed Hevel's hand and placed it onto her own breast, with Hevel also kneads, and it made Vaggie breath oddly, as she likes the feeling that Hevel is doing to her. Although she is not as big as Charlie on this regard, it is still noticeable thar she can feel it. Vaggie mewled a bit, as she goes to Charlie and both kiss each other. Hevel then felt his manhood twitch a bit, as he then stopped Charlie's breast for a bit, as he then felt himself getting nearer and nearer, as he spoke out.

"Mm...I...I'm getting..."

Charlie, hearing this, moves her hand a bit more faster, stroking him a bit more, as Hevel moaned a bit more, and Charlie then spoke out.

"Give it to us."

Hevel moaned and then, all of a sudden, it happened, as white, gory liquid came out of him, which splattered onto the bed for a bit, and covered Charlie's hand a bit in it. Charlie then licked it off of her hand, and Vaggie does the same thing off of Charlie's hand. Charlie breathed out in a shuttered way, as she goes to Hevel, and Vaggie spoke out.

"Go for it. I'll wait once you're done...although I might still have some fun of my own with you whine you do it with him."

Charlie smiled, as she goes to Hevel, and slammed down, and Charlie and Hevel moaned, as Hevel's manhood entered Charlie's womanhood, as Charlie bit her lips a bit, and Hevel's breathing sounded a bit in a shuttered manner, as he spoke out.

"You...you feel g-good."

Charlie whispered into his ear.

"So do you."

As soon as Charlie said that, she began to rise up and down, beginning to bounce onto him, as Hevel felt very warm and burning onto the inside, his heart thumping so fast that he feels like he will get a heart attack. But Hevel, not wanting to be outdone, holds Charlie to straighten himself, and goes to kiss her in the breasts. Charlie gasped at this, and moaned, but she smiled a bit, as she wraps her arms around Hevel, as he began to suck the left breast, as Charlie moaned.

"Hevel...Hevel...Hevel...I...I love you!"

Hevel smiled a bit, as he whispered out when he stopped a bit.

"I-I love you too~."

She then bit and sucked into her a bit, as he began to leave some hickeys onto her, first onto her breast, then onto her neck. Charlie moaned a bit, as Charlie began to do the same thing to Hevel, as she then bites onto Hevel's neck, which made him flinch a bit, as it sort of stung a little, yet he felt fine with it for some reason, as she began to make hickeys onto his neck and shoulder. Vaggie, deciding to take the chance, goes behind him and grope Charlie's breasts from behind, which made Charlie moaned a bit, as Vaggie spoke out.

"That's it...hun. That what we want to hear."

Charlie mewled and moaned a bit, as she looks down at Hevel, as she sees his half-lidded hypnotized eyes, and the blush on his face, as he looked embarrassed and shy, just as he was before. Charlie found him adorable looking like this, as she spoke out.

"Please...take me."

Hevel nodded, and this time he began to move, as he began to thrust his hips up, and made Charlie smiled and move her head back, as she began to drool a bit from the feeling. She felt her pleasure go into overdrive, as she then grabbed Hevel by the hair and pulled him forward to her, as she slammed her lips onto his own, and Hevel allowed her to explore his mouth with her tongue, as she continued to bounce and Hevel continued to thrust, as Crowley then slid his hand down to her hips and her butt, which he gripped. Charlie growled a bit in an aggressive way, as she feels her sexual hormones starting to go overboard. But then, they both felt a pressure within themselves, as Charlie hugged Hevel's face into her cleavage, as she moaned out.

"I...I'm close."

Hevel nodded, as he spoke out, his voice slightly muffled.

"...m-me too."

Then, before the both of them knew it, they both came at the same time, with Charlie screaming up into the air.


Luckily, the entire room is sound proof, and thus no one is able to hear that. Charlie breathed and panted, as she got off of Hevel yet hugs him a bit, as she goes onto the bed, as he spoke out.

"W-Was that...good for you?"

Charlie nodded, as Hevel, to see that he is covered in both his and Charlie's own juices, as he then used his powers to make it disappear off of him. But then, Vaggie too the chance, as she hugs Hevel, and spoke out.

"My turn. But this time, let's take it up a notch."

Vaggie smiled, as she slammed herself onto Hevel, and she moaned, while Hevel moaned as well quietly. But Vaggie, having another way to do it, spreads her wings out and flies up, while also hugging Hevel to her chest, as Hevel felt his hips thrust into her, and Vaggie gasped and moaned a bit, as Hevel spreads his own wings and and began to flap erratically at the feeling. Hevel felt his mind go a bit nuts, as his tail began to whip around a bit, before the tail the wrapped about both himself and Vaggie, as if trying to prevent them both from separating midair, as Vaggie moaned out to him.

"Oh hun...you feel so amazing me in me~!"

Vaggie panted a bit, as Hevel then began to do the same thing that he had with with Charlie, as he latched his lips onto Vaggie's left breast and began to suck on it. Vaggie gasped a bit, but she then shivered a moaned, as she stroke and held the back of his head, as they both kept going at it while in the air. Her wings flapped erratically and fast, as Hevel continued to do it. After a bit, Vaggie pulls him away and kisses him on the lips, as she stuck her tongue into his mouth, before she then takes the chance and bites and sucks on the other side of his neck, the one that Charlie didn't bite, as she began to make more hickeys onto him, as she spoke out.

"K-Keep it up, hun! Don't stop yet! I love you so much!"

Vaggie then kisses him yet again, as they continued on, as Hevel thrusts inside of her, and Vaggie kisses him harder and more eagerly than before. As they kissed, Hevel felt the same pressure within him again, as he felt the end drawing near.

"Vaggie, I...I..."

Vaggie smiled, as she can feel her own end seeing near as well, in which she then spoke out.

"Do it! Within me! I'm close as well~!"

And then, it happened, as the both of them came at the same time, in which Vaggie then screamed."


Vaggie held Hevel tightly, as he did the same, with their love juices splattering down and onto the floor. Hevel and Vaggie felt exhausted from that, as they sloppily flied back onto the bed and landed next to Charlie...as Vaggie got off of him and held her hand to his chest, as she smiled.

"That...was the best...fucking ever."

Hevel smiled a bit, as Charlie held his hand, having changed back to her normal form, as she then spoke out.

"Hevel...you know we both love you, and none of us want to stop loving you."

Hevel nodded his head, as he spoke back to her.

"Yeah, and I love you and Vaggie as well."

Vaggie smiled, as Vaggie spoke out.

"We know they you do, Hevel."

Hevel closed his eyes, as Charlie spoke out.

"And...Hevel...it's why I ask...please, stay with both Vaggie and me, so the sinners have a chance to redeem...and so you might be able to reunite with your brother again. And...always be there for me, whenever I feel I am in trouble."

Hevel chuckled a bit, as he spoke out.

"Hehehehehe...is that a deal or something?"

Charlie smiled sweetly at him, with Vaggie touching him from behind, as Charlie spoke out.

"Yeah...it is."

Hevel smiled, and she looks at Vaggie, who nods her head, for she trusts him to know he won't make a bad deal and do something such as take Charlie's soul, as he held his hand out, which began to glow red, and he then spoke out

"Alright, it's a deal."

Charlie smiled, as she gripped his hand, and the moment that happened, the occult and arcane symbols began to appear all over his body and his eyes glowed a warm red color, despite not being in demon form, making him oddly more beautiful then before, and Occult Symbols began to appear all over the walls. But the hotel didn't shake or crack. Instead, it felt...warm. The interior of the room felt like it is beginning to warm up, as a cozy atmosphere suddenly appeared around them. Charlie smiled, as she closed her eyes, luckily still having her soul intact, and Hevel closed his own eyes with a smile as well. They stopped holding their hands, as Charlie and Vaggie hugged Hevel, as Hevel hugged them back, as he spoke out.

"I really hope that this can last forever."

As he said that, Hevel, Charlie, and Vaggie slept, as they are now hoping for the future that comes before them to be bright.

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