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It's hot, but it's always hot here. It's just whether or not it's raining and hot or scorching hot. I'm at the airport with my wife Kit and our friends Pha, Beam, Ming, and Yo. I also invited my friends Lam and Alice to go. We went to college together and now they works with me. So where are we heading?


My Kit has been begging to see snow so I finally gave in. It took some time because we all had to get the same week off but we finally made it happen. We also had to get passports since none of us have ever been out of the country before.

We're anxiously waiting to board the plane. Some more than others. My sweet wife is practically jumping out of his skin he's so excited.

"How much longer?" He whines at me.

"I don't know Kit. They're fueling and doing last minute checks then they'll let us on ok?" I answer for the umpteenth time.

"But I want to go nowwww." He says.

"Mongkol Jamornkun calm down. It's not going to go any faster just because you're acting this way." I scold grabbing his shoulders and making him look at me.

He pulls away and gives me a look that says he wants to kick my ass then he goes and sits down and pouts. His bottom lip is actually sticking out. He's so cute.

Dammit. Now I'm in trouble.

"Babe. I'm sorry. I know you're excited. Forgive me, na?" I ask.

I know the answer. Of course he doesn't forgive me. Besides ruining his excitement, I did in front of everyone. He's embarrassed. This initiates the long forgiveness process which includes A LOT of groveling and Kit getting everything he wants.

I look up and see Beam giving me the stink eye. Yo has also found his way there and throws mean looks my way while comforting Kit. Just great, now they're mad too. I look around and Pha is looking at me like "sucks to be you" while Ming keeps giving me a sympathetic look.

I sigh and walk away to ask about a departure time. You would think with a private jet I'd have a little more say but apparently not. I walk slowly thinking about how this a great way to start out trip.

"Man I would hate to be you right now. Even Alice is siding with Kit." Lam says.

Always the helpful friend. He laughs as he walks with me to the counter. We sit and wait as the receptionist chats on the phone. I say chats because this is clearly a personal call.

"Ahem." Lam clears his throat loudly.

"I'll be with you in a minute." She spits out holding her finger up. Not that finger, the one that says wait one damn minute because I'm talking about the boy I want to get with. She doesn't even bothering looking at us.

Lam lets off a laugh in disbelief. He looks at me and is seriously biting his tongue.

"I say we get Kit or Alice, or Beam, or Yo, hell any of the wives. They'd all have her in tears." He says very annoyed at the situation.

I laugh as I knock on the desk to get her attention.

She says 'hold on' harshly into the phone before looking up at me. Her focus goes between Lam and I. She straightens up and wraps a stray hair behind her ear. She smiles at me sweetly while she leans forward exposing herself slightly.

"Any news yet?" I ask.

"Oh! Let me check, sir." She says as she quickly gets off of her phone and picks up the work phone.

Lam lets out another annoyed chuckle and I pat his shoulder in understanding.

"I just got word, you'll be boarding in fifteen minutes. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She ask, her voice a little husky.

"No you can't and tuck those things back in, they're about to fall out." Kit says pointing to her chest.

Her face morphs into anger and she stands up looking right at Kit, her mouth open and finger pointing

"Oh honey, I dare you." Alice says.

"You can't even imagine the fight you'd have on your hands." She finishes.

Kit grabs my arm and pulls me away while Lam obediently follows Alice.

"I can't take you anywhere. Damn moon." He says under his breath.

I follow him smiling. I wonder if he knows how many people drool over him. Especially now that he has that cane. It's like his sexy level went up after he got it.

If he knew the amount death glares I have given out to anyone and everyone who glances at him he wouldn't act like this. It's better he's not aware of how gorgeous he is or I'd really be in trouble.

Speaking of which, this security guard has been eyeing my wife for a little too long now. I place my arm around his shoulder and pull him closer to me while staring down the guard. He doesn't even flinch until Kit notices what's going on but somehow thinks he's looking at me. How can he be so blind?

He removes my arm and the guard starts to smile until Kit walks over and stops right on front of him.

"Just who the fuck do you think you're staring at?"

"Ummm." The guard eloquently says.

"U-u-ummm. That's not an answer. It doesn't matter I already know and let me make this clear, I will fuck you up if you keep staring at my man like that. Do you understand?" He asks.

I look down to hide my laugh at Kit's wrong assumption and the guard's complete confusion.

"No, I wasn't." He starts.

"Then let's keep it that way." Kit says and walks away.

I nod at him with a smirk before following Kit. That is until he whirls around and stares at me with complete anger.

"Is there anywhere we can go where people aren't falling over themselves to get to you?" He asks.


"No really Forth." He says his voice breaking a little.

I gather him into a hug and hold him tightly. I wasn't going to tell him but he needs to know so he can feel better.

"Babe, the guard and I were having a stare down because he was watching you." I explain.

"What? No way." He defends.

"I promise you. The reason he got flustered was because he was after you but you thought he was after me. It was fun to watch really." That last part right there, I should have never said.

"Fun? Is that what you think? Blah blah blah blah blah...." There was soooo much more to that lecture but I simply hung my head and said a lot of "I'm sorrys" and "you're rights".


Kit's excitement is rubbing off on Beam and that makes me nervous. Those two already share a brain, if they start sharing emotions too we'll be in trouble.

We watch as Kit goes and rips the guard a new one for looking at Forth but if I was reading the situation correctly the guy was scoping out Kit.

Lucky for Forth Kit doesn't realize that he's good looking unlike a certain snarky wife I know whose confidence is beyond compare. I look over at said person and he's smiling at Kit who is yelling at Forth.

"He shouldn't have said it was funny." Beam says to himself.

"One day we should tell Kitty the truth about his looks. His head will explode." Beam says with a glint in his eyes.

Evil is the only word that comes to mind right now.

It's not long before we are boarding the plane. I notice the peculiar looks that we're getting from the flight staff and it's bugging me, but not as much as it's bothering Beam.

"Is there a problem? Why do you keep looking at us like that?" He says harshly.

"Um aren't you going to Canada?" One of them says.

"Yes. Why?" I ask.

"Well, you know that it's winter there right?" She asks.

"Yes, we're going because of the snow." Beam answers.

"But I don't see your jackets and you're clearly not dressed warmly enough." She says furrowing her brows.

"How much colder can it be?" Kit asks coming over.

"Oh sweetie it's roughly 32 degrees Celsius now right?" She asks.

"Yeesss." Beam says.

"Well it will be around zero degrees Celsius there." She says giving a concerned look.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?" Kit and Beam yell together.

"Oh my gosh, we're going to freeze to death." Beam says.

"Why didn't we look into this before we made these plans?" Kit asks.

"This was your silly dream." Beam shouts.

"Like I knew it would be that cold!" Kit yells back.

"It'll be ok boy. I'll take care of it. Let's get your sizes and I'll call ahead we'll have some things set aside for you to purchase when you get there. You can buy the rest once you get to your destination. OK?" She says.

Kit has gone to sit on top of Forth, apparently he's already cold. I look over at Beam who has a blank expression.

"Don't worry babe, I'll keep you warm." He looks up at me and leans against me.

"You're going to be worn out by the end of the trip." He whispers out.

"Of course, it is my responsibility as your husband. What is a little exhaustion when it comes to taking care of you?" I say.

"I'll hold you to that." He says kissing me then leaning back against me chest.

I better rest up now then.

Ming's POV:

Yo is freaking out. It's strange that it didn't occur to any of us that snow equals cold. It's not like we're idiots it's just we've never been anywhere to experience that. I'm trying my best to comfort him but he's really fighting it.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this. Now I'm gonna freeze my balls off because you wanted to come." He rants.

"Whoa, if memory serves you're the one who begged to go. 'Kit says it's gonna be great' you said, 'Beam keeps talking about snow and how we'll never see it again' you said. All of that was you my dear." I reason.

"I think you're mistaken." He says as his expression hardens.

"No Yo, I'm not wrong." I tell him.

"Are you sure about that?" He questions.

DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!! He's got something. He's too cocky right now. I take a deep breath and think back. I know I'm right but I won't push it.

"Never mind." I say trying to get out of it.

"Never mind? Are you serious? Oh no Ming, we're not wrapping it up like that." He starts.

"Yo, is it really that important? So what if you're the one that dragged us here." I say.

A smack from behind has me angrily looking back at the culprit. Lam is standing and wording for me to shut up.

"No Lam, let him talk." Alice says as she stands.

"It's not really your business anyway is it honey?" She asks in a tone that makes me afraid for Lam.

"No it's not. Sorry to interrupt." He say as he disappears in the seat behind me.

Yo shoves his phone at me with a video clip already pulled up. I take it from him and hit play.

"Oh yeah P'! That's gonna be awesome! I can't wait to go! Yo baby, guess what? We're gonna go to Canada with Forth. Isn't that awesome!!!!" I cringe as I watch my very drunk self go from person to person talking about this trip.

Yo snatches his phone back and turns it off. He turns away from me and slumps down. I hate moments like these.

"Um, Yo baby, I'm sorry. I clearly was the one.."

"YES YOU WERE! I went along for you because you were so excited then I got excited but for what? My asshole husband is blaming me!" He yells after he whipped around catching me off guard.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. He's struggling but soon he gives up. I rub his back as I softly apologize.

"I really am sorry baby." I whisper in his ear.

"You better be and believe me when I tell you that you'll pay if I'm cold this entire trip.

"Oh trust me there's no way you'll be cold the entire trip." I say with a wink.

Eventually we fall asleep.  It's a long flight after all.  When we wake up we're here.  In Canada.  A place none of us have ever been before.  I look out the window and see the ground is completely white and the wind is blowing so hard it looks like we're in a snow globe.  If there's a god, please don't let Yo get cold, my life depends on it.

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