Moment 11: "Vivian or Edward?" (Sept 29, 2018)

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[Note: This is a follow up that happens after the events from "My Friend Loki: The Price You Pay." Read it first, then return to this moment for better understanding. It would also help if you watched the movie "Pretty Woman" (1990)]  

Friday. Late afternoon.

Loki and I had scheduled some time for him to come over to my place and stay for the weekend. We were more than excited getting together as he had just completed yet another tough assignment for the Initiative, and myself, another week of frustration and boredom at my workplace. We didn't have any specific plans except to just relax and enjoy each other's company.

I wanted us to have a good meal for supper - and for it to be special.

Earlier, I contacted my friend at the auxiliary SHIELD facility, Doctor Tom Lowenstein, asking him if his friend, Chef James Barber, could put together another charcuterie board for us. The first time Loki and I had sampled one, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

SHIELD wasn't exactly listed on the 'Skip The Dishes' app, but Lowenstein knew I rarely asked for such things. He also gave me all the support he could when it came to my dear friend, especially when it came to his wellness.

Lowenstein was only too happy to comply - he also knew whatever stimulus helped Loki was mutually beneficial to my wellness.

When Loki arrived at my domicile, he was holding a large bag with the containers of foodstuffs to assemble the charcuterie along with his other hand grasping the handle of his rolling suitcase.

He also had a sizable bruise on his cheek.

"Loki!" I said, my voice full of concern, "your face, are you..?"

"Beverlee, it's okay," Loki replied, "I'm fine. It happened on assignment. Believe me... it was much worse. Doctor Lowenstein assured me there would be no lasting damage. The bruise should be less visible by tomorrow," he smiled at me then winked, "you should see the other guy."

I returned his smile, then gestured for him to follow me into the kitchen. I took the large bag from him and put it in the fridge, as it was too early for supper yet.

We made our way back to the living the room and sat down on the couch. Instinctively, our arms wrapped around each other in a big welcoming hug.

"How's my clever girl?" He asked softly.

"Happier now that you're here," I replied, clutching him a bit tighter.

"Likewise," he whispered, one of his hands reaching up to stroke my hair.

Releasing the hug a little, I looked into his eyes, "how about I get us something to drink? We can sit outside and get some fresh air." I had a small patio at the back of my domicile, with a comfortable sectional couch. I was also lucky to be blessed with neighbours who had tall wooden fences so they could have their privacy as well as my own.

Loki nodded with a keen expression.

The days were getting cooler, but not so cool that it required more than a light jacket or hoodie. Loki had arrived wearing a green hoodie and I slipped on mine that was in grey. I brought out a tray with a large teapot complete with a cozy, and two teacups - along with a sugar bowl, a small pitcher of milk and spoons. Placing it on the patio table, by the sectional, I prepared us each a cup of tea made to our preferences.

One of the neighbours on the block was playing some opera music. I couldn't recognize the selection, but it was a piece that was slow, which made it perfect to have as ambient music to relax.

Handing Loki his cup, then taking mine, I sat down beside him and we simply sipped from our cups and watched the clouds roll by in the blue sky.

I looked at my friend and smiled to myself. It was times like these that reminded me of that old ad on TV with the slogan, 'it doesn't get any better than this.'

With all these elements of relaxation, I involuntarily yawned. Sometimes I would take a short nap before supper, and I seriously now considered excusing myself to go into my bedroom to do so. Perhaps even Loki might like some quiet time alone as well...

"Come here," Loki said, smiling at me, putting down his cup on the table.

I put down my cup and moved closer to him, curious about what he had in mind.

Leaning his right side against the middle part of the back of the couch, he lifted his leg and extended it across the seat cushions. He then turned me so my back was to him. Pulling me closer, I leaned back on his chest, my legs extended on the couch beside his, and his arm going around my waist. The sitting area was wide enough for him to pull his other leg up and lay it beside mine.

"I believe this is more comfortable, wouldn't you say?" Loki asked, his other hand now coming around the other side of my waist.

"Indeed," I replied, feeling quite content.

"Rest," he said, "allow me to take care of you for the moment."

Being in no position to argue, I allowed my eyelids to close...

I suspected I'd only be out for about half an hour.


When I awoke, it was dark outside. Above me, the stars were visible in the night sky. I was relieved to find I was still being held securely by my friend on the patio couch.

"I thought I'd let you sleep," Loki said, "it looked like you really needed it."

"I didn't realize I was so tired," I said, my hands resting on his, "thank you."

One of Loki's hands moved up to stroke my hair, "my pleasure."

As I looked up at the stars, I thought how very cool it was that this person on the couch with me came from one of those distant points of light... and how lucky I was, no, we were, to have met.


Leaving the patio, it was time to go back inside to make supper. With Loki's help in the kitchen, we assembled the charcuterie board. Upon Lowenstein's suggestion, I had also bought a bottle of red wine to go with supper which Loki opened effortlessly to let it breathe.

In the dining area, I set the table for us. Then we brought out the board, the wine, stemware and everything else we needed to enjoy our meal.

Chef Barber had given us a great tasting selection of items for the board, and Lowenstein's suggestion of wine to go with it was also a winner.

Loki and I ate, drank and talked. For Midgardians, Asgardians and even Jotuns, the event known as supper may be a simple function, but it certainly gave us so much joy. Time had given us the opportunity to get closer, being able to open up about things we never thought we could, and knowing we both could safely entrust each other with our secrets.

"While I'm glad these days Thor has warmed up more to me, I still find he doesn't really listen to what I have to say," Loki looked into his wine glass, swirling the contents, "he always thinks I'm trying to misdirect him or give him false information. It makes communication so complicated." He closed his eyes briefly, "I know I'm responsible for creating that behaviour, but come on..."

"But when you're on assignment... he listens, right?" I asked.

"Yes," Loki replied, "thank goodness for that."

"Give it time," I said, "you both had to deal with a lot of, umm, dysfunction?" I put my hand on Loki's arm, "you'll both get there eventually."

"Do you have any siblings, Beverlee?"

"Yes," I said, closing my eyes, "one. An older brother."

"Really?" Loki said, "you never speak of him."

"That's because he's not worth speaking about," I said plainly.

"I see," Loki shifted his arm so he could grasp my hand that was on it, "could we for a moment?"

I shrugged, "what would you like to know?"

"Does he live in the city?"

"No. Which is his only redeeming factor. The farther away from me, the better."

"Beverlee," Loki said gently, "you are aware of the story of my conflict with Thor. Would you be comfortable to regale me with yours with your brother?"

"I... I don't know if that's a good idea," I said, looking down at my wine glass.

"My clever girl," Loki said, his hand moving to tilt my chin up to look at him, "we all have to enter trials through fire to find out who we really are. Like me, it sounds that your brother was, and is, one of them. To learn what you went through... how this experience shaped you into what you are now... my dearest friend. Call me curious."

When he looked at me with such an innocent gaze and spoke words like that with his silver tongue...

"Alright," I smiled wryly, my hand briefly coming up to touch my forehead, "the highlights are this. He was jealous when I born, my parents favoured him over me, and in turn, I ended up feeling like an outcast. He was a bully and an instigator. With my parents in the mindset they were, they did nothing to curtail his behaviour. The words, 'what did I do to provoke him?' will always ring with a vengeance in my mind... I didn't begin to learn self-esteem or self-worth until he moved out of the house." I took a long sip of wine, "however," I held my wine glass and gestured with my index finger that I had more to say, "there was one shining moment I recall when he attacked me near the front door inside the house. I told him to get off of me, repeatedly. He wouldn't. We both were grappling on the floor. I grabbed a nearby boot and hit from behind - what I thought was his head. He cried out, releasing me, and I ran into my room. I learned later that I had given him a black eye. Luckily, due to the circumstances, it was a rare moment that I didn't get into trouble."

Loki looked at me with a combination of shock and awe, his mouth agape.

"Beverlee," Loki took my hand again, looking at me with concern, "that's definitely some trial by fire."

"You better believe it," I said, looking into his eyes, "now you can see why I understand your struggles with Thor."

"Do you know where your brother lives?"

"Loki," I chuckled with amusement, "he's not worth breaking your probation for. Not saying I wouldn't appreciate it, but no." I lifted the hand he was holding and gave it a light squeeze, "having you near is all I need."

"Who said anything about breaking probation?" Loki winked at me, then also squeezed my hand.

We then changed the topic, conversing about several other things, like how Loki was enjoying being in the Initiative, projects I had to deal with at work, current issues in the news and more.

Satiated with the meal, the bottle of wine empty... we decided to wait a bit to have dessert, which was Loki's favourite - chocolate pudding.

I stood from the table, ready to collect the dishes to put in the dishwasher, when unexpectedly, Loki pulled me into his arms, causing me to sit on his lap.

"Loki," I smiled, "what's this all about?"

"You," he said, with a broad smile. "When I think back on my life and what I've done... I sometimes think fate made a mistake granting me such happiness."

"Trust me, fate made no mistake," I said knowingly, looking into his eyes, "it was your unhappiness that led you to those 'ways' - so it makes sense to me, the only solution was to grant you happiness to prevent you from wanting to return to them."

"My clever girl," Loki said, lightly kissing my forehead.

"That I am," I said, reaching up to caress his cheek, "come on, let me clean up here, and you go relax in the living room. Go watch some TV or something and I'll join you when I'm done."

"I could help..?"

"It's okay, it won't take long."


As I cleared the dishes from the table and loaded the dishwasher, I could hear the channels being flipped on the TV in the living room. Then I began to overhear ads about UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) for an upcoming MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) match. I surmised that Loki must be watching one of the sports channels.

Myself, I wasn't the biggest sports fan, but when it came to certain types, or if I was made aware of a certain player, my interest would be piqued and would attempt for a time to watch the sport in which they were involved. Knowing that Loki was a warrior, it made sense to me that he would be interested in seeing how we fight for sport on Midgard.

Finished with the cleaning chores in the dining room and kitchen, I made my way to the living room and stood just inside the area. I could see Loki was watching a match of professional wrestling on a popular sports channel.

"Care to show me some moves?" I asked, causing Loki to turn his head.

Loki smiled at me and gestured to come join him on the couch. As I sat, he took my hand and his smile became mischievous grin, "well, there are moves I'd like to show you, but they are not related to wrestling."

"You," I said, playfully hitting his chest with the back of my free hand, "you're rather... cocky tonight."

"Sorry," Loki said quietly, his grin still there, "I just thought I'd put it out there, just in case."

"Loki... you'll know when we're ready to discuss, umm... country matters."

My friend chuckled, understanding my Shakespeare reference, then nodded in acknowledgement. Time to get back on topic, "what you request of me may prove difficult. You were not raised as a fighter. However, I can show you some customized self-defence moves in the morning... At least we know you're adept with a boot."

I laughed. "I'd like that," I said, "and look forward to it." I pointed at the TV screen, "so what do you think of our 'warriors?'"

"They do remind me of the games we had on Asgard, but much tamer."

"Did you want to keep watching?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all. I've come to appreciate the sport. I'm not overly keen on violence, but I like how the opponents have to plan their strategy spontaneously, especially when one is trapped in a hold. It reminds me of a chess match."

Loki and I got comfortable on the couch and watched the remaining matches in the tournament. We couldn't help but involuntarily play the part of spectators - cheering and jeering at the TV during various moments. During a commercial break, I brought out the chocolate pudding for us as a snack.

"That was fun," I said, yawning as the credits rolled, "it's late, I'm going to head to bed." I gave Loki a big hug, "don't stay up too much longer, I want you to be fresh for my self-defence lessons."

"Don't worry, my clever girl, no matter what, I'll be ready," he absently stroked my back, "sleep well, Beverlee."

"Sleep well, Loki."


As soon as my head hit the pillow, I slept like a log and was glad of it. It's true time flies while you are having fun, but fun definitely tires you out - but in the best way. It was nice to sleep and awaken without an alarm clock.

After some stretching, I got out of bed, put on my robe and slippers, then walked out to the living room. I could see Loki was watching something on TV. As I took a look at what he was watching, I recognized what it was... then smiled to myself.

Loki was watching the movie, 'Pretty Woman.' It was one of my favourite movies from the '90s. I'm not sure how he was drawn to it, but the movie did have several appealing elements.

I walked up to Loki and put my hand on his shoulder, "good choice of movie," I said.

"You've seen this movie before?" Loki asked.

"Yes, many times."

"Please," he said, "sit with me and watch?"

"I have the movie on Blu-ray. You go get refreshed. I'll make breakfast, and we can watch it together."


Making breakfast on the weekend was something I enjoyed. I prepared bacon in the oven, sliced up some mini-bagels to put in the toaster, then began to whip up some scrambled eggs. It was also convenient that I owned a Keurig, so making tea or coffee could be saved for last.

When breakfast was ready, I brought our plates and beverages into the living room, then popped the movie in the Blu-ray player. Once I got comfortable on the couch beside Loki, balancing our plates on our laps - I started the movie.

I noticed Loki seemed to be very taken with what he was watching. Not wanting to ruin his experience, I remained silent - asides from enjoying the film in the usual ways one does.

The iconic scene where Edward Lewis takes Vivian Ward to the clothing store to spend an 'obscene' amount of money to buy her clothes, I noticed Loki's breath catch in his throat. Instinctively, I gently put my hand on his arm. He responded by moving the arm, to grasp my hand and gave it a light squeeze to let me know he was okay.

I could see a big smile on Loki's face during the scenes where Edward surprised Vivian by taking her to the theatre.

There was also the oddest look on his face when there were scenes with Edward's Lawyer Stucky.

When the movie ended, Loki put his empty breakfast plate on the coffee table.

"Excuse me," he said, then stood up, left the living room and went outside via the kitchen.

What the..?

Putting my plate on the coffee table, I quickly followed him outside. I was glad to find that he hadn't left the backyard. He was standing on the patio, his arms folded, looking pensive.

"Loki, what's wrong?" I asked, "did the movie upset you?"

"No," he said quietly, "but it evoked a memory..."

I moved in front of him, my hands carefully grasped his folded arms, "come on, let's sit down and talk about it."

The air was cool outside, but Loki and I both were wearing warm robes, so we sat on the patio sectional couch.

"As you know," I said, "the reason movies and theatre are so popular is that, if written well, the audience can relate to the characters in some way. Was that how it was for you?"

"Yes," Loki said, looking uncertain of what else to say.

"Were you an Edward to a Vivian?" I asked, trying to understand this.

"No... I... was a Vivian... to an Edward."

Not the answer I had expected, but my curiosity was definitely piqued.

"Really?" I asked incredulous, "how so?"

"May I tell you the story?" Loki asked, "I think it's important that you should know."

"Of course," I replied, taking his hand, "please tell me."

"Remember during Passover I told you about the ship we stole on Sakaar from the Grandmaster that facilitated the exodus from Asgard? Well, for a short time I became an associate of the Grandmaster. The Grandmaster is the ruler of Sakaar. It's a bit complicated with the details of how I got there and how I met him, but... it took some doing to gain his favour. When I did have it, he was kind to me." He paused for a moment, then looked into my eyes, "very kind."

I had an inkling of what Loki was conveying, but I decided not to ask for clarification. Just to know my friend had met someone - like an Edward - who took care of him was a rare situation and I was glad to hear of it.

"The Grandmaster and I didn't meet on the most solid of foundations," Loki explained, "nothing like how you and I met, Beverlee. Despite that, I must say the majority of the time I spent on Sakaar was very pleasant. I was, dare I say it... happy. Through this ruler's kindly influence, I acquired fashionable clothing, attended parties and feasted on succulent delicacies..." he then took a deep breath, "he made me feel welcomed and wanted. I had not felt that for a long time."

"To learn you had such a past experience makes me so happy for you," I said softly, giving him an affable look. "Loki, let me ask you something. Asides from what you just told me, what is it about the character of Vivian that you believe you have in common?"

Through time and circumstances, my friend and I had learned about each other and our certain characteristics, but I was curious to know if he understood other aspects of Midgardians.

"I... we..." Loki was thinking out loud, "she... wanted something better from the life she had, just like myself. I could relate when she said, "people put you down enough you start to believe it." Sadly, In seeking this better life, we both wound up in places, not to our liking, but had to endure to survive... until fate stepped in to take us away from it."

"Yes, that is true," I nodded, "but consider this. Have you ever heard the term, 'diamond in the rough?' It means that a person has great potential but is rough and unpolished. But with hard work, the true potential of that person can be discovered. Just like... a caterpillar turning into a butterfly." I looked into his eyes, "Both you and Vivian have that in common. You are both special but needed a catalyst to make you realize that you could be more than what you thought you were. I'll ask you something else. Why did you join the Initiative?"

Loki's expression was now one of deep thought, as he was processing what I had just said.

"You..." Loki said quietly, "you told me to, that it would be in my best interest..."

"Was it really me?" I asked gently, a wry smile on my face, "did I tell the God of Mischief what to do?"

Loki took a moment to ponder my question. When the answer dawned on him, his breath caught in his throat - followed by his eyes, which lit up with understanding, "no... you didn't tell me what to do. encouraged me... giving me the confidence so... I-I was able to realize my potential..." he whispered, looking excited to say the next words "you... you were the catalyst."

"Yes. I believed in you, Loki," I clarified, taking the hand I was holding and pulled it up, holding to my chest, "as soon as you believed in yourself..." I said my the next words with similar exuberance, "like Vivian - there was no looking back."

My dear friend continued to ruminate on this new knowledge, then his eyes glimmered with affection, "while I appreciate what the Grandmaster did, granting me a position of status, lavishing upon me gifts as well as... attention... I now understand, with what he wanted, how he wanted me... he wasn't an Edward after all," he leaned in closer, his voice slightly quivering, "but... you are."

A soft smile came to my lips, and I released my hand, gently placing it on his cheek, "Oh Loki... even if that's true, I know it's you doing the hard work, becoming that bright shining diamond."

I could see from Loki's expression, this epiphany affected him deeply.

"Come here," I said gently, pulling him close.

As Loki's arms came around me, the way the softness of our robes meshed together, and how our hands caressed the rich fabrics of them on our backs - it was such a warm and comforting hug.

"You have made sense of something I myself could not understand," Loki said, clutching me tighter, "proving what you said about fate not making a mistake... and having to go through trials by fire." He released the hug a bit so we could look at each other, "there's more to the story. May I tell you the rest?"

"Yes," I said with keen interest, nodding.

"Thor showed up on Sakaar weeks later and then everything changed. Initially, I was glad to see him, but his presence caused quite the disruption for me. The Grandmaster had... eccentricities... but, I knew how to side-step them. However, because of certain actions by Thor, our dynamic changed and soon by no fault of my own, fell out of favour with the Grandmaster..." a thoughtful expression appeared on Loki's face, "it was bittersweet. I felt torn because the truth of the matter was... I knew I had to help Thor and his friends in their attempt to save Asgard, but foolishly... very foolishly, because of my past loyalty, I made one final attempt to try and make things right with the Grandmaster - and failed miserably. I realized then, there was no more time to dwell on the idea of staying on Sakaar and flew the gladiators off the planet with the Grandmaster's ship. The rest you know." Loki looked down, and put his hand atop the one I was holding, "I just wish... my final day on Sakaar hadn't ended the way it did, by having to betray him."

"But you had no choice." I said, sympathetically, "you said you felt torn. Well, you did for good reason - you were caught between two loyalties. I also understand your bittersweet feelings about Asgard. When you fell out of favour with the Grandmaster, you were left vulnerable, so I don't blame you for making an attempt, foolish or otherwise, to fix things." Releasing one of my hands, I briefly touched Loki's cheek, "but in the end, you did the right thing." A worrisome thought then came to mind, "this Grandmaster, Loki, do you know where he is at this point in time?"

"I suspect he's still on Sakaar," Loki replied, "with what he rules over, he has no reason to leave such a place. Why do you ask?"

"Hypothetically, if he found you, would he... retaliate?"

"I don't know," Loki replied, "I have asked myself the same question. I'd like to think with everything that happened, he'd understand what I did." He looked downward, "the Grandmaster was quite amenable, but... he's also... quite a lunatic."

"From what you've told me, I'd like to believe he would be merciful to you," I said softly.

"Well, apparently he is several million years old," Loki explained, "while I know age does not always denote wisdom, with his life experience..." his voice trailed off, but then a knowing smile came to his lips. "Beverlee, I just realized... I am also an Edward."

"How so?"

"Because," his hand moved to caress my cheek, "my clever girl... like Vivian, you rescued me right back."

I gave him a look of utter happiness.

Loki leaned forward and lightly kissed my forehead.


Author's Note: This vignette was inspired by the first part of Jeff Goldblum's speech when he accepted the GQ Haig Club Icon Award presented by Tom Hiddleston ( ) and this interview: 

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