Chapter 13: Katie

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Third Person POV 

Katie: Found the convoy. 
She whispers to herself as she tapped her earpiece. 

Y/N: Good. Find out what they are hiding. 
He said through the ear piece as Katie looked around to see a letter heading to a roof. 

Katie: Perfect. 
She thought to herself before running towards the ladder and climbed to the roof. 

Katie: Hmm... I wonder why he sent me here. 
She thought to herself as she stood on the roof, seeing the roof of the building across from her. 

Katie: Okay Katie. Just need to get onto the roof. 
She thought to herself, breathing heavily before running towards the edge and lunged across. 


Katie: Yes! 
She yelled as she landed onto the roof of the building. 

Katie: Got to find a way to get inside. 
She said as she looked around the roof to see a large window opened. 

Katie quietly approaches it before looking through it to see a group of soldiers standing around a truck. 

Soldier 1: What is so important Ironwood sent us to get this? 
One asked as Katie scanned the room. 

Soldier 2: From what I hear, it's just get the damn arena up and running. 

Soldier 1: What for? We're not preparing for another vytal festival. The other kingdoms want nothing to do with us. 

Soldier 2: I don't know. Who knows what is going through the General's head. 

Soldier 1: The other don't want us because we shot their students. 
He said with anger. 

Soldier 2: We didn't shoot them. We were hacked. Our sentries were hacked and they started shooting the students. 
He said as he looked at the other. 

Katie: So material for the arena... 
She said to herself before backing away from the window. 


???: Hands up where I can see them. 
A voice called out as Katie turned her heads to see an atlesian soldier. 

Katie: Son of-
She curses as she slowly held her hands up. 

Altesian Soldier: Good fucking animal. 
The soldier said as he pulled out a set of cuffs. 


Atlesian Soldier: GAH! 
She gasped in pain as Katie slashed at his throat. 

The soldier dropped to his knees, holding his throat as blood ran down his body before falling onto the ground. 

Katie: Good. Y/N would be proud of me. 
She said with a smirk. 


Katie: Hmm? 
She asked as she turned around to see Blake, her eyes glaring at her. 

Katie: Oh isn't it the traitorous bitch. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was in a dark room as he stood in front of 3 holograms. 

???: We need to find a leader. Sienna is gone and Adam Taurus was killed by those huntsmen. 
One faunas with an eyepatch said. 

???: Y/N, we need you and your forces here in Mistral. We are low on man power. 
Another faunas with tattoos said. 

Y/N: Those in Atlas need my help. You're not the only one that needs my assistance Victus. 
He said as he looked at the faunas known as Victus. 

???: We need you here Y/N. The white fang is leaderless and you're the closest to one we have right now. 
A cat faunas with a missing ear said. 

Y/N: I can't simply abandon these people while Atlas is planning to attack our people. 
He said as he looked at the three. 

???: Then find out what Atlas is planning and send your soldiers our way. 

Y/N: Well due Vist. 
He said before turning off the hologram. 

Y/N: Lovely. 
He said, sighing in annoyance before walking out of the room to see Lilith. 

Y/N: What is it Lilith. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Lilith: Katie hasn't responded. 

To Katie 

???: Fire at the terrorist! 
A soldier yelled as Katie lunged onto a roof, dodging gun fire as Blake followed her. 

Katie: Stupid bitch. 
She cursed loudly as she continued to dodge gunfire from the soldiers from the gun towers. 

Blake: Where is Y/N. 
She said as she continued to follow her, dodging gunfire as Katie hid behind a vent. 

Blake: Where is he! 
She yelled at her before jumping over the vent, looking at her from above as she pulled out Gambol Shroud. 

Katie: Like hell I tell you. 
She spat at her as she pulled out her daggers. 

Blake: Tell me where he is at. 
She demanded as she pointed her blade towards her. 

Katie: Over my dead body. 
She spat at her before charging at her, raising her daggers over her head. 


Blake suddenly faded as Katie looked at her in shock before being suddenly slashed at the side. 

Katie: Gah! 
She gasped as her aura flickered before feeling another slash at her back. 

Blake: Where is he. 
She demanded as Katie fell to her knees, her aura flickering around her. 

Katie slowly lifted her head up, looking at Blake with anger as she felt her cold blade against her chin. 

Katie: Over my dead body. 
She said as Blake slowly raised her sword. 


Here is chapter 13 of The Lone Swordsman! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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