Chapter Fifteen: Volpina's Return

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Chloe stood on the roof of her home, staring at the pool covered in tinted glass. She had woken up at nine by the chirp of birds. She had been up for about three hours. Her coffee had run out merely ten minutes ago, about the same time the news had finished running the story of Rena Rouge saving a free-falling Luka. How he'd gotten to the point of falling from the sky, Chloe could not tell. Her black and white robe was pulled around her body. Though it was barely getting cold, Chloe was freezing. The only reason she would even think about being on the roof is for the peace and quiet. Inside the hotel, the guests generally had small children running around, screaming. It was cute most days, seeing toddlers happily running around without a care in the world. Today, however, Chloe had a surging migraine in the front of her skull, pushing against it like a suppressed tiger. She had no patience to sit through the screaming today. Pollen had no barrier against the cold. Her body emanated heat, so she was all set. Chloe, no matter how cold she was, did not want to cuddle Pollen. She didn't feel close enough to her kwami to do that. It would be awkward. Her phone rang, breaking the cool silence she had been relishing. She answered with a groan. "Hello?" she yawned.

"Good morning my little girl. Lila is downstairs for you. Would you like me to send her up?"

"Yeah... hold on." She set her coffee mug on the table next to her with a yawn. "Send her up. I'm on the roof." Chloe started tidying up. She realized that she was wearing her pajamas, and was suddenly embarrassed. Lila had never seen her in her actual pajamas. Chloe always wore her nicest pj's to spend the night with her, never her real ones. Her tank top was loose around her chest, and her flannel pants were yellow and black. The door to the elevator opened, and Pollen hid underneath Chloe's lawn chair. Lila looked different, way less intimidating definitely. "Not that I don't love you," she started sarcastically. "But, why are you here? It's 11:32, and I know for a fact that you didn't go to bed until four this morning." Lila smiled at her and approached.

"Silly. I can't see my best friend in the whole world? And besides, we said we were going to hang out. Wanna go back inside?" Chloe didn't really want to, but having Lila in a good mood was a once and a lifetime opportunity, and she didn't want to mess it up. Lila jogged to the elevator, her hand reached back to lift Chloe up. Chloe's hand reached for hers, and when she made contact with Lila's outstretched hand... it went through it. 'That has to be my imagination. That didn't happen. My hand just went right next to hers, that's all.' Chloe, seeing as how Lila had already gotten to the elevator, pushed herself up and trudged to toward her. "You're slow this morning." Lila giggled. Chloe ignored the strange behavior of Lila, and pulled her phone out when an alert was sent. She took one look at the screen, before Lila screamed, "put it down! Don't look at the news! It lies!" She had already read the alert though. It read Akuma: Volpina's Return.

Rena and Luka had kissed. In public. In front of everyone. Rena had brought him to the roof of her home, the first safe spot she had thought of. When she had gone to depart, he pulled her in, kissed her, and whispered, "be safe." She had flown fast from the scene, blushing a magnificent crimson. It seemed she did a lot of that these days. The akuma was unknown to her, for when Luka had read "Akuma" off his screen, she had immediately swept him into her arms, and took off. She couldn't see anything indicating an akuma, but the news never lied about such things.

"Rena Rouge!" A blood-curtailing scream pierced Alya's ears. It sounded eerily familiar.

"Queen Bee?!" A black and yellow figure appeared in front of her in a cloud of fog, but not the one she had become close to. "Queenie?" She asked hesitantly. Queen Bee, for sure, was right in front of her. It was her, just... not quite. The colors of her costume were inverted, so that the stripes were yellow instead of their usual midnight black. Her skin had a slight golden tint to it, making her shine like Eduard Cullen in the sun. Her eyes, when they opened, were a bright magenta. "Oh god no. Please, Queenie fight it!"

"Hm? Oh, fight you? If you insist." Alya shot forward, ready to cleanse her friend and partner of her akuma, but she was too fast. "Oh, and it's not Queen Bee, or Queenie, or whatever you said. She's gone. The name's Queen Wasp, and you will bow down to me. No more bossing me around, no sir. Today is a new day. The beginning of the Wasp Era. Those who have tried to rule in my place shall be swatted away." Queen Wasp was incredibly fast, moving in blurs. Her voice, however, stayed in one constant spot. Alya kept trying to at least stop her long enough to even find the akuma, but she kept hearing her name being screamed. 'It sounded like Queen Bee. But that's impossible,' she thought. 'Queen Bee is right here... as Queen Wasp," It was undeniably Queen Bee, screaming her name over the chaos of Queen Wasp.

"Rena Rouge!" Something round and hard came from Alya's right, hitting Queen Wasp. She... disappeared? Alya could now see her partner running up to her, everything back to normal. Alya was so happy, she hugged her. "Gah, uh, this is new."

"Sorry." She said, wiping a singular tear away. "I just thought you were akumatized... I'm glad you're not."

"Yeah, I'm not... but Lila is."


Rena Rouge and Queen Bee stood on the roof of Lila Rossi's apartment, trying to piece together what happened. "I knew at once Volpina was back. Lila had come to my house and started acting weird. My hand phased through hers and everything. She sent illusions out to confuse us. She sent a version of herself out for an alibi, and made an akumatized version of me to make you think I was the akuma." Rena looked down for a moment.

"I thought you said you weren't friends with Lila anymore. Why would she be at your house?" Chloe blushed with embarrassment.

"Well, I may have a lied a smidge. The part about me not liking her, yeah, that was true. The part about me ending our friendship a while ago... not as true." Rena glared at her. "I've been trying to get out of it, I really have! It's just really hard to talk to her." Rena's glare softened.

"Sorry. That was none of my business."

"No, it's fine. So, uh... Volpina."

"Right. We'd have to interrogate her family, see if they know where she went. We can backtrack from there." The door to the Rossi's apartment was locked, so they knocked respectively. "Maybe we could say 'police, open up'?" Alya whispered. Queen Bee laughed beside her. The door opened a minute later.

"Can I hel- oh my god!" 'I get that reaction a lot recently' Alya thought. "Come in, come in." They spoke with Lila's mother for a good ten minutes before it was apparent that she had no idea where she had gone, or even that she was akumatized. "Yesterday, I heard her talking on the phone with one of her friends, saying a boy named Luka was going to some café. She told her that he was going to go and... well, tell him of her crush." Alya suddenly understood.

"Thank you for your time. You've helped us so much today."

"But we haven't gotten anyt-" Rena put a hand on her partner's mouth.

"We'll be going now. Thank you!" when they got back on the roof, Queen Bee burst out.

"What was that for?!"

"We got plenty of information from her. And besides, your comment was unnecessary."

"If we got plenty of info from her, then tell me what happened Fantastic Mr. Fox." Queen Bee tapped her food on the concrete roof.

"Well, for starters, she was going to confess to Luka that she likes him. He was on a date today. She must have seen and... gotten akumatized." Chloe thought for a moment. That did sound like something Lila would do. It's happened once before.

"Yeah, alright. Should we go find her?" Alya replied with a nod, and they took off in different directions, using the news broadcast from their weaponry to map out a trail. They went in an arc, meeting at the Eiffel Tower. "Why does everything always happen here?" Queenie complained. Alya shrugged and looked up, hearing maniacal laughter.

"You made it!" Volpina appeared in front of the two heroes. On instinct, Chloe threw her trompo at her, poofing her into dust. The laughing returned, this time behind them. "I guess you've figured me out. You'll never be able to defeat me though. Rena Rouge, we're almost exactly the same. I'm just stronger. Queen Bee, you're a weakling, a beginner. I was here even before you were, and I doubt you even know how I was defeated." She was right. The day Lila was originally akumatized, the news reporters couldn't get on the tower in time to see how it happened. Volpina walked in front of the heroes, a terrible smile on her face. Behind them, the real Volpina advanced, her flute replaced with a sword. The gasp that escaped Chloe's lips was louder than a lion's mighty roar. Rena's ears twitched, sending vibrations in all directions, the rebound indicating the figure behind her. In a matter of seconds, she twisted around, stepped backwards, and clashed weapons with Volpina, showing the sword was actually just her flute in disguise.

They had been at it for hours. Since their powers matched up, they were at an impasse. Rena kept disappearing to retransform after every mirage, but Volpina kept on coming. No matter how many illusions she made however, Rouge knew what was real, and what was fake. Call it a fox's intuition if you will. Queen Bee was thrown onto the sidelines, and was itching to join the battle. Rena had put her in change of making a plan while she distracted Volpina, but nothing seemed to work. Lila kept her eyes on the prize per say. "Hawkmoth has told me that once I take the remainder of the miraculous, I shall rule beside him in a better, safer Paris. One where sadly, you, and the rest of your comrades will not be parading around like you own the place. You'll be in a cell for causing the destruction of our fair city, and failure to prevail." Chloe heard Lila speak to Rena like she would have spoken to the children she babysat. It was hard not to just jump in and help out. Every so often, Lila's trick was to change their appearance, and it was hard to say who was who a majority of the time. Chloe's trompo buzzed with energy, throbbing in her hand from her special ability. Her miraculous beeped from her scalp, indicating she had four minutes to transform back, having made the decision to use her power a minute prior. She had made a plan.


"Queenie, kinda busy at the moment!" Chloe stared directly at Volpina. The words had come from her mouth. She knew exactly who to sting. She ran up to Rena Rouge, pretending she thought she was the real one.

"Rena, I'm going to take her out. You ready?" Lila was slightly surprised, but not really.

"Yeah. Let's get rid of her." Rena Rouge had barely taken a step forward when she stopped in mid-air, Queen Bee's trompo embedded in her shoulder. Chloe hit her, evicting the lie from her costume, changing her appearance back to being Volpina. Across from her, Rena Rouge turned back to normal too. She walked up to Queen Bee as she removed the fox-tail necklace from Volpina's neck, assisting in the destruction of the item, and the capture of the akuma. Lila unfroze from her position as Chloe's miraculous beeped, telling her she had one minute to transform back. Lila took one look at Rena Rouge, and tears sprang into her eyes, then a scowl molded itself into her mouth like polymer clay. "I hate you Rena Rouge. I hate you!" Lila ran off, leaving the two heroes alone.

"So." Chloe began. "Your hair."

A/N: A lot more words than usual. Hope ya'll enjoy this book. I kinda set everything else aside so I can write this, and it would be cool if at least someone took pride in my work like I do. Peace my lovely papaya's

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