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Alya sat in the uncomfortable chair with a wistful expression on her face, twisting the engagement ring on her finger. She wasn't used to being on the other side of the interview. It was the ten-year anniversary of the defeat of Hawkmoth, and Nadia had sought all of them out for an interview for the special occasion. Alya and Nino had been revealed the day of, Chloe the week after, and Adrien and Marinette were still riding the high road of hero secrecy. They always bragged about how they weren't bombarded everywhere they went by crazy Parisians, and Alya was kind of jealous. Her life was busy as it was with wedding planning and work. She didn't need people stopping her on the street, asking for a photo. Of course, if it made the people happy, she was always glad to oblige. If anything, she was just glad her best friend didn't have to deal with it. After all, she did already have little Hugo to worry about, and another little one in five months. "It's alright. There's nothing to be antsy about." Nino said, placing his hand over both of hers. Chloe sat on the other side of her, talking to Sabrina on the phone. She had gotten her out of Lila's clutches after high school, and actually started a mutual friendship with her. Chloe looked up and gave Alya a reassuring smile, then returned to her phone conversation. 'The interview goes live in less than a minute. Where are they?!' as if on cue with Alya's thoughts, Ladybug and Chat Noir came into the room and joined Chloe, Alya, and Nino on the large couch. Nobody knew who they were, so it was respectable to show up in costume. Nadia smiled and thanked them for coming before the tune of the broadcast began.

"Welcome viewers, and happy hero's day! As you all know, I am Nadia Chamack, and I am greeted here by five prestigious heroes! Welcome to the studio you five. How has life been treating you in the past ten years?" They all laughed together in unison, the cheery sound filling the room with bubbly energy. Alya raised her left hand, her palm facing herself, and answered by showing her ring. Nadia gasped and smiled as Nino gave Alya a quick peck on the cheek. "Do I see a Marriage?" she asked playfully.

"Two!" Chat Noir laughed, to which his wife scolded him. "And a beautiful son, of which shares the striking eyes of M'Lady." He purred.

"And soon to be a daughter." She murmured. It was so low, no one picked up on it except for Chat, who's enhanced ears allowed him to hear his wife's sentence.

"W-we're having a daughter?" tears came to the grown man's green eyes, and he hugged Ladybug. The live audience in the room exploded from the new information, taking it all in. After a few minutes everyone settled down, and Nadia was able to continue on with her questions.

"How did everything clean up so well on this day, ten years ago?" the group looked at each other, and allowed Ladybug to answer.

"Well, Hawkmoth and Mayura were stopped and held accountable for their crimes, and my lucky charm fixed two years' worth of damage to the city. We all went home and celebrated, and continue to live our lives to the fullest.

"How long are you going to protect Paris with your abilities. Since Hawkmoth is no longer a threat, will you stay much longer?" This was the most asked question by more Parisians at this point. Alya was kind of glad that it was addressed. The people should know how long they would be definitely safe.

"At some point, our miraculous must be reunited with their guardian, and we will remain regular citizens of this amazing city. But that's far down the road."

"You know, the last time I had you on Face-to-Face, you denied being a couple. It seems you lied." The live audience laughed at Nadia's commentary. "How long have you been together?"

"M'Lady became my girlfriend a month after the defeat of Hawkmoth." Marinette looked over at her husband with a scowl at the nickname in public.

"So sweet. Well, I've been requested to ask you this more times than I can count in the last fourteen years... Ladybug and Chat Noir, will you ever consider showing who you are to the people of Paris?" Nadia asked, her hands folded in her lap. She seemed pretty anxious for the answer.

"I... I think it's better to stay as masked heroes. For now." Ladybug answered with a smile on her face as she looked at their little group. She herself was married to the love of her life, and was soon to have her second child. Alya and Nino were getting married in the fall, and Chloe was riding out her second term as Mayor of Paris. They had all achieved so much in their lives, and it made Marinette so happy to be able to be friends with them.


The air chilled Alya's bones as she sat on her parent's roof. The structure she had made ten years ago was still a pretty cool place to hang out, and to keep it frank, there was no other place that she would rather hang out with her friends. Despite being twenty-eight-years-old and engaged to the love of her life, she felt more a kid than ever. She felt giddy with glee, because they were throwing their own celebration. Ten years ago, on the dot, Gabriel and Nathalie were put behind bars, and Paris was safe for the first time in four long years. They were all in their civilian forms, allowing their kwamis to roam wild and party. Despite it being the anniversary of one of their friend's death, the peacock miraculous having been smashed to pieces upon hitting the ground, the magical creatures were happier than ever. "Alya! Happy hero's day!" Chloe said, extending her arms to give her a long rectangular box. They had all gotten each other gifts, and Chloe was presenting hers to Alya.

"Thanks Queenie." Chloe watched in anticipation as Alya unwrapped the box and undid the clasps. Chloe smiled as Alya gasped. "It looks just like Rena's!" in her hands was a flute, which did indeed look just like that of her hero counterpart's.

"I had it specially made for you. I realized that you don't have a flute out of costume, and Mare told me how much you used to play for the group. So, I thought I'd be nice to get it for you." Chloe ended with a smile on her face, clearly proud of herself. Alya was beyond happy with the gift, and rushed forward to give her friend a hug.

"Thank you, really. It means a lot to me." She almost cried, which sounds pathetic, but true. Chloe had come far from being the bully in freshman year, and Alya had come far from being the invasive journalist who jumps to conclusions. She was now... just an invasive journalist. "Oh! I also got you something. Give me a minute. Trixx, Pollen!" The kwamis came flying in with a wide, wrapped, square-shaped object. Nino and Adrien chuckled at the blonde's enthusiasm to receive a present, to which she responded with her perfectly painted middle finger, causing them to double over laughing. Marinette came and sat on some pillows on the ground, an apple juice in her hand.

"Go on Chlo. It's actually from all of us." She said sheepishly. "I hope you like it." The rest of the group shuffled and sat around Mari, creating a circle. Chloe looked around and made eye contact with every person before pulling the wrapping paper from the gift and lifting the lid, dropping it to the ground. Her eyes danced around the item in surprise and delight, taking in every inch of the precious object. "What do you think." The hint of tears glassed over her eyes, and her cheeks shot up to join them.

"Thank you, guys!" She pushed her long hair from her face and tried to keep the tears at bay. She noticed all the little details in the frame of the photo: the way all the smiles were genuine, and how everyone was happy. It was their first group photo as heroes, all five of them, smiling up at the camera for eternity. It had been taken at the grand statue unveiling, all of them on the same, golden pedestal. It was underneath the Eiffel Tower, the site of the very end. All of them had autographed it in a small font by their head. Chloe delicately placed her finger on the glass of the frame, stroking the cute additions on their signatures, like Adrien's cat ears, and Alya's fox-tail swoop. She sniffed the oncoming snot back into her nose and laughed, her tears surpassing the guard of her ducts. "I love it." She choked back a sob and signaled for a group hug. It was like a summers day, despite being the last week of winter.

"Did you see the other part?" Nino asked, separating from the best hug Chloe had ever experienced. Everyone else followed suit, and they sat back down.

"There's more?" Chloe asked with stars in her eyes. She was like a kid on Christmas, except she was pretty sure a kid wouldn't be too excited about a picture. Adrien laughed, taking over.

"It's a little added something. It was Nino and I's idea at first, but everyone pitched in. It's attached to the back of the frame." He said with a smile. Chloe looked down at the box in her hands and carefully lifted the picture frame from its depths. She flipped it over, and even more joy swept over her whole being. There was a charm bracelet taped to the back of the frame, with five animal themed charms, one for each of the heroes respectively. "We know that you still love jewelry. So, since we're all a family, we got matching charm bracelets!" Adrien said enthusiastically. Chloe laughed as they all held their wrists in the air, showing his word to be true.

"Isn't that a little, I don't know... elementary?"

"We missed four years of our lives to a tyrant in purple and silver spandex, Chlo. I think, of all people in this vast world, we deserve to be "elementary" sometimes." They laughed together, a warm feeling settling in their hearts. They would always remember this day for the better. Chloe agreed with his logic and detatched the bracelet, flipping her left wrist over and connecting the two ends around her arm. After she was finished, Adrien clapped to gather their attention. "Alright, alright. Settle down everyone. Me and Mare have an announcement. I would clang a spoon against a champagne glass, but we don't have any, and me and my beautiful wife cannot consume alcohol for the next five months." Nino gave him a weary look. "I promised that I wouldn't tempt her, so I've sworn off alcohol until Emmie is born."

"Emmie?" Adrien sighed as he realized his mistake, but continued anyways.

"As you and I heard at the interview this very slow morning, we are having a baby girl. We've been talking all day, and come to a collective on the name, Emma." There were three squeals of excitement, causing Marinette and Adrien to blush in accomplishment.

"Wait. Who's got Hugo tonight?" Alya asked. Marinette looked up with wide eyes, her gestures turning to frantic movements.

"Oh my god, I forgot about my own son. How am I supposed to take care of two when I can't even remember my own son? Oh, Hugo! Tikki, spots on!"

"Mari!" Tikki zipped into the earrings on Marinette's earlobes, and pink bubbled frothed over her limbs, magic pushing bangs up in an arc of wind. Half her legs were black, and her pixie style hair gained volume. "I took care of him!" Adrien shouted. Underneath her black and red mask, her face turned pink with embarrassment.

"Y-you did?"

"I asked Luka to do it. He was happy to do it. Hugo is his godson after all." Marinette muttered an 'Oh', and Alya got an actual good look at Ladybug's new appearance. She'd only seen Ladybug once recently, and it was when they were chasing a slew of outlaws back into prison. In the suit, Marinette's baby bump was just starting to be visible, since the suit hugs any and all curves. In a blink, she was staring at Marinette again, who was wearing her own designs.

"Sorry." Everyone burst out laughing at the mother's outburst. "What?!" Marinette asked when her own husband joined with them.

"Mari, that was hilarious!" Nino said as he rolled over.

"I was worried!"

"Which was even better!" he said, slapping his knee and collapsing against Alya. He laid his head on his fiancé's lap, to which she stroked his dark hair. It had become fluffy like Adrien's through rigorous cleaning after his return from the Notre Dame all those years ago, making it all more satisfying to comb her fingers through. Alya looked over to see Marinette still standing, her face redder than Ladybug's suit.

"So... Alya, Nino, who's all invited to your wedding?" Marinette asked, changing the subject as she sat down.

"Well, clearly you guys-"

"And our families." Nino interrupted.

"- yeah, and our families. Um... hey, Babe? Have Marc and Nathanael R.S.V.P'd yet?"

"They were the first ones to, just as we were for theirs."

"There is no way that we weren't the first R.S.V.P's." Chloe said, twisting the charm bracelet around her wrist.

"You guys forgot to until last week!"

"Well..." Chloe began. "It's not like the wedding is next month. We've all still got until October."

"Yeah, well. I think our whole high school class is going. I know a lot of Rena and Pace fans are trying to sneak into the wedding. I mean, just because we're famous, doesn't mean we want a public wedding."

"What roles do you have chosen for others?" Chloe asked, totally diving the group into a conversation on the wedding.

"I was going to have Trixx and Wayzz be the ring bearers, but I don't want too many people knowing they exist. So... I was going to see if my nephew wanted to do it." Adrien's eyes lit up, and he bounced around like the little boy that had been mentioned.

"You want my son-"

"Our son." Marinette mumbled.

"You want my son to be your ring bearer?! That's a really important job, and Hugo is-"

"Just like his incompetent father. Yeah, I know pussycat. He's also got his mother's sensibility, so I'm pretty sure he's up to the task." Alya smirked. "Clearly, Chloe, Mari, Nora, Rose, Juleka, Alix, and Mylene will be my bridesmaids. Elías, Ella, and Etta will be flower girls... and boy." She added the last part like it was a sales sticker: taking it on last minute.

"I always forget you have a brother, Nino." Marinette said, spreading her feet on top of Adrien's. He knew right away what to do, and started rubbing her feet. They'd been doing that since they were nineteen.

"He'll be twelve in September."

"That makes me feel old. It seems only yesterday I met him. Oh, his tiny toes!" As they reminisced, Alya continued thinking of what they had planned for their big day.

"Oh, Mare, did my commission form ever come in?" Marinette turned her attention to Alya when spoken to.

"Yeah, a week ago. But, I'll discuss this with you later. After all, hearing about the wedding dress is almost the same as seeing it. And especially since you hang around this dumb black cat so often-" she said pointing at her husband.


"-you need to eliminate as much bad luck as you can. That starts... now. No ladders, broken mirrors, and no seeing the dress." She locked her eyes on Nino.


"No buts. Your fiancé is not going to be tripping down the aisle because her thirsty husband-to-be couldn't control his urges." Nino's tanned face lit up red at the last part of her comment, causing Adrien to snicker.

"I wouldn't be laughing over there, Buster. You're as thirsty as they come! Mari, Adrien transformed on your wedding day and tried to find you, but he didn't know where you were." Marinette looked shocked at this information. Honestly, at this point... why?


"What?! I couldn't wait to see you..."

"Wait, is that when Kim and Max couldn't find you?" he sheepishly nodded. "Adrien Dyllis Agreste!" Nino burst out laughing,and prepped another.

"Or when you purified all the mason-jar akumas."

"How the hell was he thirsty then?"

"He said... hold up. I wrote this down somewhere. Ah, here. He said, this is a direct quote by the way, "she's so hot, how she saves the day. I want to make her mine so badly, I've been throwing myself in the opposite direction so I don't... embarrass myself... you know what I mean." He asked you out that day, did he not?"

"Yeah... wait wait wait. Holdup. Adrien."

"Yes?" he sounded like he wanted to die.

"You avoided me for two weeks after we reunited, because you couldn't control yourself around me?!"

"He had a raging erection just at the mention of you." Alya muttered, scrolling through her E-mail. Nino and Chloe laughed their asses off at Adrien's dispense.

"I'm gonna Cataclysm you all." Adrien pouted, only making them laugh harder.

"Not happening kid." Plagg said from his spot in the rafters with the other kwamis. Marinette joined in the laughter this time, seeing Adrien with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. Alya watched with a smile, her sanity still intact. It took this day for her to realize, she wasn't alone anymore, and she never would be. She had lots of friends, a stable job, an upcoming wedding, and she was safe. No more petty ankle scars or crying herself to sleep. This was how it was always meant to be. For the first time in twelve years, she no longer recognized herself as the lone vixen.

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