Beau Taylor

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C H A P T E R 1: Beau Taylor {Carrie's POV}

S O N G: Social Casualty by Five Seconds of Summer

Q U O T E: "Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence."-Robert Fripp

The sound of my boisterous alarm clock broke through to my sleep and woke me up. I sighed, the alarm annoying me to no end. Rubbing my eyes, I opened them slightly and turned off the alarm. 

Light peaked in through a little slit in the dark purple curtains that were hung on the dusty window frame. I blinked my eyes, the blanket still covering my legs and the cold surrounding my exposed upper half. I got out of the bed and trudged to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror sleepily and went over to the sink, splashing cold water on my face to help me wake up.

Doing my normal routine, I went into my closet after and grabbed a nice blouse and some comfortable leggings to match. The same worn out, turquoise converse waited for me to put them on. A deep sigh left my mouth as I walked over and put them on, tying them tightly. I picked up my black backpack that hung on the back of my door and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed a granola bar and a cold water bottle and set off for school. Patting my back pockets, I noticed I forgot my phone and wallet. I groaned and ran back up stairs, grabbing both of them. Running back downstairs, the air had escaped my lungs and I walked out the door, my movements desultory. Regaining my breath wasn't hard as I began walking at my normal pace.

The air was nice and cool and the sky was clear and blue, giving it a somewhat happy vibe. The sun shone bright yellow and birds chirped loudly. Dark green trees stood tall as I passed by them, the packed mulch under my feet fresh. The mulch allowed new plants to thrive unconditionally.

Nature smells and sounds took over, the fresh oxygen traveling in and out of my lungs with ease. As I continued down the memorized pathway, the school came into sight, teenagers scattered across the large campus.

I found myself on the side walk soon enough and crossed the street to the school. I hummed to myself quietly, the sound of loud chattering drowning it out.

Someone bumped into me and continued on, yelling a rude, "Watch where you're going!" over their shoulder. I shook it off and continued making my way to my locker.

A voice shouted my name from behind and I involuntary turned around, seeing my best friend and his boyfriend walking side by side. I smiled at the happy couple and waved at them.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Carrie." Said a cheery Timmy.

"Sup." Simon nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"How's it going? Did you guys go on that date you were talking about on Friday?" I opened my locker and grabbed a couple textbooks out of it, stuffing them into my backpack.

"No, we didn't," Timmy said sadly, "I had to help Paxton and her aunt pack up their things. They're gonna move at the end of her school year and come live here."

Simon put an arm around him and rubbed his shoulder. "We can go on that date another time, okay?"

Timmy smiled at his boyfriend and nodded. "Okay!"

I laughed and closed my locker, zipping up my unzipped back pack. "You guys are so cute together. If I looked up couple goals in the Urban Dictionary, I'm pretty sure I would find an image of you two."

Simon smirked and nodded. "Damn straight." Timmy chuckled a little and leaned into his touch.

I looked over the two and smiled softly.

Timmy and Simon have been together since sophomore year, a month after Timmy's terrible ex-boyfriend cheated on him. He was heartbroken and I tried to comfort him but I wasn't that good. However, when Simon came along, his whole demeanor changed and I watched my best friend fall instantly in love with him.

They've been going strong ever since and I couldn't be happier for them. Sometimes I wish I had a relationship like theirs and I believe that one day I might be able to.

"Hello?" Timmy waved a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Carrie?"

I shook my head and blinked. "Sorry I spaced for a little there." I smiled at him as Simon held him from behind.

"Anyway, my photography teacher said she has a special surprise for us, but she won't tell us until the end of next week." He said.

"Did she give you some sort of hint or...?" Simon trailed off, resting his chin on his boyfriends shoulder.

He shook his head. "Not really...but she did say that it was really big and a great opportunity. " I nodded.

"Sounds cool, but I've known you for a while now and knowing you, you're probably dying to know, am I right?" I smirked and leaned against my locker, my question perfectly rhetorical.

"Yes, Carrie, you are right. I really wanna know and it is killing me inside." Replied a dramatic Timmy.

Simon laughed and pulled his boyfriend closer. "You're so dramatic at times."

Timmy looked back at him. "We've been together for a while now, you should know this already." He explained seriously.

"Of course I know." He kissed his cheek and smiled at him softly.

"If you two start making out in front of me, I swear I will walk away." I complained.

Timmy smiled and punched my shoulder playfully. "Of course not, that's saved for after you leave."

I shrugged as the bell rang and Simon sighed. "I don't want to go to Math. It's so boring and stupid."

Timmy looked at him and smiled. "Well, I think it would be easier and less boring if you actually understood Math."

"Which I don't." He said, pulling away from Timmy and giving him a quick peck on the lips. "See y'all later." He saluted us and walked off to his math class.

"What class are you going to?" I asked Timmy as we walked in the opposite direction of Simon.

"Chemistry. What about you?" He responded.

"English. One of my favorites." I replied, smiling.

"What teacher?"

"Mrs. Lewis. She is way better than my other English teacher from last year. It's pretty much my only easy A class." Timmy nodded.

"Well, this is my stop, see you at break." He waved to me before entering the classroom. I hurried to my next class, checking the time to see that I only had one minute to get there. I walked briskly and sat in my seat just in time.

The teacher wasn't in yet, so I stared at the wall with immense boredom. Suddenly, black fabric blocked my line of sight. I blinked and looked up at the person that stood in my way.

"Oh, hi, Liam." I said awkwardly, not expecting him to come over here.

Liam leaned against my desk and smiled at me. "Hey, there Carrie." I smiled at him and waited for him to continue, but he never did.

", did you want something?" Liam shook his head and blinked, blushing for some unknown reason.

"Y-yeah, sorry." Said a nervous Liam, although I couldn't figure out why he acted so nervous. "Do you have a pencil I could borrow?"

I nodded and reached into my bag. "Yeah, just give me a sec." I dug around for a little before pulling out a spare pencil and handing it to him. "Here you go."

He smiled at me. "Thanks..." he trailed off. "Uh, so how's your day going so far?"

I laughed a little before speaking. "Well, considering that the day has barely started, I'd say it's pretty okay."

"Cool, cool. Same here." He nodded in interest.

Mrs. Lewis finally walked in with her cup of coffee and set it down along with her stack of note papers for the class today.

"Alright, class..."


I walked through the halls searching for my friends, but to no anvil. I tried the library, the cafeteria, their last classes, the quad, the outside eating area, and more and nothing. It's like they disappeared. They haven't even answer my texts, let alone my calls.

I sighed and gave up my search. Timmy and Simon probably need some "alone time" if you know what I mean.

Trudging through the somewhat crowded hallway, my mind wandered into my unoccupied thoughts. I didn't know where I was going, but I was going somewhere and wherever that is, I hope it is quiet and away from other people.

My phone buzzed in the back of my pocket and I got excited, taking it out and seeing if it was Timmy or Simon. With disappointment, it was only a stupid notification for a game that I don't even play. I scoffed at my phone before slipping it back in my pocket and looking up. However, right as I looked up, I collided with another student.

I fell back on my butt and pain shot through my body from the shock. I blinked to register what happened and looked at the person I collided with. The other person obviously wasn't affected by the crash as much as I was since they were still standing. My eyes traveled up the masculine boy and met with a pair of icy blue eyes.

A hard glower was set upon his face, his eyes staring directly into mine. His tall body towered over mine as I scrambled to get up and collect any things that fell out of my backpack. Luckily, the only things that fell where my personal reading book and a pencil.

I looked down, avoiding eye contact. He stepped closer to me and leaned down a little, so his lips were near my ear.

"Watch where your going." He whispered, pulling back a little bit to make eye contact. My gaze traveled into his and I gulped, intimidated by his hard stare.

He walked away, throwing one last hard glare over his shoulder before turning a corner.

I stood their, trying to regain my breath as he got further away.

I honestly couldn't believe that I bumped into Beau Taylor.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my new book! I hope it was good enough for a starter :D

So today's question is:

What is your favorite color?

Mine is purple.

I appreciate it if you vote!

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Hope you have a good day!

     -Marisa :)

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