A Good Man

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Lan Zhan runs outside the room. He is still in his night cloths. He gets strange glances from the young boys and flirty glances from young girls who are taking a break from training.
Lan Zhan randomly stops a boy and asks about the whereabouts of Aunty Yenay.

The boy willingly takes him to her.
Yenay is guiding the house help in the kitchen.

The boy asks Lan Zhan to wait outside and goes inside to fetch Aunty Yenay.

Within a few minutes she was rushing out towards Lan Zhan. Her surprise turns to worry when she looks at Lan Zhan face. He, who is known to be the most calm, composed and stable of  all cultivators, doesn't look the part.
The man in front of her looked like he saw a ghost. He looked pale.

"Master Lan, what's wrong?" She asks holding Lan Zhan's gaze.

Lan Zhan gets tongue tied for a moment so Yenay continues, "I came to your room sometime back to take the dishes and to check if you needed anything else. There was no response when I knocked so I presumed that you were not inside....but it looks like I was wrong. What happened?"

Lan Zhan remains quite. His face is a mix of guilt and embarrassment. He lowers his gaze.

"Hanguang Jun, I will not push for you to answer why you didn't open the door." She says giving Lan Zhan a knowing look and adds, " But if I am to help you, you need to tell me what has happened."

Lan Zhan doesn't know how to explain what's wrong so he just blurts out, "It's Wei Ying. There is something wrong with him.
He...he was fine this morning... he was happy. And then all of a sudden his feet gave way. He is finding it difficult to breathe..."

Yenay doesn't let him finish. She starts walking back to the kitchen and says,
"Master Lan, go back to your room right now and stay with him. I will be there in a few minutes."

"So you know what's wrong with him?" he asks.
"Yes Master Lan. Now go." Yenay says disappearing into the kitchen.

Lan Zhan runs back to their room.

When he arrives, Wei Ying is unconscious. He is drenched in sweat. Hi breathing is shallow.
Lan Zhan is scared to touch him. Wei Ying looks fragile... Like Lan Zhan's touch might break him.
Lan Zhan, not knowing what to do just stands next to the bed looking worriedly at the man he loves.

His mind goes blank. He doesn't know how long he stands and stares.
There is a knock on the door and Yenay enters.

She is holding a tray with some herb powder in a bowl and what looks like Lotus root and pork rib soup.
She sets it on the table and asks,
"Master Lan, can you tell me what happened before Master Wei started having these symptoms?"

Lan Zhan is at a loss for words. He awkwardly starts , "I.. We.. together..."
Fresh Sweatbeads form on his forehead and he looks down... unable to continue.

"That's ok. Just answer in yes or no then." she says calmly.

Lan Zhan nods.

"I take it that you and Master Wei are close. Yes?" she asks... interrogates.

Lan Zhan nods.

"Recently... have you become closer?"
She continues interrogating him.

Lan Zhan nods.

"Master Lan, I need you to think very carefully and answer my next question ok."


"Master Lan, does Master Wei Love you?" she asks.
Lan Zhan feels as if he has been caught doing inappropriate things by his Uncle.
After a few seconds he answers, "I don't know if he loves me. But I love him and have vowed to take care of him in my lifetime so if there is anything that can make him better I will do it. So Madam ...please tell me what I have to do."

The look of happiness on the Yenay's face is akin to a woman's who has found a very good man for her daughter to marry.

She steps a bit closer to Lan Zhan and holds his hand.
"Master Lan, A Xian needs you to stay with him. Over the years he has lost almost everyone he has cared about. When he came to us as a little boy he used to get like this often. It was Lady Yanli who used to take care of him then."
Lan Zhan had not know about this. He feels like ice cold breeze has suddenly gripped his heart. He looks up at Yenay.

Yenay, with tears in her eyes continues, "Slowly he started feeling secure and the episodes became less frequent. And as you know, he grew up to become a fine young man... but... looks like fate has dealt him an unfortunate hand. Everytime he tries to pick up the broken pieces of his life and start afresh, the pieces scatter again."

She goes silent for a few minutes.
Then she wipes her tears and says, "Young Master, what A Xian needs, is for you to take care of him. Master Wei has suffered a panic attack. I think he fears that he will lose you. So I want you to make it clear to him that you are not going to leave. Can you do that Master Lan? "

Lan Zhan nods.

Yenay puts her hand on Wei Ying's forehead, removing a stray strand of hair from it and tucking it behind his ears and adds, " He has a week heart... He has always had a weak heart..so I suggest you take it slow Hanguang Jun." She says again looking like a mother who is warning her son in law to behave himself, "I am trusting you to take care of A Xian, be gentle. He puts up a strong front but he takes things to heart very easily....So Hanguang Jun it is up to you now."

Lan Zhan gulps, tips of his ears turn bright red... and he nods looking at the floor. His brain starts rambling again, 'I have to watch myself more from now on... but how do I do that... I can't ask a lady about such a thing... Maybe I can ask brother... But that's not appropriate either... Also he has no experience...what about uncle... Nooooooooooo.....he will kill me.'

" Master Lan...Young master..???"


Yenay instructs, "You need to change him.... Ammm.. take care of him.. I trust you know what to do. Ah... Yes... Mix these herbs in the soup and feed it to him once he is up. And bring him out. It will be good for him to mingle with the boys and girls here. I will inform everyone that you are cultivators of the Nie clan and are here on some confidential official business."
She turns to leave but stops and says without looking at Lan Zhan, "Hanguang Jun,you are a very handsome man and there are young ladies here...so I would be greatful if you wouldn't walk out of your Jingshi in night clothing again." And then she is gone closing the door behind her.

Lan Zhan sit on the bed and gently takes Wei Ying in his arms.
"Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan says hoping his friend will respond. When Wei Ying doesn't answer Lan Zhan takes a wet cloth and starts wiping the sweat from his friend's face. Once that's done he wipes Wei Ying's neck. Then he loosens his robes and starts wiping his shoulder and chest.
Wei Ying moves a little in Lan Zhan's arms.
Lan Zhan stops and calls his friend's name again, "Wei Ying....?"

Wei Ying opens his eyes slowly and looks at Lan Zhan.
He smiles like an angel and whispers, "You are here Lan Zhan...I thought you left."

Lan Zhan touches the other man's face ever so lightly. He embraces Wei Ying and says, "I am here Wei Ying , I am here now and I always will be."

Lan Zhan breaks the embrace, softly caressing Wei Ying's face he adds, "So don't you ever think that you will get rid of me. No one can steal you from me...Wei Ying. No one."

And then Lan Zhan brings their faces closer and tastes Wei Ying's lips lightly for a moment.

He wants to do more... He wants to trace Wei Ying's lips. He wants to put his lips on Wei Ying's long slender neck... He wants to finish what he started earlier....but he knows it's not the right time. He knows they have a lot of time. So he breaks the kiss almost immediately.

Wei Ying, not wanting to end the kiss so quickly, protests and puts his arms around Lan Zhan's neck and tries to kiss him again.
Lan Zhan doesn't allow it. Wei Ying pouts but does as he is told.

'Wei Ying, you need to change. And eat this soup that madam bought for you. And after that you can show me your home. Do you think you are up to it? " Lan Zhan asks eyes full of affection for the man in his arms.

"Lan Zhan... I get it now .....you want to see all the beautiful girls of Yunmeng that I mentioned to you all those years ago don't you? " Wei Ying says teasingly and smiles.

And Lan Zhan thinks for the 'nth' time in his life, 'Why do I love this idiot again?'

{Note :- so if it was not clear, Wei Ying had a panic attack due to his fear of abandonment. As a reader it may feel illogical but many a times it happens because of no solid reason and if one has had it before they are susceptible to it happening to them again.}

{Note 2:- So what did you guys think?
Also another unimportant detail, this is my second most favorite chapter.
Feedback, comments , votes and constructive criticism welcome
Have a nice day.}

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