Anger and Lust

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{Note :- Mature content.
Trigger warning :Mild non con.
I will tag the start and end with A/N}

Lan Zhan doesn't answer and continues to stare softly at Wei Ying.

"Hanguang Jun, answer me!" Wei Ying orders.
"It's gone." Lan Zhan says, maintaining their eye contact.

Wei Ying panicks, "What's gone?"

"The whip mark... It's gone. It's like it was never there." Lan Zhan answers.

"Lan Zhan, I am asking you... Why did Bichen answer my call?" Wei Ying asks trying to maintain his calm.

"Because it recognizes you as me." Lan Zhan explains taking Wei Ying's hand in his he continues, "Wei Ying... your core... this body's core had been dormant. When we transferred our energy to you... I think I energy my core activated your core."

Wei Ying doesn't speak. He is trying to remember... no, he is trying to recall something he had read years ago, when he had been looking for a cure for Jiang Cheng's crushed core.

'If the core is dormant or invisible but even an ounce of it is still retained in the body, there is a chance to revive it.
A strong cultivator could theorotically transfer energy to the weaker cultivator to activate his core. Depending on the other person's core viability, the energy transfer could be a success or failure.
But if the transferer went overboard it could lead to permanent loss of core. In which case the core will leave the transfer and enter into the weaker cultivator. In which case, any and all spiritual weapons belonging to the transferer will answer to the weaker cultivators call.'

Wei Ying eyes widen and he shakes his head.
'It recognizes you as me.' Lan Zhan's words come back to him.
"No.. No... No..." Wei Ying mutters under his breath before taking his top garments and hastily covering himself.
Lan Zhan looks on as Wei Ying gets off the bed and leaves the room.
"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan calls following Wei Ying out.

Wei Ying breaks into a run.
Lan Zhan calls for him again but Wei Ying doesn't respond.

'Wei Ying where are you... Please come back!' Lan Zhan thinks looking around the eastern section.

Wei Ying doesn't know where he is going.. He just can't bring himself to look at Lan Zhan.
'He gave me his core... How could he! How dare he do that...Hanguang Jun.. you betrayed me!' Wei Ying thinks as he wanders in the dark and without realizing steps into the lotus pond and falls.

'Lotus pond!' Lan Zhan murmurs and runs towards it.
He can see Wei Ying now.
He goes to the younger man trying to help him up.

Wei Ying recoils from his touch.
"Don't touch me!" Wei Ying shouts walking away from Hanguang Jun.

"Wei Ying, what is it? Please talk to me." Lan Zhan begs holding on to Wei Ying's arms.

"I don't want to talk to you... I don't even want to see you. Leave me!" Wei Ying shouts again.

Lan Zhan stops.
His eyes widen in pain and surprise.

Wei Ying keeps walking away.

The pain and shock gives way to anger.

'How dare he ask me to leave! He is MINE!' Lan Zhan's mind screams and before Wei Ying can take more than a few steps, Lan Zhan lifts the younger man in his arms.
Wei Ying struggles.
"Let me down... Lan Zhan... Let me go!" Wei Ying orders.

"No." Lan Zhan barks out.
He is angry... no, Hanguang Jun is furious.

Wei Ying has never seen this side of his husband. Wei Ying is dumbstruck.
And before he knows it, Wei Ying is back in his room.
"Lan Zhan! Let go." Wei Ying shouts again.... And Lan Zhan let's go.
Wei Ying falls to the floor butt first.
"Ouch! Lan Zhan... How dare you let me go like that." Wei Ying says, his temper rising.

In this lifetime Lan Zhan had only ever been gentle with him, so this behavior had come as a surprise to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying tries to stand up, but before he can do that Lan Zhan lifts him up by his collar and pushes him against the wall.

"What did you say to me earlier?" Lan Zhan asks, his face is red with anger.

Wei Ying doesn't get intimidated. He looks into his husband's eyes confidently before saying ,"I said, I don't want to talk to you...I don't want you to touc....Ah."

{A/N for trigger and adult content}

Wei Ying's eyes widen in surprise and a moan leaves him involuntarily as Lan Zhan palms his clothed member.

Lan Zhan asks again, "What did you say to me?"

Wei Ying is furious too. He pants a little before saying, "Don't touch... Ah.. Lan..." Wei Ying doesn't finish...can't finish as Lan Zhan's mouth latches on to his neck.. Biting.
"Lan Zhan! let go." Wei Ying bites out.
Lan Zhan doesn't let go... Instead his hands move to the younger man's sash.
"Do you still not want me to touch you?" Lan Zhan asks looking intensely into his husband's eyes.

"What more are you going to do for may sake?" Wei Ying questions back.

"I don't do anything for your sake." Lan Zhan says without breaking eye contact.

"Then why... Ah.. " Wei Ying wants to ask but Lan Zhan's mouth is on his neck again... Sucking... And his hand... Stroking.

Wei Ying finds it increasingly difficult to remain angry.
His body betrays him when he involuntarily thrusts his hips into Lan Zhan's palm.

"Wei Ying... Do you still not want me to touch you?" Lan Zhan asks smugly...stroking harder.

"No. How much more are you going to sacrifice for me? much more.. Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying says pushing the Light Bearer away.

Lan Zhan becomes furious again. His eyes get a glaze of red.
'Anger...Lust.' Wei Ying's brain supplies. Wei Ying finally feels a little scared.
Wei Ying gulps. Before he knows it Lan Zhan moves in and captures his lips and pins Wei Ying's hand on top of his head.
Wei Ying shuts his mouth.
'There is no way I will let him enter.' Wei Ying decides.

Lan Zhan doesn't give up.
Within a few seconds Lan Zhan rids Wei Ying of his top garments and starts rubbing Wei Ying's nipple.
They turn hard. Lan Zhan takes the hard bud between his fingers and pinches.
"Ah... La.. " Wei Ying doesn't get to finish. Lan Zhan's kiss this time is anything but gentle... anything but soft. He sucks Wei Ying tongue when Wei Ying refuses to reciprocate the kiss.
He let's it go only after Wei Ying parts his lips more, and allows Lan Zhan to take want he wants....Wei Ying feels like he has been kissed like this before... But that couldn't have been.. Because he has only ever kissed Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan has never kissed him like this...The kiss exudes anger... Yet it's passionate... And Wei Ying likes it... He likes it a lot.

The torture doesn't end for Wei Ying as the Light Bearer starts stroking him harder and takes the hard pink bud between his lips sucking.
Wei Ying starts squirming... Goosebumps rise all over his body.
Wei Ying's legs give out as the pleasure becomes almost unbearable.
Lan Zhan pins Wei Ying's hand tighter, holding the younger man in place.

"Lan Zhan! Don't touch... ! " Wei Ying starts again before Lan Zhan's hand travels to the sash holding Wei Ying's lower garments and in one swift move Lan Zhan rids The Yiling patriarch of his last piece of garment.

As soon as the last piece of garment leaves Wei Ying's body, he shuts up.

Panting heavily he looks into Lan Zhan's eyes, "What are you going to do now Lan Zhan? Will you take me in your mouth? Will you make me moan while you go down on your knees to suck me?... Lan Zhan...haven't you done enough for me already? Will you do these things... Lan Zhan how much more will you do for me?... I feel ashamed to take advantage of you like that ...after all that you have done for me. Don't you hate me? Don't you hate that I take everything from you and never give back? Shouldn't it be me taking you in my mouth and giving you pleasure?" Wei Ying asks as anger gives way to self hate.

"I do it for me." Lan Zhan says matter-of-factly and lifts Wei Ying in his arms.
"Lan Zhan! Didn't you hear anything I just said? You don't have to do this...Ouch." Wei Ying says as Lan Zhan almost throws the younger man on the bed.

Wei Ying tries to leave the bed but Lan Zhan climbs on top of him and ties his hands to the bed's headboard with the Lan headband.
"Lan Zhan... What are you doing!? Don't you get it? You owe me nothing." Wei Ying says breathlessly holding Lan Zhan's gaze.

"Wei Ying.. " Lan Zhan asks taking Wei Ying's face between his palms..."Did it hurt when I took your fingers in my mouth?" Lan Zhan asks again softer... gentler. His anger dissipating.

"Lan Zhan...untie me right now." Wei Ying says desperately. He doesn't want Lan Zhan to do something he doesn't want to.

Lan Zhan whispers,"Don't pull hard. If it breaks, there will be consequences."
Having said that The Light Bearer takes Wei Ying's earlobe in his mouth and sucks on it, before letting go.

"I want you... I have always wanted you... Wei Ying... " Lan Zhan whispers close to his husband's ears before placing feather light kisses all over Wei Ying's neck and shoulders. His hand travels to Wei Ying's hips softly caressing the soft smooth skin.
{A/N end}

Wei Ying stops pulling on the headband... He knows it's importance.. Yet he wonders why Lan Zhan continues to use it so freely on him.

Deep in his heart Wei Ying knows that even if he were to break the headband Lan Zhan wouldn't hurt him....Lan Zhan wouldn't hurt him no matter what.

Tears of regret leave his eyes.

Lan Zhan finally stops and looks at his husband's tear stained face.

"Do you really not want now that you have your core back?" Lan Zhan asks hesitantly.

{Note :- Angry Lan Zhan made an appearance. My apologies as a chunk of the update is adult content.

The next update will mostly be a Special... I know you guys probably want continuation of regular...but I need more time for fixing that. If however it's done I will update a regular instead.
If I do end up updating the regular chapter it's going to be 18++ which I don't want hate for since I had always planned on putting it in the story.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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