Anything means Anything

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Wei Ying looks up at Lan Zhan expectecting to see dissapointment in his friend's eyes but what he sees are tears.
"Lan Zhan.... I am sorry to disappoint you. I am sorry that I can't yield the sword again. Please Lan Zhan don't ...." he says wiping Lan Zhan's tears.

"I know I am not worthy of your friendship....i can't... I know I am selfish to want you next to me...but please... Just please try to look past it. Lan Zhan I need you... Lan Zhan say something please." Wei Ying pleads again looking into Lan Zhan's eyes.

"How?" Lan Zhan asks after a few seconds.
"Wen Zulio." Wei Ying lies. It's not exactly a lie.

"Did it hurt?" Lan Zhan enquires.
"Will you believe me if I said it didn't hurt?" Wei Ying smiles but his eyes are sad.

"Can it be restored...your core?" Lan Zhan enquires again.
"No, not exactly. That is not important. Just know that my Golden core is gone." Wei Ying finishes saying like the matter has ended.

"In the morning I tried to transfer my spiritual energy to you but your body rejected it. Is it because your body doesn't have the Golden core anymore?" Lan Zhan asks.

"This new body is indeed week. It's not spiritually awakened. So maybe that is why it rejected the energy transfer.... There may still be a chance to awaken the core which Mo*  had... but for now it is still dormant ....presuming it's still there. For all I know when MO gave up his body and soul to bring me back, his golden core got destroyed with him." Wei Ying says dejectedly.

After none of them have spoken for a few seconds Wei Ying finally says smiling, a smile that doesn't reach his eyes, "I am now a mediocre I hope I can burden Hanguang Jun to take care of this feeble body of mine."

"No." Lan Zhan says.
Wei Ying looks at him confused, "What? "

"Not are Wei Ying." Lan Zhan says as he takes his friend in his arms and holds him for a few seconds before letting him go.

"So that means you will not abandon me right? " Wei Ying asks happily.
Lan Zhan nods.

They keep looking at each other for a few seconds.

Wei Ying holds his friend's hand then and says, "Lan Zhan,  there is something I need to ask you..."

Lan Zhan nods.

"Hanguang Jun, " he says still holding his friend's hand, his other hand moves to touch to his shoulder blade, Lan Zhan's eyes follow Wei Ying's hand.
Panicking, he tries to pull away his hand from the others grip. Wei Ying grips his hand tighter and continues, "I know what you did..".

Lan Zhan feels like someone just slapped his face. He feels absolutely miserable. He breaks their eye contact. His face is a mix of guilt and sadness.

Keeping his head down Lan Zhan begins in a low voice , "Wei Ying, I am..." but he doesn't know how to put his feelings into words.
'Let him assume what he wants to.... I have no excuse for what I did to him.' he thinks and looks at his friend.

He notices that Wei Ying is not looking at him with anger or accusations in his eyes. Wei Ying's eyes are looking at him as if searching for something.

"Lan Zhan, I really need you to answer my questions now." Wei Ying says.

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods.

"Do you regret it?" Wei Ying turns his head to the side and continues, "Do you regret this."

"Mn." Hanguang Jun nods as a single tear leaves his eyes makes it down his cheek.

Wei Ying feels like someone stabbed his heart. He wants to cry.
He puts on a brave face and continues, "Why do you regret it?"

For a long time Lan Zhan doesn't say anything. He is thinking about how he can salvage his friendship. If he can't have Wei Ying as a partner he at least he wants the man in front of him as a companion.
He looks at Wei Ying again and that is when he remembers the conversation they just had. He remembers that Wei Ying had made him promise that he... Lan Zhan can never abandon him.

Wei Ying had said those things knowing what Lan Zhan had done to him. Wei Ying had smiled and been his usual clingy self when he had returned from market. He had chatted with him... and gently tended to his wounds. He had showered him with happy innocent kisses.
'Do I still have a chance at being with him?' his heart hopes.

Wei Ying is still waiting for an answer.

Lan Zhan puts on a determined expression and says, "Wei Ying, I regret my actions because I violated your body. I took advantage of your unconscious state and hurt you. I... I lost control of my feelings and... and..." he doesn't know how to proceed. Lan Zhan has never been good with words.
He looks expectantly at Wei Ying to understand him.
Lan Zhan notices that there is a small smile playing on Wei Ying's lips... A barely there smile.

"Lan Zhan, so you mean that you regret your actions because I was unconscious and you feel you took advantage of me?" Wei Ying said looking expectantly at his friend.


"So... If I say that I will forgive you if you are willing to pay the price for what you did, what would you be willing to do? " Wei Ying asks, his tone dead serious... his eyes intensely looking into Lan Zhan's.

With out even a single seconds hesitation Lan Zhan blurts, "Anything."
'If it means he will forgive me... if it means I get to have him in my life ...I am willing to do anything and everything he wants.' his mind adds.

"Are you sure Lan Zhan?"


"I will give you one last chance to back out Lan Zhan....think about it carefully before you answer. Are you truly willing to do...." Wei Ying leans towards his soulmate and finishes,  "....Anything."

And Wei Ying couldn't be happier when the other man, without breaking their eye contact confidently says, "Anything... means Anything."

{Note :- 'Mo*' is the illegitimate son of Jin Clan. He gave up his body and soul to bring Wei Wuxian back from the dead. In this story whether the new body Wei Ying has acquired has the Golden Core or not is still unclear.}

{Note:- OK, cliffhangers happen... Sorry.
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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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