Important Announcement

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*Will be deleting it in a couple of days once most of you have read it*

A couple of days ago one of my sweet readers and a good friend (thank you sweetie) asked me why I was treating 'Mine' so unfairly. She said that I update TLB and write independent stories but ignore 'Mine'

She is not wrong. I do update Mine very irregularly. For which I am truly sorry.

First and foremost I would like to say that out of all my books the closest to me is Dusk and Dawn but what not many know is that Mine is a close second (and it is not even half done). But unfortunately, the topic I have chosen is complex. The relationship the two protagonists share is very complicated and needs to be approached with care. Thus, not only do I need time, but a particular frame of mind to write it. Thus leading to slower updates.

But that's not the only reason why the updates are slow. The last chapter "Part 1:- day 2" has got lesser reads and votes (I know I am sounding petty and for that I am truly sorry) And I can't help but think that maybe not many care. I feel demoralized.

I have repeated this over and over again, that Votes and comments help us authors feel happy and motivated. I don't understand why an update with 600 plus reads has less than 100 votes. I have been on WP for over a year but have still not understood the reason. 😭 When such a thing happens, a person like myself, who is suffering from lack of self-esteem, starts to have doubts about if they are doing good or bad.

Moreover my eye issues and personal problems don't help the situation.

That being said, I want to really really really really really thank each and every one of you who has stood by me knowing that the updates will be slow and irregular (on all my books). You guys are my rock, seriously.

Now about my other books :-

Us and Them, Destinies, The fine print:- Will be on hold till I finish The lonely Bridge.

Mine :- The next update will be on 13th or 14th.

Lastly, I want to remind you that TLB is on its last leg and will have a happy ending. There will be two specials before it will end.

Once I am done with TLB I will start updating my other books.

One more thing I want to mention is that I don't expect any of you to read my independent / original books because I know that's now what you guys are interested in. Yet, there are some who are reading and supporting it. And you guys have no idea how much that means to me.

P. S. :- For those who are wondering whether Xian and Jun will ever get together in Mine, I want to inform them that they will. But it will happen when the time is right.

Lastly (and this holds true for all my stories) I believe in writing 'sexy times / smut' only when they are needed, make sense and push the plot forward. And I will not put them in my books just to gain reads and votes. If you are looking for 'po*n without plot' my apologies, but you will not find it in my stories.

That being said, I am planning to write a story (a fan fiction) to get rid of my apprehensions about writing 'sexy times' it will be bolder than anything I have ever written *hides under a rock* But knowing myself, I might chicken out, because I am not good at writing sexy times at all.

That's it for now.

Stay safe and happy.

*Why is he always trying to attack me with his beautiful everything!*


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